Puzzle-Loving Dinosaur
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Multifandom brainrot (mostly Layton tho)Art Tag
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puzzlesauria · 2 minutes ago
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disco elysium + jjba🚬
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puzzlesauria · 3 minutes ago
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TF2 portraits in Disco Elysium style
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puzzlesauria · 3 minutes ago
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puzzlesauria · 6 minutes ago
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puzzlesauria · 9 minutes ago
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puzzlesauria · 15 minutes ago
Unions and the Defence of Supergiant Games
Hey, so I'm pretty sure everyone and their mom has seen takes on Hades 2 rn bc of what one of the VAs said. This is causing a lot more harm then good rn and, while I don't claim to be an expert on unions, but even just basic research shows Supergiant is largely innocent and this is a misunderstanding.
Supergiant stated they will not be recasting and also they don't fall under the companies that can not be working or supported during the SAG- AFTRA strike.
Being an indie development company, they do not fall under the issues SAG is striking and possibly can not even sign said agreement because they are an indie company (i'd have to fact-check that). This strike is supposed to affect larger companies like EA, Sony, X-Box, etc who are pushing for AI. Below is a statement from Supergiant about the statement made by the VA.
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When similar strikes happened for both SAG and the WGA, other smaller companies did not have to halt production because their work did not meet the guidelines that the strike fell under. Spindel Horse and GLITCH are both indie animation companies that did not have to halt production.
One other example is Dropout.TV where they did not need to stop under SAG rules and guidelines, they did so out of respect. While Supergiant could, they don't have too and why would they? Fans have been waiting for almost three years now and they are polishing at a record speed.
Secondly is the term "Scab" being thrown around when it comes to who Supergiant hires, which largely comes from people not knowing what a true scab is.
A Scab ISN'T any person working in a given position when a strike is happening. It's a member of SAID UNION who crosses the picket line or does work for lower pay then the Union states.
Unions have several levels of entry that not all people meet. Being under smaller workers unions for starters along with proof of employment and others.
Supergiant, being smaller and indie makes it so it can hire people who aren't SAG members and help promote them to be bigger names in the industry along with eventually becoming possible members of the unions.
For example, Michael Kovach (famous VA for Jax from TADC, Several characters from Poppy Playtime, One character in Billie Bust Up (IDK), and most famously the original pilot VA for Angeldust from Hazbin Hotel) is not a member of SAG but supports the union and has been in multiple roles since the SAG strikes began.
While I have not done research into who exactly is being called a "Scab" in terms of the Supergiant controversy, please keep yourself educated about the term because it is super derogatory and may cause these people to never be able to join the unions. Being labeled a "scab", even incorrectly, makes it nearly impossible for people to join unions.
A lot of the "If you don't join a union then your against unions" mentality I've seen from people creates a harmful, uneducated stereotype that large corporations want. They want normal consumers to see Union Supporters as aggressive and hopping down your throat to deny you money. This villainizes unions in the long run.
Overall, Supergiant is not doing anything wrong and the mob mentality jump on them comes from a lack of educated perspectives (esp since a large portion of this community is the younger demographic with not much union knowlege).
While I don't see it happening, the large explosion of this on social media along with the VA's lack of understanding may cause Supergiant (or even other companies) to not work with them again after Hades 2 is complete. This is a huge liability that is harming their company and, if they do proceed to go this route I do not blame them, and neither should you. This is safety and security in their brand so more games we appreciate can come out in the future. The VA is a grown adult who has made decisions and will deal with the consequences when/if they happen. Please send no hate to Supergiant or the VA who I have intentionally left nameless so nobody can attack them. Thank you.
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puzzlesauria · 12 hours ago
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puzzlesauria · 12 hours ago
You are faced with some random problem and the only person who can help you is the main character from the last piece of media you consumed (you can also do favorite character if there are multiple main characters). You can stay in this universe or be in the universe of the character, whichever you prefer, but the problem remains the same and the only person who can directly help you is the main character. That character can call on the help of those they know in their media, but when it comes down to it, they are the only person really helping you. How do you react to this situation?
Spin to find out your problem:
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puzzlesauria · 12 hours ago
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I painted while listening to this song.
(The song is in Japanese, but English subtitles are implemented, so please listen to it.........!!)
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puzzlesauria · 15 hours ago
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let's-a go!!
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puzzlesauria · 16 hours ago
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Growing up
(A not so happy Luke. But a Lunes nonetheless)
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puzzlesauria · 23 hours ago
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I hope he wasn't all alone that night
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puzzlesauria · 1 day ago
very much enjoying watching my friend play disco elysium for my first experience of the game
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puzzlesauria · 1 day ago
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so are we just not going to talk about how susato is the one who put the hachimaki on karuma. can you imagine her having to kneel down and untie it from what she thinks is kazuma's lifeless body and wrap it around karuma, like it might protect his soul, at least? and then to entrust karuma to ryunosuke instead of keeping it herself? as though she thinks she's not worthy of carrying kazuma's soul, his hopes, his dreams. i'm retching actually
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puzzlesauria · 1 day ago
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Cunty Little Henry That Drinks All Your Pepsi And Calls You A Bitch
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puzzlesauria · 2 days ago
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I want to believe he takes Flora with him. ... I'm not betting on that though
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puzzlesauria · 2 days ago
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So I've been sketching a number of Layton memes and sending them to a friend who has said that I should share them with the wider world, and so:
How Descole should have looked after getting dunked at the end of LS:
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