☆Quotes and stories☆
14 posts
I am a beginner story writer, so if my stories arent worded right please understand that im trying my best. Disclaimer!: These posts are all made up and made for pure fun!
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quotesandstories · 27 days ago
Locket of the forgotten
And i wish
I wish that i could walk and
Gaze upon your face.
Or more rather that locket
That you keep safe.
It want to see what is Oh so special of it
Or who is inside it.
Or why you even have it
I want to walk closer
And take a look inside.
But even as i do
I feel the mist in my eyes
I blink
And you are gone.
Idk when i made this poem, it was in my notes T-T
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quotesandstories · 10 months ago
I am a tree in an open field
In the summer i stand tall
My leaves green and luscious,
Cattle tend to rest below my branches
Shading themselves from the merciless sun
But as the days drag on
My leaves begin to turn and shift
The once bright green becoming yellow
Then orange, then red
Then brown
They begin to fall from my branches
Like a wilted rose's petals
Soon enough i am bare
Just a leafless tree in the harsh winter
Standing alone in an open field
The cattle were long gone
Cowering in the far barn for warmth
As i stand and sway in the unforgivable cold
Waiting for the snow to melt and the lilies to rise
For the sun to bring back its glow
And its warm temperatures
For my leaves to go back
So i can once be a beautiful tree again
For the cattle to rest under
For the sunlight to be absorbed into
For me to be needed again
I am a tree in an open field
My leaves long withered and decayed
Standing alone in the pasture
Waiting patiently for the summer to return.
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quotesandstories · 11 months ago
Actions are like flower buds
Only the kind ones bloom beautifully
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
Sometimes I forget I'm human
That I have blood running through my veins
That there are bones under this tissue we call skin
That we feel emotions even when we feel we shouldn't
I forget I'm a person like everyone else
That everything we do in our days
Eventually winds up to nothing when our time comes
I can imagine myself a world
A world where it is safe
Safe from fear
Safe from pain
Safe from my problems existing in the real world
but once I open my eyes
I know it was only a dream
A mere desperate escape
For something I long to have
I forget I am a human
A human who lives
For the soul purpose to be a tool
To do only what is asked of and nothing more
Like a mindless drone
My freedom has been rid of since the moment I was born
My freedom is gone here
We have no hope
We only exist to work, reproduce, and die
But maybe if we weren't human
We could at least have some free will
Some other means to living
Something that could help us remember we aren't just puppets
Puppets for the puppeteer
Puppets for the people with higher authority
I do not forget I'm human
I choose to forget
To forget I am only but a marionette on strings
Some people ask me why I feel the need to dream
Most of them think it's for high fame or prosperity
But what I dream of is to be forgotten
Forgotten like an answer on a test
I wish to be nothing more than to be gone from this earth
This world holds no value to me nor am I valuable enough for it
So let me lay among the trees in the forest
Let the woodland animals tear away at my flesh
Let my bones wither and decay
As I dream of a world where this wasn't my end
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
A Siren's Betrayed Pt.1 [The Beginning]
Before my mother died, I would play in my garden every day and, my mother would tell me a story about two royals from rivaling kingdoms and how their love story turned tragic.
One a siren, one an elf who was able to control both fire and dark magic.
They would play as kids, when the kingdoms were at peace, but then they had to part ways due to their parents. Though they still wrote to each other every day.
That was until the elf's father found out about one of the letters and punished the girl severely, blinding her in one eye.
Years passed and the two royals soon forgot about each other.
Though on the elf's 17th birthday, her father told her she would be married to a man from one of the neighboring kingdoms to strengthen their bonds as neighbors. The elf didn't agree to it and tried to protest, which only ended up with her being scolded and forced to marry early.
A few months after her 17th birthday, she was told her wedding was the upcoming Sunday. She argued to her parents about her soon to be husband and how he wasn't at all a nice guy, but her parents brushed it off as a last attempt of hers to try and not be wedded.
Flash forward to the day of the wedding, and the princess does not show, nobody could find her anywhere.
That was because the night before she disguised herself as a pirate a snuck aboard a ship. She changed her name and went under the alias of a man named "apollo".
During her ride on the ship, they faced some dangers. The tamest being the sea storms. The worst was a group of sirens who noticed the ship coming. They lured the pirates one by one into the waters by their angelic voices and drowned them.
The Runaway princess wasn't under the influence given the fact that the siren group was only females and the powers of their voice only attract the opposite sex, no matter their preference.
After the sirens believed they killed all of the pirates on the ship, they began to sink it.
The princess watched from the highest point of the ship as water seeped into the boat, quickly flooding it.
The princess knew the dangers of the waters and what could happen if she were to jump off the boat and try to swim, but if she didn't do anything quick, she would sink.
