r4z3rs · 5 months
"White" Lies.
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The frightened teenager stared at the bloody body displayed on the cold kitchen floor. Her own bloodied hands shaking as she realized her situation. Metal clanking was heard as the knife slipped out her hand and onto the floor, snapping her out from whatever trance she was in.
[E/C] eyes roamed the body of the man she called her father, a vicious stab wound in his chest so bad she couldn't look away. She wanted to cry, to throw up, to scream but why? She was the one that did it, she was the one that killed her father. So why did she feel remorse? Even after everything he did to her.
He was a bad man, so why'd she feel... horrible...? He deserved it, right? Death would be a consequence to countless hours...days of abuse wouldn't it? It would be the consequence of selling your own daughter to human traffickers. It had to be. What else would make up for all the trauma? What else would make up for drugging your own child?
Her mind swarmed and ached in blurs, it was blank but also filled with overwhelming thoughts she could comprehend. Was it the high? God, she wished she'd known.
Knocking on the door interrupted her thought, her eyes widen as she heard the chatter of worried neighbors outside. With quick moves she disposed of the knife and ran to her room, packing anything she could including all the money her father had.
As she stood up from her kneeing position her eyes travelled to the photo on her nightstand of her, her father and her mother, smiling. She scoffed and stood up, making her way to the bathroom and climbing out of the window.
The knocking only got louder by each second before even sirens were heard from far away. How come the neighbors cared now? How come they only cared when her father screamed? What about all the times Y/N cried and whaled in pain?
She hated the way the world was filled with such ignorant and arrogant people.
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Months had passed living on the streets of Vittorio Veneto, wanted posters of the females face were plastered on every wall and pole she'd walk past. The while spent homeless, Y/N had learned the in and outs of theft, drug deals and fighting all while searching and locating where her mother stayed.
Though a horrible couple of months in random alleways, running from cops and other people after her she'd still choose that than living with her father or being in a human trafficking organization again.
The female sighed as she racked up a line of white powder before snorting it and walking out the dark alleyway. The sun shone brightley in her [E/C] eyes – blinding her as she admired the streets of Naples.
It had been a long journey getting here and now it'd be a longer one finding where exactly her mother would be. Y/N was sure the cops were on both their asses, hence the murder of her father would make most sense if it were done by her or his ex-wife. But Giuseppe Capone was a tricky one. His connections to mafias, gangs, any kind of trafficking organizations would most definitely make him first on a mafioso, assassin's or cops list. Giuseppe was undeniably a smart man though, he covered his tracks nicely and knew where exactly to hide out when needed. That's why he'd chosen Vittorio Veneto. It was perfect – a small quiet town with little to no nosy people. It was on the far northeast of Italy whilst Naples was on the far south, making a decent distance from the two.
The word around the street about a Caterina Capone was not dismissed by the [H/C]-nette. She'd found out her mother was no better than her father, working as a hooker and selling her body for money, drugs and what not. So Y/N set off to find her in any and every bar, nightclub or brothel.
Now she found herself at the biggest nightclub, 'Bella'. She stealthily slipped through the security but to her dismay, bumped into one of the many call girls, "My bad dear- oh, are you new here, honey? I've never seen you before." The elder smiled slightly with a far away look in her eyes, "Uh- yeah, yeah. I'm under Caterina Capone's care.." the lie slipped through her teeth without a second thought but the elder ravenette gave her a weird look, "Caterina, huh?" she sighed softly before gesturing for Y/N to follow behind.
"You look fairly young, dear. You shouldn't be doing this..." she started, taking a drag of her lipstick covered cigarette. The female stayed silent, causing the woman to look back at her, "The name's Rosa."
"Y/N..." Rosa smiled at her and shook her head playfully, "Be careful, dear. It's not my place to say but you don't know what you're getting yourself into," she sighed before stopping in front of a red door, "Especially with her. Stay safe, okay sweets?" Y/N nodded and Rosa knocked on the door before opening it, "Cat, here's your working girl." she smiled before pushing Y/N in and leaving.
A cherry redhead was seated on the red and black couch, a cigarette in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other. Her face was sunken with old age and probably years of drug abuse but she could still recognize her mother, "Why're you here, girl? I don't have time for trainees." the woman rasped out as she took a sip of her wine, smudging her red lipstick on the glasses clean surface.
