purposefulnarrative · 10 years
>>Will the real Editor please stand up? And admit to being a godmodding jerkface? EVIDENCE:
The Narrator: "What?" he demanded sharply, not in the mood for games.
The Editor: "You actually came alone. I'm impressed."
The Narrator: "Yes, because impressing you is so incredibly high on my list of priorities," the Narrator folds his arms over his chest and glares.
The Editor: "Let me rephrase. I'm impressed by your stupidity."
The Narrator: "If you're going to do something, get on with it or let me go," his voice was growing in impatience.
The Editor: "You're very quick to rush headlong into destruction." Her smile could curdle milk. "Bad memories?"
The Narrator: "What if I told you I didn't come alone?" he says suddenly, a hint of rushed panic in his tone. He had to get out. Now.
The Editor: "You're a bad liar." Still. She did nothing. Yet.
The Narrator: The Narrator chuckled weakly. "You're right. I'm not a selfish bitch. Can't say the same about you, however. What the hell do you want?"
The Editor: "Information."
The Narrator: "Going to have to be a little more specific than that," he replies sarcastically with a sigh.
The Editor: "Fine. Who mended you?"
The Narrator: "None of your damn business," the Narrator retorts, fists clenching against his bunched up biceps.
The Editor: A threatening step forward. "Who. Mended. You?"
The Narrator: The Narrator instinctively takes a big step back, away from her. "My fairy godmother. The Pope. Santa Claus. Jesus himself. It's not relevant."
The Editor: The apparatus appears. "Answer me. Now."
The Narrator: His jaw sets at the sight of the trap she'd put him in last time. "I did," he replies defiantly, "The next question would be lovely, let's move this along."
The Editor: "Give me the truth or punishment will be in order."
The Narrator: "My safe-word is 'calligraphy'," he jokes weakly, denying the panic welling in his chest.
The Editor: She rolls her eyes. Another step forward. He couldn't back up much more in the tiny space.
The Narrator: The Narrator edges around the room, away from her. "Why are you so bent on hurting me, anyway? What did I ever do to you?" he fought to control the panic welling up in his voice. The need to know why this woman felt the need to chase him down and nearly destroy him repeatedly rose to his mind.
The Editor: "I'm doing my job."
The Narrator: "So there's someone above you, telling you what to do?"
The Editor: "No."
The Narrator: "Ah." His flat tone betrays the death of the little glimmer of hope he had.
The Editor: "Would it make any difference?"
The Narrator: He holds up his fingers in a pinching motion. "Tiny bit, but no, you're just completely evil, aren't you?" The Narrator continues to subtly work his way around the room, away from both the trap and her.
The Editor: She appears beside him. "Going somewhere?" She grabs his shoulder firmly.
The Narrator: Going completely rigid at the touch, he turns to her, roughly jerking his shoulder out of her grasp, his expression darkening into a vicious scowl. "Don't you ever touch me again."
The Editor: "Or what?" She steps forward. Herding him toward the apparatus would be easy.
The Narrator: "Ah. Here's where I'm supposed to have a clever, terrifying threat, isn't it?" he clears his throat, stepping back once, twice, hyper-aware of the device at his back and its proximity.
The Editor: "No. Here's where you cooperate and tell me everything." One more step back and he's in the apparatus.
The Narrator: "Oh." He laughs nervously. "Sorry to disappoint you, but-" The Narrator moves so fast, the motion was almost imperceptible as he steps forward quickly, grabbing the Editor's wrist and using momentum to swing their positions so that she stumbles back into her own trap. "-I'd rather not," he finishes as the device locks.
The Narrator: >​>​*licks finger and marks one point for Narrator*
The Editor: The apparatus would not lock. It was hers. Not his. "Nice try." She steps out of it. "But not quite." She grabs his tie and pulls him in.
The Narrator: His victorious smile lasts only a half second before his heart drops into his stomach, then leaps into his throat as he's dragged into the horrible thing. "No, no, no--!!!" the godawful thing clanks shut. "--Damn."
The Editor: She stands in front of him. "Shall we try this again?"
The Narrator: "I'd rather not," he grumbles, pouting as he hangs loosely. In reality, he was panicking, mind racing as he wonders if there's any point in trying to get free. Surely there had to be a way.
The Editor: She puts her hand on his chest. "Last chance."
The Narrator: The Editor's warning was met with stony silence.
The Editor: Her fingers dig into his chest again. The horrible pain was instant. "Who mended you?"
The Narrator: He didn't utter a sound, save for a muffled choking sound he holds back in response to the pain. Screw her, she wasn't going to get a single word from him.
The Editor: She shoves her hand further. More damage. More pain. "Answer me."
The Narrator: Teeth digging into his lower lip, he remained silent.
