qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
❛ Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all. ❜
❛ Make sure you got a round in the chamber and your safety off. ❜
❛ Son of a bitch shot me. You believe that? ❜
❛ Look, I ask and you answer. It's common courtesy, right? ❜
❛ Get away from the windows. ❜
❛ Conserve your ammo. Goes faster than you think. Especially at target practice. ❜
❛ There are others. It's not just us. ❜
❛ Folks got no idea what they're getting into. ❜
❛ We are surviving here. We are day to day. ❜
❛ Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here. ❜
❛ Have you been listening? You're running out of time. ❜
❛ Yeah, whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass. ❜
❛ You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like it's the O.K. Corral. ❜
❛ You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens. ❜
❛ Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Only common sense. ❜
❛ We survive this by pulling together, not apart. ❜
❛ If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold. ❜
❛ You can't leave me. You can't leave me here. Not like this. ❜
❛ At least somebody's having a good day. ❜
❛ Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short. ❜
❛ Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you? ❜
❛ So that's it, huh? You're just gonna walk off? Just to hell with everybody else? ❜
❛ You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that. ❜
❛ The world ended. Didn't you get the memo? ❜
❛ Toughest asshole I ever met. Feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails. ❜
❛ They're not gonna say it so I will. You're scaring people. ❜
❛ Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much. ❜
❛ There ain't nothing gonna stop him from getting back here to you, I promise you that. ❜
❛ One wrong move, you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know. ❜
❛ You come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood. ❜
❛ Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. ❜
❛ What life I have I owe to him. ❜
❛ I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation. ❜
❛ You're the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met. We walked in there ready to kill every last one of you. ❜
❛ The people we've encountered since things fell apart, the worst kind… plunderers, the kind that take by force. ❜
❛ Guess the world changed. ❜
❛ The people here, they all look to me now. I don't even know why. ❜
❛ Hell with them people. Wouldn't piss on them if their heads were on fire. ❜
❛ Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while. ❜
❛ Time…it's important to keep track, isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think? ❜
❛ Do not enter the city. It belongs to the dead now. ❜
❛ I know how the safety works. ❜
❛ We start down that road, where do we draw the line? ❜
❛ Someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem! ❜
❛ We don't kill the living. ❜
❛ I'm sorry for not ever being there. I always thought there'd be more time. I'm here now. ❜
❛ These people need to know who the hell's in charge here, what the rules are. ❜
❛ There are no rules. ❜
❛ We need time to mourn and we need to bury our dead. It's what people do. ❜
❛ I won't leave again. I promise you that. Not for anything. ❜
❛ You save a grave for me? ❜
❛ It's not about what you want. That sound you hear, that's God laughing while you make plans. ❜
❛ We can't stay here. We both know that. ❜
❛ The most important thing here is we need to stay together. ❜
❛ You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back. ❜
❛ Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. ❜
❛ The fever… You've been delirious more often than not. ❜
❛ We can't be here, this close to the city after dark. ❜
❛ You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed. ❜
❛ You know, it's over. There's nothing left. ❜
❛ You don't know what it's like out there. You may think you do, but you don't. ❜
❛ We don't have to be afraid anymore. We're safe here. ❜
❛ I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is. ❜
❛ What's wrong with him? Seriously, is he nuts, medicated, what? ❜
❛ I did the best I could in the time that I had. I hope you'd be proud of that. ❜
❛ We always think there's gonna be more time. ❜
❛ You should've left well enough alone. It would've been so much easier. ❜
❛ I had to keep hope alive, didn't I? ❜
❛ There is no hope. There never was. ❜
❛ What part of "everything is gone" do you not understand? ❜
❛ There's your chance. Take it. ❜
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyeria. I am the dragon's daughter. And I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen GAME OF THRONES - Season 1
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
feel free to change pronouns / terms / tense as needed!
