python-clangen · 6 months
12th Moon~
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Stingfluff is jealous of Splinterpaw
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python-clangen · 6 months
11th Moon
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python-clangen · 6 months
10th Moon
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python-clangen · 6 months
8th Moon~
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Mitestar using Splinterpaw for his foresight abilities
Owlstripe jealous
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Foresaw a plot to kill Mitestar? Hasnt told mitestar yet, thats why he dislikes Stingfluff.
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python-clangen · 6 months
7th Moon~
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python-clangen · 6 months
6th Moon~
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Everyone is getting sick 😭
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python-clangen · 6 months
5th Moon
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Burntspots likes everyone lmao
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python-clangen · 6 months
4th Moon~
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python-clangen · 6 months
3rd Moon~
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What did Splinterkit do?
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Splinterkit has a vision maybe? It offends Mitestar somehow
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python-clangen · 6 months
PythonClan is a newly formed clan after a flood tore through their old habitat and the loners banded together to keep eachother safe. They migrated to a lush tropical rainforest and have settled down.
Current cats~
Mitestar (Miteears formerly)
Loud and a bit rambunctious, even at her age
Can be a bit petty and stubborn
Fiercely protective of all of her clanmates and pretty much considered their collective mother-bear
LOVES kits and playing with them
Values family and loyalty above all else
A bit quiet and reserved
Balances out Mitestar's energy lmao
Respects and greatly looks up to Mitestar
Owlstripe has grown more confident in her ability as deputy due to Mitestar's encouragement
Owlstripe is confident, and great at following orders but chokes when she has to make her own decisions
Has 2 adopted kits and one biological child, Pidgeonpaw
Loves kits and wishes he had kits of his own
Loves experimenting with new herbs and medicine, and sharing his findings with Slopeslash who pretends to be interested to make Mottlefern feel good
Also very protective of his family and his clanmates
Gets way too hyperfocused on his medicine sometimes
Grumpy old man (affectionate)
Secretly is very fond of Mottlefern, but don't tell him i told you
"tough love" type of teaching
Likes passing on his knowledge to younger cats, as this makes him feel like he is earning his place in the clan
Very emotionally strong, and able to put those around him above himself, sometimes to a fault
Very quick to jump to the extremes
A bit of an airhead and doesnt think before he acts
He always has good intentions though
A bit of a neat freak and likes to tidy up camp when he is bored
Found abandoned as a kit and raised collectively by the clan
Mentored by Owlstripe
More likely to use his brain to avoid a fight
A bit on the quieter side
Always wanted to know who his real parents are
Quick witted and very good at reading what people are feeling/ very empathetic
Is closest with Pidgeonpaw, and feels like he is on the same "wavelength" as him, compared to everyone else.
Louder and runs his mouth more then Stingfluff would
Funny and peppy as he wants to make everyone around him happy
Only kit in the clan that wasnt adopted
Hearing Stingfluff speak about his real parents has made Pidgeonpaw curious about his own father
Closest with Stringfluff, and feels like he can be himself around him and not always upbeat and fun
Encourages Orchidkit to come out of her shell
Keeps Splinterkits impulsivity in check
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