The Editor: "I will kill you." She whispers to his ear. "No one will care. GLaDOS has moved on to G-Man. Oh look I thought you two were close too. Apparently not."
The Narrator: That got a physical reaction from him. His head snapped up and he glared at her, seething hatred in his grey eyes. The words stabbed deep in his chest more that her hand did, splintering like broken glass and wedging themselves deep into his heart. "Shut the fuck up," he growled weakly. The Narrator wasn't one for profanity, but that had been a step too far.
The Editor: She smiles. "I will if you talk."
The Narrator: "Certainly. Here's some words for you: Go to hell and rot there, you poisonous bitch. You might as well kill me or let me go, because you'll get absolutely nothing from me."
The Editor: "It would be pointless to kill you." Her hand twists his code to the breaking point. "But you're fantastic bait for bigger fish."
The Narrator: His breath comes out as a rattling gasp, immediately trying his best to disengage from her by backing up in the stupid trap. "He won't come. I won't let him."
The Editor: "You won't have a choice." She pulls the plug on him. Sentient code broken.
The Narrator: His grey eyes flash brilliantly silver before he goes completely limp, unconscious and dead to the world.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
>>If anyone needs me, I'll be on Chatzy and Skype. *backflips off of Tumblr*
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
His brow furrowed, his hand stilling. Slowly, he set down his pen in order to look over at Stanley.
"I'm pretty sure we just met. So how can you know anything about that?"
The Narrator was understandably confused.
“Who said I’m interested in women? Not that it’s any of your business.”
He continued to write while keeping tabs on her. Certainly, she should know that the artwork would be gone when the game reset anew.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
"Who said I'm interested in women? Not that it's any of your business."
He continued to write while keeping tabs on her. Certainly, she should know that the artwork would be gone when the game reset anew.
“Yes, well, you’re not a bouquet of loveliness, either.”
His retort almost sounded bored. In fact, he was writing away even as he talked to her, plotting out a new story for some other poor character to follow.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
He quietly hummed in response to being brought closer, enjoying the physical affection while it lasts. It was indeed few and far between that they had these moments, and each one was more precious to him than an entire story.
"I might have to disagree, being the glutton I am."
His tone carries the same joking note from his previous words, though there's acceptance in the other entity's decision to be sparing. There was no way he'd try to force or manipulate him into doing anything beyond what he wished.
"I'm pretty sure... well, I might be wrong, but I'm /pretty/ sure I have a viru-." As though to emphasize the point, he glitches out of sight midway through the word.
The entity stiffened at the sudden glitch and glanced around sharply. Then he took a moment to locate the wayward Narrator as he checked his briefcase. This could be bad, even if only because of the unpredictability of the glitching. With a snap, he shut the briefcase and took a step forward.
His foot landed beside the Narrator’s new location. And how… did you come by this, virus? If he could get the timing down of the glitching, assuming it happened within a normal time-frame, he could work to stabilize the coding directly. With luck more… drastic measures could be avoided.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
"Yes, well, you're not a bouquet of loveliness, either."
His retort almost sounded bored. In fact, he was writing away even as he talked to her, plotting out a new story for some other poor character to follow.
He couldn’t fathom why she’d say such asinine things and behave like a “cool kid” ripped straight from a 90’s sitcom. Regardless, there was no way she’d reach the lounge, seeing as the doors leading to it were securely locked. He’d made certain of that after the last lounge fiasco he had to go through with another Employee.
“Are you quite through with being nonsensical to the point of irrelevance?”
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
He couldn't fathom why she'd say such asinine things and behave like a "cool kid" ripped straight from a 90's sitcom. Regardless, there was no way she'd reach the lounge, seeing as the doors leading to it were securely locked. He'd made certain of that after the last lounge fiasco he had to go through with another Employee.
"Are you quite through with being nonsensical to the point of irrelevance?"
The Narrator, tucked away in his little pocket outside the universe, rubs his temples in mild irritation.
“Why would I do that when you’re behaving like a toddler having a temper tantrum? I don’t reward abysmal behavior.”
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
The Narrator, tucked away in his little pocket outside the universe, rubs his temples in mild irritation.
"Why would I do that when you're behaving like a toddler having a temper tantrum? I don't reward abysmal behavior."
“Perhaps it’s not the book that offends me, but your attitude.”
He couldn’t care either way, honestly. After being verbally assaulted repeatedly by GLaDOS over the course of months, anyone’s abrasive attitude rolled right off him like water off a duck’s back.
But it wouldn’t kill her to ask nicely for some entertainment.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
The kiss was accepted entirely with warmth and veiled eagerness. While not quite the startling sensation it used to be, it was still incredibly pleasant and physical affection given freely from the other entity was always welcome with open arms. Sometimes literally.