❛ It’s okay. You were just dreaming, you were dreaming. ❜
❛ We could do it, you know? Take off. Live in the woods. ❜
❛ They’d catch us. Cut out our tongues or worse. ❜
❛ I’m never having kids. ❜
❛ You need to get out of here. ❜
❛ Shh, I don’t have much time. ❜
❛ No matter what you feel, you will be there for her. Do you understand? ❜
❛ Don’t cry. Don’t. ❜
❛ You’re stronger than they are. You are. ❜
❛ They just want a good show. That’s all they want. ❜
❛ You know if you don’t want to talk, I understand. But I just don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting a little bit of help. ❜
❛ Embrace the probability of your imminent death; and know, in your heart, that there’s nothing I can do to save you. ❜
❛ Now that’s a good way to get killed. ❜
❛ Oh! Joy. Why don’t you join us? I’m just giving some life-saving advice. ❜
❛ Give me a chance to wake up sweetheart. ❜
❛ That is mahogany! ❜
❛ You really wanna know how to stay alive? You get people to like you. Oh! Not what you were expecting. ❜
❛ Some water, a knife or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. ❜
❛ That was one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen. ❜
❛ I’m sorry that this happened to you. And I’m here to help you in any way I can. ❜
❛ I’m gonna do something that they’re gonna remember. ❜
❛ We are all anybody’s going to be talking about! ❜
❛ Exposure can kill as easily as a knife. ❜
❛ They can be arrogant. And arrogance can be a big problem. ❜
❛ I hear you can shoot. ❜
❛ I have no chance of winning. None! ❜
❛ Those guys are looking at you like you’re a meal. ❜
❛ I think you have a shadow. ❜
❛ Make sure they remember you. ❜
❛ Thank you, for your consideration. ❜
❛ You realize that your actions reflect badly on all of us, not just you. ❜
❛ I hope you noticed, we have a serious situation. ❜
❛ Loosen your corset and have a drink. ❜
❛ I would have given anything to see it. ❜
❛ I thought they hated me. ❜
❛ They must have liked your guts. ❜
❛ Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. ❜
❛ A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it’s contained. ❜
❛ Don’t you know how beautiful you look? ❜
❛ I don’t know how to make people like me. How do you make people like you? ❜
❛ Just be yourself. I’ll be there the whole time, and just pretend you’re talking to me. ❜
❛ I think someone here is a little nervous. ❜
❛ So, tell me. Is there a special girl back home? ❜
❛ Well, that’s bad luck. ❜
❛ What the hell was that?! You don’t talk to me and then you say you have a crush on me? ❜
❛ He made me look weak. ❜
❛ He made you look desirable. Which in your case, can’t hurt sweetheart! ❜
❛ We are not star-crossed lovers. ❜
❛ Manners! ❜
❛ Can’t sleep? ❜
❛ I just don’t want them to change me. ❜
❛ I just don’t wanna be another piece in their game, you know? ❜
❛ I just keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don’t own me. ❜
❛ If I’m gonna die, I wanna still be me. ❜
❛ I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could I’d bet on you. ❜
❛ You sure she went this way? ❜
❛ Are you sure we shouldn’t just kill him now? ❜
❛ Let’s just wait her out. ❜
❛ Run! Damn it. Go! ❜
❛ Get out of here! What’re you doing? Go! ❜
❛ Don’t just sit there! Look at me! ❜
❛ It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. ❜
❛ How long was I asleep? ❜
❛ So what happened when I was out? ❜
❛ Is all that true? You and him. ❜
❛ That sounds tempting. ❜
❛ We need a signal, in case one of us gets held up. ❜
❛ We’re gonna be okay. ❜
❛ I wanna see if she’s gonna figure out this booby trap. ❜
❛ It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re alright. ❜
❛ You have to win. ❜
❛ Can you sing? ❜
❛ Don’t kill her. You’d just create a martyr. ❜
❛ I know you know how to handle a mob, you’ve done it before. ❜
❛ If you can’t scare them. Give them something to root for. ❜
❛ Everyone likes an underdog. ❜
❛ There are lots of underdogs. And I think if you could see them, you would root for them either. ❜
❛ I like you, be careful. ❜
❛ It’s bad, huh? ❜
❛ I’m not gonna leave you! I’m not gonna do that. ❜
❛ We’ll figure something out. ❜
❛ You feel hot. ❜
❛ I remember the first time I saw you. ❜
❛ Well, say something. ❜
❛ I’m not good at saying something. ❜
