queeniegoddess · 25 minutes
So if I'm on it... I feel the fandom has (or had in early days when there were many people, it's only a handful who still in) a huge problem with Luisa's hyper-feminisation.
Yes, I'm talking about the poytrayal of Luisa as somebody obsessed with pink, delicate things. At the same time being unable to hurt a fly.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the idea that Luisa would love lace, cotton and everything what is associated with (traditional) feminity. She can do it all she wants, that's womderful. The problem is that sometimes people act like this is the only way Luisa can express her gentle and feminine side by acting ONLY the way stereotypical feminization wants. And turn it to the most extreme point. Because, essentially it actually makes her look more masculine. As it often does look like a over-compensation for her more masculine-associated traits physical, which she CANNOT control (deep voice, very tall height and muscles). Why does Luisa have to be pushed into the whole girly girl thing so much conpared to the rest? It just looks like ppl try to make it up for what in her is not typical for women. So if she can't look small and delicate in stature and strenght she has to be the most feminine personality and interests-wise not to be concidered a man in a dress. Which is VERY messed up.
Because, surprize, Luisa is not more masculine by default to have and compensate for it. Why is the idea of Luisa wearing pants seems to frustate more people compared to the other girls? Why is she the one who would be jealous of pre-wecid Isabela's style? When Dolores and Mirabel would probably have far more reasons to do so just because of trauma. Luisa can enjoy masculine things amd femiline things. She doesn't have to go all over with feminization to be put in line with the rest of the girls.
And what is even worse is that by extension in a lot of the stereotypical potrayals of Luisa her positive masculine-associated traits are being swapped onto the opposite ones, which are aften viewed as negative and stereotypically being labeled on women. Such as always needing protection/somebody who speak up to her and saved her (while we clearly see Luisa as extremely protective over Mirabel during Surface Pressure). Or exaggerate her emotionality and vulnerability to the point she breaks into tears for the smallest things. Which honestly has very misogynistic implications. As it gets an idea that women (and feminine people as whole) are always weaker and unable to defend themselves. Or that their emotions are always very strong and irrational. And this is definitely not good thing to imply. As I did say, it turns into a godamn misogyny at this point where for Luisa being girly associated with the literal opposite of her character.
Again, there's nothing wrong with imagining that Luisa would love feminine, girly things. But there's also nothing wrong with Luisa preffering practical and simple style. And pushing her out of character just to make her more conventionally feminine isn't a good thing to do. She's a woman regardless of what she looks like and pushing the idea that she MUST look sertain way to be one is really bad. I can understand that most people never think that they make it all look like attepmt to compensate for non-typical look and actually have good intentions. Wanting to show that the way your body looks doesn't have to match your personality/interestsm. And that women like Luisa can still be very feminine. But in the end the entire thing gets very dimolished by the fact that Luisa is being basically forced into hyperbolisation where she can't express anything even remotely related to masculinity.
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queeniegoddess · 26 minutes
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Encantober pt 1: prompt 'healing' @encantober-official
Post movie Mirabel still has a long way to go, just like everyone else in the family. Sadly, her repression issues make it hard- after all, everything is ok now- shouldn't she be as well..? Luckily Tía Armida knows all too well the feeling, and is able to talk to her about it
Using some of encantober prompts to do more oc and canon interactions that I don't normally but should- starting with our beloved mirabel- that hug is long overdo 💛
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queeniegoddess · 29 minutes
Bambii's DTYIS (2024)
I've been a fan of ETM for a long time but only really started posting for it in July. It has not only drastically improved my art but has just made me so much more confident in my skills and interests.
I fell in love with this dumbass ship and I am not joking when I say they make me so happy. These two are, without a doubt, my top comfort characters in anything ever. I've gotten really attached to my designs of them and I don't know how to explain it but drawing them has helped me with my sexuality if that makes sense.
And people who've followed me and left nice comments or asks, thanks so much. I mean it when I say how happy it makes me that people like what I draw. I was always so unconfident in my art and hated what I made for a very long time but now, I'm really happy with what I make.
Ok, enough sappy shit. About the art, I'm not having this be a contest, just a fun little thing. If you decide to participate, please tag me in it! I'd love to see what you have to cook up <3
Deadline is November 5th
Also, if you do participate, send in an ask of a drawing you'd like from me and I'll get to that. (It will be coloured similarly to this.)
