pzzaplex · 3 years
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“  hey !  i’ll  race  you  to  monty’s  golf  course !  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
so my little sick spell was just a side effect from the second dose, but i’m all good now! and i hope you are all peachy keen today too!!!! 
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pzzaplex · 3 years
sorry for not being so active over here! i’ve been a bit under the weather but hopefully this spell will pass and i’ll be replying soon! 
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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       *  .  WHO’S  AFRAID  OF  THE  BIG  RAD  WOLF  ?
cherished  by  jackie.  est.  03/14/21.  ind.  canon-div  +  semi-selective.
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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“Oh, yeah, it’s for Gregory”
(This was requested by @neriumoleanders)
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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 I’m a Guardian, sorry if you’re not a fan
                                                     I might’ve lost my Light, not like the Darkness got a chance
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 michael.​
He refrained from his usual response, what would’ve been an “I wish that were me” replaced by a small, sympathetic nod. His own father was absent enough in his life specifically, so he more than understood the feeling- or a similar one, at least. And that’s why he was more than willing to let the conversation change course. Besides, breaking the news that Michael’s father was behind all of this to begin with would be a strange conversation, to say the least. It’d be great if he could avoid it all together.
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“ Well, that depends on whether or not the pizza is good, doesn’t it? “ Only half joking, Michael eyed the the food in front of them, as if he hadn’t been the one to heat it up in the first place. “Tasted like cardboard, the pizza they served at Freddy’s when I was a kid. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to try it. “
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     for  the  most  part,  their  conversations  tended  to  be  more  one  sided,  with  gregory  seemingly  changing  the  subject  every  five  seconds.  he  couldn’t  help  it,  he  was  quite  the  chatterbox.  and  he  was  just  glad  he  had  someone  to  listen  to  his  ramblings.  and  a  ghost,  no  doubt!  how  cool  was  that!
     “  okay,  that’s  true.  ”  he  reluctantly  agrees  with  a  nod  before  his  eyes  then  light  up  with  interest.  “  wait,  you  went  to  freddy’s  as  a  kid  too?!  that’s  so  cool!  ”  he  sits  up  more  in  his  chair.  “  aw,  you  gotta  try  it!  it’s  good!  i  bet  you  ...  uh,  two  dollars  that  it’s  better  than  when  you  had  it  as  a  kid!  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 withered bonnie​.
It was cold. Dark and cold, and he was alone. Completely and utterly alone. The darkness was pitch, and Bonnie had stopped trying to see a long time ago. A child? In the backrooms? He hears a voice! His code begins running, and his red eyes flicker on.
The dimness was hard to see through, but he slowly lifts his head from where he was sitting on the floor.
A child.
“ ʜ- ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ! ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ʙᴏ-ʙᴏɴɴɪᴇ. ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏ-ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ?” A pre-recorded line of a fuzzy, glitched out voice. So long since he’d said it. A greeting for a child that came up to his stage alone. There was a whole conversation too, but… Well, it wouldn’t make much sense in this context.
He was allowed to adjust though, probably. It wasn’t against the rules anymore. Who would stop him? Certainly not any employees. He’d be surprised if they remembered he was back here at all.
“ᴀ-ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ- ʟ-ᴏ-ꜱᴛ?“
     the  voice  that  emits  from  the  broken  down  animatronic  is  creepy,  gregory  will  admit,  but  it  has  that  same  cheerfulness  he  hears  from  the  other  animatronics  that  gregory  can’t  help  but  be  comforted  by.  it’s  like  what  he’s  been  taught,  that  one  mustn’t  judge  a  book  by  its  cover.  he  smiles.  “  bonnie?  that’s  a  cool  name.  my  name’s  gregory.  ”  he  reaches  out  his  hand  to  take  the  other’s  hand  to  shake,  careful  not  to  potentially  break  its  arm  off  or  damage  it  any  further.
     he  then  shakes  his  head.  “  no,  i’m  not  really  lost.  i  just  like  exploring.  ”  he  pauses  for  a  second  to  look  at  their  surroundings,  noticing  the  parts  and  service  sign  before  he  turns  back  to  the  bunny  again.  “  what  are  you  doing  back  here?  is  this  where  all  you  guys  get  repaired?  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 vanny.
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   Out of earshot, Vanessa was standing behind a pillar staring at the mask and trembling. “I don’t want to do this.” and all the  voice  in her soul could say was that it was never about what  you  wanted. Terror, frustration, you name it, was all that tore at her senses. And she could make it all go away. All you have to do is put on the mask, Vanny.
   And she would, there was no disobeying  him  for long, but she could do one thing. “Gregory!” Ness yelled, loud as she could, ignoring someone’s disappointment that was being made all too. “You have to RUN! NOW! She’s.. She’s coming!”
