quotesofsvm · 10 years
'Should I just bite you, and end it all?' he whispered. 'I would never have to think about you again. Thinking about you is an annoying habit, and one I want to be rid of. Or should I start arousing you, and discover if sex with you was really the best I’ve ever had?'
Eric Northman - “Dead as a Doornail” (via quotesofsvm)
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quotesofsvm · 10 years
Eric moved the broom experimentally and made an attempt to sweep the glass into the pan while it lay in the middle of the floor. Of course, the pan slid away. Eric scowled. I’d finally found something Eric did poorly.
Sookie Stackhouse - “Dead as a Doornail” (via quotesofsvm)
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'Eric, that girl I was just talking to is about three feet away from us with part of her head missing.' 'Sookie,' he said, suddenly serious, 'I've been dead for a few hundred years. I am used to it. But she is not quite gone. There is a spark. Do you want me to bring her over?' I was shocked speechless. How could I make that decision? And while I thought about it, he said, 'She is gone.'
Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman - "Living Dead in Dallas"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
After I'd looked at it for a long minute, I said to Jason. 'I don't want to talk to you again. Ever.' I faced Crystal. 'I hope you enjoyed it, bitch,' I said, and I turned as quick as I could and brought the brick down on Calvin's hand.
Sookie Stackhouse - "From Dead to Worse"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'...I wish I could cut Eric out of my life. But I can't.' 'Unless he gets staked,' Quinn said. I felt a pang in my heart that almost had me clapping a hand to my chest. 'You don't want that to happen.' Quinn's mouth was compressed in a hard line. 'No, of course not!' 'You care about him.' Oh, crap.
Sookie Stackhouse and John Quinn - "All Together Dead"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
Glass shattered, vampires roared, humans screamed. The noise battered at me, just as the tidal waves of scores of brains at high gear washed over me. When it began to taper off, I looked up into Eric's eyes. Incredibly, he was excited. He smiled at me. 'I knew I'd get on top of you somehow,' he said. 'Are you trying to make me mad so I'll forget how scared I am?' 'No, I'm just opportunistic.' I wiggled, trying to get out from under him, and he said, 'Oh, do that again. It felt great.'
Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman - "Living Dead in Dallas"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'Bill?' I called. 'Are you okay?' Just then he sauntered back in the yard looking positively rosy. 'Bill,' I said, feeling old and grim and gray. A dull horror, that really was just a deep disappointment, filled the pit of my stomach. He stopped in his tracks. 'They fired at us and killed some of us,' he said. His fangs gleamed, and he was shiny with excitement. 'You just killed somebody.' 'To defend us.' 'To get vengeance.' There was a clear difference between the two, in my mind, at that moment. He seemed nonplussed. 'You didn't even wait to see if I was okay,' I said. Once a vampire, always a vampire. Tigers can't change their stripes. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. I heard every warning anyone had ever fed me, in the warm drawl of home.
Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton - "Living Dead in Dallas"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
Calvin stepped forward and took my hand. He leaned over to talk very close to my ear. 'Darlin',' he said, 'you have to do this. I accepted this, when I stood up for her when she was married. And I knew what she was. And you know Jason. This might easily have been the other way 'round. I might be about to do this to you. And you don't heal as well. This is better. And it has to be. Our people require this.' He straightened and looked me right in the eyes. His own were golden, utterly strange, and quite steady.
Calvin Norris and Sookie Stackhouse - "From Dead to Worse"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'I know that. Sookie, I'm a man who almost always knows his mind, but I have to tell you...I don't know what to say. I thought we were just about ideal for each other until this.' Quinn's eyes blazed in his face suddenly. 'If he died, we'd have no problems.' 'If you killed him, I'd have a problem,' I said. I couldn't get any plainer than that.
John Quinn and Sookie Stackhouse - "All Together Dead"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
I reached Hotshot well before seven. I'd last been out here at Jason and Crystal's wedding, where I'd danced with Quinn. That visit of Quinn's had been the only time he and I had been intimate. In hindsight, I regretted having taken that step. It had been a mistake. I'd been banking on a future that never came to pass. I'd jumped the gun. I hoped I'd never make that mistake again.
Sookie Stackhouse - "From Dead to Worse"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'You look especially luscious in that knit dress with nothing underneath,' Eric said. 'If you left Bill and came to me of your own free will, he would accept that.' 'But I'm not going to do any such thing,' I said.
Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse - "Living Dead in Dallas"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'What are you doing?' Eric asked, and he wasn't being facetious. He was glacial with disapproval. 'Dancing, why?' I gave a wave to signal Eric to scoot. But Barry had stopped, already, and given me a little goodbye wave. 'I was having a good time,' I protested. 'You were twitching your assets in front of every male in the room,' he said. 'Like a...' 'You hold up, buddy! You stop right there!' I held up a finger, warning him. 'Take your finger out of my face,' he said.
Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse - "All Together Dead"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'Do you think from now on, you could just let me stay at home, and leave me and Bill alone?' I asked. 'No. You are too useful,' he said. 'Besides, I'm hoping that the more you see me, the more I'll grow on you.' 'Like a fungus?' He laughed, but his eyes were fixed on me in a way that meant business. Oh, hell.
Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman - "Living Dead in Dallas"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'No,' he said finally. 'I was not her first. And I always knew it was the vampire in me that attracted her, not the person who was a vampire.' 'I understood what he was saying. When I'd learned he'd been ordered to ingratiate himself with me, I'd felt it was the telepath in me that had gotten his attention, not the woman who was the telepath. 'What goes around, comes around,' I said. 'I never cared about her,' he said. 'Or very little.' He shrugged. 'There've been so many like her.' 'I'm not sure how you think this is going to make me feel.' 'I'm only telling you the truth. There has been only one you.' And then he got up and walked back into the woods, human slow, letting me watch him leave.
Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse - "From Dead to Worse"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
He put a finger under my chin so I would raise my eyes to his. 'No,' he said quietly. 'You took me in off the road and kept me safe. You’re ready to fight for me. I can tell this about you. I can’t believe my luck. When this witch is defeated, I would bring you to my side. I will share everything I have with you. Every vampire who owes me fealty will honor you.'
Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse - "Dead to The World"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
'Sookie,' his voice was ragged. 'If you do anymore I will have you whether you want to be had or not.'
Bill Compton - "Dead Until Dark"
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quotesofsvm · 13 years
There was certainly plenty of Eric to see, because he was so tall and he hadn’t wrapped the robe very tightly…I closed my eyes. “Do you need something?” Eric asked anxiously. More self control.
Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman - "Dead to The World"
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