Even after the gesture was complete, he kept his head tilted upwards, lips curling into his usual smile that was tinged with mischief. His tongue darts out to wet his lips slightly, the familiar taste on his lips causing his posture to relax considerably.
"Might need to run that reason by me again, I'm a little foggy on the details."
The Narrator murmurs playfully, using his hold on his hand to pull him just a smidge closer.
"I'm pretty sure... well, I might be wrong, but I'm /pretty/ sure I have a viru-." As though to emphasize the point, he glitches out of sight midway through the word.
The entity stiffened at the sudden glitch and glanced around sharply. Then he took a moment to locate the wayward Narrator as he checked his briefcase. This could be bad, even if only because of the unpredictability of the glitching. With a snap, he shut the briefcase and took a step forward.
His foot landed beside the Narrator’s new location. And how… did you come by this, virus? If he could get the timing down of the glitching, assuming it happened within a normal time-frame, he could work to stabilize the coding directly. With luck more… drastic measures could be avoided.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
"Perhaps it's not the book that offends me, but your attitude."
He couldn't care either way, honestly. After being verbally assaulted repeatedly by GLaDOS over the course of months, anyone's abrasive attitude rolled right off him like water off a duck's back.
But it wouldn't kill her to ask nicely for some entertainment.
Deciding to remain hidden for the present time, he sighs laboriously as though she was asking entirely too much out of him.
“If you set fire to the building, you’d only get trapped and die. I don’t see how that’s supposed to motivate me to help you.”
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
Deciding to remain hidden for the present time, he sighs laboriously as though she was asking entirely too much out of him.
"If you set fire to the building, you'd only get trapped and die. I don't see how that's supposed to motivate me to help you."
He scoffs.
“You’re not really in a position to make demands.”
Regardless, her request seems to have stirred some amusement in the Narrator.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
He scoffs.
"You're not really in a position to make demands."
Regardless, her request seems to have stirred some amusement in the Narrator.
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purposefulnarrative started following you
While you’re here give me some new books
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
Though it was fair, he couldn't help but want to protect the other entity and deny him of that ability. It was ridiculous, really, and he knew better. The Government Man was far more powerful than he. If anything, he should back down. Not like it'd ever happen, though.
Instead of pouting over poor circumstances, however, he contents himself with the closeness of the present moment, tilting his head up to plant the softest of kisses on the corner of his lips. Leaning back with a little smile, he nods in agreement.
"Likewise. I apologize for being absent as of late, if it were up to me, I would be far more frequent in my visits, I assure you."
"I'm pretty sure... well, I might be wrong, but I'm /pretty/ sure I have a viru-." As though to emphasize the point, he glitches out of sight midway through the word.
The entity stiffened at the sudden glitch and glanced around sharply. Then he took a moment to locate the wayward Narrator as he checked his briefcase. This could be bad, even if only because of the unpredictability of the glitching. With a snap, he shut the briefcase and took a step forward.
His foot landed beside the Narrator’s new location. And how… did you come by this, virus? If he could get the timing down of the glitching, assuming it happened within a normal time-frame, he could work to stabilize the coding directly. With luck more… drastic measures could be avoided.
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
✍ a journal entry from my muse about your muse
Why must she be so FRUSTRATING?! How can I make her see that everything I do is for her OWN GOOD without completely destroying her in the process? She’ll drive me mad before I can win her over, I just know it.
Scribbled out Margin Note: Ask Constantine for assistance?
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
✍,♩, ღ.
✍ a journal entry from my muse about your muse
I suppose I should thank Stanley for being a big enough fool to attempt kissing him. It gave me a well-needed push, even if the push made me act rather childish. I need to be careful about this whole thing. After all, an aggressive approach only helps so far as it doesn’t get irritating.
But he kissed first, that has to count for something. What a kiss it was, too. Definitely must find an excuse to do it again. ASAP.
♩ a song that reminds my muse of your muse
Monster by DEV
ღ a feature of your muse my muse finds appealing
“If you’re bold enough to look him directly in the eyes… I could stare into them for centuries.”
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purposefulnarrative · 10 years
✍ ♩ ☒ ღ
✍ a journal entry from my muse about your muse
Well, Stanley finally found someone that’ll put up with him. Strangely enough, it was that Aperture girl, Trenidia. I’ll have to keep a closer eye on her, definitely. Though our first few meetings went rather well, which is nice, considering the norm.
Margin Note: Create couple-defining trials. Fun writing exercise.
♩ a song that reminds my muse of your muse
Paralyzer by Finger Eleven
☒ a secret about your muse my muse would never admit IC
“It’s ridiculously hard to be mad at her when she makes me such delicious brownies.”
ღ a feature of your muse my muse finds appealing
“She has been gifted with a very pleasing figure." He clears his throat, then smirks with a sheepish shrug. No use denying it.
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