queenxregina-blog · 9 years
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                            LONG LIVE THE EVIL QUEEN. 
                                            multiverse, multiship & multifandom                                      semi-selective and original character friendly                                   THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN NSFW CONTENT.  
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.
 - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (via robbinggraves)
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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❝ How does it look?  Are they healed? ❞
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        ❝ I'M NOT ENTIRELY sure as to what I'm                    supposed to be looking at. ❞
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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      ❝ Surprise, bitches.  I bet you'd thought you'd                         seen the last of me. ❞
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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               lips like poison,  tone like velvet.                      i’ll make you  B E G  for it.
                                              independent original character.                                                                                ( written by becca )
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
Clarissa Williams. 235, Vampire, deadly.lips like poison, tone like velvet.i’ll make you B E G for…
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
come and join me and my sister playing CAH?  password is gay. click here. 
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
"You look like grumpy cat." ( . hi baeee )
meme;; random sentence meme. [ x ] 
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❛ it's hard to smile when i'm surrounded           by incompetence, dear. ❜
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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                                                  i am FIRE and life incarnate                                                            now & f o r e v e r                                             I AM PHOENIX
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
❝You’re bleeding.❞
meme;; random sentence meme. [ x ] 
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❛ excellent observation, dear.  perhaps   you   should   clean           it up for me?  ❜
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
Kill me? You can try.
Yasuo  (via xuofhearts)
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
• queenxregina • regina )
      “                uhm….”
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                   this was not supposed           to happen.   she’d                        just been practising, that’s all.             magic was still                        new to her and          she didn’t really know what she                        was doing… still, she’d expected a tree — not herself.
                                                           ”… oops?”
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                ❛ huh.  now would you look at that? ❜
somehow,    she didn't seem so phased that she had seemingly appeared in an alternative version of the enchanted forest, right  in front of               herself?  
                               ❛ don't worry, dear.  you IMPROVE. ❜
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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                i just passed my next big milestone, i’m speechles honestly. i  wish  i  could                 thank everyone individually but, alas, i can’t. so here - have another giveaway! 
                the amount of winners will depend on how much time i have ( in between 1 -                 3 winners ). you must be following me, please don’t unfollow after - not cool                 bro. likes and reblogs count, must be a roleplay blog and ends in a week! (                 4th decemeber ).
                winners will get whatever they want - a theme, self promo banner, online/offline                 stuff or icons and since this ends in december  winners will also get a                 christmas icon! good luck!
                                          examples ;
                 themes & theme backgrounds ; one & two & three & four                          self promo banners ; one & two & three                         online/offline banners ; one & two & three                                                     icons ;
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
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So I have reached 200 followers on here. I would just like to thank all those that have stuck by my side even though I can be a right bloody whiny bitch at times. However that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. You all mean a lot to me don’t ever forget that. So here is a little follow forever for you beautiful people. Love you!
sonofpendragon | the-lady-isolde | xanderfushy | yes-emswan | sorcereriisms | bloodyneckerchiefsandhatchet | huntsmanwithoutaheart | queenxregina | prayhe-never-comesknocking | wouldwaitforaneternity | theclaimedthief
paulum-avis | elenaishuman | justabitcursed | the-undeafeated-gaul | libxrtas | undecided-wanderer | draconigena440 | apurekindness | glacialisms | prince-masongray | coldastone | khaleesispryte | spellcreator | earthboundxsun | scottishlioness | withsophistication | nastyhxbit | dreamyexpression | xglastann | servinglies | thecatsidhe | pratquefuturus | darknessisgolden | the-fairies-of-music | lionisms | ywainofgore | queenxannis | cauldrxnborn | leeurbaneverett | kingcenred | kingclotpole | notavillainbutamother | quiteheartlxss | elizabethxgold | thebravestmanhesevermet | tothestxrs | championofcamelot | nolongerporcelain | mostloyalsquire | betrayxl | littlelakegirl | sovereignofcamelot | egoxistic | nightxwatchmanxmarian | themadvigilantist | forgotthecinnamonx | ofmagicitself | the-accursed | dalmatiansnightmare | knightiisms | igraineofcornwall | atthirarianni | lancxlot | fybrenin | shatteredqueen | washingroyalsocks | futurumrex | nxtalady | drunkknightofcamelot | child-of-the-labyrinth | targaryenxqueen | let-my-storm-rage-on | iwillnotcringe | herunfailingkindness | motherofasgard | misslanawinters | kingoftheironthrone
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
❝I tripped and fell on some rocks. Nothing more. Honestly you’re imaging things.❞
meme;; random sentence meme. [ x ] 
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❛ I'm going to assume that the fall was the           cause of your stupidity, yes?  ❜
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queenxregina-blog · 10 years
some more random starters from various sources (once again, from spotify playlists, random commentary, tv shows, books, movies, and my brain).
❝You know Paris is beautiful at this time of year.❞
❝Someone needs to learn how to take a hint.❞
❝I tripped and fell on some rocks. Nothing more. Honestly you’re imaging things.❞
❝Yeah, his teeny tiny swimmers are determined little guys aren’t they?❞
❝How can I eloquently tell you to shut the hell up?❞
❝You know you’re supposed to mix it, right?❞
❝Alcohol is bad for you. So are drugs. And sex.❞
❝What’s dead should stay dead.❞
❝You need to stop this. You’re making a fool of yourself.❞
❝I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with him/her.❞
❝I think I’m the one that has to float tonight. Fuck.❞
❝Come back to bed.❞
❝They look just like you.❞
❝It’s handcrafted by the finest artisans in the land, why in the world are you so surprised at the amount?❞
❝You’re not even my real mother.❞
❝You’re not even my real father.❞
❝You are a piece of me, that I wished I didn’t need! But I need you anyway.❞
❝Our love is just one huge clusterfuck, but I could care less.❞
❝Did it ever enter your mind that perhaps I wanted this?❞
❝It takes two to tango so both of you deserve the blame.❞
❝I just want to sleep, you know? I want to sleep and never wake up.❞
❝What’s the dream and what’s reality?❞
❝We were two foolish children who thought we were in love.❞
❝Do you honestly think that this is going to end happily?❞
❝She told me you were doing research — You know there’s no point, right?❞
❝Why do you insist on prying into the past?❞
❝Shame on all of us for not having stopped it.❞
❝I got lost in the sounds.❞
❝Stop it. You’re being rude.❞
❝I suppose it’s better than nothing. But it could be better. Without a doubt.❞
❝You always have your head in the skies when it should be here.❞
❝I made a mistake, why do you insist on reminding me?❞
❝If you love me, then why did you leave?❞
❝If you’re going to play the game, at least learn to play it well.❞
❝Look at you. You’re absolutely filthy.❞
❝You’ve never done this before, have you?❞
❝You’re bleeding.❞
❝I once stood at the edge of a cliff and thought about jumping.❞
❝I hate it.❞
❝You look like a grumpy cat.❞
❝Don’t tell me you don’t want to at least dip your feet into the water!❞
❝Just let it go already, Jesus.❞
❝I have a surprise for you.❞
❝You make love as you eat.❞
❝I don’t want anything to spoil it.❞
❝Can the heart truly turn black?❞
❝You have no reason to be suspicious.❞
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