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quirky-gardener · 13 hours ago
i think whoever decided the color for the Bai Zhan Peak Uniform is a sick mf cause what were they thinking about when they decided that??? "Oh Yeah! Let's give the most active and prone to fight anything and everything under the sun the color white for their Uniform, that totally makes sense!"
i can only imagine that An Ding Peak have to mass-produce their uniforms just for that
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honestly tho but you ever wonder if lqg and lbh remained fully clothed for all their fights for those 5 years
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quirky-gardener · 13 hours ago
hc that jason todd has an instagram/youtube/tiktok account called gatsbyreviews (named after jay gatsby) where he posts reviews of various fictional media (mostly books). thing is, he always gives the reviews in the tone of a pissed-off drill sergeant explaining something for the third time to a particularly bone-headed group of rookies. so even when the review is positive, he sounds like he's passionately defending it in court. he does all his videos in a hoodie and sunglasses, so his identity isn't clear (especially since any viewers who could have recognized him somehow would know he's, y'know, dead) but the visible scars on the lower half of his face are an endless source of intrigue to people in the comments. someone once asked how tall he was, and he responded with a video of him silently stacking up books until the pile matched his height, then standing next to the pile for several seconds before playing jenga with it and eventually knocking it over, as jenga usually ends up going. another youtuber uses the books to find jason's height (the guy in question is real, his name is shane fanx and he's known as the asian height guy) and when it's revealed that he's fucking 6'3 all his viewers start losing their minds. they talk more than ever about this massive, scarred man with the biteable thighs and passion for literature. he gains thousands of followers overnight, people are thirsting in his comments, and jason's just like "hey wtf have i gotten myself into"
on the bright side, he stops thinking he's the ugliest member of the family. after all, when hundreds or thousands of random people on the internet are thirsting over you without seeing your full face, it's hard to keep thinking you're hideous.
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quirky-gardener · 14 hours ago
can we talk about how pathetic (endearingly so) shen yuan truly is.. like he was really out there critiquing the writing of a smutty stallion novel while also being a homebody loser
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quirky-gardener · 14 hours ago
jason keeps getting banned from twitter because he runs an anti jason todd account and as far as anyone else knows, jason todd is a poor little dead 15 year old.
in unrelated news, tim keeps reporting a heartless individual who makes fun of his dead brother.
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quirky-gardener · 14 hours ago
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quirky-gardener · 14 hours ago
Jason, texting Tim: at batburger rn. you want anything?
Tim: i’m in a meeting
Jason: okay
Jason: so what do you want?
Tim: the batburger deluxe without pickles and extra ketchup, as well as jorkerized fries and robin nuggets
Jason: okay fatass
Jason: come to lobby. i have your food. bitch ass security won’t let me come to you
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quirky-gardener · 14 hours ago
Sorta Maybe Blind pt 2
First Next
It has been four hours since the initial discovery of his appearance and he's come to figure out it's not just that he looks like he'll kneel over and die with a small breeze but he feels like it too. side effects just keep coming!
Apparently his eyes are extremely sensitive to the light now. he opened them fully once and it hurt like hell, even with the smog. his internal temperature has always been a little bit on the cold side but now he feels like a freezer and his rugged t-shirt and jean combo is not helping. he's a little frustrated with how much he's shaking especially on his left side
Oh he thinks he forgot to mention that his left side now has a huge lichtenberg figure on it, starting from his hand going all the way up his arm and spreading across his back and chest swirling where his heart should be it also goes all the way down his left leg into the bottom of his foot, some of it is even peeking across his neck. He thinks it's the scar that was supposed to show itself when the accident happened but it didn't.
it's here now and it constantly aches too, another aspect of the ectoplasm levels here. He thinks he's become more fatigued but his sleep schedule was already shity to begin with, 4-5 hours a week can do that to a person. same with his appetite, food was more dangerous than edible most of the time at h- Fentonworks.
He ducked into an alleyway to search through the duffle bag that was packed for him, squinting to lessen the light in his eyes. and he found a lot. Hygiene products, a new phone and modified Phantom-phone courtesy of Tucker, notebooks, files, a lot of snacks, bottled water, Med kit, wild survival kits courtesy of jazz, bunch of the Fentonworks inventions now phantom-tech that he and Tucker modified and improved together, some clothing items courtesy of Sam, and a bunch of other miscellaneous items/small bags he didn't want to look into right now except for
Oh. . .
Oh ancients the fuck Sam!?!?