❛ You’re not going alone. ❜
❛ You’re not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you. ❜
❛ You would do it for me, wouldn’t you? ❜
❛ Now there’s no way I’m letting you go. ❜
❛ Please. Stay. ❜
❛ It’s too bad that you couldn’t help your little friend. ❜
❛ Well, we killed her. And now, we’re gonna kill you. ❜
❛ You shouldn’t have gone. You said you weren’t gonna go. ❜
❛ We could go home. ❜
❛ We should probably hunt around here. We don’t have any food left. ❜
❛ That’s nightlock! You’d be dead in a minute! ❜
❛ You scared me to death. Damn you. ❜
❛ I never even knew she was following me. ❜
❛ Go on. I’m dead anyway. I always was, right? I didn’t know that until now. ❜
❛ I can still do it. One more kill. It’s the only thing I know how to do. ❜
❛ One of us has to die. They have to have their victor. ❜
❛ Trust me. ❜
❛ They’re not happy with you. ❜
❛ Well, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way they planned. You know I’m not very happy with them either. ❜
❛ This is serious. Not just for you. They don’t take these things lightly. ❜
❛ When they ask, you say you couldn’t help yourself. ❜
❛ So what happens when we get back? ❜
❛ I guess we try to forget. ❜
❛ I don’t wanna forget. ❜
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
Well what would impress you, then?
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"What would impress me? Let's see.." Rhelli tilted her head to the side as though she was thinking. "A castle of my own, for a start. A field filled with hrazef's, a new arakh to fight with."
"But if that's too hard for you then.." She narrowed her eyes at him, looking him up and down. "Your family pledging their allegiance to my mother would be a good start. Another family in the North couldn't hurt."
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
❛  i'm always here for you if you need me.  ❜ (jon can be her step daddy idk lmao)
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"Rek's vo zigere.." Rhelli took a breath, working her mouth around the words before switching to the Common Tongue. "You really don't need to. I'm quite capable of handling things on my own, I thought I'd proven that."
"Don't you have bigger problems to worry about anyways? Like making sure my mother actually lets you leave Dragonstone with all your limbs intact?" She stared at him, eyes trailing over the man her mother had decided was someone important to her. "Although perhaps that's the least of your worries for now, since I've heard she's going to help you with those driv mahrazhi you're so worried about in the North."
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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THE WITCHER Season 3 | Episode 6
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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Why did she let you go? (THE WITCHER ▪️ 2.02)
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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YENNEFER + smiles The Witcher: Season 3 Volume I
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
tag drop
V1: Atthirar she essos - Essos Verse V2: Ize eveth - Crossing the Sea to Westeros Verse V3: Neak ajjalani - Takes place after the Long Night Westeros AU: Ifak - AU where shes been kidnapped and taken to Westeros HOTD AU: Yol she vorsa Modern AU: Hrazef nayat
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl
all starters are taken from pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl. feel free to change pronouns as needed!
i think it’d be rather exciting to meet a pirate.
yes, that’s what worries me.
man overboard!
sir, the rocks! it’s a miracle she missed them!
can you swim?
pride of the king’s navy you are.
there seems to be some sort of high-to-do up at the fort, eh?
someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits to civilians.
there’s no real ship what can match the interceptor.
you’ve seen a ship crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that hell itself spat him back out?
it’s bad luck to have a woman on board. even a miniature one.
i intend to see that every man who wears a pirate brand or sails under a pirate flag gets what he deserves: a short drop and a sudden stop.