"Well? Talk, girl. Dont waste my time."
Y/N pulled her hood down, her [H/C] hair tumbling down and framing her slightly dirty and bruised face. The look on her mothers face didn't change a bit, her eyes still seemed far away as she gaze bore into her. "Mom-" The woman raised her hand as to stop her, she chugged down her wine and plased the glass on the coffee table.
"So you found me. I should've known." she chuckled bitterly and poured more wine, "You kill your father then come to me. You know the cops have been on my ass since? You've caused me so much trouble." she complained with a bitter smirk on her face.
"Why would you leave me with him?" Y/N croaked out as she wrapped her arms around her for support. Catrina laughed as she took a pull from her cigarette, "It was either me or you, girl."
The [H/C]-nette stared at her in disbelief and hurt, "Oh, dont give me that look, cupcake. Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to save you. You'd still end up like us," she pressted onto her left nostril with a mocking look on her face, imitating as if she had just done a line.
"You dont know that...It still doesn't make sense why you left me with him. You dont know what he put me through." the female shook as she talked, making her mother roll her eyes.
"Since when have you become so soft, Y/N?"
"You could handle it back then so why can't you now?"
"Excuse me?" Y/N stared at her with brows furrowed in anger, was she serious?
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Watch your tone, girl. I'm not one of your friends to be talked to like that." Caterina hissed as she squinted her eyes at her daughter as if warning her, "How could you? You come in here seeking me after killing your own father, putting me in deep shit with the police even though i have no connection. Do you know how much trouble you've caused me!? Yet you speak to me like that! You're just like your father..." she started, standing up from the couch and making her way to Y/N with slow steps, "A spineless, arrogant, obnoxious, loudmouth, selfish, sanctimonious girl."
"Just," the redhead got all up in the girls face, "Like," she pocked at her chest in mockery, "Your father."
Y/N scoffed, "I'm nothing like him, or you!" she yelled and shoved her mothers hand away, getting an obnoxious laugh from her, "Oh, but you are! If you weren't you wouldn't end up here, or first on the cop's most wanted list, would you, dear?"
"Shut up, shut up!"
Caterina laughed again, "What are you? Five? I think it's time you leave, girl." she turned sharply with a smirk but before she could even comprehend what was happening she found herself on the floor, her own daughter on top of her as her fists came rushing down to meet her slightly wrinkled face.
"What is wrong with you! Get off me!" she screamed as she pulled on Y/Ns hair, desperately trying to get her off. Soon the door shot open and security pulled her off Caterina and Rosa quickly helped the redhead up, "You demon of a child! Get her out of here! Now!" the woman yelled as she wiped the blood off her nose.
Rosa looked between the two in utter shock and bafflement, "You are not my daughter! You were never my daughter! Get her out of my sight!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and the security quickly followed her orders.
"Make sure she gets what she deserves." Catrina finished as they walked out the room.
"Cateri-" Rosa started but was quickly shushed, "Shut it, Rosa. Or you'll end up like her." she said before walking out too, leaving the ravenette in the room alone with so many questions.
Just what the hell had happened? And who the fuck was that girl?
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Y/N coughed up blood as she leaned against a wall in the back alleyway. of the nightclub Her whole body stung from the beat she got from the two staff. She felt utterly lost. Where did she go wrong in life? What did she do to deserve any of this. God, she was so helpless, she just wanted to give up.
Her eyes felt heavy and her head was pounding. Her breaths were slow but hitching as she grew more and more exhausted. Her ears rang as sirens blared in the background before she finally fell unconscious.
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Rosas blood ran cold as she saw police cars drive past her, she now understood who that girl was. Y/N Capone daughter of Caterina Capone. And most importantly; wanted by the police for the murder of her own father, Giuseppe Capone.
Rosa knew almost all about Caterinas life, being like her own little assistant, Cat knew to blabber on about stuff she never really ment to talk about, especially when it came to her abusive ex-husband. But she had never mentioned having a daughter.
The call girl felt simpathy for Y/N, and she knew the reasons for murdering her father and felt as though she shouldn't be put in a cell. So, she did the only thing she could think about, "Hello?"
"Hey, Rocco. I need you to do me a favor."
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Y/N had spent a year in juvenile detention before being bailed out by an anonymous character. She continued her life on the streets, but she always thought on who would bail her out and why.
