Fallen Sakura
31K posts
Swan, She/They, 18 im old lol | CartoonFreak and professional fangirl|  Creator of Lovablue. | LOVE IS LOVE | Graphic Design and Animation Student | Secretly an alien smol with big dreamz!
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quiznaktheblueswan · 7 years ago
what's your favourite canon moment of mikayuu ^^
Sorry for the belated reply! (and the unexpected hiatus)
This sounds like an easy answer, but their reunion in episode 22.
Something I especially love is the way Yuu can’t help touching Mika.
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You can really tell that Yuu has this need to touch Mika, to feel that he’s real. And poor Mika is probably touched-starved after spending years among the vampires.
And just…
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The way Yuu talks in the English dub makes me melt. There’s just so much affection in his voice.
Thank you for your ask and sorry again for taking so long to reply!
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quiznaktheblueswan · 7 years ago
Hell yeah oh i mean howl yeah
>2018 starts with a full moon
>2018 is year of the dog
i’m onto you werewolves
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quiznaktheblueswan · 7 years ago
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We’ve waited 12 years for this moment, and the wait is almost over.
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quiznaktheblueswan · 7 years ago
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Guess whose back?! Back again?! Yeas I am! Heyo everyone!!
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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Please appreciate my small child
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
yeah I just can’t shake off that something weird and wrong is going on, waiting 2  more months now to find out the answer...
Woah wait u don't think that's the real Shiro?? Who is he pls I need to know more
There’s many things I picked up on during his whole ‘hallucinations/flashback/whatever’ sequence in the beginning and after that lean me to believe that this ISNT ‘our’ Shiro
like for one thing, Hair doesn’t grow that fast during the relatively short time he was missing
-there was ANOTHER Shiro strapped to the table with his regular hair but with all the hallucinations and stuff, it’s unclear if that was a flashback or REAL
-THIS Shiro is acting really…weird…like I dont honestly believe that our Shiro would RISK his team getting hit with the laser. Even if its a mission, shiro has been known to prioritize the teams safety to ‘fight another day’
- it’s VERY obvious that the rest of the team prioritize Shiro’s input and command to Keith’s, it was shown HEAVILY and with what I learned in my animation and storytelling classes is that this is very intentional, SOMETHINGS going to happen to make this come to light
-there was mention of a ‘project Kuron (?)’ by the galra captors and that it was reaching phase 3 and that this shiro has had a ‘weird headache that wont go away’
- ‘dark shiro’ has been shown before when he was fighting haggar, something was messing with his mind there, whats to say they couldnt do it again
-The black lion rejected him. it wasnt like blue with lance, blue had to put the particle barrier up because she would still respond to him. Black didnt give ANY reaction like with how the others who wernt her paladin tried. Black also found him so this COULD be shiro but something is off enough that black rejected him
theories are:
-this shiro is a clone of some sort of project the galra have, hence the long hair. They used the real shiro’s memories in the clone so it might be some kind of sleeper agent esc deal going on and our shiro is still captured
-this IS Shiro, but the Galra have implanted some sort of chip or something in his mind, hence the headache AND it could be a callback to Hunks theory that the galra are tracking shiro with some sort of mind chip (when they were trying to figure out how zarkon was following them in season 2) I wouldnt put it past them to hint at something like this in passing like they did with the weblum
-dark magic mind control deal? Haggar has shown she could do it..
in any case, Im not 100% convinced that this is OUR Shiro and at the very least, something is very up and we’ll have to wait and see
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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i’m proud of you, keith
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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alright, who let the six year old dress himself???
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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this was so cuuute. 
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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The truth is you turn into someone else. (x)
I admit I made mistakes But yours might cost you everything Can’t you hear me calling you home?
The colors represent Keith falling for the Black Paladin until his heart is broken complete.
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
Shiro’s leading is leaned on logic, while Keith’s is based on his instinct. Together they could make an amazing double combo. And oh god, weren’t they just cute when they started to talk at same time. “Sorry, Shiro.” 
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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My heart (;_;)
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
 Are we not going to also talk about the fact that Shiro always compliments Keith, keith SMILES?
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but season 3 that kind of “I am proud of you” hardly made ANY effect?
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even during the trials of Mamora, Shiro never once argue with Keith once he had his mind set??
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 You are going to sit there and tell me that’s Shiro????
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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I’m just going to pop this here.
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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Ok, so I feel like a lot of people have already sensed that this boy ain’t our boy, Shiro, but I wanted to add my two cents as to why. Aside from the obvious quirks and the whole BLACK NOT ACCEPTING “SHIRO” thing…
1. Project Kuron = Project Clone ehem… so there’s that
2. In the time between Shiro’s disappearance and “The Journey” episode there is no way for his hair to grow that long that quickly. 
3. I’m sure a lot of people originally saw that weird sequence in the beginning of “The Journey” as a hazy dream/hallucination as “Shiro” walked down the hallways and then sees this
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But what if, now bear with me, that wasn’t a hallucination/flashback…
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quiznaktheblueswan · 8 years ago
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「He still alive」
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