r-windsor · 5 years
The nerve he had to call her out, even if Romeo was correct, ground Reina’s gears. He could at least have the courtesy to pretend he didn’t know she was completely out of sorts. She was stunned into silence for a moment — which was rare for Reina — and she had to resist the urge to spew something cruel at him. Her husband’s annoying voice rung through her head reminding her that they were there to make alliances not enemies, though, and she somehow managed to bite her tongue. 
Reina had always hated admitting weakness, and that included admitting when she needed help. However, she knew if she kept going off on her own she’d probably not find her way back, and that simply wasn’t an option. So she sucked up her pride, though her next words came with a haughty tone. “If you’d be so kind.” she said through gritted teeth, with a tight smile that practically screamed I have no fucking clue where I am. “The grounds are… confusing. It’ll take some getting used to, I suppose.”
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romeo finished caring for maiden, and walked back down to where the queen stood. “i am at your service, your highness,” he replied. “fetch the queen a coat and bring out a carriage,” romeo ordered the stableboy. though he had found much amusement at first, romeo knew that a queen, especially one with a disposition as strong as reina’s, demanded respect. the demeanor in which she carried herself, as if one had to prove themselves worthy of her approval, sparked some sort of courtesy within romeo. in truth, romeo had many things he wished to learn from reina, and he found this to be a good opportunity to acquaint himself with the queen.
“have you been here long?” romeo questioned, watching the stableboy hitch the carriage onto a horse through the corner of his eye. “i have only arrived the other day, but it seems many of the other royalties have gotten accustomed to sardinia.” he looked around where they stood, appreciating how more nature filled the land than people and busy markets on every corner. “it’ quite beautiful, but i’m afraid we may face many problems as winter approaches and the oceans freeze over.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
Catarina wasn’t sure what had caused the change in Romeo’s expression, as she was still rather taken with her concern about Maiden. Catarina had never been good at letting go. In fact she’d cried for days when she’d had to leave England in her youth, though she’d done it in the privacy of her room. That had been the time of trying to gain her father’s approval and attention through being more ‘proper’. Of course…it hadn’t worked. 
The confusion was plain in her eyes as she could tell Romeo was trying his best not to let a chuckle get the best of him. Did he find the end of a life…funny? She knew that couldn’t be the right answer. But his amusement was clear as he finally and correctly identified her. A small smile traced her lips, still not entirely able to enjoy the revelation as she was busy thinking about Maiden. “So you figured it out.” A bit of mirth entered her voice. “I was wondering how long it would take you, and whether I should finally take pity on you.”
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romeo chuckled to himself, nodding his head. “how could i have expected any less of young catarina?” he replied, accepting his defeat. “the princess of jest and merciless tricks.” though the once younger child was now a grown woman, something about her unchanging demeanor made it difficult to see her as any different. in his eyes, he still saw the eight year old girl, tugging at the end of his trousers to gain his attention.
“thank the heavens i caught on before it was too late,” he laughed. romeo broke into a grin, leaning on the stables with his hands clasped behind his back. “when will i ever claim victory against you?” memories of romeo racing against catarina, and intentionally slowing down to help her win flashed through his mind. her laughter from the satisfaction of winning against her “rival” had always brought a smile to his face, and he would often feign a dramatic death as he would fall to the ground in such theatrical manner. they were much simpler times, and as he watched catarina speak with such luminosity in her eyes, romeo began to miss the innocence of being young.
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r-windsor · 5 years
“the vittorias?” romeo asked his father, arching a brow. “catarina? your majesty, i cared for that little girl before she could even read-” romeo halted his words, watching his father shake his head. 
the king handed him a decree signed by both families, and romeo sat up to read it. “betrothal to evelina catarina... eldest daughter of italy... as an expression of gratitude for the hospitality on the island of sardinia,” he murmured as he skimmed through. romeo stood up abruptly. “i beg your pardon, father, but i am being subjected to a lifetime with a stranger as a thank you?”
what a god it is that watches over us, romeo pondered. and as if god had truly decided to retaliate for the offense, the two doors of the room swung open. romeo turned around, and his expression dropped as quickly as his heart. indeed, romeo thought to himself, remembering a saying the king and queen once told him as a child. one truly creates their fate by their actions.
