Peachy Keen
649 posts
Im gay and a loser!
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quotegender · 4 days ago
Inhibiquoteic is a quotegender identity that is connected to, related to, influenced by, affected by or best understood through the quote "Hear that? It's the sound of your inhibitions breaking free" from this article in some way.
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Term and flags coined by Joey Cattaneo of SOA on 27 February 2025.
The term is not inherently sexual/NSFW but the article is btw.
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@quotegender @radiomogai
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quotegender · 1 month ago
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a gender related to the quote “Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!”
[ PT. childrenmusicmakequoteic END PT. ]
[ ID start: a flag with six (6) horizontal wavy lines, in the following colors: light yellow, yellow-orange, orange, dark orange, purple, and reddish-purple. End ID ]
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quotegender · 1 month ago
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[No spoons for IDs, help appreciated]
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❝ OnlyFunnyquoteic ❞
[PT :: Onlyfunnyquoteic]
A lexigender related to the following quote from Who Framed Roger Rabbit :: Eddie :: You mean you could've taken your hand out of that cuff at any time? Roger :: No, not at any time, only when it was funny!
For :: @page-of-void-mogai's Coin War! Day 6 :: favorite movie // memes // nostalgia Notes :: My gender is whatevers funniest at the moment and I realized "Oh shit, I'm just like that Roger Rabbit quote!" so I made a whole new quoteic template so I could make this. I'll upload the template later. You're welcome. Also the reason its nostalgia is bc this movie was a huge part of my childhood so im p nostalgic about it.
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Archive Tagging :: @radiomogai @mediamogai
Taglist :: @genderdenied @mimiscoiningcafe @discrophy @horrgores @smilepilled
Additional Tags :: @theflaggerrrr
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quotegender · 1 month ago
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[No spoons for IDs, help appreciated]
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❝ Quoteic Template ❞
[PT :: Quoteic Template]
My personal Quoteic template! Mostly just uploading if anyone else wants to use it! Muah love yall <3 PSD Here
Note :: This isn't meant to replace any other quoteic template!!! I just wanted to make my own :3
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Archive Tagging :: @radiomogai @gendersystemarchive
Taglist :: @genderdenied @mimiscoiningcafe @discrophy @horrgores @smilepilled
Taglist :: @quotegender @rammgender
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quotegender · 1 month ago
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[ID: A six striped flag which are from top to bottom, soft orange, pale red, dark red, wine purple, near black maroon, soft orange. Each stripe is wavy.] Mirstroquotic: A quotegender connected to the passage, "... she looked in the mirror, and what looked back at her was a monster. Somebody who hurt everybody she's had the misfortune of crossing paths with. Somebody who nurses destruction and heralds death. A face brimming with tears and a quiver, but ultimately expressionless. null. One she couldn't recognize, but was all too familiar with. " Source: it's a secret ;) (check tags) @radiomogai, @quotegender
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quotegender · 1 month ago
i took the 6 stripe template that @quotegender uses and upscaled it to a standard 60.5 x 36.5 inches and made it into both a PNG and PSD file! it doesn't perfectly match (the waves are slightly uneven in the original), but is symmetrical!
(PSD download link)
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[ID: A flag template with 6 equal horizontal wavy stripes. They create a gradient from top to bottom of light gray to dark gray. /End ID.]
also tagging @radiomogai
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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A gender related to the quote " in all timelines , in all possibilities , only you can show me this " from the netflix series arcane .