   Ness could give him a headstart, but that’s all she could give him. So she put on the mask again, and let all of the doubts numb themselves with it’s presence.
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   ”Oh, Gregory.” She called, some moments later. In that distinctive sweet yet undeniably menacing voice she had grown so accustomed to hearing come from her mouth.. “Where did you run off too now?”
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     the  sound  of  his  own  name  nearly  makes  him  jump  out  of  his  own  skin  as  he  immediately  snaps  his  head  up  to  see  if  he  can  find  the  source  of  the  voice.  vanessa  was  close!  “  wait,  vanessa!  ”  he  tries  to  call  back  but  she  does  not  answer.  instead,  what  does  answer  makes  gregory’s  blood  immediately  run  cold.  it’s  her  ...  the  rabbit.  gregory  can  feel  his  own  heart  start  to  pick  up,  and  he  doesn’t  have  to  be  told  twice  to  start  running.  vanessa  was  a  smart  woman,  he  trusted  her  that  she’ll  find  someplace  safe  until  they  could  meet  up  again.  right  now,  he  needed  to  get  away  from  the  knife  wielding  rabbit!
     he  sprints  out  from  behind  the  pillar,  darting  directly  across  the  wide  hall  of  the  main  entryway,  shoes  squeaking  against  the  tile  floor.  but  he  makes  the  mistake  of  glancing  behind  him  as  he  runs,  and  he  lets  out  a  yell.  he  can  see  the  rabbit  ...  her  white  suit  bathed  in  the  neon  lights  from  the  nearby  shops  and  a  knife  held  tightly  in  her  paw.  run  gregory,  run!
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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there’s  never  only  one  choice  to  make.  there’s  no  way  i’ll  allow  things  to  end  this  way.  the  future  everyone  has  created  for  us  should  have  more  possibilities  than  that.  let’s  leave  this  place  with  confidence,  and  from  there  we  can  just  create  it  on  our  own.  …  THE  FUTURE  THAT  WE  WANT!
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 freddy.
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         there was nothing that would stop the animatronic bear from protecting gregory from anything or anyone that might wish to cause harm to him.  he’s careful with the other and just making sure that they were always in the clear whenever they got to a new place of the pizza plex.  Glancing down at Gregory, Freddy actually manages a smile with a light laugh.  “  i’m not going to let anything happen to you gregory, i promise you that I will protect you no matter what.  ”
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     freddy  always  seemed  to  know  just  what  to  say  to  help  combat  whatever  level  of  anxiety  stirred  up  within  him.  gregory  was  incredibly  thankful  for  having  a  friend  like  freddy.  he  lets  out  a  breath  he  didn’t  realize  he  was  holding,  already  feeling  a  lot  better  about  their  situation.  with  freddy  at  his  side,  they  could  do  anything.  gregory  then  reaches  up  with  his  free  hand.  “  pinky  promise?  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
i’m losing my mind over this image
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 roxanne.​
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                  the  wolf’s  claws  were  tassling  through  the  child’s  untamable  curls  in  an  attempt  to  style  them  upwards  into  an  80′s  rocker-do.  she  was  focused  intently  on  the  task  at  hand,  one  paw  lathered  with  styling  gel  and  the  other  with  temporary  vibrant�� blue  hair  dye.  when  gregory  speaks,  roxanne’s  eyes  light  up  with  a  hearty  laugh  following.  she  ruffles  his  hair  with  the  dyed  palm  and  concludes  the  motion  with  a  reassuring  pat  atop  his  head.  “  trust  me,  kid.  not  only  can  you  BE  a  rockstar,  you’d  put  the  band  out  of  business  with  how  great  at  it  ya’d  be.  “ 
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     he’s  thankful  for  roxanne  because  there’s  no  way  that  his  mom  would  ever  let  him  dye  his  hair,  even  if  it  will  wash  out  eventually.  it  looks  so  cool!  maybe  when  he’s  older  he’ll  get  a  blue  streak  in  his  hair  to  remember  roxanne  by.  he  laughs  when  she  pats  his  head,  playfully  swatting  at  her  paws.  “  awesome!  ”  he  grins  extra  wide  at  that,  clearly  ecstatic  by  her  answer.  “  will  i  get  a  cool  stage  name  too?  because  gregory  the  great  is  my  knight  name  in  case  being  a  rockstar  doesn’t  work  out.  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 nova.​
   –Admittedly, the little girl didn’t know that the plex would be so big. It’s strange, because typically… typically, she wouldn’t be in such a large place ( compared to places she usually went to, of course– in bigger places, she’d be glued to her mother’s side– or her uncle’s ), hands fiddle and pull at the denim dungaree straps, despite the nervous itch at the back of her mind, she had taken initiative earlier that day– wandering around on her own ( she had to do it eventually! ).
