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pylott252 · 11 months ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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Don't try this at home! These guys are professionals.
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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Is this your life?
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
Four of Life Spread
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
Valentine's Day
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
Client:  What should I do?
And this was the answer......
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
The meaning of life and understanding it.
To understand the meaning of life, read "The Fool's Journey" it gives a sense of what each of us have to go through on our journey through life. The experiences, the people and things that we encounter that shape who we are, our character and personality that we adopt and eventually, who we become but that is not the end, we still need to carry on learning, understanding even making more mistakes. We all make mistakes and hopefully learn by them and the same is with our achievements too. Every day that we spend on this planet is precious and taking it for granted is just a waste. To understand the real meaning of life I look through other peoples eyes to see and try to feel what they are going through, that's why I read Tarot, to understand what the other person is going through at that moment in time. While researching the history of Tarot I have probably read hundreds of books and documents about the subject and more but someone once said or wrote, that reading and understanding the story of the Fool on his journey through life was quite real and then he said, "I have reached a point in my life and feel there is more to do, so I read the Fool's Journey again but this time I started at the end read back to the beginning and suddenly I began to truly understand the meaning of life and what I should do next." I have also tried this and found that had I not made certain mistakes and choices in my life I may have become someone else entirely and would probably not be writing this article today. I now pass on my experience and knowledge to others through my readings and consulting and found that to give is far more fulfilling to me than to take. A lesson I should have learned many years ago.
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
Chaos Theory verses Prediction
I feel that I have to put a certain theory or should I say acceptability through the wringer before my head explodes with trying to answer the question of 'Predictability'. For over 30 years, people have asked me the question, how can using Tarot cards produce the answers to the future, tell fortunes, be able to predict the future. The only answer I can give is, "To be honest, I don't know, but it does seem to work". And the same goes for any other form of divination except Astrology, which is not a predictive tool but a system that identifies all aspects of our lives which relate to the planets influences which in turn affects our day-to-day actions and thoughts. Most Astrologers would probably explain the fact that we, (that is, us humans) have what's called, 'Freewill', and so are able to choose how we wish to live our lives and ignore the influences the planets offer. Chaos theory has been around for many years and has been used by many Scientists, Physicists, etc, to work with all sorts of mathematical equations and scientific theory's in the past and present and so I have no qualms of its existence. Chaos Theory does exist. So lets move on, to the next part of this article and that is, Prediction. But before I do, I would just like to add some outside information, which follows......
In experimental physics, there are always observational errors determining variables such as positions and velocities. So perfect prediction is practically impossible. Moreover, in modern quantum mechanics,Werner Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle puts limits on the accuracy with which such quantities can be known. So such perfect predictability is also theoretically impossible. This paragraph is taken from Wikipedia on Predictability.
So, should I pack up my faithful Tarot cards and disappear into the wilderness because some physicists have proved that prediction is impossible or take the stance of, Freewill, and carry on dealing my cards to anyone who ask me to read for them. Well that has to be my decision and no one else's. If I believe that divination works, to some extent, then why shouldn't I carry on reading the Tarot and help others to understand the effects Tarot cards can have on their future. I also believe that, without Chaos there can be no Order and that gives me the strength to carry on reading my Tarot cards so at least I can assimilate some kind of order from the chaos my clients bring to me in their questions.
As I sit here shuffling my Tarot cards and wondering if I can predict the lottery numbers this week for £170 million I know deep down, that is all it is, a lottery. So how can I predict the exact 7 numbers from possibly a randomly generated sequence of several hundred millions to one. To be that accurate every week, would be either pure luck or simply amazing and unnatural. Yet some people win, how do they do it? Simple, they play the same numbers, week in and week out and by some coincidence they match the winning numbers. That is NOT predicting, it is pure luck on their behalf. There are hundreds of examples like that associated with gambling, maybe thousands. I will keep reading Tarot cards and writing about divination systems but that doesn't say I can predict the future or maybe I can, it's just that people don't always tell me when I am accurately correct. There are only two certainties in life, Death and Taxes - Benjamin Franklin 1789.
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
A very old and rare spread. Dr. Yoav refurbished the Tarot de Marseille which he named CBDTarot de Marseille.
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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pylott252 · 5 years ago
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They just keep coming. 🙄
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