young royalty
8 posts
rabastan lestrange. pureblood. slytherin alumni. potioneer in training.
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
Closing time. Time for you to go out and go into the world. At least, Rodolphusā€™ shop closed early on Saturdays. During the week he ran late hours. He went into the shop around 2 PM, shop opened around 4, he would be out by 1 or 2. Most of his clients werenā€™t morning people, and neither was Rodolphus, really. These were for different reasons, but Rodā€™s was because he enjoyed sleep and it was none of his business why his clients preferred to visit in the dark instead of when everyone could see.Ā 
He closed the shop down, and began winding his way through the narrow allies until he finally found himself on to the main strip of Diagon Alley. With his hands in his pockets he avoided eye contact with everyone, not that anyone was trying to make eye contact with him. Somewhere in the last few years, people had become afraid of him. He had become notorious for something he couldnā€™t put his finger on.Ā 
Finally, after minutes of walking with his head up but not looking at anything, he reached the shop. His former place of work, his brotherā€™s current place of work. He walked into the shop and prayed they didnā€™t have Rabastan cleaning char out of the bottom of cauldrons.Ā ā€œRab. Rabby, Rab, Rab.ā€ The man who greeted him was not his brother, but the elderly owner. No small talk was made. He waited, leaning against one of the counters. When he finally saw his brotherā€™s dark head of hair in the back of the shop, he tried again, pushing past the counter and letting himself into the back.Ā ā€œDo you get paid here? Iā€™m always hiring top notch potioneers. But Iā€™d make an exception for a mediocre one like yourself.ā€
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today was a quite awfully boring day at work for rabastan. there was a lengthy list of plenty of other things he couldā€™ve been doing. but alas, here he was ā€” restocking shelves and doing inventory. heā€™d spent the morning going back and forth between the front and back of the shop to fill up the shelves with more potions that theyā€™d been lacking on display. while he couldā€™ve been finished earlier than he had by using his wand, the owner had insisted he do it by his own hand. rabastan was convinced the old hag hated him for a reason unknown to him.Ā 
now he was here, scribbing down the shopā€™s inventory by hand as well. another situation which couldā€™ve easily been done faster had he been allowed to use his magic. he leaned over the desk with the top half of his body ā€“ since he wasnā€™t allowed to sit because the owner wouldnā€™t let him ā€“ and his head propped up on his left hand while he wrote with his right. he didnā€™t bother to look presentable. why should he? he was in the back after all.Ā 
the sudden sound of a voice made rab turn his head to view the person who had disturbed the silence. it was his brother, rodolphus.Ā what was he doing back here? no, what was he doing here in this building period? to cause him trouble, rabastan had no doubt. his brows furrowed at rodā€™s offer of employment.Ā ā€œexcuse me, but did you say youā€™re always hiring? whatā€” are you charming teddy bears to move about the shop for you to talk to? i wouldnā€™t put the idea past you.ā€ he shook his head with a smirk on his face. he stood up properly and tossed his quill on the desk.Ā ā€œwhat do you want? you know, besides most likely get me fired from this place.ā€Ā 
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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rabastan tore his eyes from the parchment heā€™d been scribbling on and glanced at the person he assumed was talking to him. it was that muggleborn a few years ahead of him who had been placed in slytherin. he never understood how that happened, or why the staff had allowed it to be so despite the sorting hatā€™s decision. not that he was opposed to the older male being in his former houseĀ ā€“ he didnā€™t care too much about his blood statusĀ ā€“ but he figured it was like a seven year prison sentence for the other.Ā 
his eyes scanned the table in front of his neighbor. noticing the spread out prophet, rab picked up that heā€™d been talking about the muggle attack. he shrugged his shoulders, not giving too much thought on the paperā€™s story.Ā ā€œi suppose. it was awfully brutal, but i imagine it couldā€™ve been worse.ā€Ā 
Ted sat at the back of the Leaky Cauldron, one hand curled around a quarter-full glass of whisky; neat, like his father took it. In front of him spread the Daily Prophet, itā€™s ugly, tragic headline staring back at him. As much as he would have liked to ignore it, Ted felt a pang of fear cut through his chest. HisĀ parents were muggles, and although they lived hundreds of miles from London todayā€™s front page proved even they could be at risk. He took a long pull of his drink, and willed away the rising fear.Ā ā€œSome story today, huh?ā€ He asked the patron next to him, sipping at his drink as if it were nothing but the dayā€™s news ā€“ - and, really, thatā€™s all it was to this side of the city.
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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the newest headline of the daily prophet hadnā€™t gone unnoticed by rabastan. heā€™d read the story earlier in the day during one of his morning breaks, though it didnā€™t phase him much. the attack was brutal; sure, he could definitely admit that. but seeing as it was an attack on muggles, he didnā€™t have too much to worry about. besides, if the dark mark was truly involved, he knew his family was in the clear. if his brother was safe, that was all he cared about. then as soon as heā€™d finished reading it, heā€™d gone on with his day as if he hadnā€™t even read it at all.Ā 
rabastan was on his way to put a misplaced potions book back on itā€™s rightful shelf when a customer bumped into him. and seeing as he was at work, he couldnā€™t react how he normally would have if the situation had happened elsewhere. he didnā€™t like being touched ā€“ no matter who it wasĀ ā€“ and the result of the sudden physical contact with another person made him freeze in his position. he stared down at the ground, cursing to himself in his head as he tried to contain the outburst that wanted to escape from him.Ā 
it wasnā€™t until his hands started hurting that he realized how tight he was holding onto the book in his hands. in fact, he was holding onto it so tightly his knuckles had turned completely white. he loosened his grip and looked up at the intruder of his personal space.Ā ā€œyou should pay attention to where you walk next time,ā€ he said in a dull tone.Ā 
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Emmeline rarely ventured into town when she didnā€™t absolutely have to for work, tending to keep to herself in her house or dive into work at the hospital completely. But her work required experimental potions, and potions required ingredients. So sheā€™d bundled up against the cold, gritted her teeth, and made the venture into the shops. That was how sheā€™d found herself standing in the middle of the potions shop, her grip tearing at the edges of the newspaper she was holding in her hands. Em could feel the color draining from her face, the fear striking through her body as she got further and further down the article plastered over the front page. Her parents were muggles. Fuck, her parents were muggles that lived only a town over from where this attack was. She would have to move them or cast protection charms. Something, anything to give her peace of mind tat they were safe and out of harmā€™s way. After what felt like an eternity she threw the paper back down on the shelf sheā€™d found it, turning on her heel as she wiped at her cheeks and running straight into the person that was standing behind her.Ā ā€œOh, I- sorry.ā€ She said quietly, fighting to keep her voice from shaking.