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r-windsor · 5 years
She was thankful for the cold as it hide the flush that came to her face. “Please mind your tone for if I am not the thief, which I maintain that I am not, then you are making quite a terrible impression.“ Her temper spiked, a rare thing for Evelina, when his hand went to her face. “Do you have an idea of whom you are speaking to, Your Highness?” If he did not, Evelina certainly would not be telling him. He could find his embarrassment the next time they saw each other, when he realized his error.
“I must say, Prince Romeo, I am shocked by your behavior. To think that someone of such noble breeding could be so petulant…” She shook her head, her cool mask broken to show her slight frown. “I will give you the benefit of doubt and hope that this is simply a bad moment for you, rather than your true nature.”
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“petulant? am i behaving petulant, my lady?” but before romeo could continue to spew out his enragement, he watched the sides of the woman’s lips turn downwards. he took a step back, his own cheeks slightly flushed as he realized how childishly he had lost his temper. this was not the crown prince, this was a five year old screaming in the middle of the night.
he bowed his head, shamefully looking at the ground. “my apologies. it has been a long-,” he started to reply, before he let out a heavy sigh. there was no excuse for his behavior, merely his own inability to hold his tongue. and to think he was to be king someday- how humiliated his parents would be if they were to find out of his misconduct. 
“my apologies. please excuse me to recollect myself. and i beg, my lady- it is a cold night.” he shrugged the coat off of his shoulder, handing it to her. “bring out the carriage and escort this kind lady to where she wishes,” he told the stableboy. 
and with that, romeo retired into the abode, navigating through the long hallways to his temporary bedroom. his stableboy, after returning, had come rushing to his door and spewing nonsense of an urgent matter and some sort of betrothal. “in the morning, matthew. the maids’ gossip can wait,” he replied as he sat on his bed.
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r-windsor · 5 years
alasdair laughed when romeo grabbed him, patting him heartily on the back. he was glad to see time apart hadn’t changed their relationship. maybe it was safer out here in the woods, rather than in front of the entire court, or maybe spending thirty five years, on and off, around each other meant things would never change. either way, in the tumultuous times, it was a huge comfort and relief. he could honestly say he felt even more relief now than he had when he saw elinor. 
“romeo,” he nodded, grinning from ear to ear. “this island certainly isn’t a bore with me around.” alasdair sighed softly when romeo asked his next question. “i’m afraid i haven’t been spectacular. i thought everyone on the island had already heard.” he started walking towards the barn, assuming that’s where romeo wanted to take maiden. “i’m caught up in a bit of a scandal. short story is that i’ve made a claim to the throne against james.” his sunny disposition turned sour, not sure how romeo might react to such news.
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romeo watched his horse tromp into her stall, the easily intimidated animal now comfortable in the presence of the other man. he had ridden the horse several times around alasdair, whether it would be during their hunting adventures or to race. how time had flown so quickly, romeo would never be able to wrap his head around. even now, he could still see the two of them as children, finding ways to enjoy each other’s company with books as shields and sticks as swords. 
“james was always a bit of a bore, was he not?” romeo remembered his dear friend’s brother clearly, and every time he would come across james, he would muse over how much he’d prefer it to be alasdair. “quite the tattle, he was- remember that one night we had been attacked by the pup in the forest, and he went straight to the king to tell?” romeo chuckled, shaking his head. “i may not know the particulars of what happened, but if i were the king, i’d know that no fool who betrays his own blood is to be trusted to not betray his own people.” romeo walked up to alasdair, placing a hand on his shoulder. “whatever your reasoning, i trust your judgement.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
romeo had never been one to study as a child, let alone preoccupy himself with books. with his short attention span and even shorter patience, the only stories he had ever heard of had been from his mother’s lips when she had read him to bed at night. romeo, who had been waiting for awhile, finally approached svala after her children had run off.
