quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
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my favorite gundam meister
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Michael tilted his head to the side tiredly, giving Tieria a sleepy, exhausted look. In that case he’d want to have him switch out with his siblings, but talking hurt. Hopefully Tieria would understand that much.
With a long sigh he closed his eyes, finally able to relax, if only slightly. He’s kinder than he lets on, huh…it’s cute.
He could make no promises about holding himself together. His dignity was already shot to hell and he was on too much medication to think clearly. Sleep sounded like a good idea but the nagging anxiety of waking up without Tieria next to him, and thus waking up back in the hell that was the old lab, kept him awake.
Meanwhile, Tieria could barely sit still. Despite being on standby, something in the back of his mind that he needed to be doing something. Anything.
In the silence, he stared blankly ahead, his mind racing with thoughts of what they might be up against in the near future. As the countless possibilities ran through his mind, he began to fidget anxiously--
It completely evaded his notice when at some point, he’d grabbed Michael’s hand and started absentmindedly fidgeting with his fingers instead of just his own.
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Where did Michael even start with this? He just shook his head and weakly gestured to what hovered above it - a white halo, the mark of an angel. He was much too exhausted, much to weak to tell this person about the fight against the highest ranking 13 demons in order to gain his wings, how he’d accidentally angered one, Andras, who had knocked him all this way to Earth and injured him this badly, sapping him of any magic he had, about how once he had recovered he’d grant a wish for this person…
“Michael.” All he could manage was his name. “Me. Michael.”
Out in the snow, Tieria had taken the halo for an illusion. Faced now with the fact that it was still there, he was stunned and confused into still silence for a moment - but he could find out the rest of the story later. For right now, the space heater wasn’t doing much good. He needed something more powerful.
“Wait here, Michael,” he said, as he stood and headed toward the fireplace, reached into the box beside the brick frame, and threw a few logs and a starter brick in and set them alight. Once the fire was started, he returned to carefully carry Michael closer to the larger source of heat.
“Just let this warm you up, then I’ll try to work on where you’re hurt, all right?”
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
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Tieria was right; it wasn’t an urgent task. None of what he had been doing that evening had been urgent, or even his job. Repairing rifles and polishing them up like new was simply just another way for him to keep himself fixated on something that wasn’t the shit going down around their ears.
But would Tieria get his reasoning right now? Neil had to wonder…
“I’m just trying to keep busy.” Neil said as level as possible. The statement alone would be alarming for anyone who knew Neil, for he was the first one to suggest they all relax during their downtime. Right now? Even he couldn’t keep still.
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“That’s not what I expect to hear, coming from you.” Tieria remarked as he moved slightly closer. He caught himself glancing down at the tools, and for a split second, he found himself tempted to pick them up and take them away himself, then quickly realized that probably wouldn’t do any good without getting to the root of the problem.
“Lockon Stratos - I can tell something’s wrong; I’m not that unobservant. Whatever it is, it won’t be resolved by impairing yourself with sleep deprivation.”
District Sleeps Alone Tonight
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
“Ah - ” Michael let out a startled breath at the touch, smile dissolving and a small blush spreading over his cheeks. Suddenly all he could think of was how he’d previously been sprawled across Tieria’s lap, and he shifted uncomfortably.
“Yeah…stay,” was all he could manage after that. He was torn. Seeing his siblings was not something he could fathom passing up, but, he wanted Tieria to stay with him. If he left, who knew when he’d come back? And besides…
Tieria was the only thing keeping this place from feeling like the lab. An outside influence. It was an unfortunate truth, but not even Nena and Johann could give Michael the reassurance that he wasn’t back there - after all, they’d been living that hell right beside him.
“Very well. I’ll stay as long as I can.” Tieria sighed and loosened his grip on Michael’s shoulder and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
How was he even in this mess in the first place?
The thought was nagging at the back of his head that he shouldn’t be staying. That he was prioritizing helping a patient too much for someone who wasn’t assigned to medical. That this wasn’t his job. But at the same time, that it was his job.
If only he still had access to Veda, it could tell him what to do...
“You need to understand, though,” he said, his voice returning to his usual firm tone, “this offer isn’t indefinite. I don’t know when I’ll have to run - for all of our sakes. When that time comes, I need you to hold yourself together the best you can. Got it?”
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
That would have to do. Michael clutched his locket and tried his best to wipe his eyes. When that failed to stem his tears he settled for holding Tieria’s hand, still sniffling.
“If you believe…” His little voice was interrupted by a yawn. This whole day had been more exhausting than he could bear, worse than any day of training. “I-if you do…” He didn’t know what to say, so he just slumped forward.