Sam gave him a crossbody satchel filled with big money, and when he says big money he means probably thousands in big money!?!? taking two 50s out and shoving the satchel inside his chest he looked to see what the notebooks and files were about.
One of the files was the necessary paperwork for his new identity that Tucker and Jazz helped create together, and judging by the glowing green sticky note Clockwork helped them too, probably about the sorta maybe blind thing he got going on. The other files containing pretty much all the Fenton works blueprints and or recipes for chemical compounds like the ecto-dejecto and the cleaning spray for ectoplasm.
The notebooks were small but thick, they hold a variety of things ranging from tips and tricks, locations that may be useful, information about Gotham in general, several were blank, and others had other little things he won't get to. One notebook was dedicated to everything he has done as Phantom, his battles, achievements, and things they learned about his weird biology. some of it was clearly done by Clockwork cuz he hasn't told anybody the full story about Dan or the clones or the other fights and challenges he faced.
Did he forget to mention that besides the necessary paperwork everything was written in Braille? No? because it was.
Deciding that he was done searching through the bag for now he put on a black hoodie with blob ghost sewn on the front, took out his new phone, and put the Phantom-phone in. He turned on the blind aid in the accessibility function and turned the brightness down significantly. He pulls up Google to look for a place to rent. They all begrudgingly agreed that they won't call or text until a month has passed so suspicions won't be as tight on them. Finding something close and cheap and pulling up the directions to speak audibly he goes on his merry way.
Hopefully the owner will be nice enough to him even though he's barely 16 trying to rent an apartment.
--------------- *Hour and a half later*------------------
The building fucking abandoned
No like the top half of it looked like it exploded years ago and Google still says it's for rent!?!?
You know what fuck it! he's already made his way over here and it geting dark fast. he'll find a decent corner in there to sleep tonight.
Squeezing his his way through a hole that was supposed to be a door, tripping, and landing face first on the broken disgusting floor below him.
Batman and Robin were investigating a weapons deal that was happening later tonight in an abandoned apartment complex, half the building gone from an explosion courtesy of Two Face. 30 minutes before the deal they were doing a quick sweep of the two floors that remain when
Someone face planted 5 ft away from them.
"Ow " they rub their face for a minute before sitting up and
" That's a blind child " Robin was slightly bewildered by the black haired, blind and before closing his eyes he was able to make out the dull icey blue color. He was ill looking 13-14 in age.
A blind boy that was deathly pale, warringly skinny and most importantly alone.
He points in the vague direction of Robin before stating "I'll have you know I'm almost 16 and you don't sound much older than I do" he feels across the ground searching for the phone that was a few inches away from his reach.
Batman grabs the phone off the floor before standing the boy up himself and handing it to him. " The apartment building you have been following is out of service "
" Oh, why is it still operational on Google?"
" Tch, It seems someone has failed to inform the online networks of this buildings status, which is a incompetence on their part" Robin walked up to be beside the boy.
" what's more important is why you were looking for an apartment building in the first place. You're alone as well, when someone should be there with you when you cannot see or you should at least have a cain. It is also heading to a time of night where you should not be walking outside."
" What is this an interrogation, why should I be telling you what I am doing, who even are you." The boy crosses his arms backing away slightly
" We are Batman and Robin and we are only concerned of your safety" the big bat himself States in a softer than usual for his Batman growl.
Robin looks over at him giving him a look before signing ' are you serious ' then folded his arms. Batman ignores him.
Multiple footsteps could be heard across the floor, Batman grabs a hold of the child before grappling up and away from sight. Robin does the same in a different direction.
Fenton luck strikes again because he just walked in on The Batman and fucking Robin on an investigation and he interrupted. Being held in Batman's arms he realizes that either he's tiny or Batman's huge because he's at least three times his size.
This is turning out to be one of the more fucked up situations he has ever been in. Let's hope he won't fuck up the situation even more then he already has.
(sorry for the cliffhanger I need to rest my brain a bit with writing, but here is what I've written Hope you enjoy also I saw the reblog from @athyriaceae and took it into consideration thank you for rebloging)
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quirky-gardener · 20 hours ago
y’all really recommend books like: title, there are gay characters, enemies to lovers, young adult, written by poc
not once do i ever see a summary
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quirky-gardener · 1 day ago
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The chapter scene that got me hooked on the story
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quirky-gardener · 1 day ago
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Posting my gsgw doodles on tumblr bcs I barely see anyone talking about it on twt…
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quirky-gardener · 2 days ago
Danny running into a room: Hide me!
