quichequill069 · 4 hours
I have a feeling that Anger or Ennui would be the ones to roast someone if it was ever needed if you know what I mean.
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quichequill069 · 4 hours
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Some Fear being the voice of reason comics cause I may be a little obsessed.
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quichequill069 · 4 hours
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I had to repost this because I forgot Disgust 🤦‍♂️
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quichequill069 · 4 hours
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quichequill069 · 4 hours
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I think i need some help...
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quichequill069 · 8 hours
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quichequill069 · 8 hours
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exposed nerve ending 🗿
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quichequill069 · 11 hours
could you draw Envy with Ennui?
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of course!
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quichequill069 · 11 hours
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She's rlly out here controlling me 24/7 and im like girl, ??
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quichequill069 · 15 hours
Joy, Envy, Sadness, Fear, and Embarrassment: We don't know if she'll notice, but all of us slipped a short note into Anxiety's bag telling her how much we love her.
Anxiety, pulling out five 100-page essays: What the-
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quichequill069 · 15 hours
so uh I had a hc where envy writes a monthly gossip zine that she sends to all the mind workers to read lmao
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this better be canon
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quichequill069 · 15 hours
Look I love Anxifear with the passion of a thousand flaming suns but how tf would they kiss. Like. Fear’s mouth is so vertical and Anxiety’s mouth is so horizontal, how would that work????? They couldn’t even give each other forehead kisses because their foreheads are their eyelids, so wtf??????????
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quichequill069 · 1 day
the pain of holding in a potential idea for a multi-chapter fanfic BC I haven't finished analyzing a ship yet to give it full justice...
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quichequill069 · 1 day
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quichequill069 · 1 day
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low effort wide eyed ennui. why she so 👁️o👁️
got the ennui screenshots from: https://www.tumblr.com/emo-jester/754179869681893376/wide-eyes-ennui-isnt-real-she-cant-hurt?source=share
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quichequill069 · 1 day
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Ragatha playing with her dress
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quichequill069 · 1 day
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