Hey everyone. I’m sorry this message is coming so late in the game, I know I’ve been absent for a while now. I’ve been meaning to post it sooner, but finding the time has been difficult, to say the least. I’ll put the rest of this under a read more line, so feel free to scroll past.
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Hey everyone. I’m sorry this message is coming so late in the game, I know I’ve been absent for a while now. I’ve been meaning to post it sooner, but finding the time has been difficult, to say the least. I’ll put the rest of this under a read more line, so feel free to scroll past.
First off, I just want to say that I’m sorry I haven’t been active at all recently. I know I’m very behind on all of my threads, and I apologize to anyone that I RP with for not being able to reply. The place that I’m at right now has gone from bad to worse, and certain circumstances have caused my home life to become very volatile and unstable. 
Because of that, finding time to continue RPing has been extremely difficult, and any time that I do have, my muse has been too low. I don’t want to bore you all with the details, but long story short, things have deteriorated to the point where I’m not even sure where I’ll be in the next couple weeks.
I don’t, under any circumstance, plan to abandon this blog altogether. I love all of my RP partners, and being able to write with you all has made me happier than I can even express. But with the way things are right now, continuing to write with you all doesn’t seem very probable, both because of time restraints and my lack of muse. I want to be able to give our threads the best energy and creativity that I can, and right now that’s just not something that I’m able to do.
So, for the time being, I’m going to be putting this blog on a much needed hiatus. I definitely do plan to come back, but until things calm down and I get everything figured out, I’m not sure when that’ll be. Once again, I’m really sorry to all of my followers, and especially to all of my RP partners. I hope one day soon we’ll be able to pick up where we left off.
Thank you so much for your time and patience, and I wish you all the best.
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Send 💔 to accidentally tell my Muse you hate them during an argument
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Watari: You’ve got to apologize.
L: Why?
Watari: Because it’s the mature and adult thing to do.
L: How does that affect me?
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You know what's really disturbing?
I don’t think that Death Note has once ever showed Mello completely finishing a chocolate bar. That alone keeps me awake at night
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thinkin about these jerks
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I’m rewatching Death Note owo
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Have y'all considered Halle Lidner being an absolute stunning flower in a delicate dress that can crush you under her heels while Naomi is this flawless goddes with battle scars and thick skin wearing leather jackets like think about them side by side what a concept™
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Since I’m here.
Dumping some of my Death Note artsu lol
Those are PFPs, “Oh, cool.” and “Is that so.”
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-Mello loves mint chocolate
-Mello has to roll Matt’s cigarettes because he never learned how to and refuses to smoke straights as they’re pricey
- Matt is fluent in wingdings
- Mello has been in a couple serious motorcycle accidents and has witnessed a friend being decapitated because they fell off their bike
- Every time Matt comes home instead of saying hello he’s says [Hacker voice] I’m in
- Mello has Matt listed as fuckface in his phone. Matt has Mello listed as the crown emoji and the alien emoji
- Matt has several tics, mostly in his hands or facial. He clicks his fingers a lot and can’t stop himself from winking. Mello just tells him to stop flirting and to get back to work
- Mello once got dumped by a girl cause he fell asleep while going down on her
- Matt got his ass beat for laughing about it the next day
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someone draw L like this
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hwompf ( x )
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Send 💔 to accidentally tell my Muse you hate them during an argument
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