Tim: Under my desk! Quick!
Danny: *Jumping the desk* Thank you!
Security Guard running in: Mr. Drake-Wayne! Have you seen a suspicious man pass through here?
Tim: Hmm? No. Is something happening?
Security Guard: A while ago, someone reported that a homeless man was found sleeping in one of our less used bathrooms. It looks like he had been staying there for a while. He had an entire camp set up. He ran as soon as the security was called but we think he's still in the building.
Tim: Wow that's crazy. Hope you catch him
Security Guard: Thank you. I suggest you move down to level 1 until we're sure he's not a danger.
Tim: Of course. I'll be right there.
Tim: *Moving his wheel chair back to stare into Danny's eyes* He's gone.
Danny: Thank you so much for hiding me.
Tim: You're welcome. Take off your clothes
Danny: Excuse me?
Tim: Switch into one of my spare suits. We're going to pretend you're my guest and walked you right pass security.
Danny: Who keeps seven spair complete suits at work?
Tim: *Holding up two ties* I do. Now, this Aqua blue makes your eyes pop, but this classic black with silver stripes gives you a mysterious aura. What are we feeling?
Danny: ....the blue one is nice.
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quirky-gardener · 3 days ago
hey um. did you know you're cute and smart and pretty. and you're kind. and you're good
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quirky-gardener · 3 days ago
Any Bat Fam member: Are you seriously still hanging out with those extradimensional entities that could wipe out the human race? Jason: Yes. Bat Fam member: Why?? Jason: Because I'm criminally insane and the ghost are just so damn welcoming. Danny, one of said extradimensional entities popping out of no where: Now what have we said about bad self-talk. Jason: It's not bad self-talk if it's a fact.
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quirky-gardener · 3 days ago
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MXTX protags my beloved. Prettyboy table for the win
Bonus page:
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quirky-gardener · 4 days ago
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forgot to share my svsss doodles on here!! immediately just wanted to draw LBH first and foremost
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quirky-gardener · 4 days ago
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quirky-gardener · 4 days ago
DPxDC Prompt #17
There is a room Danny's Keep he set up shortly after defeating Pariah Dark. It became necessary when the broader magical community realized Pariah had be defeated and therefore a new King took his throne. Danny found himself briefly bombarded with waves of attempted summonings.
Which, the summonings themselves, wouldn't have been so bad. Turns out people can't just drag the King of Ghosts to themselves on a whim. Danny has to actively accept a summoning to get pulled to it. And if he just decides "No," the pull and whispers go away. No problem there.
No, the problem is the offerings. And sacrifices. The things that people put in the circle as payment for even attempting to summon him. Like having to put a quarter in the payphone just to listen to it ring and ring and ring as the person on the other end of the call doesn't pick up. Since the summoning magic regarded these things as belonging to Danny even if he rejected the summons, they usually ended up just materializing in front of him if he didn't go to them.
Which, okay. It was funny that time he got to end a fight with Vlad very fast when a whole gold bar materialized and dropped on his head. And the food was nice sometimes when it was late and everywhere was closed and his parents had left samples in the fridge to contaminate everything into animation again. But the goat head dropping from the ceiling onto his desk during on of Lancer's English tests was not appreciated. Even if it did get the test rescheduled and the whole school shut down for a few days to investigate the "potentially satanic activity."
So, yeah, it was a bit of a problem. Fortunately, it was a problem with a relatively simple solution. Danny set up an inbox. With a bit of help from Tucker and Pandora, and a couple tips from Clockwork; all summoning offerings and sacrifices would now go straight to the dedicated room in the Keep.
And! As a special touch, the summoners would also get a chipper, automated voice saying, "The Ghost King you are trying to summon has more important things to do than answer you right now. Please leave a message in the circle with your name, date, location, contact information, and reason for summoning. The Ghost King will get back to you at his earliest convenience." Sam's stupid fancy girl gala voice had been perfect for that little message.
It was the perfect solution. Danny no longer had to deal with randomly materializing offerings putting his secret identity at risk. Pariah's skeletons, who had been antsy for something to do now that they were no longer bent under the thumb of a cruel tyrant, were instructed to take care of all the offerings; making sure everything was always cleaned up and put away. And all Danny had to do was stop by periodically to check in and "Officially respond" -ie, write a fuck off note- to the summoning messages (Clockwork's insistence).
A perfect solution. Up until Danny checked in one day to find the skellies pampering a whole ass boy. No. Not just any boy. Danny recognizes that costume.
"Why is Robin here?"
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