She looked over east and noticed a small patch of land nearby. She decided that she was going to make a swim for it.
The princess dove into the water and swam as fast as she could to reach the chunk of land. Surprisingly she wasn't harmed at all, not by a single creature in the sea.
The princess makes it onto the land patch and rests for a moment, trying to find out who or how long it would take for her to be rescued.
Eventually the princess falls asleep, not realizing she does, and wakes up to the sun rising.
Then she hears a splash in the water next to the land patch and peers over, noticing a forest green tail disappears into the abyss of the water.
The princess hears water rippling a bit from the other side, but this time there was actually something there, A head of a siren peeking out of the water...
{wrote this at 1AM if it's incorrect grammar, don't mind it I was half asleep while writing this. Also, if anyone likes this, I'm think about putting it onto ao3, or maybe even making concept art for these characters and putting them on here so lmk if you guys like it so far!}
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
Someone I knew
I used to know a girl, she was always happy and was friends with everyone. She got good grades and had a good relationship with her parents. That’s what you would see if you were an outsider looking in. but in reality, most of these things aren’t true and as she gets older she will realize that. That all her friends that she was friends with, never really put in any effort unless she asked first, that her contacting first was the reason they still talked. She didn’t mind though. For the longest time, that’s what she would say, she kept telling herself that over and over and over again. As she got older her parents started to fight more. They fought when she was younger as well but, not nearly as much as they are now... They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Her father tried to prove a point and overdosed, to see if her mother would care, spoiler alert, she didn’t. Her grades started to drop also, what used to be straight A’s turned into -A’s and b’s to -b’s then to c’s. She never talked to anyone about how she felt. She’s too smart to know that that would only lead to them leaving. 7th grade was where her mental health took a turn. The old happy, bubbly, emotional girl was gone. He doesn’t know who he is anymore. He started talking less and become more distant. But if you asked him if he was ok. He would respond like his old self. Like he was back in the mindset that the only thing he had to worry about is if he had a spelling test coming up. It’s crazy how a few years can affect someone. I used to know a girl, but she’s gone. Locked away in the back of my mind to not ever be shown to the world again. To the world that broke her, tore her apart, put her back together, and ripped every last piece of happiness from her over and over again. I used to know a girl. A girl who had no idea the world was so cruel. The girl I used to know forever changed and will never come back. 
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
death + Inevitable
Death is inevitable. Most people wish to never die. But some don’t want to wait much longer for it. The ones who wish for immortality aren’t being realistic. Even if it’s unrealistic, it’s a healthier and better mindset than the ones who long for the sweet relief of death. The ones who don’t want to die are scared. Scared of what’s next and if it will be worse than their previous life. The ones who were hurt by this world, by the people. Don’t think that death could be any worse than what they have to put up with in their current life. Then there are the others; the others who are walking on an unsteady tightrope. Not knowing if it will break or if they will make it across. They don’t know, nor do they care. They don’t know what to think of life and death, so they let the world decide for them. They don’t think they want to die but also don’t think they should live. They just keep walking back and forth on the tightrope daily, hoping the world will decide for them. They aren’t scared of death like the ones who want immortality. Instead, they are completely dull to the idea, the same emotion they feel to living. Dull. they don’t know what to think but eventually, the world will decide for them. After all, it decides for everyone, even if they aren’t ready. the world doesn’t pick favorites. But it does pick hated. The hated are less fortunate to think like the ones who wish to be immortal. And more likely to feel like the ones who long for death or, are just simply unsure...
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
The Tightrope Tango {A story/poem thing made for an OC of mine}
Ever since I was younger; I would always stare out the window of the moving car my dad drove. I would think of an entirely different world, the world would be the same world I was in, except I wasn't there. I always thought the world would be better if I wasn't there, and still do.
Now here I stand on a tightrope, one stood over a never-ending abyss. I'm supposed to be carefully treading along it, trying to reach the end, but here I stand motionless halfway through. wondering if I should go on, what was the point if I did? What would I get out of it? Do I want this, if not, then who am I trying for?
I don't have anyone to live for... I have friends of course, but sometimes I feel that I'm not needed, like their better off without me...
I'm not sure when I started to feel like this, When I started to feel this ennui-like feeling weighing down heavily on my chest.
I had a good childhood...I think... I mean it could have been better, my parents didn't get along well, and honestly, I don't think they ever liked one another. But they tried their best to raise me...even though I was the one to raise myself in the end... But aside from my parents, I had a great childhood. So why do I feel this way...?
...As I stand here, I've come to the realization that my life I thought I lived might have been a facade... A facade I made up from my parents and others lies. It didn't matter what I thought or went through, whatever they said was right...
I slowly look down into the abyss, and do something I've never done before...I listened to it...