“for you, my lady,” he replied with a childish smile, offering a rose. “though i may not know of thor or freya, at least your favorite flower is a knowledge i will never let go.”
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it was an age-old fantasy for romeo to have his feelings returned. she had never humiliated him for them, and had even humored his affections before she had been married. it was a night he vowed to never forget, but every time romeo watched the love in svala’s eyes for her family, his heart grew heavy with regret.
now, the two accepted his flirtatious comments as a particular kind of joke- almost an allude to the past. and though romeo would never tell svala for the sake of her comfort, there was meaning to his seemingly empty words, a hidden question that begged: if he had been a little smarter, a little stronger, a little braver- could he have made her happier than she was now? 
Svala hadn’t been back long but while she was back she made sure to spend time with youngest daughters. The seventeen year old and Kara, who was ten. She shared her stories with little worry when they were around but as they left her alone in the gardens her brows furrowed and her mind drifted to her worries again. Her concerns for more than just herself and her family, but her home. She realized someone was coming up and she forced a smile, “did you catch ear of the story of Thor dressing up as Freya?” She chuckled, “Loki was clearly more than just a trickster.” 
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r-windsor · 5 years
Evelina was no stranger to people being cold to her, it was just an unfortunate reality of being royal. She often wore her own cold nature as a shield, but this she had not expected from the Crown Prince of England. She was aware of his friendship with her sister and had assumed that he would not have any hostility towards her. Her face remained the calm collected mask it always held, but her chin lifted just a fraction, cool blue eyes looking into Romeo’s. “I enjoy the cold,” She answered,“The bite in the air makes me think clearer. I’m surprised that it seems to have the oppose effect on you, your Highness, as I can assure you I did not steal your horse.”
Never in Evelina’s life had someone accused her of stealing anything, much less a horse. “I have three horses already under my care, I am not looking to add a forth to my collection.” She had to assume that the Prince did not recognize that he was speaking to a princess, much less the daughter of the King who was kindly allowing them to stay in his home. “Have you informed anyone of your loss? My father would likely be willing to help.”
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romeo scoffed, taking a couple of steps backwards for some air. “your three horses must be quite preoccupied, my lady,” he jeered, staring the accused vagabond down. “how eerie that not a single one could have spared the time to accompany your cold, wearisome stroll through the night.” romeo raised his hand in front of evelina’s face before she could say any more, his attitude abundantly more pretentious than usual.
“you must excuse me to inform my convenient horse-hunters of my situation,” he replied sarcastically, swinging the coat his delayed stableboy had brought out over his shoulder. “this piercing chill in the air has enlightened me in thinking much clearer.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
Evelina often found herself taking walks when she was not permitted to ride. She understood that the world was a dangerous place for a woman, but she was a fast and strong rider. She was rather confident that she would be fine if something were to happen. However, she wasn’t one to ignore the wishes of her father or brother and so she could only walk today.
Offense raised in her when the Crowned Prince of England spoke to her as if she was the help, but she pushed her feelings down. She had to assume that he did not mean to offend her, she hoped he had better manners than that. She could have caught the reins but instead she stopped and let the fall as the Prince continued to walk.
“I can assure you, your Highness, I am no stableboy.” She said to him before dipping into a curtsey. She might have been a princess, but he was the Crown Prince. She had to show her respect. “I was simply walking when I saw you. Not only did I wish to ask about your time here at my home, but I wanted to introduce myself to your beautiful stead.”
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romeo’s lips separated in slight surprise, but he paid little attention to the matter. “my apologies,” he murmured, resuming his walk back to maiden’s stall. 
the night was cold, and so was his temper. having walked for the past four hours with nothing but a thin tunic, romeo was enraged at his horse, the weather, and more or less, the whole world. he undid the horse’s reins and tossed them onto a bench, fastening the lock on maiden’s stall. “the night is rather chilly, no condition to be out,” he spoke over his shoulder, giving his horse one last stroke. he then turned around, walking up to the lady who he could not make much out of because of the dark. “is there something you wish from me? or is it you who undid the lock of my other girl last night at this same hour?” he gestured at an open stall, which contained nothing but a leash.
