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wanna frame this post and use it as a litmus test for one's ability to identify transmisogynistic thought
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queerunpleasantdanger · 17 hours
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queerunpleasantdanger · 17 hours
At the end of the night, Reform didn't manage to outperform even the Greens in terms of seats. While a Lib Dem opposition would have been funny, ultimately, this election went about as well as an election with these party leaders could have. I'm glad for the Brits that, even if they're stuck with Starmer (that backstabbing transphobic piece of shit) their far right party was actually remarkably ineffective at taking power, and the Tories won't make things any worse.
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I fucking hate the 4th
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bracha for flag burning on the 4th
 בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה אַדֹנָ-י אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָּנוּ להשמיד אלילים
baruch atah HaShem Elokeinu Melech Ha’Olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu lahashmid elilim 
Blessed are you, the Lord our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with your commandments, and commanded us to destroy idols.
(it is also suggested you say the Shechechiyanu blessing if this is your first flag burning of the day)
Happy 4th!
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i think a lot of people forget that if you genuinely hate the people around you you are going to be a bad communist. you cannot Educate Agitate Organize people who you think of as subhuman
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Fun fact about the early Catholic church is that, despite spending generations being persecuted by the Roman empire, it took less than 15 years under Theodosius I to go from “the empire is Catholic now” to “and also every other religion is banned.” You can literally read St. Augustine move from “state religious persecution is unacceptable” to “state religious persecution is cool actually” over his lifetime as Catholicism came to power. I’m sure there’s no broader lessons to be learned there
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"Kill them with kindness" Nah, fuck that, CRICKET BAT 🏏 🏏🏏🏏*SMACK* 🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏
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one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off
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even the top gets scared
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this is me
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when i was a teenager it felt very revolutionary to be cruel to myself. like some kind of slow passive protest against how much everything hurt. i starved myself of sleep and food and tenderness because it felt right. it felt sharp and angry and radical and i wanted to be those things. adulthood is the realisation that the world is already working to cut into you well before you learn how to do it yourself. caring for yourself and others is the real protest
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everyone saying those other posts apply to situations outside of kink is exactly fucking right. we have to stop socially murdering people. we have to stop kicking people out of communities. we have to care for one another. hearing someone out and giving them a chance to apologize is essential to conflict resolution and essential to community building and it’s essential to fucking healing!!! you can’t heal if you just cut the person out of your circle! you just stay mad!!!
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Broke: Marie Antoinette bankrupted France with her dresses and wigs and got beheaded for telling starving peasants to go eat cake
Woke: France's debt from helping the American Revolution was a bigger factor in its bankruptcy than anything Marie ever spent money on, but she was scapegoated due to xenophobia and misogyny and never even said the cake quote
BESPOKE: Even though Marie was the victim of xenophobia and misogyny she was still an archconservative who resisted progressive reform harder than Louis, brokered secret deals with deputies to sabotage the Revolution, tried to escape with Louis to turn an army on their own people, and does not deserve to be glorified as some sort of feminist icon when events led by lower class women, like the Women's March on Versailles, are lesser known than the factoid that the cake quote is a lie
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New donors needed to help keep Scarleteen’s queer, trans and gender nonconforming sex educators going!
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We, the queer and trans, staff & volunteers at Scarleteen spend the vast majority of our time giving support. We very actively maintain a friendly and accessible website full of resources, advice and information, and provide a caring, safe and patient environment in all of our direct services. We continue to make a massive contribution towards sexuality education as a whole, as we have for the whole of our 25 year tenure. Everywhere we go we receive thanks from educators and service workers for the motivation we, and our founder Heather Corinna, have given them to do incredible work in their communities. However, for our daily survival and our dreams of the future, we need support too!
Unless our current trajectory changes we will not have the funding this year to give our volunteers end-of-year stipends to reward their generous efforts, nor bring our codirectors’ wages any closer to industry standard or even industry average rates of pay for their positions and tenure - averages which we continue to undershoot by quite some margin, nor will we be able to reimburse those staff for the many hours they have worked in excess of their basic 30 hours a week. We will also be unable to increase their healthcare benefits which for one disabled member of our team, will have been exceeded 4 times over by actual healthcare costs by the end of the year, which they have had to pay for out-of-pocket.
As part of our annual Pride celebration we are asking you to consider becoming one of the 50 (and fabulous) new recurring donors we are determined to find this week! Please consider supporting a few good queer & trans people to help us continue to deliver queer sex and relationships education, info and support, which remains free and open to all.
Recurring monthly donations of $10 or more are part of the treasured community of donors who give us peace of mind like nothing else can. We will need a further 250 recurring donors at that level or the financial equivalent to keep us on-track for our most modest projections through the coming years, so whatever help you can give us today to exceed our initial target of 50 will be cherished by us more than you can know.
Here’s some ways to help:
If you can become a new monthly donor, please do! We would love to welcome you to our valued bunch of fabulous supporters!
If you are already a donor, please consider tacking on an extra $10 per month, even temporarily, if you can!
If you cannot currently afford to donate an increased amount, or cannot donate at all, please consider reaching out to someone who you think can, so that eventually we can find that new donor. (And if you manage to sign someone up, do let us know so we can thank you!)
If you only want to or can give us a one-time donation we will still be incredibly grateful for that help at any level. We know a thing or 12 about deep financial limitations and having to choose very carefully where you give.
Please go to scarleteen.com/donate to begin your monthly donation, or if you have further questions head to scarleteen.com/contact drop us a message.
Thank you once more for your support and for being your queer/trans/allied/otherwise-awesome self,
Yours sincerely,
The Scarleteam …
of Scarleteen: queer sex ed for all since 1998❤️
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