queenxreginaxmills · 6 years
Edge of a Knife
“Apologies, love, your blade will do naught by tickle at present, though I do appreciate the attempt at bravery… so noble and so foolish…”
Fingers closed around the hilt of the blade sitting in his chest, and slowly pulled it from its position, laughing as he did so. Inspecting it, he admired the craft work of the blade, before tossing it to his side, letting it fall into the water, cursed to the depths below. “I’m afraid to say it takes more than that to kill a Dark One, your Majesty,” he smirked, his tone clearly mocking.
It was a foolish move and one of desperation though she would never admit such a thing out loud. 
Her hair blew about her face and she squinted against the whipping ends to watch her son vanish reluctantly; sent away by his worried mother in a puff of smoke. Turning back to the twisted vision of the pirate her spine tensed but her pride pushed her fear deep into her stomach where she could ignore it. In no world would she ever show a hint of frailty; not while she remained queen. 
“Bravery,” she scoffed. “How many times have I threatened bodily harm to your insufferable being? It was simply time to follow through.” 
“In fact,” her hand formed a clawed fist and a moment later bright yellow flames appeared in her palm. “I think I’ll take my pound or two of flesh now.”
Distraction. Anger. Anything to give her son time to escape.
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queenxreginaxmills · 6 years
Okay so hello. It’s been a very long time and I have no idea who is even here any more. 
BUT... I wanna try to get back into writing so if you’re still here and wanna write with a verified fossil (in fandom years), then sound off and I’ll try to keep it up as best I can. :)
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
There was so much information being fed to her that the Dark Queen did not know what to focus on. 
There was the obvious darkening of Reina’s pure thoughts, the way she stood tall and proud, unafraid of her captor, but rather spewing ownership over the one who had hurt her in numerous ways. Was this what the others called LOVE? Were the affections Reina had uttered about in the secrecy of the study that which caused her to become upset now that it had been publicised?
The Shadow stroked the fingers of her left hand down over Reina’s cheek until they curled underneath her chin. When the girl was first presented to her, the Queen would have readily strapped her to a table and had every man in her castle take the innocence of their beloved princess over and over again, but time had intertwined two enemies together in ways she could never comprehend.
Had anyone else spoke to her in such ways, the Queen would have no issue in cutting off limbs, or whipping until the blood of the perpetrator pooled around her ankles. Reina was different, Reina held a sort of power over her that the Queen despised. No matter how many times she told herself that time away from the fallen queen would do her good, a tugging at her heart did not permit such a noble deed. It was why she had sought out the woman after a few hours away at the market, wasn’t it? Why she took her in such a way, why she opened the door to show ownership where it apparently wasn’t needed.
What foolish person would want to own the Queen?
❛ You are not afraid of me, ❜ she said stupidly, her expression raw and open, revealing far too much. ❛ You are in love with me. ❜ The starling realisation had her push back, the pool expanding once again to have them on opposite ends, the Shadow that lurked in the corners now blanketing the woman who looked equal parts fearful and in awe. 
There was one thing Reina was wrong about — her monstrous inclinations would not take the eyes of those who had seen them, but rather their heads, and of those they had told. The screams just outside their door with the Shadow’s magical influence told the fallen queen as much. 
Reina wasn’t the only one in love feeling something.
For a brief moment Reina thought the Shadow would end her life with the slightest movement, turning her fingers and snapping her neck, leaving her to marinate in the hot water until she was discovered; swollen with water and head turned at an unnatural angle. 
The accusation (because that is what it was) was hurled across the space and Reina recoiled from it, head ready to shake in denial and protest lodged firmly in her throat. She wasn’t in love with the monster that had taken her family and her kingdom, except her enemy was the body that warmed the bed sheets and showed such gentleness to her daughter, the innocent child who called this monster mother. 
Her head turned sharply, startled by the sharp agony as the Shadow slipped under the door and back again to comfort the master, wrapping about her shoulders as if shielding her from unexpected snow drift. 