“you must excuse my hostility, but i have been walking for quite a bit because my best horse was taken from me,” he told the lady, his tone indisputably accusing. “though i have forgiven many people for many sins, robbing me of my most prized possessions is not one i am very kind to.” 
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r-windsor · 5 years
The raised looked of his brown only caused her grins to grow wider, and the mischievious sparkle of her eyes to grow brighter. She didn’t blame him for not recognizing her. After all, she was much changed from the child he had known, at least in appearance, though her core features still rang true. 
“Perhaps our souls are old friends,” Or perhaps they were actual old friends, Catarina thought to herself as she continued on with her ambiguous ruse. But as Romeo mentioned the age of the horse, an instant frown tugged at Catarina’s lips, worry coloring her eyes. “I’m sure she still has some golden pasture years left in her?” she asked, wanting the answer to certainly be yes. The thought that the horse she learned to ride on might be lost, and so soon after a re-acquaintance, made her heart sink.
Her concern washed away her attempts to tease Romeo for the moment,  forgetting that she was still trying to be some mystery woman, and perhaps revealing a bit too much of her hand. “She can’t be more than…” Doing some quick math in her head with her own age, she realized that Romeo had to be right, which only dampened her spirits more. “She’s going on 26 now?” 
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though he was saddened by the thought of his dear friend passing away, he knew that maiden had left her mark on many people. a wave of memories seeped through his head, and as he revisited each one, a slight smile started to rest on his lips. the way little thomas and his lisp would call her printhess, or the way young cat-
romeo furrowed his brows, his eyes snapping to the back of the lady’s head. her extraordinarily bright eyes, her ease with maiden, and her distinct playfulness- it seemed that young catarina had still not grown out of her little pranks. 
romeo held his hands behind his back, suppressing a laugh from escaping his lips. “such an old age for a young soul, but at least we may be content that her spirit never dulled.” romeo stepped up next to the girl, still considerably shorter than he, and the side of his lips perked upwards. “as i am glad that yours hasn’t after all of these years, cat.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
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r-windsor · 5 years
alasdair came up behind the dark haired prince, intending to ask him why he was so far out, when the reigns to his horse were tossed at him. he laughed, watching them fall to the ground out of pure surprise. “i apologize for letting them fall,” he replied, giving the horse a few strokes. he and romeo were nearly identical in age, only a few months difference, and yet so much of their outward selves was different. alasdair was viewed as loud and perhaps, charming. the prince before him was quiet and reserved, yet charming in his own right.
he was always jealous of the respect romeo commanded just from walking into a room. alasdair had had to fight for respect his whole life, sometimes quite literally. still, their opinions on what a prince should be lined up more than others. standing next to romeo he felt … juxtaposed.
“i simply wanted to make sure you were alright. and perhaps to speak with a childhood friend.”
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romeo would have recognized that laughter from anywhere, and the muscles in his face were instantly pushed into a toothy grin. though romeo himself was reserved and often referred to as the silent prince, he found himself comforted in the presence of much brighter people. alasdair’s seemingly unending gaiety was one of many reasons romeo had followed him around as a child, often in effort to forget his bleak and weary castle life, whether it be for one hour or seven.
“alasdair,” he chuckled, grabbing the other’s arm and pulling him into a tight embrace. “just when this island was starting to bore me.” romeo let his friend go, looking him up and down as if to take in all of his familiarity. “how have you been, old friend?” he asked, picking the reins off of the ground.
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r-windsor · 5 years
One of the first things Catarina had done after arriving back was saddle the horse she’d had to leave behind during her long absence in Spain. Socks, her buckskin gelding, had always hated long boat journeys, and though she knew she’d miss him dearly…the young woman didn’t want to put him through unnecessary stress. Taking her childhood horse out for a ride was also the obvious answer after the unexpected announcement of her betrothal had sent her mind to whirring. Brisk winds and the sound of hooves on the ground always helped to calm her. 
