From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
218 posts
system // they/mo (both plural) or it/neos as a whole // autumnauthor on Ao3 // artist & fanfic author // reblogs & comments from @queeryutbrb // i do take requests!
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queeryutb · 1 month ago
I’m crying tysm
yeah man! i knew i had to join the moment i saw your drawing. i hope the dtiys goes well overall! ^^
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queeryutb · 1 month ago
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did you know @strxwberry-swtichblxde is hosting a DTIYS? :)
note to athena: i'm not actually interested in winning, i just wanted to join the fun. your original artpiece looks amazing! :D i love your design for him. this was super fun ^^
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queeryutb · 2 months ago
there are so many headcanons for this. i usually see them having void tendrils come out of their eyes, which grab the food and take in inside. however, i have my own theory
y'know how the lifeseeds are always spoken about beimg eaten? like, any bug that mentions them, they talk about eating them or drinking the lifeblood inside. but the ghost? it stabs the things, then just... absorbs them into its body.
so, i propose this: anywhere black on their body isn't the same as other bugs - it looks very similar, but it's literally made of void. solidified on the outside, yeah, but there's little creavaces where the joints are!
so. i say they absorb it in these areas. it just kinda... sinks/is pulled inside.
Very important question for Vessels.
Like how do they eat? Do they just stick the food into the eye holes of their mask or have a hidden mouth? Do they absorb the food? I’m genuinely asking this since it’s like 11PM for me as I’m writing this.
Like do they eat while no one is watching??? Like does anyone have any theories or random head canons for these guys?
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queeryutb · 2 months ago
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queeryutb · 2 months ago
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another hollow knight sketch page, but it kinda grew from there.
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queeryutb · 2 months ago
it is, and do it! it's an amazing game. i reccomend either playing yourself or watching a lets play without spoilers first, if you're planning on looking at summaries and theories :)
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queeryutb · 2 months ago
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it took me... longer than i'd like to admit, to figure out how to leave the abyss. i had to check my map. most of this is direct quotes from me.
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queeryutb · 4 months ago
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Gem the Undying
she just wouldn't die!
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queeryutb · 4 months ago
to op: that is absolutely gorgeous. i love the gentle gradiation in the hands, the bandages, the gentle hold. the goldfish is beautiful. it's so warm and bright, making me think of true gold and the sun. it truely looks like it's shimmering. you did an amazing job of drawing the eye where you want it to go without neglecting any part of the piece. good job, @omatoxin. thank you for sharing.
to connor: galaxsea.......,,,,. fish swimming around, shimmering, as the stars of the deep. goldfish as stars who swam from from one sky to another. goldfish as a holy symbol.
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fish song
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queeryutb · 5 months ago
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enki the keeper and kul'zak the wanderer. the gays of all time.
thanks to my friends on the mcdbb server for help on the knick knacks! <3 y'all're great
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queeryutb · 7 months ago
Artists are coming back to tumblr. Nature is healing.
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queeryutb · 8 months ago
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This is the face of a girl who has got herself stuck in a bag handle
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queeryutb · 9 months ago
one day, long after her death, these paintings were found. any work by her, usually 4"x4" max, goes for millions.
i am... unsure of what she would think of this.
menphia paints. she has a little watercolor pallete with a paintbrush that she carries with her on adventures, going along with a sketchbook.
at the beginning, she mostly paints how the sky looks in different places at different times - it was something that she really started thinking about in the group's travels. she later moves on to other things, the only consistency being that she's drawing from mundane life.
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queeryutb · 9 months ago
EXACTLY it kills him!!!!!!
so in my mind, enki has very generalized magic, rather than any one, specific thing. "jack of all trades, master of none, but oft times better than master of one" type beat.
occasionally, he just KNOWS things about our world, things that don't exist in theirs and don't make sense to anyone there. he'll offhandedly mention a tiktok trend or the grim reaper or adam and eve - literally anything that straight up does not exist in their world and doesn't make sense without a bunch of cultural context.
he doesn't have context. he doesn't usually notice until someone points it out, but sometimes he'll catch himself and just kind of trail off. he gets just as confused as everyone around him, if not more.
this is purely for comedic effect and has never once been helpful.
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queeryutb · 10 months ago
May I request some Enki x Kul'zak art?
Possibly cuddling or something, I really wanna see the two Love Birds in your style
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ask and ye shall recieve! wasn't up to a full illustration, nor do i have the time as of now, but i may return to this prompt at a later date... ;)
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queeryutb · 10 months ago
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i think it would be such a fun little bit for hermitblr bit for folks to pass around their minecraft skins without any other design context and let people make up designs (as hermitblr artists do) to see how other people interpret it
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queeryutb · 1 year ago
Hi, I saw you commented on a Sonic animation post and you said you were learning 2d animation. I wanted to know if you've progressed and if you could spare any helpful information I could use on my animation journey. Thanks
yo! sure, yeah, id love to help ^^
i have made some progress, yeah. there's a lot of stylistic variations, but here's what's been most helpful to me :)
0. a lot of these mention speed - if you get too caught on something, it's likely to sap your motivation. also, i use frame-by-frame, not rigging, so some of these might not be helpful if you use rigging.
1. learn to accept mistakes.
perfectionism will slow you down. it's a little each frame, but that *adds up*. in a few second long animation, it may be fine. but if you're going for 15+ seconds, even into minutes, that can cost you hours to days to even months of progress, depending on the length. learn to accept minor mistakes, if you haven't already. you can always fix them later.
2. you dont have to redraw every single frame.
first, you can cut up an individual frame and move the parts of it. i draw characters art, and i cut up different bits of the arm when i wanna move it. second, you can warp a frame - stretch it, slant it, squish it, lots of things. you can also slide them around on the screen. third, you can reuse a frame. that's one you have to experiment with a bit, seeing where it's helpful for you and where it isn't.
3. do one thing at a time.
if you've just sketched a frame, dont move onto lining it, sketch the next one. if you get bored with one step but still wanna work on the animation, that's when you switch to the next. getting into a rhythem can help you enjoy the work more and let it go by faster.
4. stretch!
if you wanna animate, you have to take care of your body. it's fairly easy to find stretches online, look up "stretches for artists/animators" or "stretches to avoid carpel tunnel", and walk around a couple minutes every hour you've been seated. if you don't, that strain will add up, and you can cause or worsen chronic pain in yourself.
5. check your progress every so often.
if you ever wanna see your current progress, go for it! it can help you stay motivated and show you want you like and dislike about your animation so far. to do this, put in a few frames of your animation and time them properly. put them together like they should be in the final piece. watch this back whenever you like :) it's a great way to give yourself a little reward for all your hard work!
6. watch videos on animation from other artists.
plenty of people share their tips. i've learned a lot by going on youtube and searching "animaton tips". you can also play this in the background while you animate, if you'd like. i always like having something to listen to, myself, and it can help me a lot to have it be related to the art i'm making.
i reccomend doodley and lavendertowne, personally :)
7. animate for you.
remember, if there's anything you don't wanna do, you don't have to. make what you enjoy making, not just what you think others would wanna see. if you end up sharing your animations, which you don't have to do, you will find your audience. do what you enjoy, skill will come to you along the way. :)
i hope these are helpful to you ^^ best of luck on your animation journey!
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