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r-level · 3 years ago
PlayaGround CheckPoint shrt.mp4 from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 3 years ago
Playground Check Point Long.mp4 from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 4 years ago
Our Fractal Brains from Julius Horsthuis on Vimeo.
Poetic Fractals. I use fractals for developing skills – they are exercises in framing, composition, typography, color and style. julius-horsthuis.com music: "Reaching Land" by Patrick O'hearn patrickohearn.com
rendered in Mandelbulb3D
When we look at our world we search for patterns struggling to make sense of a senseless place Peace is found in chaos as we fill it with purpose Connections create meaning in our Fractal Brains
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r-level · 4 years ago
DENTALVR_TWO from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 4 years ago
DENTALVR_ONE from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 5 years ago
Ryoji Ikeda : datascape, permanent installation, Darling Harbour, Sydney, AU from ryoji ikeda studio on Vimeo.
concept, composition: Ryoji Ikeda
computer graphics, programming: Tomonaga Tokuyama and Ryoji Ikeda Studio
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r-level · 5 years ago
Ryoji Ikeda | data-verse 1, 11 MAY > 24 NOV 2019, Venice Biennale from ryoji ikeda studio on Vimeo.
*strobe effect on video *this is filmed by 1080p video camera, please watch this at 1080p *the original resolution of the work is DCI 4K (4096x2160) *the original screen size is about W12 x H6m *data-verse 2 was shown in Tokyo OCT-NOV 2019, data-verse 3 will be shown sometime in 2020 or 21.
concept, composition: Ryoji Ikeda computer graphics, programming: Norimichi Hirakawa, Tomonaga Tokuyama, Satoshi Hama, Ryo Shiraki
commissioned by Audemars Piguet
Ryoji Ikeda’s new trilogy data-verse, commissioned by Audemars Piguet, is an audiovisual symphonic suite that attempts to encompass the tiniest (elementary particles) to the greatest (Universe) scale in Nature. data-verse is the ultimate chapter of Ikeda’s audiovisual series that first began in 2000, which focuses on his own data-driven research and aesthetics. Through his mathematical composition and aesthetics, massive scientific data set will be processed, transcribed, converted, transformed, de/re/meta-constructed and orchestrated to visualize and sonify the different dimensions that co-exist in our world between the visible and the invisible. data-verse will eventually embody the “universe of data” by the “data of universe”.
© Ryoji Ikeda Studio
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r-level · 5 years ago
WISDOM WEAVERS OF THE WORLD from Wisdom Weavers of the World on Vimeo.
Visit us at wisdomweavers.world to support, learn more, and get involved.
If you feel the call, please feel free to donate so we can continue to gather, make films, and spread the messages of the elders. Visit wild.org/cca/wisdomweavers/ to pledge your support. THANK YOU!
Leave a comment below or email us at [email protected] to connect.
Film by Daniel "El Suchi" Garcia with much kindred support.
----- More info ------ Inspired by the vision of Alaskan Unangan traditional and environmental leader, Ilarion (Kuuyux) Merculieff, invitations were sent out to gather Elders from the four directions to sit in council and hold ceremonies for the purpose of deep listening to the wisdom streams that were ready to be shared. Over ten thousand years ago, Elders at that time knew that a great imbalance was coming, so the original instructions of how to live in harmony as one Earth family were partially hidden by a wave of forgetting to keep them safe. Each group of people had enough wisdom to survive and continue on, but no one people had all of the knowledge once available to them.
It is time NOW, many Elders from around the world agree, to reweave the original instructions by coming together and sharing their unique cultural ways that are each a piece in the puzzle with much overlapping wisdom. With Earth's living systems being stressed and dishonored in new extremes, we must come together to weave a new story and new awakened presence as one Earth family in harmony with all of our relations, if human beings are to continue on this Earth.
We invite you to explore a new way of living, being guided by our hearts, with each and every unique heart beating together in the great song of creation.
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r-level · 5 years ago
Phenomenal woman final from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 5 years ago
Bridlington - Land Sand Stone art festival 2019 from Laurence Winram on Vimeo.
This is a short video covering some of the artists at Bridlington's Land Sand Stone art festival 2019. As I was also taking part there were large sections of the festival I didn't cover. Check out Responsible Fishing Uk on Facebook to see more footage.
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r-level · 5 years ago
Spirit and Nature from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo.
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r-level · 6 years ago
PERES ENG from Lior Har-Lev on Vimeo.
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r-level · 6 years ago
Nos solitudes - Julie Nioche from Julie Nioche on Vimeo.
Création 2010 / Prix du jury 2010 - Syndicat professionnel de la critique de théâtre, musique et danse
Nos solitudes est une oeuvre imaginée par Julie Nioche autour d’un corps suspendu.
Dans un rapport nouveau à l’espace et à la gravité, ce corps fait l’expérience de la solitude grâce à ce référentiel inhabituel. La danse déborde vers une métaphore scénique de nos attaches, nos liens et nos appuis. Julie Nioche a demandé à de proches collaborateurs de l’accompagner avec leurs imaginaires et leurs propres solitudes.
Nos solitudes parle de ces temps où l’on se regroupe en soi-même pour trouver un peu de réconfort, pour trouver une solution ne dépendant plus de personne, la solution la plus proche de soi. C’est à travers le temps compté du spectacle que la danse se construira de l’une à l’autre de Nos solitudes et tentera de ramener chacun à une écoute de lui-même par un envol, parce que c’est un saut dans le vide que de s’écouter, se faire confiance et de s’en contenter.
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r-level · 6 years ago
WEVAL - SOMEDAY from Páraic Mc Gloughlin on Vimeo.
Taken from Weval's second album "The Weight".
Last year Weval approached me with the idea of developing a music video for 'Someday'. Upon listening to the track ,which I loved, I had ideas of what I thought would fit. After some discussions with the guys we came up with a loose structure.
We aimed at creating an abstract journey with a sense of ambiguity holding underlying core concepts:
Where are we going,are we going in the right direction?
Our situation on earth is fragile, as individuals, as a people and the planet itself is delicate
Nothing is certain; life can change dramatically for better or for worse in an instant.We may fear losing what we have but we try to hold on.
Big thanks to Weval, super happy to put images behind their amazing sounds!
Imagery: Personal photography,Google earth Stock,Public domain.
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r-level · 6 years ago
immersive site-specific audiovisual installation, São Paulo (Brazil,2018)
▸ Behance ▸ smarturl.it/DWLF
Installation inspired by natural environment and its place in modern cities landscape. In “DWLF” nature in its primary form, blades of grass, is the “leading character”. As in a surrealist painting, the blades of grass rhythmically keep wavering upside down in a cocoon of sound and visual effects forming a floating meadow.
Production - Dmitriy Znamenskiy Executive production - MADAI Production Coordinator - STORYMAKERS
Special thanks to Jorge Mendes, Julia Brandao, Fernando Gallo, Jeanine Menezes, Angela Magdalena, volunteers team and everyone involved.
Photo & Video - Sinitsa Alexsndr
#wearetundra #farolsantander #storymakersbr #artenofarol #thedayweleftfield #touchdesigner
© 2019 TUNDRA collective
instagram.com/wearetundra fb.com/wearetundra
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r-level · 6 years ago
Night Vision from Jake Fried on Vimeo.
Night Vision by Jake Fried 2015.
 Hand-drawn animation with ink and white-out.
 Sound design by the artist. More at inkwood.net
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r-level · 6 years ago
Lucid Creatures - Juggernaut from eric freeman on Vimeo.
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