Off to watch some fisticuffs with a couple of cuties @thehebrew @grumpychodey @chillsav
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I must say there's not a whole lot of things that put me in a better mood than a fresh pair of kicks!
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@thehebrew vs. @grumpychodey : the longer you watch, the funnier it gets xD
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Back at it. I haven't kicked a bag in so long I got bitch shins again :(
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#Repost @qtpfilms
2/3: It smelt so bad.
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#Repost @qtpfilms
Just a clip from our upcoming special we filmed last summer. We made Dustin drink a Bobby Wing smoothie. It was over 10,000 scoville units of fun.
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Sometimes we must sacrifice our own biology for the greater good of an idea.
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Hey fuckers! Point your snap cams at this picture and tap it to add me on Snapchat! Go behind the scenes of our writing, production, and defecations all from the comfort of your own home! Crazy world eh?! #Snapchat #everybodypoops
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2/2: I don't even have any free time but I have too much free time. #cruisinforamoozin
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