rabbitstitch · 1 day
Honestly, if you see an angel that’s all eyes and wings and wheels of fire, you should be worried. Like, not because it’s going to hurt you or anything, but because scripturally, angels invariably appear to ordinary people in human form. In general, they only show their inhuman true forms to prophets – which means if you’re seeing them like that, they come bearing responsibility.
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rabbitstitch · 1 day
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rabbitstitch · 1 day
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this thing is makingme tear up
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rabbitstitch · 1 day
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Sometimes even the villains have standards
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rabbitstitch · 3 days
yeah maybe just avoid all food with chicken in it in the united states for a bit...just until they figure out all of who is in possession of the listeria chicken (also includes a lesser amount of beef and maybe other meat)
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rabbitstitch · 3 days
today i’m sad about that one line from the creator’s commetary about how zuko is a tsungi horn prodigy and the little letter zuko, aged 7, sends iroh in “legacy of the fire nation” where he very politely requests that iroh come home and teach him pai sho tricks, because that casts such a different light on their interactions in book one.  it was never iroh trying to push his own favorite things - pai sho and music night - on an uninterested zuko, it was iroh desperately trying to reconnect with zuko by recreating the activities he knows zuko used to enjoy.  zuko, aged 7, once begged iroh to come home and play board games with him and now zuko wants nothing to do with him and you know that eats iroh up alive
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rabbitstitch · 4 days
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rabbitstitch · 4 days
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rabbitstitch · 4 days
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rabbitstitch · 4 days
We went ahead and tried to find all the times Brennan has talked about loving heavy meals...enjoy
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rabbitstitch · 5 days
You always got strange looks whenever you fed the neighborhood ravens. “I give them food, they give me company,” you’d say. One day, a raven excitedly comes up to you and whispers, “A neighbor plots against you, my lord.”
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rabbitstitch · 5 days
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What an unsurprising & completely expected turn of events that literally everyone saw coming 😮
Source 🔗
Free 🔗
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rabbitstitch · 5 days
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rabbitstitch · 5 days
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I did a very quick, sketchy comic because I was extremely inspired by this post. (Credit to @pinkdiamondprince for the original post.)
The entire analogy was just fantastic and so, so accurate, and I wanted to make a comic for it, even if it’s very sketchy because my attention span is nil.
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rabbitstitch · 7 days
PLEASE for the love of the universe read anti-colonial science fiction and fantasy written from marginalized perspectives. Y’all (you know who you are) are killing me. To see people praise books about empire written exclusively by white women and then turn around and say you don’t know who Octavia Butler is or that you haven’t read any NK Jemisin or that Babel was too heavy-handed just kills me! I’m not saying you HAVE to enjoy specific books but there is such an obvious pattern here
Some of y’all love marginalized stories but you don’t give a fuck about marginalized creators and characters, and it shows. Like damn
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rabbitstitch · 7 days
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I feel sick. I'm so scared. Things are going to get so much worse for trans adults in the UK when the Levy review for adult trans care comes out in November. My GP clinic already tried to not prescribe my T when the gender clinic endocrinologist first recommended it, I had to fight them so hard on it, and I'm terrified at any point they will stop.
Please share this. It is so disheartening that when I make posts about US trans issues they have thousands of notes within a couple hours, but UK trans issues barely get 100 notes. Our struggles are linked. The letter, in fact, uses the American spelling of certain words like 'realize' - Which has made some suspicious that this is a form letter provided by the American anti trans hate groups that have been pushing for more transphobic discrimination in the UK lately.
This WILL affect trans people in the US eventually. They will use the UK as an example to follow, when they are (at least partially) the ones who created the conditions for our growing medical discrimination. Our fight is your fight. Please, please care about it. Help people be aware of this at the very least.
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rabbitstitch · 7 days
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Please sign the petition!!!
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