queervandorbeast · 10 months
1. week 2. day
3 of Wands
This morning I woke up weird. It always happens to me whenever I get to a new place. I'll need to rearrange the nest of pillows and blankets I sleep in. But that's work for the evening. Now I have to go into the village and get a little acquaintedwith it. As I throw on my coat, it keeps turning inside out. I'm trying to listen to Fate more these days, so I let it be. The seams that show this way are sewn with yellow thread. Maybe I need the highlighting today. From my hut to get into the village, the easiest route is to first go out, into the forest and round the cemetery, then go through the southern gate. Befor I get to the gate, there's a crossroad coming from a nearby abbey towards a bigger town. At that crossroad this morning I met a strange man. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for me or just for someone in general. He was so still, that at first I thought he was a statue. That wasn't the strange part though. After all, who doesn't like to stand perfectly still taking only the shallowest breaths from time to time. He was dressed in a coat made entirely of furworms. Furworms are very rare this part of the world. Wherer I come from, the Curve Mountains, that's their native land, and so as I saw him, I got a hunch taht I might not bo so random to him here. I approached him with a sort of projected confidence that I not at all felt. As I got closer he looked up at me: " You're the one that wants to be a dragon, aren't ya?" "Grrrrr." I don't like the way I can't decipher what one wants from me. "Hm. Well either way, I'm a scribe at the abbey over there. We have a lot of tomes and codexes about all manner of beasts." At that I neighed a little: "Nyihh." "And I'm trying to get a whole matching set with furworms. So… what do you say we swap?" I'll be honest here, Iggot very intrigued by this deal he was offering me. But I'm also very cautious. "Ask me again at the season's end" I growled. I was annoyed for having to use words here, but I think an almost friendly connection with this man may be useful later. After this exchange all I want to do is go home and curl up in my nest. But a whole day of work awaits instead. Hrrmmmm…
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queervandorbeast · 10 months
1. week 1. day
Knight/Jack of Pentacles
It's a crisp autumn day. The witch came over for tea and to introduce me to the village a little. (I'm trying to be very nonthreatening. I know my monstrous looks aren't the easiest to trust.) As we were talking, a skeletal messenger on a skeletal horse brought me a small package. Still not wanting to seem scheming, I opened the package in front of the witch. It was a delicately wrapped small watch. With it a small slip of paper. During my time at the University I didn't make many deep friendships, but one of the librarians, an old, giraffe-like fella liked to talk to me about time. " Don't forget. The Book About Dragons is due in 5 weeks. You can renew the book reservation via letter, I just don't want you to get in trouble. At a necromantic library that can get quite unpleasant. Best, Bracken Shimmerguy " I laughed reading this letter. Although Bracken was right. The consequences at this library were no joke. I remember when I first got there, Ijust thought I'll pay athe late fee (not the nicest thing to do, but it's usually affordable to me), and live my happy, unaware of time, always late life. I told about this to the witch, Bread, and they looked curiously at me. ~Hmm. I should get back to asking about Klaufalva and general village business.~ As they were leaving, Bread warned me to be careful about such morbid displays in the future as my messenger and their horse. I don't know what they want from me. It frustrated me a bit, this warning, but thanked them. So far, they're the only one in this village to offer some kind of a friendly relationship. I'll take it and we'll see about the morbidness later.
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queervandorbeast · 10 months
My first season in Klaufalva: Fall
This season, when death is so naturally the part of existence, it is the perfect time for my arrival. They don't really notice me at first. Their priorities are right now with foraging mostly mushrooms and some berries from the forest. After the firs big forage, they hold a ball in the marketplace. They dance together through 3 days and 3 nights. As I was arriving here in the dead of night, I got spooked by eerie singing forom deeper in the woods. A few days later I learned that was a local ritual of honoring the dead. On the days when the stars are bright at night, they go out to the woods in small groups or alone and sing to the dead. Sing with them to the stars. On my way here I have been collecting herbs and healing grasses. As I started to live here my first duty was to preserve thes for the winter. To dry them and prepare them as potions. I've also built up my garden, putting up wards for the Fall and Winter, so that I can control the weather in that small patch. I also brought sacks of mud from my homecave. Some of it I used for the garden, this way I have an even stronger connection to this place. I've also been putting some of the mud on places that needed an extra bit of protection throughout my travels.