No. She did not wish to love, she wished to claim. So much had been taken that she wanted to steal something back to satiate her need for revenge. What other shared such intimacy with the Queen? The sanctuary of cold stone walls was hers to rule and if she could not sit upon a throne then she would straddle the one who did. 
“Do not confuse ownership with love,” Reina shot back with only half the venom she had intended. Her fingers wandered to the necklace that crept along the column of her throat and rose abruptly, dripping water onto the stone floor. She was, after all, still upset and it would take more than some half-thought notion to make her forget her intention to leave the Queen lonely that night. 
Her robe adorning her shoulders, Reina gathered her hair into a loose braid and perfumed her body with oils, rubbing her skin with a determination that suggested she was still caught upon the thoroughness of such a plain declaration than the completion of her beauty routine. 
A Qυєєη ησ мσяє
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
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“Only I get to call his father a moron, thank you.” She huffed and sent a ‘talk to the hand’ emoji. “That was the only good thing about the curse. Don’t get too ahead of yourself. I still have to deal with this now.”
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“I will assume that is a high five since we finally both agree that he’s a moron.” 
Regina hated to admit that her afternoon was slightly better having Snow to torment. 
“So visit the gym, go running the forest with your mutt friend. At least when you collapse from exhaustion there will be less clean up.” 
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
For a second, she just stood her in shock. It was not in slightest the response she was expecting; nobody could be that dumbly confident, right? And yet, there they were, a stowaway staring in her eyes like he had the right to be here just because he possessed the mysterious knowledge of mopping the floor. 
“Listen, whoever you are, because maybe you’re not getting it straight away, so let me explain another thing you might want to know about sailing” she hissed. “Captain has to trust their crew, that’s the whole solemn point. Right now, you’re a stranger on my ship, refusing to tell me what the hell you’re doing here and, honestly, there’s not all that much stopping me from making you swim back home." 
The threat was probably a bit too much, Emma wouldn’t just throw someone in the middle of the ocean without an actual proof of danger. She wouldn’t stay them on the deck either, though, because you just couldn’t be careful enough. 
Regina’s body went stiff with the fear that ran down her spine. Surely this woman wouldn’t throw her into the ocean would she? What had Regina done to deserve such a thing other than try to remain hidden. She huffed; her cheeks puffing out a bit as she considered her options. “I’m trying to find a better life,” she glared at the female captain, trying to set fire to her gaudy coat with her eyes alone. “Considering that this... pig sty is what I could find, that should tell you enough of how desperately I would like to leave that life behind.” 
“You don’t have to trust me, I just require passage to somewhere far away where I can make a new life and for once follow my whims.” As she ranted her proper accent slipped through, unmasked until Regina caught herself near the end of her tirade hoping the pirate wouldn’t notice. 
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Emma let her shoulders sag when Henry disappeared; everything hurt and she was certain that any healing was going to take months. She had spent too long living in a too-small tank to deal with this. She pushed herself upwards after a few moments and rested at the edge of the tank next to Regina. 
“Thank you,” she said quietly. “For… bringing me here. For letting Henry come back here. I know that you’ve heard awful things about mermaids but… I wouldn’t hurt either of you. And I guess you can be comforted by the fact that I can’t swim worth a damn, anyways.” 
She stared over the edge of the tank at the rest of the aquarium, watching the other tanks filled with recovering sea creatures. “I used to be able to swim miles a day. I was fast enough to outpace a dolphin with ease.” She stared off into the distance, caught up in half forgotten memories of what it had been like before all this. “My tail used to be red, you know. Not this awful brown.” She looked up at Regina and offered her a tired smile, too tired to keep up the conversation. 
Regina eyed the odd creature resting beside her, not entirely uncomfortable with the silence but very much aware of who she was sharing it with at the moment. When Emma spoke she was surprised to find it was an offering of gratitude, not having expected such a thing. 