But now that she was closer, she finally managed to put a pin in why the other man had looked familiar. If his features hadn’t tipped her off, the horse certainly would have. There was absolutely no way she’d forget the first horse she’d rally ridden, or the man that had taught her. Nor the man she’d trailed after like a shadow during her time in England. “Hello, Maiden,” she greeted warmly, reaching into her pocket for a sugar cube to offer the mare. But she laughed at his apparent mix up with Matthew and Madeline. “I’m not so sure Madeleine would want to be mixed up with a Matthew either,” she continued to tease lightly. “She’s indeed quite fair though.” Showering compliments onto horses was something she often tended to do. Coyly, Catarina didn’t offer her own name in return after Romeo introduced himself, wondering how long it might take him to realize exactly who she was. “And what brought you out here at this hour?”
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romeo perked his brows up, examining the woman’s behavior. it confused him how familiar this stranger was- had he come across her before? he rarely forgot important faces. on the contrary, perhaps she was no one, and romeo was merely losing his mind. he shook his head of such thoughts, and walked up next to her.
“you seem to bond with maiden quite a bit, my lady,” he commented, though it was posed as more of a question. “she’s aged poorly over the years- not as affectionate as during her younger days.” he then looked sideways at the lady, starting to gain suspicion in her intimate encounter with the horse. 
clearing his throat, romeo stepped back from maiden’s stall. “my stableboy, matt, said he fears maiden has become too old,” he replied. “i had an errand close to the stables so i reckoned i could see for myself what age has done to her.” romeo pursed his lips, looking at his fondest horse in the eye. “maiden has blessed more people with laughter than i ever have. she was one of my training horses when i taught horse-riding back in england. saying goodbyes are never easy, but i’ve got a feeling this will be one of my hardest.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
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Reina had never really been one to wander, but her recent arrival in Sardinia already had her feeling absolutely stir crazy even after barely having been there for long, and a walk around the palace felt necessary. It was how she ended up at the stables, in the company of a man she knows the be the Crown Prince of England, who for whatever reason believed he had a right to bark orders at her. “I beg your pardon?” Came a scoff immediately after the reins hit the ground, her nose turning up in disgust at being treated like the help — as if that hadn’t been her life once, as if she was entirely above it. His quick apology had her placated a bit, however, and her temper fell just as quickly as it had risen. “Just… wanted to see the stables.” She was lost, but Reina would never in her life admit anything like that, especially not to a man she hardly knew. Of course she knew of him, the Crown Prince of England was known by everyone, but she couldn’t remember ever having a full conversation with Romeo. Then again, that may have been due to her own self-indulgence and the fact that Reina rarely paid attention to anything that didn’t revolve around her. 
Small talk had never come easy to the woman but she figured she should probably indulge in it with Romeo anyway, if only for the sake of appearances. Nodding toward the horse, Reina gave what most people would consider a grimace (she’d never liked animals, probably never would), but Reina considered it a smile. “She’s beautiful.”
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romeo took a brief second to glance at the lady, his eyes flickering in recognition. though he rarely indulged in politics, hours of his advisors droning on and on had taught him the basics of the kingdoms, including the faces of the royalties. the prince raised a brow at reina’s forced smile, and turned back towards the horse before the other could catch sight of his grin.
“unless you’re looking for the windsor stables, my lady, i’m afraid you’ve lost your path,” he replied, walking maiden into her stall. romeo reached into a bucket of carrots on the ground and fed one to the horse, smoothing her mane back as he watched her eat off of his hand.
“to what do i owe the pleasure of this visit, your highness?” he spoke over his shoulder. “or would you like to ask for my help in showing you your way back?”
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r-windsor · 5 years
Having just arrived back from Spain to her home country, Catarina was having a rather relaxing time reacquainting herself with the grounds of the palace, taking her own favorite mare out for a ride. She’d missed the horse dearly, rather taken with most anything that had to do with riding or the four-legged animals. 
Then, from afar, she’d spotted a man and his own steed on the horizon. It only took her a moment to decide that she’d like to go and say hello, though she couldn’t quite tell if she already knew him or not from this distance. As she grew closer, she dismounted, taking careful steps towards him. She wasn’t entirely paying attention when he first spoke, still to settle her own mare as she came to a stop. 