i can’t breathe.
women in london must have learnt not to breathe.
i’m told it’s the latest fashion in london.
are you decent?
i’m watching over you, [name].
that’s all i’ve found out.
where did you get that?
clearly you’ve never been to singapore.
you’d best start believing in ghost stories, [name]. you’re in one!
you have your trinket, i’m of no further value to you.
the code is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.
take what you can, give nothing back.
you’re supposed to be dead!
that’s interesting. that’s very interesting.
thank you, [name].
am i not?
parley! that’s the one!
gents, take a walk!
because it was [name] who said it.
we’re all men of our word, really.
me? i’m dishonest. and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. honestly, it’s the honest ones you want to look out for, because you never know when they’re about to do something incredibly stupid.
there be the chest. inside be the gold.
now will you shoot him!?
[name], my effects, please.
not without my effects.
i make it a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.
you seem somewhat familiar, have i threatened you before?
you’re the one they’re searching for.
just doing my civic duty, sir.
you threatened [name].
oh, so it is that you’ve found a girl!
that’s not good enough!
this is either madness or brilliance.
you are, without doubt, the worst pirate i’ve ever heard of.
but you have heard of me.
these are his, sir.
that’s got to be the best pirate i’ve ever seen.
not you, we named the monkey [name].
he strapped a cannon to [name]’s bootstraps.
i’m telling a story!
he plays things close to the vest now.
reason’s got nothing to do with it.
if he was telling the truth, he wouldn’t have told us.
unless, of course, he knew you wouldn’t believe the truth even if he told it to you.
i said no lies!
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
❛  you've been my best friend for years, what made you think it would change now?  ❜ ❛  i'm always here for you if you need me.  ❜ ❛  well, that's what friends are for.  ❜ ❛  remember, i'm always just one call away.  ❜ ❛  how long have we known each other now? i know you better than you know yourself.  ❜ ❛  you're an idiot most of the time, but you're my idiot.  ❜ ❛  do you want to come over and watch movies tonight? i could use some company.  ❜ ❛  you always know how to cheer me up.  ❜ ❛  i made you your favorite food.  ❜ ❛  i know it's 2 a.m. but i really need someone to talk to. are you awake?  ❜ ❛  remember when we used to build blanket forts? let's do it again.  ❜ ❛  please come to this family dinner with me. my family already loves you and i need some neutral person there with me.  ❜ ❛  here, i got you something. i saw it at the shop and it reminded me of you.  ❜ ❛  do you remember that promise we made to each other when we were kids?  ❜ ❛  i'm so grateful to have you in my life. you mean the world to me.  ❜ ❛  i don't need advice right now, just a friend to listen.  ❜ ❛  you're the best friend one could ever ask for.  ❜ ❛  hey, umm ... thank you for being my friend.  ❜ ❛  you don't have to go through this alone. i'm here for you.  ❜ ❛  want to grab a coffee and catch up?  ❜ ❛  we may not talk every day anymore, but i still consider you my friend.  ❜ ❛  i can stay and help you finish this if you want.  ❜ ❛  you've got this. i believe in you!  ❜ ❛  how about we plan a game night this weekend?  ❜ ❛  do you ever wonder what our lives will be like in ten years?  ❜ ❛  no matter what happens, you'll always have me.  ❜ ❛  you don't have to pretend with me. i like you just the way you are.  ❜ ❛  consider it ... a little friendly competition.  ❜ ❛  thank you, you always know how to make me laugh.  ❜ ❛  i can't believe how far we've come together.  ❜ ❛  just stay put, i'll be over in a minute.  ❜ ❛  i've got us tickets for that concert/movies/exhibition you wanted to go to.  ❜ ❛  how about a road trip? just like old times ...  ❜ ❛  i really appreciate you staying in my life all these years.  ❜ ❛  i don't know what i'd do without you.  ❜ ❛  you can tell me if something is bothering you.  ❜ ❛  race you to the end of the street!  ❜ ❛  bet you can't beat me at this game. i'm a pro.  ❜ ❛  i challenge you to a cooking contest. loser has to buy dinner for the next week.  ❜ ❛  you've been such a great friend, and i just wanted to say thanks.  ❜
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
a lark amongst ravens.
a collection of prompts inspired by and remind me of my curse of strahd playable character. ( as always, feel free to tweak things such as pronouns, words, and titles as needed for context. ) cw: depression, dissociation.