“Yes well I wouldn’t have heard the end of it from my son and as I’m sure you’re well aware in the short time you’ve spent with him, he tends to get what he wants.” Regina squeezed the edge of the pool with her fingertips. “Rest assured though that I would have found a way to drown you had anything happened to him. Suffice it to say he sees you as a... friend. And he does not have many.” 
“Rust,” she hummed in answer to the mermaid. “It isn’t brown. It is rust colored. Red is gaudy and outdated.” She shrugged. Regina would never be caught comforting the mermaid but what she said she believed. 
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
is “no” an emotion because i feel it
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Mute/User of Sign Language Starters!
Requested by Anonymous- Send a number for an action!
Taps your muse on the shoulder to get their attention
Gives your muse a letter.
Waves at my muse before signing “good morning”
My muse starts signing too fast to understand.
Your muse just signed something that my muse knows definitely isn’t correct. 
Teaching the other signs.
My muse dropped something and your muse tries to get their attention in order to give it back. 
Your muse gets frustrated and silently demands for paper.
Your muse is talking to my muse and they don’t know the reason mine is so quiet yet. 
Neither of you know how to sign and have no way of communicating currently other than frustrating interpretive dancing and gestures and the other getting even more irritated that why didn’t you say so??
Your muse makes a phone call to mine only to suddenly remember after mine picked up that you can’t talk. 
Free number! Make up your own here!
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
“You can stop running,” Snow said with almost as much annoyance.  “She isn’t interested in any of you if she can torture me.”
Still she turned her gaze back to the mad woman.  “I do believe I told you once that if you harmed anyone in my kingdom again I would kill you Regina.”  It might have been an empty threat had it been anyone but Emma.  
Who was still honking angrily in the middle of the room.
“She hasn’t done anything to you.  Change her back.”
“The White Queen whose heart holds nothing but goodness would taint herself with something so black as murder?” Regina taunted and approached Snow slowly, daring her to reach out and wrap her hands around her neck. “Sweet, sweet Snow... you should have taught her not to speak to strangers.” 
“Although she certainly can keep a secret better than you.” Regina reached out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Snow’s ear. It was almost motherly in the care she took as if Regina were dealing with nothing more than a stubborn child. 
“Neither did my family yet you took them from me. You destroyed my life, took everyone I loved and called it righteous. Well,” Regina’s fingertips dug into the scalp of Snow’s dark hair, pulling sharply till Snow’s head tilted upward. “Misery loves company and I have been so very starved for company.” 
“Wars of the Heart”
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
There was a ball planned as one should expect of an heir to a rich kingdom as they turned 21.  Snow saw the apple in Emma’s hand and she thought it looked a little too good.  She brushed off her feeling of foreboding.  She’d loved apples growing up but hadn’t eaten one since the sleeping curse.  Still it was like a horrible nightmare seeing Emma transform in the middle of the great hall int a swan.  A very distressed and at the moment somewhat aggressive swan.
Snow growled low.  She’d developed her own temper in time and only one person could be responsible for this.
“REGINA!”  She shouted.
Regina’s laughter preceded her entrance and she materialized in the hall. The gasps of guests and their scrambling to get as far away from her as possible only irritated her and her lip curled in a disgusted snarl. “My name has never sounded so good coming from your lips, dear Snow.” 
Her mouth split in a smile that bared her teeth, white and perfect and dangerous like a predator corning their prey. “Oh my,” she clicked her tongue as the swan honked indignantly. “Isn’t your daughter a bit old for a petting zoo?” Again her grin split her face, almost maniacal in the way that it taunted the White Queen. The queen’s guard was easily subdued, frozen in place and still as the statues that decorated the halls. Guests escaped through doors and balconies and Regina fought the urge to crush them all under the weight of their ignorance. 
“Wars of the Heart”
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Snow Queen FTL AU 
The effort to keep Regina from casting her curse in the last few months before Emma’s birth had been herculean and Snow almost thought it should have been one of his labors because the task seemed far too much for a mortal.  The Queen couldn’t harm either her or Charming but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still finding ways to try and kill them as they searched for a way to stop the curse.  