The sum for first degree murder, possession of drugs and what her mother said was 'attempted murder' for jumping her would be way more than she could even count.
Y/N was now 16, it was her birthday and probably her last day.
Her shallow breaths made little to no sound, her eyes desperately trying to stay open, cause she knew. She knew if she were to close them, she'd be gone.
She wasn't ready, she didn't want to go. She begged and begged, she pleaded whatever god was out there. She was sorry, she was wrong for all the things she said, all the things she said. She didn't really want to die.
Y/N was desperatly clinging onto life right now, she swore she'd never touch another drug again, another needle again.
Her tired eyes narrowed, just about to close and her consciousness would slip away forever.
A man crouched down in front of her, his face twisted with agony at the sight; such young souls losing themselves, losing their family, and friends. Losing their life to drugs.
His usually rough hands reached under Y/N, carefully scooping her up from the dirt and carrying her to a car, "You'll be okay.." he whispered and Y/N had a sense of hope wash over her.
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It hurt; her stomach, head, arm, her tense muscles. Everything hurt as she layed in the hospital bed, staring at the plain white ceiling above her. The sound of machines beeping was the only sound in the depressing room.
The sound of the door opening didn't even perk her interest as she was lost admiring the cracks in the paint.
A dark-skinned man walked through the door, his dreadlocks tied neatly at the back of his head, only a couple of pieces tickling the front of his face.
The man wore a fitted dress shirt, hugging his body perfectly to reveal his flexing muscles. the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up, and what seemed to be a tattoo peeking under his left one.
The dread-head walked over to Y/N, taking a seat on the stool right next to the bed. A small sad smile was spread on his lips as he looked at the unresponsive patient.
Silence filled the room for a moment, the male thinking of what to say but Y/N had a question of her own.
"Why'd you save me?" she asked, gaze still unwavering from the cracked paint on the wall.
The question took the male aback, why?
Why, he didn't know either. The room fell quiet as he thought long and hard for the right answer, but nothing seemed to come to mind.
"Why wouldn't I?" he replied, dark brown eyes finally meeting with [E/C] ones. No emotion, no sparkle, light, hope – nothing filled the female's eyes except void.
"How would you know if what you did was right?" her voice boomed through his ears, the question slightly tugging at his heart, "Everyone deserves a chance," a snarl escaped the female, eyes redirecting back on the ceiling.
"Not everyone.."
And that's how the weeks went by; with Y/N sitting in her hospital bed, eyes glued to the ceiling and the male she didn't know staying by her side for an hour or two before visitor hours ended.
The last day of her hospital stay arrived, a nurse was removing the tubes and machinery from her body as the door slid open, and in walked in the male. His usual professional clothing was now replaced by baggy black sweatpants and a light brown hoodie.
"Mr. Bernardi!" the nurse said, surprise evident in her voice at the sight of the handsome male. He smiled sweetly before walking to the bed and the nurse leaving through the door.
"Signore Bernardi, huh?" Y/N chuckled bitterly, realization dawning on her as the said male sat on his usual stool.
"Signora Capone," replied back the male in a teasing tone, the [H/C]-nette rolling her eyes at him.
Silence fell amongst the young adults again, as it had for the past week. "Rocco Bernardi," the dreadhead said out of nowhere, startling Y/N as his hand extended towards her, "Huh..?"
"My name's Rocco Bernardi," he repeated. The female cautiously accepted the handshake.
Smiling from ear to ear Rocco shook her hand enthusiastically.
"Pleasure to meet you, signora."
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"White" Lies Index.
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r4z3rs · 5 months
"White" Lies Index.
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Rated: Explicit.
Pairings: Leone Abbacchio x F Reader.
A harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
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𝘐𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘗𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴' 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴.
꒰ 🔮 ꒱
- emis killa જ "𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘋𝘈 (𝘙𝘌𝘓𝘖𝘈𝘋)"
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00, Prologue.
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Warnings: heavy substance abuse and addiction, violence, abuse, mentions of suicide, death and almost death experiences, implied starvation/eating disorders, smut.
I will not be putting warnings before any kind of the beforehand mentioned incidents happen, my content is NOT for the lighthearted. So, if you find any of these off-putting, do not continue.
You've been warned.
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જ 𝙊𝙣𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜!
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Released: 27.06.2024
Completed: /
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