Any and all benefits of CBD?
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qadelineivett-blog · 5 years ago
What are the benefits of CBD?
Saturday, 11 April 2009 - Good Samaritan Day! I was out doing our regular weekend shop at the local fruit and vegetable markets - Rusty's Markets, based here in Cairns' CBD, on the Great Barrier Reef (sounds idyllic - it is, you'll just have to trust me on this!).
Drew, 17, came with me - his favourite pass time doing the veg n fruit shop...not!! We completed our rounds and he reminded me that we needed to go to the second hand book store just up the road in Lake Street. We purchased some great comics for Drew and Rich Dad Poor Dad - for me to get more inspirational thoughts on wealth creation...
On our way back we stopped to get our usual home made muffin and fruit smoothies. The lady that owns this business loves Drew - Drew is profoundly deaf, Drew and I sign about what we want, What are the benefits of CBD?  I know she finds it fascinating like lots of others - great benefit for us - he gets 'free' banana n choc chip' muffin and a large drink, I only pay for 2 small drinks and 1 muffin - hence why we be repeat customers - perfect!
As we were organising ourselves to sit and eat our fare, this woman bumped into me, I turned round, she apologised - she was in a wheel chair, not just any chair a motorised one that she drove with her chin, oxygen on board, shopping the lot. I discovered afterwards that she did this deliberately; I sat down, she was right in my line of vision, she hadn't actually moved at all, I smiled at her as you do - I scanned the area looking to see if someone was with her. This was when she asked me a favour. She needed to eat, drink and take her medication. So for the next half hour we chatted attended to her needs. Turns out she has Multiple Sclerosis, incredibly debilitating, no family living locally - she has to place her trust and judgement of face value looking - in strangers' hands - literally!
She has help come in from 8pm at night till 8am. They get her up at 5.30am so they can leave on time. During the day she fends for herself. She 'imposes' herself on the likes of me - what else can she do. She has to TRUST in human nature - I suppose initially hoping people will take 'pity' and help, not take advantage. This woman doesn't need pity, she just needs people that understand and won't / don't have an issue helping. I had no problem with this at all, in fact I felt honoured to have been of service.
She thanked me and drove off. The first thing Drew said to me was "how sad", "lady has no arms, legs - stuck in chair all day". He became concerned about where she had gone and what she would do. We discussed how lucky he was to be 'just deaf'. Now there are a lot of people that would think differently, but neither Drew, nor his family do.
Now, Network Marketing and Multiple Sclerosis the co-relation is easy from the point of view that network marketers have to learn to TRUST too. It's very hard when you have been ripped off, signed up for things that haven't lived up to their advertised expectations. In some cases, there are people out there, maybe you are one of them, that have lost thousands of dollars, for nothing in return. Somewhere along the line if you have done your due diligence, perhaps have started to get know someone, albeit through reading their profile on Facebook, Blogger, Twitter wherever; you have to take that leap of faith, TRUST that this person will help you.
Of course once that leap of faith has been taken, most Mentors and Coaches require from you in return your commitment to; * Listen and learn; therefore be coachable * Participate in their training program - not try to, but do * Want Success deep down inside and know that you deserve success * Want financial freedom for yourselves and for others
When you commit to this then your door will open to the people that you need in your life that will help you and others become the Network Marketing Success that you are entitled too.
Imagine if you had to live your life like this woman for the rest of your life, TRUSTING someone on the internet that may well become a good friend doesn't really seem to be such a leap of faith to me anymore after today.
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qadelineivett-blog · 5 years ago
Benefits of CBD
With the TRIPS Agreement coming into force in 1995, BRIC countries have undertaken significant reforms in their intellectual property systems. A relatively new analytical definition of the industrial components of the economy is 'Creative industries', in which creativity being an input and intellectual property is the output. Globally, mapping exercises have concurred that the creative industries are indeed 'economically significant' and legitimately comparable to other high profile sectors in terms of their contribution to income, employment and trade.