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
i love ignoring thingsā€¦.. peopleā€¦. problems ā€¦. responsibilitiesā€¦ā€¦feelingsā€¦..
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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let me use this cheeky gif of timmy that iā€™ll probably never get to use again real quick. anyway, hello pals! my name is naz, and this child iā€™ll be playing is rabastan lestrange. he gives me both headaches and heartaches so iā€™ll most likely be crying in your ims if he makes bad decisions with your characters. definitely hmu or like this post if youā€™d like to plot with him! (pls plot with him)Ā 
ā•° Ā°āœ§ ( CONTROL BY HALSEY ) comes on as soon as ( RABASTAN LESTRANGE ) comes into the room. he is ( TWENTY ) and were formerly in ( SLYTHERIN ) and are rumored to be sided with the ( NEUTRALS ). some people say they look particularly look like ( TIMOTHƉE CHALAMET ) and would describe themselves as ( RESOURCEFUL ), but also ( VOLATILE ). { naz, 22, cst, he/him }Ā 
letā€™s start off by saying that rabastan is the least favorite child between him and his brother. it used to really bother him when he was younger bc he honestly thought there was something wrong with him. he always tried to better himself and change who he was to please his parents, but as he got older, he stopped caring about it and stopped trying to please them. he knew that no matter what he did, their feelings about him would never change.Ā 
heā€™s kind of an asshole, but heā€™s lowkey about it. heā€™s that guy that will be friendly and kind to your face and learn info about you, but heā€™ll release that info if it benefits him in some way. he wonā€™t do that to the people he considers friends tho.Ā 
he keeps to himself most of the time, but heā€™s always watching everyone and everything. heā€™s also very stubborn and is a ball of anger. honestly, he can be totally fine one minute and the next heā€™s planning a revenge plan. sometimes even the smallest things can set him off, it just depends on the day and what heā€™s feeling.Ā 
despite his asshole tendencies, he can be a genuinely decent person whenever he wants to be. although, he usually reserves that for those he truly cares about (they can be purebloods or halfbloods, maybe even a singular muggleborn. highkey want him to care for a non-pureblood or two? itā€™ll go against his family values, and i love angst.)
after starting at hogwarts, he picked up a huge liking for potions which eventually grew into a passion. he was so passionate about potions that he usually followed slughorn around and tried to get the man to give him more advanced potion recipes. also, during his school years he was a seeker on the slytherin quidditch team. 10/10 was OBSESSED with quidditch.
unlike his brother, rab did fall in line after graduation and took an apprenticeship at a potions shop. one that, depsite the fact that they wouldnā€™t say anything bad about rod due to him being a lestrange, already had a sour attitude about rab. they wondered if he would do the same thing as rod and run off to help him at his own potions shop, but itā€™s been like 3 years and rab hasnā€™t. he has a big head, but he knows he has so much to learn and he wonā€™t jeopardize that bc of his pride.Ā 
contrary to canon belief, rabastan isnā€™t a death eater yet. he prefers to be on the neutral side of things. why should he have to pick a side? heā€™s selfish and doesnā€™t care which side wins as long as heā€™s left alone. (which of course, being a lestrange, remaining neutral wonā€™t last.)Ā 
also, side note: i have this idea that (sometime down the line) rabastan will eventually become a death eater. but something hella intense and life changing will have to happen to him for him to finally decide to sell his soul to the devil the dark lord and become a death eater.Ā 
as for plots, here is a small list of vague plots that iā€™d like filled for rabastan!Ā 
enemies: an obvious one. rab is a lowkey asshole that will fuck people over if it benefits him so these are inevitable.Ā 
frenemies: these are inevitable as well considering the community he is part of it.Ā 
friends: iā€™d like for him to have at least a handful of these. they wonā€™t know him deeply, but heā€™d still be a friendly.Ā 
best friends: there could be one to two, maybe three maximum. rab doesnā€™t like to opening up to people, so these people would be really special to him. heā€™d be a ride or die type of best friend.Ā 
exes: maybe one or two past relationships, flings can work too. rab is pansexual, so any gender works. we can discuss whether they ended on good or bad terms.
betrothal: has to be one of the sacred twenty-eight, preferably one from the purist families. whether they hate it or are okay with it, we can talk about it.
maybe also a painful kind of love? you know, one where it never works or it shouldnā€™t even be a thing bc you know it canā€™t last due to arranged marriages (or maybe different blood statuses?) Ā 
remember these are just vague plots, and whatever youā€™re down for we can discuss their background and why they are the way that they are. or we can do something entirely different, anything works for me tbh. also, another reminder that i love angst and pain so throw all of it at me. ruin my life.
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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rablstrange-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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