230 posts
We all have holes inside. I decided to fill mine with purple, might change with time. Feel free to fill yours with colors, words, pictures, songs, books, thoughts.. Make sure not to leave it empty, some undesired actions might come there unintentionally which will be uncomfortable to live with, and painful to take away.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
purple-hole · 22 days ago
"Ne reflechie pas à ce que tu vas faire, reflechie à ce que tu vas laisser tomber"
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purple-hole · 30 days ago
“I am a strong person. But every once in a while I would like someone to hold my hand and tell me things are going to be OK.”
— Unknown
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
“الراحة إذا طالت تولد الكسل ، و الجهد إذا زاد عن حده يولد الثورة .”
— عبد الرحمن منيف
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
“Friends make life a lot more fun.”
— Charles R. Swindoll
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
الإنسان يحتاج إلى الإنسان ، ولا أقصد بذلك الإتكاء المفرط على الآخرين ، بل القرب المريح الذي وجوده يبث الدفء في الروح ولا أذى في زواله .
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
“Have you ever just looked at someone while they’re doing something small like driving or laughing and just smile bc u like them so much.”
— Unknown
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
“I kissed her until there was more happiness inside me than sadness.”
— Benjamin Alire Sáenz
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
i love the part of growth that allows you to look back on a previous period of your life and recognize that parts of it were unhealthy. something that felt so normal wasn’t in hindsight. you’re not supposed to feel that tired all the time. you’re not supposed to be treated like that.
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purple-hole · 1 month ago
لأصبح المرأة التي أنا عليها
كان عليّ قتل الرجال بداخلي
واحدًا تلو الآخر
يومًا بعد يوم
هناك الملايين منهم
الذي يقول إن تنورتي الضيقة تجعلني عاهرة
الذي يقول إن غضبي يجعلني غير جديرة بالثقة
الذي يقول إن إخفاقاتي كلها سببها أني عاطفية أكثر من اللازم
الذي يدعي أن صدمتي ليست حقيقية
الذي علمني أن الدفاع عن النفس هو رد الفعل الوحيد على الأذى
الذي يقول إن المنطق يغلب المشاعر.
- 2 -
لأصبح المرأة التي أنا عليها
كان عليّ أن أقتل المحتلين بداخلي
واحدًا تلو الآخر
يومًا بعد يوم
هناك الملايين منهم
الذي يصرخ قائلًا إن النجاح هو مراكمة الثروة واستجماع القوة
الذي يقول إن الاستهلاك سوف يشعرني بأفضلية
الذي يقول إن الثقافة الإنجليزية والأمريكية والأوروبية تفوق ثقافتي
الذي ينكر وجود الأنظمة القمعية
الذي تجاهل رأيي لأني مجرد سياسية هاوية
الذي يقول إن شعبي أقل شأنًا، وبحاجة لتعلم الديمقراطية
الذي يقول إن طريقته هي الطريقة المثلى الوحيدة.
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لأصبح المرأة التي أنا عليها
كان عليّ قتل الأوغاد بداخلي
واحدًا تلو الآخر
يومًا بعد يوم
هناك الملايين منهم
الذي يأمرني بأن أغلق فمي، هكذا أشق طريقي إلى القمة
الذي يرى ألمي ويذكرني بأن لا شيء ليفعل حياله
التي تتهمني بأني أخونها لأني لست نسوية بما يكفي، أو لست نسوية على طريقتها
الذي لا يريد أن يتحدث معي عن الأمور المؤلمة كالإساءة والشعور بالعار.
- 4 -
لأصبح المرأة التي أنا عليها
كان عليّ أن أعي أن رأسي ممتلئٌ بأصوات كثيرة ليست لي
أصوات التفوق الأبيض والاستعمار والنظام الأبوي،
أن أطهرها يوميًا
حتى أراها تصل لمرحلة تخبرني فيها أن لديها
لأصبح المرأة التي أنا عليها - جيسيكا سمعان
ترجمة ضي رحمي
لوحة : الهروب من الجحيم، مريم ب�� زيد.
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purple-hole · 1 year ago
03/02/2024 || Bourg la Reine
This is a letter for my future self, ideally 30 years young me :
Hey love ! How are you doing ? Let me tell you a bit about me, i know it might hurt you, but it's important to hear me so you accept it.
I am doing quite well. The rhythm of my life has been hectic so far. And i feel like i am running all the time. That's why today i decided to say stop and look after myself and yours.