"Never listen to the voices of the abyss...their no good." I would hear often by people. But if they're no good..., why are they telling me to stay on the rope...? shouldn't they be telling me to fall, if they were no good...? Would that mean I should fall...? Or am I hearing them wrong...
I am...and I'm not.... There are two voices. One telling me to stay on, begging for me to stay on, and the other... telling me what I'm thinking...
"Who are you staying on for...?" No one...I'm staying on for no one. Why are they asking me this?
"Why do you feel the need to keep going if you yourself don't want to..?"
That one took me by surprise...why...? Because- ...Why am I..?
I have been stood here for a few minutes now, trying to think of a response. Why did I feel the need to keep going...?
As I think about it, a third voice comes into play, but it's not coming from the abyss. It's coming from the end of the rope It's shouting for me to move...
"Why are you listening to the abyss?! You need to move!" why is it so demanding...?
"Use your legs to walk! you need to walk; you can't give up!" It still shouts. This certain voice feels different, the ones in the abyss felt like they were a part of me...this one feels like it's from an outer source... How did they get here?
"Did you forget me..?!" The voice cries.
'Did you forget me.' repeats in my mind, over and over again...I know that voice, but why can't I see who it is?
The voice tries to speak again, but the words never made it to me. I think it wasn't supposed to be here after all.
The voice was an interference, that's not allowed, I should ignore what it said.
As I think that, I take a step forward, I look down at my feet to see if there was some kind of magic making me do that, there's not. I then take another step, then another.
What was happening, my feet are moving on their own...? It's like muscle memory... why am I moving...? Just because the voice said so? No. Because She told me so. The voice, I remember it now...That voice...
As a came to the realization on who the voice was, I didn't realize I was now 3/4 of the wat to the end of the rope. I stopped myself from progressing anymore. I start to think again on what would happen if I finished. "Only one way to find out my dear..." The voice spoke again, this time in a softer tone.
And with that, I start to walk again, I walk until I reached the end. A platform.
I stand on the platform, confused. shouldn't there be more to this? I feel there should be more to this-
The platform falls, and me falling with it.
I should scream, I should call for help, I should be scared... But I'm not.
Ever since I was little, I would always picture a world without me. And every time I did, I would never know why I thought this.
Now I know why...
Something I noticed in my life, is that Everyone I loved left me. doesn't matter how long they stayed, because eventually they'd leave. I've wondered if I was the problem, or it was just purely no one's fault.
I'm just destined to be alone... that's what my answer was, and this is no exception, just like everything else in my life, I always wind up alone.
As I fall for a rather long time, I finally feel weight lift off my chest. As if, this was the right choice.
Right....This story doesn't get a happy ending; it's not designed to get one. In every outcome, I die. That's my purpose after all; To life, to love, to experience heartbreak, to feel happy, to feel sad, to feel angry... and to die. Dying is always my favorite part. But I'll be reborn I always am...no matter how many times I plead to let me die. Goodbye my love...I'll see you in another life. I just hope I don't fall for you again...
My eyes close shut, I can feel the abyss changing around me, I don't dare look. I already know what's happening, I'm being reborn...
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
The firstborn children are usually the test experiment in most families, they usually get the hang of caring for children after the 2nd child, and the first child is left wondering why they were the one to be raised wrong. They usually go on a resent their younger siblings for it for a while until they realize it's not their fault. But as I look at my siblings, who were all raised the same way I was. I feel guilty. I feel as if someone I trusted stabbed me in the heart, knowing I could have helped them not go through what I had to endure, knowing I could have saved them. But I couldn't. As They were being raised, I was stuck trying to re-raise myself, taking too long fixing myself. Knowing I should have been fixing them. I have failed them, as how my parents failed me, they will live on resenting not our parents, but me; For not trying to save them, for being selfish. I'm sorry...
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
The cycle
Have you ever had the feeling that you finally found the friend group you can actually be yourself in?
I have, i've had many times. But the thing is, im not good with understanding people. When i think someone is actually interested in what im talking about, they're actually mocking me. When i think they are complimenting me, they are judging me. When i feel safe around them, they ruin it. The last reason isnt there fault, its mine, its my fault i got to comfortable, its my fault i thought they liked me, its my fault i thought they understood. I've been through this over and over again, and yet it seems i still cant take the hint. Nobody will actually like me. They like the facade's i put on, they like the fact they are "friends" with the weird kid. They like to watch me become more opened up to them just so they can take away all. the trust i had for them. This year, i found a friend group i thought i could trust, because they were similar to me. We got along well, but just as before when i start to overshare about myself they seemed uneasy, like thats not what they wanted of me. Like they didnt like when i was truthful about myself. I watched them as they give me a weird look then talk to someone else in the group. Like i never said a thing.. This week one of my other friends that wasnt in the group sat with me due to her group splitting up. I told her it was ok and my friends wouldnt mind. I was wrong. They gave odd glances at her and asked me why she was sitting there. I responded truthfully, they didnt care. I think they just wanted to know when she would leave. A few days into her sitting at our table, they started to get annoyed, saying that she made others feel excluded and she shouldnt sit there anymore. I of course tried to reason with them, but their minds were made. They wanted her gone, and if that ment me leaving aswell then so be it. I took a look around the table and for once i finally saw. They disnt want me there. they never did. They didnt care my friend stayed or not, they just wanted me to leave.
