r4ddles · 4 years
One man falls ill, and because of this, 9 other men stay at home. Why?
The men were orthodox Jews planning to attend a synogogue to worship. In orthodox Judiasm, in order to worship publically, a group of 10 men (called a minyan) are needed. Since one man was missing, the other 9 weren’t able to attend the synogogue. 
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r4ddles · 4 years
A ship returns to port with hundreds of dead pasengers. The crew is alive, and no accident or crime took place during the trip. Why are they dead?
This is based on the true story of the aftermath of the Titanic. A ship left from Canada a few weeks after the Titanic sank to retrieve bodies from the wreck. They placed hundreds of corpses on the boat and brought them to land.
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r4ddles · 4 years
There are 50 cows, and 28 chickens. How many didn’t?
This riddle must be read aloud, as it is a play on words. What you are really asking is, “There are 50 cows, and 20 ATE chickens. How many didn’t?” So the answer would be 50-20: 30.
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r4ddles · 4 years
A group of people are floating in the water, deceased. By them, in the water, is a ship that is in perfect condition. How did they die?
The people jumped off the ship to go swim in the water. When they wanted to return to the ship, they realized that there were no ladders on the ship. Without ladders they couldn’t get back and drowned.
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r4ddles · 4 years
A non-smoker smoked a cigarette. Why?
The person was on a bus and wanted to get off somewhere that wasn’t a bus stop. He knew smoking on the bus would get him kicked off at the location he wanted. 
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