It had been a last minute realization that the key to the curse was the heart of the person Regina loved most that sent Snow on a rescue mission come kidnapping plot which saw Prince Henry saved only hours before Regina could have ripped out his heart.
The borders and the kingdoms solidified after that point.  Snow was happy enough to let Regina have her castle and even the lands around it mostly because if she couldn’t kill her there was little reason for her to kill peasants.  It was twenty years later now and her own daughter was a far too reckless princess who like to ride fast and sword fight.  David has passed away in a riding accident five years before and Snow had fought her loneliness by focusing on duty and being a mother. 
The heart of the Queen darkened further once her plans had been ruined by the stepdaughter she so loathed. Snow had taken everything from her and dared to call herself righteous and fair. Regina may have terrorized thousands but Snow was content to ruin the life of one and no matter where Regina turned, there seemed to be no escape for their intertwined fates. 
Frozen in time, surrounded by the ruins of villages once prosperous, Regina stood at the edge of Snow White’s kingdom and focused her magic upon the castle in the distance. She had waited so patiently for the princess to grow, ripening to the age that her beloved had been taken from her so that she could be plucked at just the right time. 
The princess, daring and carefree, was never plagued with the evil that had been wrought upon her mother by the Evil Queen. Who would have known in her naïveté that she would not find danger in speaking with a mysterious woman who told her stories of dragons and princes and elves and thieves in exchange for her silence. Why then, should the princess doubt a gift that had been given in friendship upon her twenty-first birthday? 
A harmless apple, dipped in the blood of a swan, washed in the river where the mountain touched the sky...
She would not try another sleeping curse and death was much too easy. Let Snow suffer as she watched her daughter transform into an elegant swan, cursed to remain such a way but for her birthday each year. Let the precious princess be hunted by men with their arrows and spears, avoiding death so she may spend what precious time she has with her mother. And on every birthday, let Snow know what it feels like to never have enough time with the one she loves before they are ripped away.
The wind rustled the trees around the Queen and in a quiet moment, she transported herself to Snow’s castle, eager to be fulfilled with the tears that would no doubt fall.
“Wars of the Heart”
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Emma ate automatically, not really caring what it was that she was eating. She was still mulling everything over, trying to figure out what she wanted. She knew that she wanted Regina but… it wasn’t really feasible. Her life with Neal was nice and safe and Emma had no such guarantees with Regina. What if she threw everything away only to find that she wasn’t happy with Regina? Or, worse, what if Regina realized that Emma was below her and that she didn’t want to deal with her for more than a few nights? 
Eventually lunch ended and Emma followed Regina to the car, feeling dizzy with all the thoughts that were spinning around in her head. She wanted this so badly that it hurt. She already knew her choice before the door closed; she would throw everything away for even just a chance with Regina. It was pathetic and needy and so goddamn stupid but Regina’s presence made her remember exactly why she had fallen for her in the first place and Emma was struggling to find a reason why she shouldn’t just go for it. 
Regina’s fingers slid against her own, connecting them enough to make Emma’s breath hitch. She wanted this so goddamn much. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” she managed, trying desperately to be responsible. Still, she was scooting closer, clinging to her hand like it was a lifeline. “It’s not, um… appropriate.” Emma turned so that their knees brushed and she was suddenly glad that she was wearing a skirt because it meant easier access if anything were to happen. Like if she slid into Regina’s lap and her skirt rode up around her hips and Regina–
She cut her thought off firmly, trying her best to appear as unfazed by this as possible. 
Emma’s grasp on her hand gave away the fear and the indecision if it weren’t so obviously written on her face. Regina felt bad for a moment, knowing that she was the cause of much of Emma’s distress. It was entirely selfish of her to want this she knew but there was an attraction about Emma that made her want to throw away her inhibitions. It was exhilarating and full of feeling that Regina hadn’t had in so long. Perhaps her identity as a mother and a working woman eclipsed the part of her that was supposed to be a sexual creature. Maybe Emma just made her feel wanted in the way she looked at her hungrily. 
