queen-archangel-avacyn · 11 months
tease my muse!
pester them about any of the relationships you've seen them in, things they like, things you've seen them do before, etc! make it physical, verbal, or something else ... tease them about anything about them, really! do not send with malicious intent unless given the okay by a mun!
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queen-archangel-avacyn · 11 months
Note to the staff: While enrichment is generally good for the anomallies, NOT ALL SCPs SHOULD BE RELEASED FOR "ENRICHEMENT" PURPOSES.
can you come collect your freak of a man please. He’s doing things
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new ask game. what do you think would twitter cancel me for?
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Question time! If you were stuck in a loop of doing something for the rest of your life, what would you hope you would be stuck doing and why?
I think being stuck in a loop for the rest of eternity would be a hellish experience no matter what, but as long as it didn't have any negative effects on them, I would much prefer to spend eternity stuck in a loop with the people I care for most. I would still be trapped in hell, but at least I wouldn't be completely alone.
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What do you think life would be like without your wings? Do you think you’d be able to manage?
It would take some getting used to, but I believe I'd be able to adjust. There are even some things I'd imagine would be easier without them. Losing my wings I could adapt to, but losing my abilities would likely prove much more difficult for me.
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Fair enough! Are there any SCPs that you have had pleasant interactions with?
Quite a few, actually. You'd be surprised at how socialable many of the sentient anomalies we have in containment can be if you treat them like people rather than objects to be experimented on. It is also worth noting that several of my colleagues are SCPs themselves.
Cain (073) is quite pleasant to talk to, I'm quite fond of Iris (105), Josie the cat (529) is, of course, a favorite, TJ Bright (590) is like family to me, many of the Little Misters make good company, 5031 is reasonably friendly so long as he doesn't feel threatened, the list goes on.
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Have you every met SCP 469 “The Many Winged Angel”? If so, did you get along?
I have never interacted with entity personally. I do find it intriguing, yet slightly unsettling. Incident log 469-01 is particularly fascinating to me. I am curious as to why the being began to shed feathers so rapidly when it attempted to fly, as well as why it reacted to the specific sound in the way that it did. Unfortunately, further study of this question is, for obvious reasons, highly impractical.
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Talk to meee on this fine Saturday night.
Send me:
- Anons or asks about anything
- Naughty NSFT asks (minors DNI)
- Have you ever/ would you rather
- Fave/ least fave but choose unusual categories
- Unhinged confessions (a fave)
- Assumptions for me to confirm or deny
- Send me a song/ ask for a song
- Be nosy and ask me anything
- Tell me what you're thinking about
- Literally anything else
Reblog and I might send you something
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Happy spooktober from my very own Halloween kitties!
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Happy Halloween
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Welcome back! It’s good to see you again!
Thanks! Life has settled down a bit for me so I should be able to run the blog again now.
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Mod post
I know I've been gone for like 2 and a half months, I'm sorry, a lot of stuff happened in my life and I didn't really have time for tumblr, but guess what?
I'm back!!!
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👀 + Do you sometimes wish you were a normal everyday researcher?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Quite often, actually. Even setting aside the complications inherent to my living amongst humans, it can be problematic to work for an organization focused on the containment of anomalies while living as one, especially when many of my colleagues have a tendency to demonize any and all anomalous beings.
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ;  𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 …  ( 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒍𝒆 / 𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒌 )
send any of the following emojis for a headcanon about my muse.          please specify a muse if sending to a multimuse blog.              🏳️‍🌈 ᴴᴬᴾᴾʸ ᴾᴿᴵᴰᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᵀᴴ 🏳️‍🌈  …  ᵖᵉᵗᵃˡˢᵖʳᵒᵐᵖᵗˢ ᵖʳⁱᵈᵉ ᵖᵃʳᵃᵈᵉ
🎆  — baby, you’re a firework!     a headcanon about a time my muse watched fireworks during a special occasion; what was the event? who did they watch it with?
😈  — something chaotic this way comes!    for a headcanon about a time where my muse acted mischievously or ‘chaotically’.
🔮  — look into the crystal ball!    for a headcanon about a time my muse dabbled in fortune telling or mediumship; whether they sought one out or tried it themselves.
☂️  — under my umbrella!    a headcanon about my muse and a time they were caught out in the rain.
🦄  — something wonderfully unique!    a headcanon about what my muse believes sets them apart from others in their lie.
🍇  — fruit of the vine!    a headcanon about my muses favourite fruit, and their favourite fruit-based drink or dish. if they don’t have one, a vegetable instead.
🎟  — a ticket to the show!    a headcanon about their favourite and/or least favourite concerts or performances they have attended.
🫦  — feeling a little sensual?   a headcanon about my muses’ turn ons and turn offs when it comes to a partner, and/or physical intimacy.
👚  — pretty in pink!    for a headcanon about my muses wardrobe looks like and what their favourite colour to wear is.
👛  — personal effects!    for a headcanon about what my muse keeps on them (in their bag or similar carry item), and why they always have these things on their person day-to-day.
💞  — you stole my heart!    for a romantic headcanon from my muses past, or even potentially from their present.
