Hiii Do you know anything about who is playing Kosem sultan???
Yes, the actress who played Kösem was Beren Saat. Anastasia Tsilimpiou was the actress who played for several episodes before that.
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Süleyman’s amazing works from separate episodes. He is a great commander and he is also a talent jeweler.
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Çalıkuşu Final
Feride’nin mektubu;
“Azelya romanını baştan sona okudum Kamran. Bir daha yoluma çıkma. Yolun açık olsun. Ben bunu ilk kez yürekten söyledim. Ve ben bunu ilk kez böyle yürekten söyleyince bir dua niteliği kazandı. Kalbim barıştı seninle böylece. Herkes ettiğini bulur, ben de, sen de. Bu hep böyle.
Benim şu hayatta yaptığım en berbat doksan sekizinci iş, almak seni, çoğaltmak, kendime katmaktır. Benim şu hayatta yaptığım en berbat doksan dokuzuncu iş, tutup seni düşlerime yakıştırmaktır. Ne çıkar rüyalarıma girsen? Rüyalarımdan gitsen ne çıkar? Ben çoktan ağlamışım gözlerimi, görmüyorum artık seni. Sen var olsan ne çıkar, olmasan ne çıkar?”
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Episode 42
This moment is so cute :)
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Episode 111
Ibrahim Pasha’s diary.
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geri dönmüş bulundum.
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"Magnificent Century" Avatars (12/?)
Nebahat Çehre
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To mark the centenary of the beginning of World War One, the Tower of London is installing 888, 246 ceramic poppies in the moat - one for each British or colonial military fatality during the war.
The installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’ will be open from 5th August till 11th November 2014, find out more.
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Camiler serbest ama bütün yolları yasak; Onlar meydana hakim,bizse camide tutsak… |1974•Necip Fazıl Kısakürek |
(Süleymaniye Mosque’da)
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"When a man dies, what will happen to his heart?"
You know, Suleiman the Magnificent died during the Zigetvar Battle, and his death was kept as a secret from his soldiers to guaranty the victory. Until Sultan Selim I - The Blonde came to Hungary as the New Commander, no one knew it except Sokollu Mehmed Pasa and the doctors who mummied him. His heart burried in Zigetvar in a golden cup and his empty body burried in İstanbul.
here is the National Geographic’s new:
After 450 Years, Archaeologists Still Hunting for Magnificent Sultan’s Heart
Where the Ottoman sultan’s heart buried on a battlefield nearly 450 years ago? Archaeologists are trying to find out.
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HISTORY MEME » Kösem Sultan ♔(Devletlu İsmetlu Mahpeyker Kösem Valide Sultan Aliyyetü’ş-Şân Hazretleri)
Kösem was of Greek origin, the daughter of a priest on the island of Tinos. Her maiden name was Anastasia. She was bought in Ottoman Bosnia by the Bosnian beylerbey, and sent to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital, at the age of fifteen, to the Harem of Sultan Ahmed I after cancelling her education in Istanbul. Her name was changed after her conversion to Mahpeyker (Moon-Shaped), and later by Sultan Ahmed I to Kösem.
Kösem bore Ahmed I their first son, Murad, and later became the mother of the princes Ibrahim and Bayezid, and the main Sultana of the Harem.
Kösem was transferred to the old palace on the death of Sultan Ahmed in 1617, but returned as Valide Sultan (Queen Mother), when her son Murad IV was enthroned in 1623.
However, the youth of her son required the appointment of the Valide Sultan Kösem as his official regent.
Between 1623 and 1632, Kösem was appointed not only Valide Sultan but also, as official regent during his minority; she became the first woman in history who ruled the Ottoman Empire officially and alone. While women had been de facto regents in the empire before her, no woman had ever formally been regents, and her position was thereby new. During most of the reign of Murad IV she effectively ran the empire, attending meetings of the Divan (cabinet) from behind a curtain.
After the deaths of her both sons Murad IV and Ibrahim I, Kösem presented her grandson Mehmed IV to the Divan as emperor, basically declaring herself regent again. Mehmet was only six years old and it was his mother Turhan Hatice who was Kösem’s undoing. Turhan Hatice should have been named Valide Sultan as the new Sultan’s mother, but Kösem took over. A power struggle ensued. Kösem planned to kill Mehmet and replace him with another grandson, possibly one with a less ambitious mother, but her plan was unsuccessful.
It was Mehmed’s mother Turhan Hatice who proved to be Kösem’s nemesis. Turhan ordered Kösem’s assassination when she heard that Kösem was said to be plotting Mehmet’s death and replacement by another grandson with a more pliant mother.
After her death her body was taken from Topkapi to the Old Palace (Eski Sarayı) and then buried in the mausoleum of her husband Ahmad I. When Kösem died the people of Istanbul observed three days of mourning.
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three sultans in one chamber, fathers and sons…
three emperors of ottoman dynasty;
Suleiman I The Magnificent
Selim II The Blonde
Murad III
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Yaşanan tüm acıların ardından saraydaki bayram kutlaması hanedanı bir araya getirir. Eski ihtişamlı günlerin özlemini duyan Süleyman, ailesini kaybetmenin kederini yaşar. Bu buluşma sarayın karanlık sırlarını da gün yüzüne çıkaracaktır. Bayezıt’a yapılan zulmü hazmedemeyen Mihrimah, Selim’le tüm bağlarını koparır. Defne’nin ve oğlunun ölümünden sorumlu tuttuğu Nurbanu için de büyük bir sürprizi vardır. Selim ise kardeşinin ölümünden duyduğu acıyla içkiye sığınır. Tebdil halde çarşıya çıkan Süleyman, halkın kendisi hakkında söylediği sözleri duyunca çileden çıkar. Mihrimah’ın ve hekimlerin itirazlarına rağmen sefere çıkma kararı alır. Ölümünü bekledikleri Süleyman’ın tüm ihtişamıyla saraydan çıkışı tüm dünyayı şaşkına çevirir. Büyük bir umutla son zaferini kazanmayı bekleyen Süleyman’ın yorgun bedeni, hastalığa yenik düşer. Dünyayı dize getiren Muhteşem Süleyman son nefesini verirken, bir devir sona erer.
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The last march of Suleyman The Magnificent - I The Lawmaker
R.I.P. The biggest king of Europe and Middle East and Africa
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