"i was looked at, but never seen."
"i was never welcome there, i was never welcome anywhere."
"no, you are fucking alive! you can do whatever you want!"
"you can’t grant a single thing i wish for."
"lear knew what cordelia meant the whole time and so does your father."
"sometimes the gods just want to see what you are going to do."
"i felt overwhelmed by reality."
"i hate being treated like this. like a scapegoat."
"i exist, that is all, and i find nauseating."
"if you're considered useless, no one will feed you anymore."
"i don't want to receive kindness with hidden intentions."
"a golden cage is still just a cage."
"have you ever felt as if you don't belong anywhere, and just want to live in a place where no one knows you?"
"your smiling face has always looks like a lie."
"don't look at me like you understand me."
"i am always alone."
"i don't want worship. i want understanding."
"now the mask slips off. now you see me in all of my horrible glory."
"i spent so many years forgetting i had teeth, too."
"anyone can betray anyone."
"let me tell you a story about hope: it always starts and ends with birds."
"i'm just... really lonely."
"why can't i stop needing you to see me?
"the cage is open. you can walk out anytime you want. why are you still in there?
"is that what growing up is? just leaving things behind over and over?
"i'm scared. i'm scared that if i let my guard down for even a second- the world is going to come crashing down."
"they want me to be one thing. and i am not one thing."
"perhaps there is no place where i can safely store my heart."
"when you smile, it's beautiful- but that smile has never reached your eyes."
"it appears you have mistaken my dislike of causing harm as an inability to do so."
"i get lost sometimes. i'm not sure where i go, but i'm not... i'm not here."
"if i guard my heart, i am safe."
"my father is the worst man alive, and i am his favorite daughter."
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
all of the following prompts are taken from party banter between the companions in larian studios' baldurs gate 3 (2023). there should be no spoilers! also, a disproportionate amount of these are from astarion and karlach. i'm not sorry.
I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, [ name ]?
You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.
Friend of yours?
Were you always so sneaky?
If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
How are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
We're not going to have trouble, are we?
If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
Do you have pet names for each other yet?
[ name ]! Was that a joke?
You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
You can read?!
I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
You have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
So [ name ], how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
You seemed a million miles away just then.
I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, [ name ].
Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently…
All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.
Not one for roughing it, I see.
Why not have a little fun?
You're right, of course. Forgive me.
My money's on you, [ name ].
The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Want me to carry you?
Feeling at home?
Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
Oh, darling, would you?
No doubt they found me too intimidating.
A girl could get used to this.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Well - yes, it was a joke.
I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.
And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?
You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
Well what would impress you, then?
Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?
Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here
You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
I never was scared of the shadows.
I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
Pragmatism, thy name is [ name ].
That's ironic, coming from you.
We're either very clever or very lucky.
You do not need luck to survive, [ name ]. Not when you have me.
That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
Stop gawking at the decor. This place is dangerous.
I can't tell if you're joking.
So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, [ name ]?
You think I'm beautiful?
I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
Use your words.
You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
[ name ], I've heard you talking in your sleep.
Let's never speak of this again.
You can take a day off once in a while, [ name ]
Hey! Something bit me.
Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
Think the bar is open?
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qoykizhavvorsa · 2 months
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qoykizhavvorsa {indie selective (very low activity) game of thrones OC} penned by Kylee - est.2024 *26, she/her* secondary blog to @thelittlestrcse & @flappervcmp CARRD
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