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Pyro ⌇ she/they ⌇ 20 consistently posting art?? as if
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pyrolizard413 · 13 hours ago
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My take on season 10 gem
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pyrolizard413 · 13 hours ago
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Anthropologist Gem from her newest hermitcraft ep!
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pyrolizard413 · 2 days ago
Me and my mutuals rebloging the same post
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pyrolizard413 · 3 days ago
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PET Postal continues to live in my brain rent free
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pyrolizard413 · 3 days ago
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pyrolizard413 · 5 days ago
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hermitcraft 10 x fh2 termina ...dla mnie
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pyrolizard413 · 6 days ago
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I think I just found the only reasonable exchange involving two people with opposing views on porn to ever exist on this website
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pyrolizard413 · 6 days ago
i like it when a little drop of water gets on a screen and magnifies a single subpixel, hi green and red and blue my good friends
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pyrolizard413 · 6 days ago
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[ D&D: Hermit Edition ]
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
crazy to me that I've been on tumblr long enough to see the vast majority of posts i see on a daily basis evolve from superwholock and fandom shit to this
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
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I feel very delusional rn because my friend gave me a cold but the art never stops (except if I have art block)
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
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Shining Gem
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
what is THE worst thing you've ever drank. all liquids acceptable. please tell me what it was, bonus points for why
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
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gem :) js figuring out her design
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pyrolizard413 · 7 days ago
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pyrolizard413 · 8 days ago
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pyrolizard413 · 8 days ago
I feel like I have nothing to ask, I simply would love to hear more about them fucked up mermaid and murderer
And I would absolutely love to tell you about them, Tin.
This AU takes place somewhere vaguely in the Pacific Northwest (circa. 1970s-80s) in an isolated fishing town along a storm-wracked coast.
Fisheries in and around the bay have collapsed due to extreme winter weather patterns + overfishing + an oil spill from a tanker run aground down the coast, leaving most of the bay's inhabitants to live pretty much hand-to-mouth off contaminated fish in recent years.
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get ready for LORE (and more drawings but mostly the LORE)
general warning: this is pretty long
The "story" as it were, kicks off when Gem finally gets fed up with another fisherman in the area, Grian, over continued conflict about ownership of fishing grounds in the mouth of the bay.
She orchestrates his death (with the eager assistance of Scott and Impulse) out at sea and passes off his death as a tragic accident in the winter swells with her being the unfortunate finder of his remains.
And it works.
See the thing is: Gem has a history of causing disappearances. It started with some accidents with out-of-town poachers. She would chase these people off and one or two would just slip overboard and happen to drown. It wasn’t her fault and besides they deserve it. But things start to escalate from there. Poachers become outsiders become fellow townspeople. Grian is someone Gem’s known for years, whose friends are tangentially her friends or acquaintances. His death is a cold-blooded murder driven by hatred and frustration. This time something is different about what she's done and Gem knows it.
But Gem is a reputable and well-known person. Her prices are fair, she drives poachers out of the bay and maintains order around the pragmatic fishing ground policy that undoubtedly helps everyone to survive.
She is the type of person to look to for guidance when things get hard because she can make those hard choices. So how on earth could it be her fault?
No one is wiser until Grian's funeral brings an old friend into town who is more than a little suspicious about the circumstances of his death.
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Scar was one of Grian's crewmates when they did trawling much further south. They split when Scar took up (illegal) whaling and Grian moved into the bay.
As an outsider, Scar isn't so swayed by the goodwill the town has around Gem's name. He's no detective but for the sake of an old friend, he might as well try.
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In this AU, mermaids are social mammals part of the Hominidae family that went back into the ocean similar to Cetaceans. They live in matrilineal family groups or in any other female-led organization of pods and have a very "survival-oriented" global culture (with regional variation).
Pearl is a lone mermaid whose pod lived in the bay until they were starved out by the collapsing fisheries. PNW mermaids are more territorial than other ecotypes and value strength over anything else. Pearl's inability (read: unwillingness) to oust other pods for better fishing grounds and the loss of one of her pod members summarily lead the other two to abandon her.
Without a pod to help her, hunting enough in her dwindling territory has been difficult and lonely, leading her to slowly starve just as the humans in the bay have begun to.
She took to trailing fishing boats to steal from their catch, which is how she met Gem who was mid-throwing some unfortunate soul overboard.
They have an interesting relationship.
Gem is enamored with Pearl at the halfway point between a person and a large apex predator. She loves the way Pearl needs her to live and the way Pearl, as a social creature with no pod, craves her attention. It's thrilling to have a predator at her beck and call like this and, in turn, to be so desperately needed. She also loves the way Pearl doesn't look at her like she's dangerous (the way Scott and Impulse have begun to when they think she doesn't see them). Her interest in Pearl seems to be leaching into something more than just wildlife admiration. She's begun to learn the mermaid language just to talk to her. For what? Who really knows. Meanwhile, Pearl is hungry enough to eat just about anything Gem throws her (including human bodies) and desperate enough that she lets Gem get much closer than many humans in this area have ever been to a mermaid. (They even touch, scandalous for mermaids.)
It's skewed for sure. From Gem's perspective, they've got something special going on. From Pearl's... not so much.
This being Secret-Life based, you can imagine how this story ends...
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Bonus piece: Pearl and her old pod.
IN GENERAL, Biological females are generally larger with a set of rotated tusks protruding from their lower jaw for dominance displays. Biological males are commonly smaller and more agile, with more dexterous hands due to decreased adipose tissue distribution over their bodies. (They actually have 3 biological sexes and tons of social gender variation but that's a talk for another time). Pre-cultural awakening, these pods would form around a biological female and their harem for reproductive purposes. That female would then protect the harem from other females looking to "steal them" or their territories (like horses but reverse-style). In modern times, these pods are often composed of groups of friends/related family members as sort of "platonic life partners" and stealing other pod members is seen as a very archaic sort of thing. Territory stealing, however, is still up for grabs.
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