“I’m tired. I’m hungry.” He’d probably be throwing a fit right now if he wasn’t having trouble holding his head up, and unlike most childish tantrums, it’d be hard to blame Michael for this.
Tieria blinked. “Hungry? But we just had--”
He cut himself off as he remembered something he’d been told. This kind of stress does have a way of burning a lot of energy. It made perfect logical sense. Now the only issue was where to get more food.
“All right - listen,” he said, as he held Michael up by the shoulders, a few inches away from his chest so he could look him in the face. “Here’s my plan. You...don’t look like you’re in any shape to do much tonight - so I’m going to set up camp, and you should go to sleep. While you’re asleep, I’m going to go out and take care of some things, including getting us more food - I should be back before you wake up, but I’ll leave something of mine in case you wake up in the middle of the night, so you’ll know I have reason to come back. Okay?”
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Send 😂 for a thread where our muses reunite after being separated for a very long time
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Michael sniffed, clinging to Tieria’s thin shirt. His small shoulders sagged - he was still tired and he had no idea what to do.
“What if you go away too? I’m scared. I don’t…”
He didn’t understand. He didn’t know. So many things, he didn’t know. His eyes fluttered shut again, but only for a moment.
“If I don’t give up, will a miracle really happen? If I keep working without ever giving up, without ever doubting, will they really, truly come back to me?” His voice was earnest and he stared up at Tieria with round, wet, red, pleading eyes. He needed this promise more than anything. If he didn’t have at least something to hold on to, he really would shatter.
“I don’t intend to go away, and - I don’t know. I don’t know for sure, but...I believe we’ll be able to do it. Like I said...I’m supposed to be able to do the impossible.”
Was that the right thing to say? It was the most optimistic thing he could think to say while still being honest. He gently rubbed Michael’s back, with a stiff hand, while staring blankly at the site. His head was spinning, as he was overwhelmed with questions about how to handle this conversation, and thoughts of what his next step in the escape procedure should be.
“Listen. I won’t go anywhere without telling you where I’m going, and when you can expect me back. That’s part of being a team, the way I was taught. And I won’t make promises I can’t keep, either. But I’m telling you, that if we do things right, I think we can do it. I think we can make this miracle happen.”
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Michael didn’t stir until they came to a stop and even then he was only half awake.
His eyelids were heavy and he had trouble focusing. His wounds ached and he was absolutely exhausted from all his crying - yet all he wanted was to do more of it.
More tears dripped down from his red eyes. Michael wanted to go back, to have his big brother pat his head and explain everything to him as best he could, to have him hold both himself and his little sister tightly so that they all could feel just a little bit less afraid. But that wasn’t an option now and it was unlikely to be an option ever again. All he could do now was cry and mourn for what was lost.
Tieria silently placed the locket around Michael’s neck again, then pulled him into a hug. It took him several quiet seconds to figure out where to even begin - as far as he could think, he’d already said everything there was to say, hadn’t he? Maybe he was supposed to repeat something here? 
Theory could only prepare him so far for these things.
“I know. I know you miss them. That’s normal - but we’re still going to try to make a miracle here. Hang in there,” he said, breaking the awkward silence. At this point he was beginning to get tense - what was going to happen when he completely ran out of things to say?
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Send me a 👕 and I’ll make a new outfit for your muse in polyvore
Link here (x)
(If the icon doesn’t show up for you, send “Clothes pls”)
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Michael sniffed. His smock had a soaking wet patch on it now but his tears wouldn’t stop. It felt like they never would stop. His wailing, at least, subsided after his little voice gave out, yet the tears still continued to leak from his eyes. It wasn’t surprising, considering his small world had been so completely shattered.
The worst part to Michael was, it wasn’t malicious or even heartless. Tieria cared. He hadn’t delivered the words with a stone gaze or a cold smile. He’d given them shakily, apologetically, like he hadn’t wanted to. Like he had no choice but to hurt him.
Eventually, tired out from crying and soothed just enough by the back rubs and reassuring words, Michael fell asleep curled on his adoptive mother’s lap. Hopefully the rest would do him some good, even if only a little.
Tieria continued along the road - staring blankly at the path ahead, one hand tight on the steering wheel, the other still gently rubbing Michael’s back. 
All the while, he was questioning if this was right. Was breaking bad news supposed to be this hard? Was he wrong in the balance of kindness and firmness he was showing? This was a child, and he was supposed to be nice to children - but he was also designed, not born, apparently for a purpose somehow related to his own. Did that change things?
He wanted to ask, to try to connect and find an answer. That was the most natural solution to him - he had to make a conscious effort to stop himself from trying, remembering that even if someone from the facility finding his location wasn’t a risk, he probably wouldn’t get an answer anyway; only a confused flicker of contradictions.
