rabid-ferret · 1 year
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Hi Everyone! I don’t post often but right now I need some money for college! So Commissions will be open for a while!
Please Dm Me with any questions, I will be happy to answer!
Twitter: @AFeralBeing
TikTok: @_ballpit_system_
Instagram: @_practically_feral_
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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S T U D I E S (never enough)
Will be very happy if you consider supporting me on Patreon! (Also check out all tiers for more early access and exclusive lemon arts).
Link could be found in   My social media and Patreon info
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
eddie calling steve "sweet thing" and steve just melting into the floor
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
I hate to say it, but the, "Steve Harrington is a bad fighter," allegations are simply untrue. I mean, yeah, he's lost a few, but in his defense, nobody is gonna win a fight against the dude who eats punches and cackles maniacally afterwards. he can fight trained Russian soldiers and man-eating monsters, sure, but no one could've withstood being the unlucky guy who unlocked all sixteen years of Jonathan's pent up rage.
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
check out my character playlists !!
some songs i feel like the character would listen to, as well as songs i feel like fit the character and their story! feel free to use these as inspiration, i love reading writing based off of songs or song lyrics 😁
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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Most recent batch of snax! Mostly ones I had made before, but with a new one– BBQ Bunger. This one was another on my “praying no one actually really orders this one” list because of the checker pattern, but I think I managed to pull it off.
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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you know that one vine
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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Attention everyone: Themb
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
Things to add to your baneful workings that really give them a nice kick ✨
Rusty nails
Anything insanely spicy
Dead bugs
Bodily fluids (specifically ones that aren't so good-smelling)
Poisonous plants (handle with care)
Poppyseed (creates confusion)
Broken glass
Handle all of these things with care and make sure to wash your hands afterward as well as cleanse your space AFTER you've done a baneful working!
You do not HAVE to cleanse beforehand, in fact I don't recommend it because it gets rid of all the negative energy you would need for that baneful magick. However, if you do or did that's alright, everyone practices in different ways and I'm just writing here what has worked for me!
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
CW: Drugs
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¨SDHGSDSFFDS Dude, look at my hands, they are soo detailed, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH¨
Prob those weren't food pellets, Wilo. Shelda would be worried because he's talking in spanish, Chilean spanish (what i speak, just this time i added a good bunch of slangs).
(I took photos of me wearing the paws just for this).
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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being found in human form what-
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
Witchcraft: Daily Correspondences and Practice Ideas
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(I love these infographs so much, I just had to post them!!)
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
Self Care and Self Love - But, Make It Magical
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If you're like me, you may have a very difficult time with very basic self-care activities and practicing witchcraft regularly. Because of depression, I often have a difficult time motivating myself to care for myself simply and cultivate my craft because I deserve it. So, I try to incorporate magic and deities into it to give me a boost of motivation. Here are some of the things I do and feel free to add your own!
Please note that this is all my own unverified personal gnosis.
Dedicate your meal prep and cooking to your domestic/agrarian diety. I typically dedicate my meal prep and cooking in general to Hestia and Dionysus. Hestia being the domestic goddess; I associate Dionysus with decadence and pleasure, so I honor him by making delicious, higher quality, more nutritious meals.
Make your food a spell. Plan your spices and ingredients accordingly. Food is a medicine; don't underestimate the intentions and power of your food as a spell. I find these "spells" are exceptionally powerful when trying to influence your personality, beauty, and behavior. For example, a glamor or beauty spell made with foods associated with beauty. My favorite is a salad bowl with quinoa, avocado, sweet potato, and tomatoes - ingredients all associated with healthy skin and youthfulness.
Drink water. Honestly, it's the stuff of life. How rejuvenating is water? It also has so many magical associations and properties. Various water deities, it's a natural element, it is cleansing, etc. Staying hydrated will make you feel magical.
Skincare! Washing, moisturizing, and sunscreen! But, now it's dedicated to the deity of love and beauty. You may also want to say a prayer over your products, or perhaps cast a glamour or other spell on them. I always wash my face immediately after work as I feel the cleansing of the face is very energetically cleansing.
Showering/bathing. Easy cleansing. Also, a great time to harness the energy of water, manifest, commune with water deities or spirits, and meditate.
Use scented soap, lotion, etc to your advantage. Use scents that have a correspondence that resonates with you. I love doing this and as a rule, I have different scents for times when I'm at work and when I'm at home. While at work, I prefer energizing scents like citrus or mints. While at home, I prefer sultry or soothing scents like sandalwood or lavender. You can also dedicate the use of a certain scent to specific deities, such as sandalwood being associated with Aphrodite.