   She just didn’t expect to get so lost that it was soon after-hours ( despite her tendency to stay awake, of course ). Nova bit the inside of her cheek, eyes down on the floor as she wanders across the building ( boots sometimes walking across carpet, sometimes tile– there was a lot to explore, after all ), head raises when she hears someone call out– eyes widening a little as he comes closer ( there were more kids? ).
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   ❝ Ah– um… ❞ A pause, the girl seemed to be trying to think of what to say, ❝ Yeah… yeah– I’d, I’d like that. ❞ She doesn’t know when she last ate, so… one candy wouldn’t hurt, would it? Teeth worry at her lip as she looked him up and down for a moment, ❝ Did– did you get lost, too, then? ❞ Curiosity laced in her tone as she tilted her head, ❝ I thought I was the only one– nice to meet you…! ❞
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     he  immediately  picks  up  on  her  hesitance,  knowing  full  well  that  he  tended  to  come  across  rather  upfront  and  strong  when  making  new  friends.  some  kids  were  shyer  than  others,  he  gets  it.  so  when  she  does  answer,  he  immediately  places  a  giant  gummy  into  her  outstretched  hand,  the  biggest  he  could  find  in  the  package.  new  friends  should  always  have  first  and  biggest  pick,  right?  he  thought  so  at  least.
     his  brows  then  raise  at  her  question.  “  lost?  no,  i’m  not  lost.  ”  looking  for  a  friend  was  more  like  it  since  freddy  strangely  had  disappeared,  but  he  tended  to  show  up  sooner  or  later.  the  pizza  plex  was  a  huge  place  after  all,  so  maybe  freddy  was  the  one  who  got  lost.
     “  i’m  gregory!  ”  he  beams,  extending  his  hand  out  quickly  for  her  to  shake.  “  gregory  westbrook.  hey,  do  you  like  mini  golf?  ”  and  he’s  off  changing  the  subject  just  like  that.  “  i  was  on  my  way  over  there  if  you  want  to  come  too?  ”
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pzzaplex · 3 years
🍕 freddy.
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         a  clawed  hand  is  gently  holding  gregory’s  knee  ;  just  to  make  sure  the  young  boy  doesn’t  go  anywhere  and  to  keep  him  STEADY  as  the  animatronic  walks.  he’s  surprised  that  gregory  has  returned  to  the  pizzeria  after  all  they’ve  gone  through  —  but  freddy  can’t  say  he’s  not  HAPPY  about  it,  of  course.  a  moment  of  silence  when  the  young  boy  speaks,  the  machine  coming  to  a  HALT.  he  shouldn’t  have  to  think  about  it,  the  answer  should  come  immediately  —  it’s  in  his  coding  to  make  the  kids  happy,  to  let  them  hear  what  they  WANT  to  hear,  but  the  restless  soul  inside  of  freddy  knows  better  than  that … 
           that  within  a  few  years,  glamrock  freddy  will  be  dismantled  and  a  N E W  freddy  line  will  be  introduced  for  the  kids  entertainment  —  and  there  will  be  nothing  that  sam  will  be  able  to  do  about  it.  ❝  of  course,  my  friend.  as  long  as  there  are  stars  in  the  sky  and  a  place  in  your  heart  for  me,  then  we  will  be  best  friends  till  the  end  of  time.  ❞
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     the  sudden  stop  in  walking  catches  him  by  surprise  and  immediately  he  looks  down  at  his  friend  curiously.  he  hoped  he  didn’t  say  something  that  upset  him.  that’s  the  last  thing  he’d  want  to  do.  best  friends  don’t  hurt  other  best  friends.  and  he’s  about  to  ask  what’s  wrong  when  freddy  speaks  again.  the  comforting  words  sooth  whatever  worry  brewed  inside  of  gregory  and  he  hugs  freddy’s  head  tighter,  resting  his  own  cheek  against  the  top  of  his  head.
     “  good.  because  i  won’t  ever  forget  about  you,  freddy.  never  in  a  million  jillion  kabillion  years.  ”  he  grins  at  the  image  he  conjures  up  in  his  head  of  himself  older  with  freddy  still  at  his  side,  playing  games  and  eating  pizza  like  they  always  do.  “  you  think  i’ll  be  as  tall  as  you  someday?  ”  he’s  daydreaming  a  little  now,  blissfully  unaware  of  the  heartache  truth  that  currently  torments  within  his  friend.
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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what now?
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