ive also come to the conclusion that "laziness" is probably the stupidest, most hurtful, least useful, deliberately cruel concept in the world
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Here's a key part of the transfemme experience that is very overlooked: when you don't pass, people don't actually see you as a man, or treat you like a man.
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one of my favorite tidbits about speedrunning that comes up every time the games done quick marathons come around is how Wind Waker speedruns are about five hours long because of the giant wall in Hyrule that actually forces the runner to play the game because they’ve been throwing shit at this wall for over a decade and still can’t figure out a way past it. the wall in hyrule is entirely unglitchable and the only way past it is to play the game properly. the speedrun would be like one hour if they could get past this wall but nope, it’s five hours. fuck the wall.
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why are british people always so mad when people make jokes about their accents. sorry you say yewchube. it’s funny though innit
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Something that I have noticed is I know almost nobody my age that goes to a food pantry. I know people who regularly run out of money for food and in general have to eat an unsuitable diet because that’s what they can afford and they still don’t go to a food bank, im not sure if it’s because they’re embarrassed or maybe if you didn’t grow up going you don’t know much about it but if you’re financially struggling I really recommend it. And look into other options for food assistance too like community fridges and gardens and other programs that can assist you, where I live Salvation Army pays for an allotted amount of grocery delivery for low income people every month, in the summer farmers take excess produce to the library to be taken by anyone who needs it, etc. There are a LOT of resources for free food that you can look into especially if you are literally not eating because of your financial situation
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"wE dOnT wAnt tO sEeM UNcoOpEraTive"
"bE tHe biGgEr pErSoN aNd cOmpRmiSe"
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There should be a fanfic writing game called the showrunners challenge where someone writes a story and partway through someone else can play things like "actor leaves after 4000 more words" or "topic now too politically sensitive due to unforeseen world events" or "lost rights to that reference"
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When we talk about the soft censorship of taking books out of libraries, off reading lists, out of classrooms, we need to shift the focus of that conversation from “protecting the readers” to empowering them. We need to teach kids to think for themselves. We need to expect them to think for themselves and then we need to be a lot more willing to trust them to think for themselves. — Megan Whalen Turner 
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underrated threesome dynamic of herding dog x lamb x wolf
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The number of times I have been delighted by witty banter only to find out later that I was “Flirting” is both unfortunate and disappointing.
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controversial opinion but unfortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are mean to people, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have secret kind thoughts. fortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are kind in your actions and your words, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have mean thoughts. the power is in working against inner negative thoughts and being a better person despite it. you have the ability to cultivate the person you want to be.
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Trollface and :-) having the same birthday is incredible. It's beautiful. It's meaningful. I am crying
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Bees don’t fly in the dark!
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