queerdefib · 2 years
compressions & aed after arrest at home 🤍
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queerdefib · 2 years
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A cool down doodle. Hope everyone's chillin this summer
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queerdefib · 2 years
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idk why these pictures in particular make me wanna slap the sides of my belly like a firm seal
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queerdefib · 2 years
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Rose is in the hospital with a tachycardia. Her heart goes into arrhythmia the moment the doctor is examining her. The two rescuers try cardioversion, but without success. Rose's heart stops and the resuscitation maneuvers begin. Thus begin the cycles of chest compressions, Ambu and defibrillation. After several attempts Rose goes into asystole. The doctor intubates her with the endotracheal tube, and then starts the compressions again. The girl's heart goes into fibrillation again and her rescuers defibrillate several times. After several cycles using defibrillator, compressions and AMBU, the girl finally recovers and the doctor can remove the endotracheal tube.
Chest compressions, defibrillator, AMBU, endotracheal tube. Different shooting angles. Totally naked
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queerdefib · 2 years
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Once I start…cant stop until it hurts!
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queerdefib · 2 years
Fuckkk, this video gives me such a boner… watching all that lard rise and sink with every breath this fatboy takes 😍🐖🐷
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queerdefib · 2 years
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Woman cpr + defib
Isolated, sketchy gifs used for the main video uploaded before :3
You are welcome
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queerdefib · 2 years
I want them to breed me
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queerdefib · 2 years
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belly pic
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queerdefib · 2 years
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Baby’s getting bigger and so am I 😈
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queerdefib · 2 years
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ive ben busy with work nd heres this sorrYYYY
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queerdefib · 2 years
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queerdefib · 2 years
Birth fetish questions
Let’s talk about birth. Give me some numbers & I’ll answer the questions.
1. How long would you want to push for?
2. What position? Laying on back, squatting, sitting, on your side, on all fours, standing.
3. Naked or clothed?
4. Meds? & How big of a baby?
5. Where would you want to give birth? Home, hospital, birth center, publicly, at work.
6. Would you prefer to be alone or assisted?
7. Would you want a breech birth?
8. Do you want your water to break naturally or have someone break it for you?
9. Would you want to give birth to multiple babies?
10. How many would you like to give birth to at once?
11. Would you like a silent birth or coached?
12. Early, overdue or induced?
13. Would you want labor to come on suddenly or try to get labor started?
14. Would you want to give birth to anything other than a baby? Eggs, alien, animal?
15. What type of delivery? Forceps, vacuum, stirrups, water birth, birthing chair/stool, squat bar.
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queerdefib · 2 years
She got kidnapped and then...
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queerdefib · 2 years
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*watching from afar with binoculars to see if tumblr will nuke this one*
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queerdefib · 2 years
Bump pic 😳
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queerdefib · 2 years
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