Concept of IPR in BRIC Brazil enacted its first intellectual property law in 1887. Brazil meets International Standards of Intellectual Property Protection. Brazil is a signatory of several conventions, treaties, and agreements that define basic, internationally-accepted standards of intellectual property protection including, among others, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Brazil is also a member of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). What are the benefits of CBD?  The new Industrial Property Law came into force in May of 1996. This law brought Brazil's patent and trademark regime up to par with the international standards specified in TRIPS. Intellectual Property protection in Brazil includes Copyright Law, Software Law and also some secondary laws.
In Russia the concept of IPR was understood as mostly patents during the times of the former Soviet Union. The owner of the Patents as well as all innovations was always the state. The concept of IPR has already been drastically changed in Russia and now IPR is seen in consisting of Patents, Trademarks, utility modes, designs, domain names and copyrights. After 10 years of Russia's independence, the country has started to come into compliance with International requirements for intellectual property rights protection. Today also much work is needed to be done to bring Russia up to International standard.
Indian Intellectual Property Laws keep pace with the technological developments & Intellectual Property Laws of other countries. India has different positions with respect to intellectual property right in prior to the member of TRIPS and after the signatory of TRIPS agreement. Patent, Copyright, Trademark and Design were only existed as branch of IPR prior to TRIPS agreement. However, at present Patents (Amendment) Act 2005, TradeMarks Act 1999, Copyright Act 1999, Design Act 2000, Trade secrets, Layout Design of Integrated circuits 2000, Geographical Indications 1999 and Plant Variety 2001 related to IPR are enforced in India. India signed the TRIPS agreement in 1995, joined Paris convention in 1998, Budapest Treaty in 2001, Universal convention for Copyright (UCC) in 1952, Washington Convention for Integrated Circuit in 1989, and convention in Bio-diversity (CBD) in 1994. India is signatory to Berne Convention and Indian Government has already approved Madrid Protocol.
China has had a history of 25 years in the filed of Intellectual property rights protection. China's current legal IPR framework began in the 1980s, however, in that short time, China has made impressive strides in protecting and enforcing IPR. China became the member of WIPO in June 1980. The patent law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was adopted in 1984. In 1993 the law of the PRC against unfair competition was enacted and the copyright law was enforced in 1990.
Enforcement of IP Rights
The originate and history of IPR in BRIC countries as explained above indicates the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the BRIC countries has also been introduced long back , and the journey is clearly far from over.
In spite of having diverse histories, the BRIC economies are receiving roughly similar treatment from the wealthiest nations. Copyright and trademark piracy have always been chosen as a topic for the assessing the future of BRIC intellectual property regimes. However, other areas of intellectual property protection have broader significance to most industries and play a vital role in the economic development of the industry as well as the nation. In particular, the impact of patents on innovation and economic performance is so complex that a well organized patent system is crucial to ensure maximum benefit for a country's firms and its overall economy.
Despite divergent pasts, the BRICs are generally on the same page today when it comes to the protections afforded pharmaceuticals. The revised law in Brazil now complies with TRIPS, at least in regard to subject-matter protection. Brazil instituted a formal system for the approval of generic pharmaceuticals. After Russia instituted modern patent property rights with individual ownership, Russia currently protects pharmaceutical patents. The previous Indian Patents Act (1970) recognized patents on pharmaceutical 'processes', but not on 'products', allowing domestic pharmaceutical companies to produce cheap copies of patented drugs made by foreign companies using alternative production methods. India's introduction of product patents in 2005 heralded innovation and rapid development of that nation's pharmaceutical sector and delivery of new medicines. The Mashelkar Committee revised report was submitted in March 2009 concluded that every effort shall be made to provide drugs at affordable prices to people of India. The report also stated that it would not be TRIPS compliant to limit granting of patents for pharmaceutical substance to NCE (New Chemical Entities) only, and exclude an entire class of inventions i.e incremental pharmaceutical inventions. According to the conclusion of this report, incremental innovations" involving new forms, analogs, etc with significantly better safety and efficacy standards shall be encouraged.
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