The ride was less than smooth, as he focused too much on this inner crisis to pay attention to anything on the road that wouldn’t damage the car. Every small, non-threatening bump was hit faster than would be particularly comfortable, but no harm was done to the car, nor to the people inside.
As the sun fell halfway below the horizon, he found a nice, secluded place to stop - a small pond, surrounded by trees and bushes for cover, with just enough clear area to park the car and set up a small campsite - and a small memorial. He brought the car to a stop, then leaned over to reach into the passenger side footwell and retrieve Michael’s locket.
“Don’t give up. Like I said, we specialize in doing the impossible. I’m not going to give up on fixing what went wrong - you shouldn’t either.”
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Reblog if it is okay if your muse is hurt, severely injured or tortured in RPs.
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93K notes · View notes
quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
Michael continued his sobbing for a good few minutes, as though he hadn’t heard Tieria’s words. He couldn’t make him understand through his choked sobbing that if one of the three of them died, that was it, they weren’t Trinity anymore, they were just nothing. He’d tried by throwing the locket but that had achieved exactly fuck all.
Eventually his crying softened and he scooted over to Tieria’s lap, curling up there, still weeping into his makeshift pillow, locket still abandoned on the floor. He didn’t know how to say he was nobody now in a way that would make Tieria understand, so he just whimpered the single world that he could.
Tieria let one shaky hand drop from the steering wheel to rub Michael’s back. Part of him wanted to scold him for crawling free of his seatbelt, but – what were they going to hit out here? Right now the main thing he was looking for in a campsite was cover. Whatever tumbleweed might blow out in front of them wasn’t likely to hurt anyone.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m here. You’re not alone. You don’t have to be alone.”
It was all he could think to do – just repeat that reassurance. For anything else, his mind just sat and spun in circles, eventually returning to that. Hopefully it accomplished something.
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
I told him that if he liked the dress so much, then he could wear it.
I didn’t expect him to take me up on the offer.
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Wait a second… is that… *squints eyes*… Setsuna?!? (it is)
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quantumseraph-blog · 8 years
And, this was what he knew was coming, though somehow he'd hoped to avoid it - he knew that was a vain hope. He knew there was no simple way to make this better. Only time or an amazing stroke of luck would be able to do that.
But he still had to do something.
"Listen. I'm sorry. I know...it's scary. And if you need to cry, then do. As long as you need to. But remember - for one, they may not be here, but you're not alone, either. I'm here. I'll look out for you. For two, like I said, we're not in as hopeless of a position as most people would be. There is a chance that we can get them back. We shouldn't get our hopes up too much, or stake everything on that chance...but I'm going to try as hard as I can. If it's possible, we're getting them back. And...in the meantime, I'm going to make a memorial to them. Something we can carry with us - so that in some sense, they'll still be with you, even while we're still searching for the answer - or even if there's nothing we can do. Do you understand? It's okay to be scared, and sad...but we'll be okay. Together. Whether it's the two of us or the four of us."
“Well, I– …look. Those people disappear…because they’re not alive anymore. And they can’t come back because there is no proven way to reverse death. The laws of nature don’t care whether you’re good or bad - all that matters is that, as far as the world has been concerned so far…when someone dies, they don’t wake up.”
Tieria sighed and turned onto a small dirt side road. This was bound to require a little more focus, and he was quiet for a moment as he tried to get his bearings, but continued as soon as he could -
“There’s a chance to get your siblings back because the organization that runs the facility we were made in, in a sense specializes in doing the impossible - for example, the mobile suit I was slated to pilot is powered by a catalyzed baryon decay drive, which, according to the rest of the world, isn’t physically plausible - but…this is why there’s no promise. I’m sorry.”
Michael had no words. For what felt like an eternity, he stared up at the sky, no longer caring why the light was changing. He felt hollow, like everything inside him had become anxiety and crawled up his throat, but no sound would come.
He didn’t care what a catalyzed baryon decay drive was - his siblings would never wake up. They were no longer Trinity, it was just him, just Michael. With a sudden violent movement, he yanked the locket off around around his neck and threw it as hard as he could. It bounced off the dashboard and came to rest on the floor, sadly open and empty.
Michael didn’t give it a second thought, retreating as far back in his seat as he possibly could and sobbing into his folded smock. His cries would probably be much louder if he wasn’t muffling them, the child wasn’t holding back at all. It wasn’t a typical six year old throwing a tantrum, these were wails of anguish from a small lost soul who’d had everything ripped away from him by seven little words. One for every day of the week, a measurement that seemed like an eternity now.
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