That leads me back to my question, have you ever had the feeling that you finally found a friend group you can actually be yourself in? Or was it a lie from the start..
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
Are you, you anymore?
There were two friends, best friends.
one was perfect, beloved my everyone, the other was known as the odd kid. The one who kept to themself and would only be seen talking Infront of the people they trusted. They did everything together. They were inseparable. That was until middle school. The perfect one started to act different, like they were older than what they really were, and started to exclude the odd friend. The odd friend expected this, they noticed the changes far before there were any. but it still hurt. not that they showed it, but they felt betrayed. They had been friends since before they were old enough to read.
The perfect one started to care more about their looks, and less on schoolwork, only caring about if people liked them. They turned fake, "We aren't kids anymore." is what they would say to the odd friend. the odd friend couldn't take it anymore, they cut contact with the perfect one. It hurt, it hurt so bad, but they knew they had to do it, if they didn't, then the perfect one would have done it.
The odd friend still looks in crowds for the perfect one. despite them not being friends anymore. They yearn for their best friend back, the one they lost to growing up. The one who matured too fast.
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quotesandstories · 1 year ago
Dear, my darling
My dear, if you haven't guessed, this is a love letter. Well it would be if i ever gave it to you, but i can't. As much as i dream of the two of us hanging out at eachothers places, going on small, subtle dates, or even secretly hold hands during school. But i know that these thoughts are only figments, that you would never love me.
Not because i have done something wrong, or done anything to hurt you (atleast i would hope not) but simply because you only saw me as a friend. Though i saw you as much more than that, the way you would tell me the most boring things, but still found a way to make it entertaining. How you always pulled off any hairstyle or outfit you wore. Or even when we would stay up all night talking to each other on the phone, you never ran out of things to say. Oh how i could listen to you talk for hours, years even.
Without realizing i started to think about you 24/7 you consumed my thoughts and took over my daydreams. Dreams for where we are together where we would lie in an open clearing of a forest and just talk, talk about the most stupidest things, laughing at random things.But i know that these are only fantasies because as everyday passes you grow farther and farther away from me. Im not sure if you will ever smile at me, with your soft, yet playful expression again. But i do hope you come back to me, my love it has been so long since i heard your voice, a voice i yearn to hear. So long, to the point i forgot how you sounded. Your beautiful voice that once was like music of a songbird turned into a forgotton memory. Just like how i am to you, forgotton, unimportant. You were my light, my beloved, my reason to keep living. With you gone i am like a boat in the fog, without a lighthouse to guide it home.
My dear angel, you have been one of the best things in my life to have ever happen to me, i hope one day we can start over, maybe still rent an apartment together like we planned.
Im sorry we had to end on such a sad note. But if you read this then you must know, that i love you deeply, so very deeply.
Signed, your forgotten friend.
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quotesandstories · 2 years ago
Most people see the world through yellow lenses. Only the brave see it through plain glass.
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quotesandstories · 2 years ago
As i was sitting in my room i heard a song play, It sounded different than any music i heard. the sound, so vaguely familiar yet so unrecognizable. That song, it was calling to me. I had to figure out where its coming from. I make my way out of my room and quietly creep down the hallway to the front door. I silently left the house and followed the music. It was leading me down paths i havent crossed since i was a kid. As a reached a clearing, one i knew greatly, the music stopped. The night was quiet, only the wind could be heard now. I decided to look around the clearing, clearly no one has been here since i was young, old toys were scattered around in places i remember setting them in. I admire the toys, the memories. Memories of when you were still here. I was about to leave as i saw something shimmering in the moonlight. A musicbox, your. Musicbox... A while back we lost the key to it so we werent able to dance to the song anymore. Yet the key was somehow in the key slot. I crank the handel and twist the key as the box open's. The tiny ballerina slowly appears, looking worn and withered from years of non-usuage. It starts to play a song. The. song.. The one that brought me here in the first place. This song was your favorite, your mother's lullaby. You told me it could be my mother's lullaby since my mother was never around. The song got us both through tough times, but the music can only do so much. Shortly after the music started, it stopped just a quick. I hope you can still hear this song, wherever you are..
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