Spend time truly relaxing and doing nothing else. Rest, watch TV, listen to music, anything that is your equivalent of being switched off. For me, this is a time to connect with deities like Hypnos and Pasithea, or even Eriene. You can even watch shows that you think certain deities would like. Don't feel guilty about doing this. Everyone needs rest. Sometimes I envision my figurative battery recharging. I find this time very important for replenishing energy expelled in mundane and magical activities.
Work on your hobbies. Whatever your hobby, you will certainly be able to find some diety to dedicate the time to, or perhaps the product. Hobbies can be a great way to make "sacrifices" to your deities. Depending on your hobby, you can also listen to audiobooks and podcasts that help you learn about witchcraft or paganism. Also depending on your hobby, you may infuse it with magic. For example, you can find many spells involving weaving or knotting if you use yarn or fabric in your hobby. Hobbies have sooo many possibilities for magic.
Exercise. This one is really difficult for me as I really do not like to exercise on my work days, but I work five days a week. However, exercising can be extremely meditative and euphoric. It is a great time to connect with your body, practice controlling your mind, and learn/increase your limits. I find that, personally, exercise is also a good time for shadowwork and introspection. Furthermore, I'm Hellenic, and events like the Olympics are highly associated with Hellenism. So, I've been trying to really associate caring for my body and pursuing fitness as a divine undertaking.
Mental Health
Enjoy the nature around you. Enjoy the natural plants, enjoy trees, birds, the air, storms, etc. Anything that makes you feel connected to the world around you. To me, this is a significant way to replenish and grow my energy. Spending time in nature is really good for our mental health - this will make you a more focused witch. More focus = better casting, manifestation, etc. You can even combine the outdoors with exercise.
Harness your emotions. You aren't going to feel good all the time, you aren't going to feel bad all the time. However, every emotion is valid and carries power/energy. If you're mad, do the hex you've been wanting to do - it will be stronger than ever. If you're happy and finding love and humor in the world - abundance spells and manifestation will be enhanced. Don't be afraid of your emotions. Using them in magic is a great way to confront them directly and learn to be comfortable with having a full range of emotions. I've noticed many people are taught that anger, for example, is bad and many of those people grow up to be uncomfortable with negative emotions.
Journal, especially gratitude journals. Honestly, life-changing, but for me, very hard to commit to. I try to use this time to also speak with and receive messages from my deities. Also to connect with and understand my subconscious more. You can even incorporate this into your grimoire. I often look for themes in my journal entries that lead me to cast spells or direct my research. I use this space to also track the patterns I've been seeing which helps with discernment; recognizing the difference between my mind grasping at straws, coincidences, and signs.
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rabid-ferret · 2 years
Prosperity Tin
Another prosperity spell?
I cannot COUNT how many times I’ve made a spell jar, put it in my purse or pocket to bring with me only for it to absolutely shatter due to my clumsy actions. Not only are tins much safer and durable they also come with snacks - THE POTENTIAL AND THE DUALITY OF TINS!!!
anyways, there’s certain spells that I like to have on me, one important one is a prosperity spell that I carry with me while I go to work. The main aim of this spell is to bring prosperity, opportunity, success, security and to be able to make money and be comfortable and happy while doing it. It’s super simple, VERY customizable and can be made as discreet as you’d like.
What you’ll need
A tin - go to the loonie store and buy yourself a tin of mints!
Candles - I used 2 greens for prosperity and a black one for protection
Crystals: I used black tourmaline for protection, tigers eye for prosperity, amethyst for happiness, carnelian for confidence and malachite for change
Herbs: I used cloves, ginseng, pine needles, basil and chamomile for prosperity and used lavender for peace and a bay leaf to write my intentions on
I used my removing obstacles spray and Jupiter oil
I did it on a Thursday as well as it’s ruled by Jupiter and great for prosperity and abundance
I also put some hair in there to bind it to me and strengthen the spell
Black string for binding and protection
Take some prep time, set up your space and try and write a mantra for your spell. I like to use poetry, It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece write from your heart.
Cleanse your space and your tin (also wash it, ideally with moon water)
Get into a semi meditative headspace call on any spirits that wish to aid you
Draw sigil a into the tin with your oils, and spray in any sprays you wish to add
Add in each herb, make sure to take your time and really connect with your intention with each herb
Add in your cleansed and charged crystals - I like to put them in fabric bags to avoid damage
Add in anything else such as hair, loose change, trinkets, etc
Sit with your tin and repeat your mantra, feel the energy and let it flow into your tin. I like to repeat it three times or until it feels right.
Close up your tin and wrap your string around it, keep protection and binding on your mind as you do it and seal it with wax
Thank any entities/ spirits that worked with you and get that bag!!
I like to wrap it in fabric or put it in a fabric bag before putting it in my pocket or purse and I also like to say my mantra before bringing it with me.
I hope this spell brings you all the prosperity and mints you desire!!
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