🎀  — put a bow on it!    a headcanon about an almost trademark accessory my muse wears, and why they wear it.
🌸  — picking flowers!    for a headcanon about a time my muse went out of their way to pick and then give someone flowers, who was it and why?
🧠  — brain vs. brawn!    a headcanon of two times in my muses life: one where they used their intellect, and one where they used their physical strength or skills.
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What do you really need right now?
What are some of the things that have made you who you are?
What are some of your pet peeves?
Share a dark thought? (Go on, vent a little)
Something that makes you ridiculously happy?
What are you craving?
Song stuck in your head?
Last thing you watched?
Shows on your watch list?
Books on your reading list?
Something on your wish list?
Something you want to monologue about?
If you were a note, what note would you be?
Tactician, fighter, generalist, or supportive role?
Talk about a stuffie.
They say you can tell a lot about a person from the state of their desk... Do you have a desk? Can you describe it?
Space, enchanted forest, magical kingdom, or underwater city?
What are some of the meanings of your name? (Or url if you don't want to say.)
What fictional doctor do you wish was your doctor?
Are you a gamer? What was the last game you played?
How do you take your pizza?
Strangest thing that has happened to you this week?
Share a bit of philosophy?
Do you follow the news?
What's on your mind?
What is your dream mode of transportation?
What fascinates you about humanity?
What about life makes you smile?
A dream you wish to make true?
What is your favourite way to create?
Insert your own question here!
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Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme
I made Askbox Questions out of one of my psych text books to help develop characters for workable storytelling. Send some Virtues and an OC !
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
GROWTH – What would it take for them to change their mind or perspective? Do they recognize when new paths open for them, or stick to their preferred paths?
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
CURIOSITY– How thoroughly do they explore new places, things, or ideas? Do they go out of their way to learn new things?
OPEN-MINDEDNESS– How do they deal with disagreement? How do they balance different perspectives?
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
CREATIVITY– How do they go about solving problems? What is something they enjoy doing so much that they can lose themselves for hours doing it? Pick an object in your space: would they know what it is, and if not how would they go about figuring it out?
BRAVERY– What kinds of risks do they take? What are they willing to risk to help a stranger? Do they consider the cost-benefit of a risk?
PERSEVERANCE– Do they believe success is based on innate ability, or learning to overcome the obstacle? Do they know when to quit? What are ways they identify their weaknesses and strength?
VITALITY– Are they introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? Are they more active or passive? What do they do to stay energetic? (NOTE: introvert does NOT mean they don’t like people, it means they need time alone to regain their energy for social situations).
INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?  
HONESTY– What kinds of small lies do they tell others? What lies do they tell themselves? What is the biggest lie they’ve told?
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE– Do they experience emotional empathy (innate ability to feel emotions for other people's feelings, i.e. happiness at success, grief at loss, etc), or cognitive empathy (may not feel grief but has a logical understanding that loss is painful, may not feel happy but has an innate understanding that someone’s success is a celebrated thing)? Are they aware of their own emotions and reactions? How well are they able to manage their emotions?
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
KINDNESS– Do they go out of their way to do favorable acts for other people? Do they treat themselves?
FAIRNESS– How do they determine what is right? Do they care about what is right?
CITIZENSHIP– Do they prefer to look out for themselves or be part of a community? Are they willing to work with others fairly to reach a shared goal?
LEADERSHIP– Do they have clear, set goals? Do they take the consideration of others, or do what they will? Would they go out of their way to meet the individual needs of people around them, or create a more standardized all-in-one solution?  
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
HUMILITY– Are they open to seeing their own faults when others point them out? Are they realistic about themselves, or do they inflate negative or positive values? What is something they are genuinely proud of?
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
HOPE– Do they look at their past accomplishments as evidence or inspiration for success? What inspires them to move forward?
HUMOR– Do they know how to diffuse tension appropriately, or do they make things worse? Do they let themselves have fun?
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
GRATITUDE– Do they thank people out of obligation, or because they are actually thankful? What is something they are most grateful for in their life? What sorts of things should they be more grateful for?
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
PURPOSE– What kinds of goals do they have to look forward to? What are their internal goals (having a good relationship, being a certain kind of person, etc)? What are their external goals (making money, being admired)?
SPIRITUALITY– Do they connect with things greater than themselves, or do they find it daunting? Do they want to have an impact on the world around them (for better or worse)?
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[How about both! :] ]
Standard response: What is it with you creatures and your fixation on my relationship with Jack? You could never possibly understand the bond I share with him, and I have better things to do than waste my time with these pointless questions. Your collective obsession is beginning to become out of hand.
100% honesty: In truth, I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain the bond we share. He understands me in a way no one else ever could, just as I understand him. I am drawn to him in a way I have never felt before, and don't even begin to understand. Eons ago I swore to myself I would never allow myself the vulnerability of becoming attached to another person, but...something about him...I can't help it. His presence brings me a feeling of safety and comfort completely unfamiliar to me. The closest words I could find to describe him would be 'found family' but in truth, family isn't the right word. The depth of the connection I share with Jack...I do not understand it in the slightest
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