Achilles & Patroclus
from The Iliad by Homer
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submitted by anon
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Guinevere Pendragon & Morgan le Fay
from Arthurian Legend
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Cú Chulainn
from the Ulster Cycle of Celtic Mythology
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submitted by anon
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could you doodle patrochilles please?
The babys🥺
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Thinking about Charles wanting to teach Edwin how to fight to defend himself and Edwin being so unwilling to learn.
Thinking about Edwin in Hell, running and hiding and always, always being as quiet as possible.
Thinking about how nothing Edwin does can stop the demon from catching him and tearing him apart. So why learn to fight? What good would it do? He is always afraid that he will end up back in Hell, always running from that fate because running is the only way he knows how to survive. Of course he doesn’t want to learn how to fight because fighting is loud and messy and it means standing your ground. Fighting isn’t an option in Hell.
And I’m thinking about Charles fighting for Edwin, fighting to get to him and get him out of Hell, fighting to keep him out of Hell. It’s like Edwin says: he doesn’t need to know how to fight because he knows that Charles will always fight for him. The cricket bat and physical fighting skills help, yeah, but it’s not even about that. It’s about Charles choosing him—that first time in the attic, and over and over again since then. Edwin doesn’t need to defend himself because he met this brilliant boy who stood his ground and made himself into a fortress around his soul.
Fighting isn’t an option in Hell, it’s just a guaranteed way to cause more pain and despair. But Charles fighting for him? That isn’t just desperation or hope, it is something that Edwin can always, always count on.
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Payneland² part two because they wouldn't leave me alone
Part 1 here
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it just now dawned on me that all Those Windows in the mystery shack are not some clever background design choices, or funny haha easter eggs, or visual puns, or chekhov's guns
that is a house Ford in-universe canonically built with his own hands.
he. he made those.
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“I once heard my friend, the Doctor, speak to me of a man he once knew. Called himself the Master. Master of what he would never tell me…”
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I know Anakin's desilusions of grandiosity are the talk of the town, but something something Padmé dehumanization of herself as a result of so much survivor trauma and so many close death calls. She's the senator with the highest murder attempts on her, she gets assesination attempts weekly and brushes them off, and she keeps chasing for justice to the point of collition, she sees people dying around her all the time but she keeps on living and living, at some point she's flirting with death as much as Anakin does in the battlefield. And something something, Anakin, ironically, in his extreme trauma and fear of death taking the people he loves, being the only one to say "You're a person, and your name is Padmé, not queen nor senator, and you're as fragile as any other live being" Something something the irony that person that most adored her being also the one who saw her as a person Something something Anakin commiting atrocities not for a goddess, no for a politician no for royalty, for a person. Something something how contrarian it is, that Anakin sees himself as a weapon, and Padmé's extreme guilt becoming what seems like superiority.
And particularly here in this comic something something how easily Anakin can walk through that storm Padme has created, how easily he can enter into her headspace and she doesn't flinch, doesn't blink, she isn't even surprised because she expects him and he's the only one that knows and can reach her like this, they're just having a conversation, something something.
I swear this was the end of me, so idc if i'm rambling, this comic kept me up awake for more than one day, because the power would go out every single time i sat to work on it, damnit
i need to sleep asap, and eat, eating first probably
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how i love doomed yuri…
commission for @thelockedtombcfp 🍉
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In Greek mythology, Callisto was a hunting companion of the Goddess Artemis. Described as a daughter of King Lycaon or sometimes a nymph. There is a version of her story where Zeus seduces her disguised as Artemis, which was the inspiration behind my first sketch... but I'm also very into the idea that Artemis had feelings for Callisto as well. 🌙✨🌿🐻
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“imagine caring so much about fiction” imagine being so lame that you scoff at the timeless human practice of falling in love with art and stories
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Do you have a favourite story from Ovid's Metamorphosis?
Difficult to pick a favourite child but the one I am constantly shocked no one talks about is Iphis and Ianthe.
When Iphis's pregnant mother, Telethusa, was approaching her due date, Ligdus, her husband, said that if she had a boy they could keep it but if the baby was a girl it would have to go because he couldn't afford the dowry. Telethusa, unsurprisingly not thrilled by the idea of infanticide, is then visited by Isis (yes, Egyptian Isis) in her dreams and told to keep the child regardless of its sex and raise it as a boy and everything will be fine. Telethusa does this, Iphis is raised as a boy, no one's any the wiser. What Ligdus doesn't know can't hurt him, right?
This is fine until Iphis is betrothed to Ianthe who is, of course, a girl. They grew up together and are already in love so this is ideal for everyone involved except that, obviously, on the wedding night the jig is very much going to be up.
Iphis, who is naturally what you'd call apprehensive about this and who does actually want to be a good husband for Ianthe, does some amount of wailing and pleading with the gods. Telethusa tries to get Iphis out of the engagement so the deception won't be uncovered, but no dice. The eve of the wedding arrives and the shit is about to hit the fan. Desperate, Telethusa takes Iphis to the temple of Isis and begs for help. And lo and behold! The whole temple shakes in response to her pleas.
Iphis then sets the unbeaten record for HRT speedrunning and walks out of the temple a real boy, complete with new hair cut. Problem solved. He and Ianthe presumably live happily ever after.
What I do not get is why we don't talk about this constantly. Literature's first recorded, unbelievably explicit trans man and no one ever mentions him.
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“You are male and female, o shrewd one who generates war / Form-changing, dragoness, divine inspiration, revered” // Orphic Hymn to Athena
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queermythsandlegends · 3 months
the most compelling thing a guy can ever say is to another guy and it's "i wish you were a girl" . like record scratch. wow the implications that this phrase has. i think it needs its own bechdel test
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queermythsandlegends · 4 months
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🌿Leucippus of Crete 🌿
Antoninus Liberalis wrote in 'Metamorphoses' that Leucippus was born a girl but given a masculine name and raised as a boy in order to prevent his father from killing him. Once he got older, his mother, Galatea, prayed to the goddess Leto to make him biologically male.
Phaestus, the city Leuccipus was born, afterwards held a ceremony called Ecdysia in honor of Leto as a rite of passage for young boys. As a part of the ritual, they would wear a feminine peplos, the removal of which echoed Leucippus removing his own. . Something different than my usual work! Wanted to explore some interesting queer mythology. The plant at his feet is dittany of Crete
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queermythsandlegends · 4 months
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Ganymede - the cup-bearer of the gods
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