pwarkssy · 3 years
Jalan Lebih Jauh, Melihat Lebih Banyak, Merasa Lebih Dalam
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It’s just sometimes it’s difficult to talk to people who were so occupied bt their only point of view. Kadang hal yang lumrah pun jadi terkesan aneh dan asing bagi mereka. The worst things is, they couldn’t get it even if you try so hard to explain... malah jd kaya kita yg punya paham yg salah... annoying... Kadang berusaha untuk mengabaikan sj, toh ga ada ruginya bt diri sendiri, tp on another occosion kadang pengabaian itu jd bikin gregetan sendiri and somehow bikin kesan like we’re agree with them, padahal mah kan ngga... so, sesekali kalo udah ga tahan lagi, akhirnya speak up, and end up being the weird one... but sometimes it’s satisfying daripada ditahan-tahan malah makan hati... hahaha... i do feel like i couldn’t find someone or two people around here who have the same frequency with me... i know i’m diffucult but di tempat lain kadang tetap bisa nemu barang satu dua orang, disini mah bener-bener kaya alien... 
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pwarkssy · 3 years
It's a trap!
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pwarkssy · 4 years
Why people really loves to bother others for something so trivia.. such a waste of time seriously.. and why i can't said it out loud out of being considered kind of human being.. sucks!
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pwarkssy · 4 years
You just have to know who are you going to share with and who don't deserve you..
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pwarkssy · 4 years
He's really the worst, and he don't aware about it, and it's worsen...
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pwarkssy · 4 years
Kadang otak gw terlalu lemot untuk paham... gw yg bego sih.. gw.. gw aja..
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pwarkssy · 4 years
Bad mood today sponsored by ****** mending uwe ngurusin petshop, ga puyeng... ga ada yg nganggap bego..
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pwarkssy · 5 years
They only nice when they need something.. thats always the case..
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Antara baik dan penjilat, beda tipis...
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Kek pen nyepak pala orang rasanya!!!!!!!!!!
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Dear sir..
I really hate people who bias and above all, he really proud and confident about it.. sir, you lost all my respect since day one..
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggh... people is always the source of happines and otherwise...
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Too talky in behind
Annoying banget kalo lo ngambil keputusan sesuatu trus org2 ga komen apa2 di depan trus di belakang malah ngomel kiri ngomel kanan..
I mean, ngomonglah di depan... jan kek bencong..
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Too much ignorant people in this little world
Capek ga siiih, tiap hari ketemu org ignorant.. org2 yg mikir being ignorant was a bliss..
Saat lo care, mereka malah kesel ngerasa lo rese dan sok.. tp kan tp kan kalo ga ada yg care sama sekali terhadap sesuatu hal, kan jd annoying.. gemeeees dan gregetan..
Kadang pengen juga, ga peduli.. enak banget sih org2 bisa ga peduli tanpa ngerasa bersalah atau terbebani.. ga kepikiran sampe ga bisa tidur.. ga keinget-inget mulu sampe malu sendiri..
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Mager ah ngurusinnya, biarlah mereka urus sendiri aja langsung.. org disana pada ga ngerti "simbiosis mutualisme" giliran kita yg ada perlu, dibikin complicated kali... giliran mereka yg perlu, wuiiiih.. baeknyaaa 🤷🏼‍♀️
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Lol fussy moron.. 🤣🤣🤣
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pwarkssy · 5 years
Ahh lagi... lupa kalo ga boleh butt in.. niatnya buat bantu, in the end looks like a fussy moron 🤦🏼‍♀️
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