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@equine-equius @wefaithfulfew-ids-coining @catboy-autism @smilepilled @rwuffles @radiomogai @autumn-coins
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quotegender · 2 months ago
happy new year guys! thanks for being mutuals with me the past year and heres to another on this webbed site. Sending big hugs or high fives or finger hearts to you all 🫶🫶
also since this is going to be reblogged on my coining blog big shotout to you coiners. I've been in the community for a while now and I'm proud to see that y'all are still here 💖 thanks for all you do
@ivansbf @smilepilled @petrichorvoices @julystruck @thatdastardlyone @random-music-generator @reptiles-of-the-mind @erveinangel @cxsmicvega @flamingothing @nekae-void @days-light @yawneko @syndersoda @feliraeth @fangpunk @dead-dog-dont-eat @seal-bong @mogai-sunflowers @crowdsourcedgender @valenten @bees--on--toast @epikulupu @royallaesthetics @a-funky-lizard @interstellarr-void @gravecoric @auggator @quotegender @its-me-renmimi @genderstarbucks @kiruyeen @forestcoric-mogai-fox @cocajimmycola @liomangel @eerieangels @dayshines @qerberus @haunted-thing @doll-lesbian
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Don't be ridiculous! I am a king with no crown! A baby with no binkie! A doggie with no squeaky toy to chew on. Worse, I have no identity. 
via King Julien, All Hail King Julien
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Look at me! I am a crownless, no kingdom-having, un-royal loser! without that crown, I am nothing! 
via King Julien, All Hail King Julien
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ectotrickster
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
I don't want to survive Maurice. I want to live!
via King Julien, All Hail King Julien
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
I make friends everywhere I go. I got bros in different area codes. Sometimes I break into flows. That's how it goes.
via King Julien, All Hail King Julien
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ectotrickster
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Sometimes I look out and realise just how insignificant one lemur is in the grand scheme of things. Then I remember I'm the king and if aliens ever invaded they'd have to do what I tell them. 
via King Julien, All Hail King Julien
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ectotrickster
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
 That missile is targeted to the giant's current position! WHERE'S THE GIANT, MANSLEY?
via General Rogard, The Iron Giant
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Rogard: There's no way to survive this thing, you idiot! Kent: You mean we're all going to... Rogard: To die, Mansley. For our country. Kent: Screw our country! I WANT TO LIVE!
via General Rogard, Kent Mansley, The Iron Giant
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ballerinoloverboy, @harpoonsnotspoons
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
 Look, it's none of my business, but who cares what these creeps think of you? They don't make you what you are, you do. You are who you choose to be.
via Dean McCoppin, The Iron Giant
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ballerinoloverboy, @harpoonsnotspoons
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
 I don't know. You're made of metal, but you have feelings, and you think about things, and that means you have a soul. And souls don't die. Mom says it's something inside of all good things, and that it goes on forever and ever.
via Hogarth Hughes, The Iron Giant.
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a gender which is connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Souls don't die.
via The Giant, The Iron Giant
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ballerinoloverboy, @harpoonsnotspoons
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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A gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
People come to the Oasis for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be: tall, beautiful, scary, a different sex, a different species, live action, cartoon, it's all your call.
via Parzival/Wade Watts, from the film Ready Player One
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ballerinoloverboy
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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A gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
The keys aren't just laying around under a rock somewhere. I suppose you could say they're invisible, hidden in a dark room that's at the center of a maze that's located somewhere up here. Let the hunt for Halliday's Easter egg begin.
via James Halliday, from the film "Ready Player One"
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A gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Why can't we go backwards for once? Backwards, really fast. Fast as we can. Really put the pedal to the metal, you know! Bill and Ted did it.
via James Halliday, from the film "Ready Player One"
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A gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote/poem:
A creator who hates his own creation. A hidden key, a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past. And the key of jade will be yours at last.
via the film "Ready Player One"
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A gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote/poem:
If you know the answer ultimate, Divide it by the number magic And what you, need, want and desire will be found in the fortress tragic.
via the film "Ready Player One"
taglist: @radiomogai, @smilepilled, @ballerinoloverboy
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quotegender · 2 months ago
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
 People come to The Oasis for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be. It’s the only place that feels like I mean anything.
via Parzival, from the film "Ready Player One"
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
 It's not about winning, it's about playing.
via Parvizal, from the film "Ready Player One"
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a gender which is in some way connected to, expressed by, or simply is, the following quote:
Since most people spend most of their time in the Oasis, losing your shit means, well, losing your shit.
via Parvizal, from the film "Ready Player One"
taglist: @radiomogai, @ballerinoloverboy, @smilepilled
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