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#Repost @alphaville.music (@get_repost) ・・・ Dear Friends, it is our real pleasure to share Schiller's marvelous and visionary interpretation of a SUMMER IN BERLIN. https://schiller.lnk.to/SiB Those who are longing for sun-washed afternoons in the park, the delicate grace of life and a tender kiss in the middle of the crossroads listen to SCHILLER's great new album, the eponymous SUMMER IN BERLIN, out next week! We would like to share what Christopher von Deylen said on Schiller: Summer is here: SCHILLER x ALPHAVILLE with "Summer in Berlin". In the middle of February 2021. Let's dream together of sun and boundless joie de vivre. This way please: https://schiller.lnk.to/summer-album - With "Summer in Berlin" a big dream comes true. It is an honor for me to be able toinvite this classic tune by Alphaville into the world of SCHILLER. Big thanks to Marian Gold, Bernhard Lloyd and all the "Alphas" for this unique experience. The journey continues... There are only a few pieces of music that accompany me on all stations of my life. "Summer in Berlin" by Alphaville is by far the most beautiful. In 1984 I heard this somehow melancholic yet insanely life-hungry song for the first time and immediately took it into my heart. Since I grew up in the Northern German province, "Berlin" naturally sounded like pure wanderlust. And summer too. Wanderlust Deluxe. I knew Berlin only from photos and from the cinema. A few years earlier, the classic film "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" had been released. Everything that came from Berlin and sounded like Berlin seemed out of this world. More like a parallel world, a movie within a movie. Now it's 2021 and "Summer in Berlin" is still in my heart. More intensely than ever before. After living permanently in Berlin for over ten years, I'm currently a guest in this city from time to time. There it is again, this wanderlust. Summer in Berlin. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAQq6bAE_F/?igshid=q3fi8c46pew1
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#Repost @alphaville.music (@get_repost) ・・・ Official video of "Summer in Berlin" (Schiller x Alphaville) OUT NOW: https://youtu.be/qiUXm8X0ycI (you can also find the link in our bio) Dear Friends, it is a refreshing relief if you consign responsibilities into the hands of a person, whose judgement, taste and skills you trust. This has happened with one of our "babies", the song "Summer In Berlin" by the interpretation of Christopher von Deylen aka Schiller. But to designate the result as a mere remix wouldn't do justice to Christopher because he went far beyond that. In fact he managed to establish his very own personal vision of the song and it did well to it. And having just watched the video, the story continues. In its surprising setting and its wide-eyed elegance and grace it tells the same tale from another perspective. A kid's perspective. The kid we all bear in us lifelong. And what is it that makes a good story? Other perspectives. Watch and enjoy. Marian Gold and Bernhard Lloyd #Schiller #Alphaville #summerinberlin https://www.instagram.com/p/CMARSoCiNFA/?igshid=69q38jammkun
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🎿🌊#Kiteboarding in a #Windy #Saharian #Sky #BaieDesAnges #Nice #NiceFrance #NiceCotedAzur #Nice06 #CotedAzur #ProvenceAlpesCotedAzur #France https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_DrnkgtBh/?igshid=1s0bodt58dcl8
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🎿🌊#Kiteboarding in a #Windy #Saharian #Sky #BaieDesAnges #Nice #NiceFrance #NiceCotedAzur #Nice06 #CotedAzur #ProvenceAlpesCotedAzur #France https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_DXSmApUF/?igshid=by9varujmtba
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🎿🌊#Kiteboarding in a #Windy #Saharian #Sky and #Rough #Sea #BaieDesAnges #Nice #NiceFrance #NiceCotedAzur #Nice06 #CotedAzur #ProvenceAlpesCotedAzur #France https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_B9N4g08h/?igshid=1bxaq0mgsydz7
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Bleu Royal ... #BaieDesAnges #Nice #Nice06 #CoteDAzur #Mer #Soleil #Ecume #Vagues https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhaYnzAGC6/?igshid=fa3m30hhpt8e
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#Freedom #Mouette #Vent #Liberté #Ciel #Mer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhLezuAKd7/?igshid=leinmcv3ejwj
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To the new #Horizon ... #Orizzonte #Horizon #FraCieloEMare #EntreCielEtMer #LigneDHorizon #Horizon #Surf🌊 #Planche #Mer #Sea #BlueSky https://www.instagram.com/p/CKJ2PLpgnuJ/?igshid=yszvgfr7n1nk
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKvHRAmkF/?igshid=b73avbqtg7en
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKr8CgK8M/?igshid=rcg1fldwdxkz
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKpRygmmc/?igshid=1u2gnwbg04e0d
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKmnNAX8q/?igshid=v3wk1v08gf2d
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKjx0gLTd/?igshid=b5rp50m7dwiy
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKfoEgV2P/?igshid=efjq2yhjzn7i
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKYdmgVSG/?igshid=1kc831qc4uvsu
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#TchinTchin🥂 #HappyNewYear🍾 #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiKVaxA8TO/?igshid=ol76xs8y9ct
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