Here's the piece!
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They are a happy little hippies living in the forest and nothing bad ever happens to them.
Hope we can have fun with this <3
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queeniegoddess · 10 hours
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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queeniegoddess · 12 hours
Sum art of Polites and his godly family (+ mom) :3
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These are the only colored ones from the bunch :]
The first drawings are to show how close Polites and Aphrodite were before the war. They had a massive falling out since Polites naturally fought alongside Ody, aka against Troy.
ALSO YA GET TO SEE THE PARENTS HEHEHHE >:D Anteros and unnamed wife. I have a full backstory of how they met just- not her name bshsbsh
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1st pic: Relates to that story I was talking abt! The most basic summary being that Eros decided to prank Anteros by shooting a woman to fall for Anteros. Knowing full well that Anteros would have to poke himself with an arrow to fall for her (he is the avenger of unrequited love afterall)
2nd pic: Anteros finding out abt Perimedes.
3rd pic: Anteros comforting his wife after telling her abt Polites’ death.
4th pic: Eros and Hemaphroditus’ failed attempt to cheer up Anteros (His wife drowned herself not long after hearing the news abt Polites. Can you tell how nice I am to this family :] /silly)
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Bonus silly “”comic”” of Eros being a great brother /sar /lh
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queeniegoddess · 13 hours
I agree with this
Aroace Athena End of post.
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queeniegoddess · 13 hours
Source: shibuyarollcall
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queeniegoddess · 15 hours
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anybody else have a headache right now
(click for better quality)
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queeniegoddess · 15 hours
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miles is like one of those fridge magnets you can dress up
(click for better quality)
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queeniegoddess · 15 hours
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my favorite toxic couple
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queeniegoddess · 15 hours
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End of the year redraw of this from January! I was debating which style to use since it wouldn’t really be a fair comparison when I’m using a completely different style, but I decided to do whatever I want bc it’s my art :3
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queeniegoddess · 15 hours
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this is one of those fake covers I was talking about for if my 2000s au was a show, a very bland cover for an earlier season but still giving a hint to the main conflict in the series (the spidey mask) along with some other minor symbolism (confident pose and chosen bag but the burden of all the power of being spidey VS relaxed pose and out the closet, but not daring to decorate even a schoolbag = stuck in a mold)
(click for better quality, transparent ver. under cut)
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queeniegoddess · 16 hours
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queeniegoddess · 18 hours
EurylAres fankids!
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Context for others that are new
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queeniegoddess · 19 hours
Dear Friends,
I write to you with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. After 188 days of displacement, constant fear, and struggling to survive, we managed to escape with our lives and reach Egypt. But the pain didn’t stop there. Just yesterday, we lost my children's grandfather 💔, not due to direct war, but because of malnutrition and the lack of basic life necessities. We couldn’t save him, just as we couldn’t save our home or our dreams.
The rest of my family is still trapped in the war, suffering the same harsh conditions that led to the passing of my children's grandfather. We are here trying to build a new life, but we have lost everything. We lost our home, and my children were deprived of their schools and universities. Even my eldest son, who worked so hard to build his future, lost his job and saw his dreams shattered.😔
We are now in desperate need of your help. We seek to secure a safe home that will provide us and our children with basic needs. Life in Egypt is extremely difficult, and prices are soaring beyond our reach. All we ask for is a chance to rebuild our lives and secure a better future for our children.🙏🏼
From the depths of my heart, I ask you to stand by us in these difficult times. Your support means hope and life to us.🙌🏼🇵🇸
I will send this to people I know can donate. I really hope you reach your goal ❤
This campaign is vetted and protected.
As of 17/08/2024, this campaign has raised $5,221 USD raised of $70,000. Please donate if you can.
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queeniegoddess · 19 hours
Act like nothing happened and burn the evidence!
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what do we do when jorge finds out about the manwhore au..........
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queeniegoddess · 20 hours
This SEVERLY fits my pettiness level
The hero is fed up with being painted as in the wrong for fighting against the villain just because the villain is more sympathatic, so they decide to take a day off. This leads to disaster as people realize just how horrible the villain really is
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