Then she heard the thud of the reins on the ground and let out a surprised “Oh,” and she herself went to get them, though it seemed he had beaten her to it. Nevertheless, she straightened with a bit of a teasing grin. “Do I look like I could be a Matthew?’ she joked lightly. “I was just saying hello to the places I’ve missed while away. And yourself?”
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romeo glanced at the other, taking in her physical features. though he was not usually tempted by women, something about this one’s shining, brown hair and bright green eyes made the back of his neck twitch. had he seen her from somewhere? 
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“could be, my lady,” he replied, swinging the reins onto the horse’s saddle. “there was a girl i had once met during my younger days who went by matt. though now that i revisit the memory, it may have been madeline.” he turned back to the stranger, slightly lowering his head in a half-assed bow. “i am romeo windsor,” he replied. “and this is my fair maiden.”
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r-windsor · 5 years
“I will do no such thing,” Alexandra said in response as she approached Romeo. “Must I make an appointment in order to enjoy the company of my own brother?” she asked with a sweet smile.  
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romeo began fastening the reins around his hand again, his brows furrowing in slight annoyance. “we stand in a dark forest, alexandra,” he replied to his sister, his voice hoarse from the cold. “must i tell you why a royal lady shouldn’t be walking around at night?”
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r-windsor · 5 years
the forest was as quiet as ever, the only noise coming from romeo’s heavy steps through the dry leaves. the lake was beginning to freeze over, and romeo’s horse, maiden, was having a hard time following the frustrated man through the cold. having rode the horse for an hour and walked for four, romeo was exasperated and wanted nothing but to find warmth.
“she is in season,” romeo huffed, his warm breath emitting a cloud of fog in the cold air. “the mares usually do fine regardless, but this one has always been a bit of a hare-brain.” romeo undid the reins he had secured in his hands and swung it over his shoulder to whoever had walked up behind him, presumably his stableboy. “take this back to the barn, will you?”
when he heard the reins hit the ground, he turned around, his brows raising as he saw the person before him. “my apologies, i thought you were matt,” he mumbled, picking the reins off the ground. “is there something you need from me to have traveled all this way?”
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r-windsor · 5 years
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( KIT HARRINGTON, HE/HIM, MALE ) HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Allow me to introduce ROMEO WINDSOR of ENGLAND. The 35 year old CROWN PRINCE is known to be KIND and VALIANT, but rumors about court claim he can be ANGRY and RECKLESS when crossed. Only time will tell where their interests belong.
Name: Romeo Windsor
Age: 35
Relationship status: Single, which he prefers. Though Romeo may indulge in the occasional fling, his heart and emotions remain closed-off to anyone that isn’t family.
Kingdom: England
Role: Crown Prince, Duke of Cornwall
Religion: Atheist
Attitude to religion: Though his dear mother is a devout Anglican, Romeo believes that those who squander time in such fantastical ideas have better things to do.
Hobbies: Horse-riding, archery, sword-fighting.
Strongest positive personality trait: Romeo is courageous, which complements his skills in fighting. He knows right from wrong, and often steps forward to protect people in need.
Strongest negative personality trait: Romeo can be reserved, and even quite hostile to strangers who may overstep their boundaries. If he is able to see them in a good light, however, he can be a benevolent, charming young man with a lot of compassion.
Sense of humor: Romeo may pass an occasional chuckle at a joke, but his sense of humor is revealed only to close friends and family. 
Temper: When the people he cares about are in danger, his emotions can escalate from a peaceful calm to a fiery anger.
How other people see him: Most common people are aware of his role as crown prince to the throne as well as his skills in fighting, and rumor has it that he had once cleared a whole tavern full of pirates with nothing but a chair. He’s not known for his politics or knowledge of royal duties, but rather his cleverness and preference to be down in the mud, fighting with the rest of his soldiers. Over the past 10 years, Romeo has stayed quiet in terms of activities that had to do with the court. However, recently, he has been making more public appearances, and beginning to transition fully into his role as crown prince.
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