“If you really think it’s inappropriate I won’t say a word once you leave this car.” They pulled into the lot and upon Regina’s request they parked. “But if you think you might want this,” Regina squeezed Emma’s hand before letting go and retrieving one of her business cards. She wrote an address on the back in her elegant script and pressed it into Emma’s palm. 
“After Henry went to school there didn’t seem to be much point in living in such a large house,” she explained. “An apartment was much more convenient and closer to work. I’ll give the doorman your name should you ever feel inclined.” Regina finally opened the car door, letting the sounds from the outside filter in loudly where they had once been muffled. “Whatever you choose, Miss Swan, I hope you know I will accept your choice.”
With that, she rose from her seat and thanked her driver with a curt nod, draping her jacket over her forearm and striding in her heels back to her office,  mouth pressed into a stern line and expression fixed into a familiar sternness.
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
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“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” She groaned as she sent the message.
“Last time I had a curse to get rid of all of the baby weight at once. This time I have to do it all by myself and it’s hard! Also excuse you, for that moron comment!
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“Calm yourself, little miss perfect. Neal can’t help that his father is a moron who passed it on.” 
Regina snorted to herself. 
“So I should be saying you’re welcome then?”
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
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“Oh my…” Snow muttered when she realized to whom she sent that text. She knew it was a bad idea to change David’s name in her phone to ‘Really Hunky Hubby’ now he was right next to Regina.
“Uh, you can just pretend you didn’t read that… No trouble, just my own insecurities.”
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“Now what would be the fun in that?” She texted back quickly, fingers nimbly moving over the keys. 
“Insecurities? Some how I don’t believe you. Clearly he liked you enough the first time to make another mini moron.” 
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Open to any ship partners;
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“You promise that you’re not mad I’m not ready for sex yet? I know the doctor said it’d be fine, but honestly, I’m not feeling up to it just yet.”
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Regina stared at her phone in confusion and quickly typed out a response. “I believe you have the wrong number, dear. Trouble in paradise?” 
Had she taken to Henry’s lessons on “emoticons” she may have included one but Snow would simply have to assume the smirk was implied.
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
The Queen looked to Reina with dark, unreadable eyes. She had miscalculated how comfortable the princess had gotten with her to request such a thing, when a year earlier the girl would have been killed for such a suggestion. Perhaps it wasn’t Reina who had changed, but rather the shadow who was discarded more often than not when gazing into the faces of her daughter and the woman who bore her. There was truly no need for Reina to stay any longer if the Shadow had already gained its heir, but the affection she held for the young woman caused a sense of possessiveness to wash over the reigning queen. How tightly must she hold onto them in order for them never to leave?
❛ You are upset with me, ❜ she observed, head tilting to the side in order to assess Reina better from a different angle.  ❛ Are you ashamed that everyone in the castle knows you find my touch pleasurable? ❜
The size of the bathing pool seemed to shrink, narrowing until the Queen was pressed intimately to Reina’s front without moving so much as a muscle. Her stare was open, eyes unwilling to waver against the idea that she had lost the affections of her pet for simply advertising Reina’s ownership. There were far worse things to be cross about, and yet the princess had taken it in her stride without so much as a squeak in the last year. 
❛ I will not let you leave, Reina, ❜ the Shadow said with a voice low and dangerous, her hands resting on either side of the woman who dare test her patience. The stone between her fingers chipped at the tight grip she kept on it, forearms squeezing into Reina’s shoulders to pull her closer unintentionally.  ❛ And you will stay with me tonight. This anger of yours is not healthy kept hidden. If you wish to take it out on me, then so be it, but after Mae has gone to bed — you can do whatever you wish to me. ❜
For once, the Shadow would relinquish control for the game she had started almost two years ago, one in which would ripen after her second child would be born, a security to the throne that would only expand under the hand of Reina with the Shadow’s influence.