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queervandorbeast · 10 months
Starting out with Village Necromancer
1 season = 13 weeks 1 card/day 1 year = 4 seasons use a d6 to decide of a scenario goes well or not for a character. 1-3 varying levels of bad 4-6 varying levels of good Character creation: Name: Kamille/ Beast Pronouns: Grr/grr/grs Appearance: long neck, beak, big body hidden in a cloak, scrutinizing eyebrows, big black eyes, wild grey and black feathers on dthe head and neck. 2 pairs of clawed hands. Tardigrade legs with which grr can jump pretty high. Can grr fly? maybe:3 Clothing: a big, fuzzy dark blue cloak, big witch hat, dark green. Why a necromancer? I don't know where I come from, but since I started traveling, looking for a way to become a dragon and trying to discover the spiritual ideas of what it means to ve a dragon, I kept bumping into death. Not in an unfriendy way. I trust the fates, I have a long life ahead of me, I will gladly spend a portion of it bonding with the dead. What are your codes of ethics? I respect DNRs ( do not resurrect) above all else. What are your favourite necromantic spells? I don't know yet. World Creation What setting is your world? Folk tale, ballad-like fantasy Village: the Forest with an above ground cemetery. Klaufalva. What does your new residence look like? There's a really old big tree in the cemetery. I built a little hut in it's crown. It is a mixed cemetery for every class of people, but the richer people's graves and mausoleums are closer to the village. Idon't bring my work to the hut. At the foot of the tree there's a little garden, that I use. The village doesn't really have a close-knit community. The houses in the forest are a little too far away from each other for that. The houseshave very steep wooden roofs and some of them are even 3 stories high. It's hard to tell exactly where the borders of the village are, but there's a complex of houses a 10 minutes walk from the cemetery, where a noble family lives. At the other side of the forest lives a witch. They make health potions and manage the spiritual well-being of the village. (Although I don't yet know how well). There is one bigger clearing near the noble's house that's sometimes used as a marketplace. At the side of the clearing there's a small tavern. Travelers often only percieve that much of the village. The villagers are slow to notice my arrival. They are a bit suspicious, but not hostile. They form their opinions seperate from one another. The first person I meet is the witch. Before my arrival they were the one to take care of the cemetery, although they much prefer working with the living.
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queervandorbeast · 10 months
A short story for Miche, because you keep giving me really coool stuff and my instinct would be to give you some cool stuff in exchange, but that would be counterproductive for you
ch1 Once upon a time in a small cave deep in the Curvy Mountains over the hedge near the mating grounds of the great furworms lived a creature. A beast, if you please. The beast's cave had a beautiful collection of mudpiles. She----- " Oh wait, Beast! Beeeeaaaassst!!!!!! Hey you! Yes, you there! What are your pronouns?! " " Grrr… Hmmmpf… Grr grrrrr. " sweat.. " Pardon me? I didn't catch that " " Grrrrrrr! Brrrr Brr grrrr. " forehead scratch… sweat… " Oh okay. Crystal clear, thank you so very much…. And now. It would feel impolite, not asking you uhm… What's your name? " " You may call me Kamille. " " Thank you " Now where was I?. Oh yes! Grr spent grs days hopping from mudpile to mudpile, collecting cool rocks and exploring the forests of the Curve. Grr sometimes hunted furworms just for sport, but all in all grr mostly was incredibly bored. Kamille was used to the solitary life. Whenever grr spent time with anyone, they eventually always made grr feel like the outsider that grr was. Grr didn't particularly enjoy violence. Hunting furworms was the only interaction with others Kamille had, that had clear expectations and roles for everyone involved. AAAAAHHHHHH. But it was soooo boring! SOMETHING MUST CHANGE! This strange relationship with the furworms inspired Kamille. It was so simple, yet grr knew that if the furworms had any sort of actual intelligent society, they would invent legends about grr. Legends of a beast stalking throught the forest, soaring in the sky and with monstrous athletic prowess sweeping in and devouring grs pick of any one of them. Just like those legends about DRAGONS! " Yessss!!!! I will become a dragon!! yeeehaw! He he he he heee!! hihi….. " ch2 The next day at the crack of dawn grr started the preparations. Kamille didn't want to be a lousy dragon, so first
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queervandorbeast · 10 months
Village necromancer
So I've been plazing this game for a little while, and it's really nice, the way it's making me write. I'm going to post my story here. I've been using this to write about my OC Beast/Kamille. Also I have an introduction story for grr that I'll upload:)
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