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Hoid is trying his best to involve himself in Mistron Era 2 plot. He's been Wax's coachman/driver for over eight years (since Shadows of Self, at least, when Wayne jumps onto the carriage and Wax talks to Harmony). He clearly wants to be involved with the plot - he gave Wax the coin dressed as a beggar. Dude even goes to a police sting!
And none of it works!
Every aingle time he's like: "Master Ladrian, your ride."
And Wax just goes: "Good man, but I gotta take the highway" and uses the car/carriage as a launch ped to steal push from.
Poor Hoid. He even put on a uniform for him and everything...
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Adolin and Gallant leaving Shadesmar
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I love that Cultivation has spoken to Todium twice and then immediately goes to Dalinar because she knows she has massively--cosmically fucked up.
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"Odium is Hoid's greatest enemy and threat because he stole/messed with his Investoture." Lies!
There is a being far more dangerous than Odium out there, if you're Hoid. A being that can
1. Annoy him by out-bullshiting him with pointless stories (agregious!)
2. Steel his musical instrument and not give it back
3. Force an unwanted pet on him and expect it to be taken of
Wayne, the real MVP of the cosmere, haunting Hoid in ways no other Shard, worldhopper or Ghostblood ever could. And the man who invented Scadrielian baceball, no less!
Also, seeing Hoid driving is so wierd to me, I hope he gets to ride in one of Wayne's convertables.
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You have been visited by the twocumber. May you receive twofold luck in the coming days
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Ishar be like
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Remember how I said I couldn't stop thinking about Ghouls? yeah LOL. Anyways, I finally finished my "Ghoul Guide" which is a comic featuring made up lore about summoning nameless ghouls as well as things about them and their roles!
this by no means is comprehensive of everything I've made up for them, but I'm testing the waters with this comic! if it gets enough love I'll make an additional comic about ghoul origins, element types, and maybe even design non-assigned ghoul outfits for each era costume hehe.
ID in ALT text! transcript for comic text under the cut!
Transcript is numbered for each page the text is for!
A rite of passage for becoming “Papa”, It starts with a will and your judgement
A specialized chamber is necessary, 1) to avoid interference 2) to prevent escape.
After all; feral ghouls are raw elements, And to survive, one must tame them.
Each element has a diversity of strengths and rarity / and the first ghoul summoned sets precedent for how a leader is perceived.
Additionally, the first is the personal servant and an important assistant for life; Often times assistance is needed for future summoning, but a limit of 2 maintains respect to show you’re still capable.
However, they must accept you- you must earn their respect, and they only choose if willing. And they are not always willing.
One must be prepared to face Hell itself. To prove one is worthy to take the stage, controlling the devil’s magic is key.
It’s important to roll the dice and summon a variety, but one may only tame as many as the power of their sin allows, which, naturally, varies.
And while they’re loyal as determined by one’s rank… / Remember: The ministry comes first.
Ghoul records broken by copia.
Record: Most ghouls summoned at one time: 8 (10 including past members), Record: Most obedient first summon (for an amateur).
Record: Most powerful summons (2 S-Class ghouls); All consuming Hell Fire (AKA: “Sodo” or “Dew”); Hurricane From Hades (AKA: “Cumulus”); Record: Most elemental offshoots summoned (3). Offshoots of (then lists the symbols for quintessence and fire).
ghoul roles.
Assistance, Fighting.
Personal Guard, And of course: Performing.
end transcript.
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No I’m not attracted to you. Quit your evil putting your finger under my chin to make me look up at you. I know I’m your nemesis and all but we really need to set some boundaries when you’ve got me tied up like this.
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Just finished reading Elantris.
I've started the book about 8 years ago and I hated it. I think I DNFed it less than a hundred pages in. I wasn't too keen on reading it now, either, but I did because I understand it's essential for The Last Metal, so that's why I picked it up again.
It's good! It's not on par with anything Stormlight or Mistborn, in terms of magic systems or world building, but it's still a good book amd you feel Brandon's writing style, and how he took ideas and themes from this book and perfected them in hia later, more acclaimed works.
I do recomend it, just know that in the begining Elantris is a depresing place in the begining but it's not as sombre or grim as it might first appear. Give it a chance!
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Just finished reading Elantris.
I've started the book about 8 years ago and I hated it. I think I DNFed it less than a hundred pages in. I wasn't too keen on reading it now, either, but I did because I understand it's essential for The Last Metal, so that's why I picked it up again.
It's good! It's not on par with anything Stormlight or Mistborn, in terms of magic systems or world building, but it's still a good book amd you feel Brandon's writing style, and how he took ideas and themes from this book and perfected them in hia later, more acclaimed works.
I do recomend it, just know that in the begining Elantris is a depresing place in the begining but it's not as sombre or grim as it might first appear. Give it a chance!
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Weatherman of Urithru: Now cutting to our correspondant
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Kaladin would love to be the guy on the weather channel that they make stand outside in the hurricanes and tornadoes and snowstorms and report on how nobody should be standing outside right now, look how fucking wild the weather is!
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The old Alethi tradition of bringing your own chair to the meeting.
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When Scadrial eventually gets internet I hope Hoid is always somehow able to snatch the username/gamertag Kelsier the second a new social media or videogame comes out. People eventually realize that they all appear to belong to the same person and all sorts of wild theories start circulating. Could the Survivor somehow be... alive? Whenever Hoid is off-world, Marsh keeps the accounts active. Thaidakar fails to emotionally blackmail Harmony into revealing who is behind the accounts on a weekly basis.
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Finished the reread of The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. It was as enjoyable as the first time around. Really love the Mistborn series. A bit grumpy that Goodreads doesn't count it as a new read. Anyway. Thinking I should get to Warbreaker before Stormlight 5.
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I know Kelsier is blond, but I never pictured Marsh as blond ahhh. He always looked Inquisitor esque in my mind, just add spikes kinda vibe.
The art is gorgeous!
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(Art by Arthur Mósca for Brotherwise Games)
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