Perhaps for as much as the Dark Queen thought of Reina as hers, the fallen queen returned that possessiveness. Maybe it was much more complicated than simply severing herself from the entity that filled the throne but also giving up any sense of ownership she felt over her time and her body. 
“Yes,” she bit back, holding still to keep the friction between them to a minimum. As with the creatures of the forest, the more she struggled the deeper the monster’s fangs would sink. “i’m ashamed that those unworthy were allowed to see a moment that belonged solely to me.” 
The timber of her voice darkened, tinted with a maturity borne of hardship. “The pleasure I feel and the pleasure I give you... that is mine. No other is worthy enough to lay their eyes upon you in the throes of your release and had I the monstrous inclinations of your majesty, I would put out the eyes of any who dared to look.” 
Her fingers tingled and a growing glow expanded in her chest and she knew in the way that mothers do that they had created a child. A powerful one. “I will not touch you,” she continued, prying the Shadow’s fingers from where they had created indentations in stone. “You are fluent in harshness and fists and I will not speak such a language.” Reina returned her eyes to the Shadow, dark and furious as a storm at sea. “I will stay with my daughter tonight. Sulk in your loneliness, your majesty, and never give away what belongs to me again.” 
A Qυєєη ησ мσяє
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queenxreginaxmills · 7 years
Jealousy was not permitted when she herself had handed over Regina to her brother, but the care at which his head was cradled and blood wiped from his brow had Raveena turn away disgusted at herself for causing all this in the first place.
There was also the undertone of guilt that had Raveena’s heart twist painfully. Had she been brave enough, smart enough, then perhaps Regina would’ve been untouched by whatever was causing her pain right now — whether in the form of the Humbert siblings, or the thing injected into her that rendered the victor insane.
❛ You will die if you do not tell me. This victory will be his if you perish under his punishment, but if you fight back, if you stop being this whipping girl they accuse you of being, then we can shake him until he leaves us alone. ❜ As much as she wanted to continue being angry, Raveena could no longer avoid the pain that seemed intent on bringing her to her knees. Now at the same height as Regina, Raveena looked sincerely at the other woman, a plea in her brown eyes that she didn’t want to see mirrored back. She could see the call for help swimming in dark eyes, the way she wanted to run from a marriage that was supposed to be designed for Raveena and not her. No matter what anyone said, or how much Regina tried to argue it, the district ten victor had become Raveena’s whipping girl.
Leaning forward on her knees, their foreheads almost touching with the proximity Raveena forced upon them, the district five victor lowered her voice to an intimate whisper, one pleading and begging in the tone alone,  ❛ Tell me what happened that day and I will answer any question you have honestly. I won’t hide anything from you if you fight back. ❜
“What victory will I have if not at your side?” She asked, her eyes searching Raveena’s for an answer that would not cause her pain. “You left me,” she choked on the sharp words and swallowed them down again, internalizing the sorrow that threatened to rise like bile. “I don’t want an answer to any question but one that I am not allowed to ask. My mind has been ripped from me and thrown into chaos since you left and you think that your short visit will suddenly allow me to find the strength I’ve been searching for?” 
Her voice rose in anger but faltered under the weight of her hopelessness. What could this woman do who was the source of her curse and the bringer of her salvation? “Will you leave this time?” Her chin jutted forward as her jaw stiffened. “After you have brought your little lambs to die will you leave again and tell me to warm your brother’s bed?” Her throat swelled and tightened, unable to keep the volume of her fury for very long. 
“Do you think about the price I pay for his protection? How I spread my legs for him so that he can love me and pretend I love him too?” Regina leaned forward to tuck her head beneath Raveena’s chin and press her wet cheek against a warm chest. “I should carve out your heart and show it to him. Then neither he nor I will possess you.” Regina lifted her head again to look at the kneeling victor before her. “But do not tell me to fight when you have given up long before I ever did.” 
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