Ra Vega$
416 posts
VEGA$: Victorious Even Goin Against $atan. A new interpretation of Ancient teachings thru Music and Artistic Expression. Kundalini Activator. IIIrd Eye optometrist. Mystery School Initiate.
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ra-vegas · 6 years ago
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ra-vegas · 7 years ago
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#Repost @prodbyjoshdidthat .. We're living in times where putting things into perspective never meant so much. What's truly important in your life? Material possessions? It's not about what you can buy but what you can build upon with your god given talents & abilities. What's truly important in your life? It's not what you have but what you can give to someone in need. What's truly important in your life? Is it the thirst for success? Or should it be your significance that matters more? As musicians, we're stigmatized for the money, the cars, the jewelry, etc. all the flashy things that we show you of insignificance. We have a platform to spread positivity & substance amongst our peers & the world thru the music. None of the flashy things that you see In this cover are truly important. The only thing that matters is two young intelligent black men with god given talents who are coming together to create a piece art that'll hopefully touch someone's outlook on life. #NOTIRI project coming soon Ft Me & @vegasbangem ✊🏽 #StandForSomething #Pray4Libya 🇱🇾 #producedbyjoshdidthat™ #VERS1
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ra-vegas · 7 years ago
Start ya day off right, click that LINK IN MY BIO🔥🔥‼️ "Who Am I?" visuals out right now with my bro @lilsilk (prod. By @proto_cal ) ⚠️ 🚨New Video Alert 🚨 LINK IN MY BIO LINK IN MY BIO LINK IN MY BIO #MyShooter📸 @toralaifilms #RaVega💲 #RaTheSonGod🌞 #VictoriousEvenGoinAgainst💲atan #THC #TheHighCouncil #HipHop (at Bankhead Neighborhood)
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ra-vegas · 7 years ago
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"I feel like rappin" #RaVega💲 #VictoriousEvenGoinAgainst💲atan #RaTheSonGod🌞
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
#FalseProphetsFreestyle pt. ☝🏿 | "This is what happens when your TEAM becomes your OPPONENTS/ it's some shyt that I seen but don't condone it/ The rap game missin somethin/ to figure it out its gon take me a moment so I holla @chilly_chills in mechanicsville for components/ Coon ass negus ,got me studyin how we fell in Egypt to the Greeks and the romans, at the peak when I'm zonin/ Still I elevate/ FREAK of nature, LEATHER in the WHIPS, born to DOMINATE/ ...➖ #Vegas #VictoriousEvenGoinAgainst💲atan #RaTheSonGod #RaVegas #TheVictorious☝🏿 #GodBodi #TBBT
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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I need all my friends, family, and supporters to go tag me on @jamarijonesatl page for ATL XXL Freshmen Class of 2017. We gon show em bars exist in the A @jamarijonesatl #ATLFreshmenClass2017 (at Atlanta, Georgia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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"As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul. As the Earth, so the body" -V.E.G.A.$ #TheBigBANGtheory EP 📸: @kristhephotographer 👕: @lilsilk 🎩: @sabeondsgnr (at Atlanta, Georgia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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24. It's times like these I get a lil emotional. The things I've been thru and the things I have done,.. I don't know how I've even made it this far. I jus know I have the greatest spirits watchin over me from my pops to my sister, so i can't lose. I was taught loyalty and to be humble, I was taught to fight until there is no opponent, I was taught to believe in the god inside of me before I believe in one I can't see and I stand on who I AM✊🏿 I love all y'all and today just take a second and breathe and be thankful🙏🏾 #VegasBday #RaVegasBday #SolarReturn #HapiKingDay #GemInEye♊️ #victoriousevengoinagainst💲atan #EarthStrong S/O my new shoota 📸: @kristhephotographer (at Atlanta, Georgia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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24. It's times like these I get a lil emotional. The things I've been thru and the things I have done,.. I don't know how I've even made it this far. I jus know I have the greatest spirits watchin over me from my pops to my sister, so i can't lose. I was taught loyalty and to be humble, I was taught to fight until there is no opponent, I was taught to believe in the god inside of me before I believe in one I can't see and I stand on who I AM✊🏿 I love all y'all and today just take a second and breathe and be thankful🙏🏾 #VegasBday #RaVegasBday #SolarReturn #HapiKingDay #GemInEye♊️ #victoriousevengoinagainst💲atan #EarthStrong S/O my new shoota 📸: @kristhephotographer (at Atlanta, Georgia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
I jus dropped one of the first joints off my new EP "#TheBigBANGtheory"🌊🌊 Song: Jungle🐅🌴 Link in my BIO‼️‼️gfx🖼: @igoldash 🙌🏾 #VegasBANG❗️#RaVegas #RaTheSungod🌞 #VEGAdollarsign💲 #PLK #TRD💽 #TBBT💽 #TheBigBANGtheoryEP #Otw (at Atlanta Geogia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
Today I'm droppin one of the first joints off my new EP "#TheBigBANGtheory" Song: Jungle🐅🌴 Link in my BIO‼️‼️ #VegasBANG❗️#RaVegas #RaTheSungod🌞 #VEGAdollarsign💲 #PLK #TRD💽 #TBBT💽 #TheBigBANGtheoryEP #Otw (at Atlanta Geogia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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"I get high and I see the vision/ We gonna watch it multiply/ Division/ To conquer you gotta divide da VISION/" Song: "Da Vision"🔥 📸
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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My bro had to post them "Carolina" Bars after my #TARHEELS whooped on Kentucky 😂😂 "Tar Heel is in my soul(sole) and I ain't talkin bout the shoe"🙏🏾🌍🌊🐑
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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Tonight me and my bro @archiveslick rockin wit @plies at Mansion Èlan S/O @kingot #est1985thebrand and @felixmurryent Sections goin fast‼️‼️ ➕we got special guests comin thru🔥 holla @archiveslick or @king_ot for all your mansion elan needs💯 it's gon be a movie📽🎞 (at The Mansion Elan Nightclub (Atlanta))
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
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#FlashBack ft. @lilsilk @dcyoungfly and @pnbrock #victoriousevengoinagainst💲atan (at Southwest Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
#Killuminati I am putting together somethin special wit my bro @moneybag_mafia. We gonna wake the people up🙏🏾 #UnifyOrDie I be wantin to have those serious dialogues but sometimes the public doesn't seem mature enough to engage with sincerity but we will break the mold‼️‼️‼️🌍 (at Atlanta Geogia)
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ra-vegas · 8 years ago
Somebody tell my bros @dcyoungfly and @spuddsmckenzie if we don't finish these visuals, I want my fade lol Song: On Fire 🔥x DC Young Fly ft. @vegasbangem #VegasBANG❗️#RaVegas #VictoriousEvenGoinAgainstSatan #RaTheSongod🌞 #VEGAdollarsign💲 #PLK #TRD💽 #TBBT💽 #TheBigBANGtheoryEP #Otw (at Atlanta Geogia)
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