On a personal level, a lot of positive changes have been made. I am aware of my traumas and my weaknesses, and I'm working on it. I have been seeing a therapist for more than a year and a half now, we have talked about emotions, how to express them, and how important it is to say no to other, create a clear limit whenever i feel it and say my opinion with no fear. We talked about fear, getting angry, and having non-violent communication. We did "thérapie des schémas" and it helped me understand some of my behaviours and try to accept it. On the other hand, i started doing theatre with my baby every Thursday. I learned a lot during these 2 months, especially to build strong self-esteem and to express my thoughts and emotions without fear. I look at it as another type of therapy. I am really proud of myself to where i am now. I hope that you're still looking after your mental health and that you're still challenging it for a better version.
On a relationship level, I have been committed to our relationship since May 2023. I went to Tunisia and met his lovely family in July 2024. They were very welcoming and warming. I built a different type of successful relationship with each member of his family. He came to Lebanon with me in December 2023. I was happy to see my two worlds combining and trying to merge into one. We moved in together last weekend, last weekend of January 2023. And here we are working on our future together and making our own family full of love and peace. I hope that you'll always find this secure feeling in this relationship and that you're giving him your best. He is an amazing person, never forget that whatever happens.
On a professional level, I have been working in UMS for 2 years and 4 months now. I learned a lot about the company, my work, and the life of an employee. This experience made me have a clear and sincere opinion about this kind of job. It's a NO. I feel like it's sucking my whole energy, it's killing me slowly. It's like i have no more control over my life, not even my goals. It's a prison without me noticing it. But the good news is that i am aware of it more than ever. Here, we are working on breaking it with my partner. We're trying to build our own project together, taking a lot of risks and enjoying the process. I hope that you have already reached that point and that you're looking after new special goals free from society and more dependent on nature.
On a health level, i have reached my weight goal, which is 57kg. Actually, it's not that important to me. However, i am doing more yoga for all kinds of situations. Sometimes, i go for a run. I do swimming once per week. And i'm looking for a climbing partner to start again.
Enough talking about myself. That was my short story as of today. I would like to remind you to always enjoy life, especially details in your daily tasks. Problems are always here. Try not to look at them as problems, but as lessons. Dont stop learning. I hope that by the you have already accepted to be loved and that you're giving your love to the fullest. I hope that you're free from all fears. I hope that you are a better version of me. I am proud of me, i am proud of you wherever you are, whoever you are. Accept me so you can love yourself even more. I trust you. Keep taking care of your self, your mental and physical health, and your lovely partner.
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purple-hole · 1 year ago
“The problem when you are a strong, capable, self-confident person, is that more often than not, people think that you don't really need things like comfort, reassurance, loyalty and guidance. People are more likely to look at you and say, "She doesn't need this", "She doesn't need that", "She's already all of this and all of that". But then the truth is that most probably, you are a strong, capable, self-confident person because you built yourself brick-by-brick into that person; because you HAD to BECOME that person; because you had determination enough to make yourself into the image that you knew you needed to become. At the heart of many strong, confident people, is a heart most longing of the things that most others simply take for granted.”
C. JoyBell C.
Grant Wood - Spring in the Country.
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purple-hole · 1 year ago
23/08/2023 || Massy
They said "home is where the heart is"
You're not just my home,
You have become my whole country,
I have found peace between your arms,
In the spark of your eyes,
In the tenderness of you touch,
In your daily soft "i love you",
I have found peace,
Just to be lost again inside your soul
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purple-hole · 2 years ago
I came to this point where I yearn for intimacy with inner peace, inner-growth, simplicity, contenment and happiness. Go and settle to a place where nobody knows my name. Seek for new adventures in unexplored corners, sail the deepest secrets of the oceans, meet new faces and learn new points of view. I want to be intensely in touched with the trees, oceans, and mountains. To be immensely in loved with the smell of rain, sea, and river. To be a little detached from the crowd; perhaps attach myself to something where my soul is rooted deep and just follow my own path regardless of how the world tries to pull me.
I just want a change and have a break from everything that holds me back. I want to unleash that kind of soul—to experience and appreciate life by giving life—by living life.
And finally find that home, within.
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purple-hole · 2 years ago
"Tu es entrée, par hasard, dans une vie dont je n'étais pas fier, et de ce jour-là quelque chose a commencé de changer. J'ai mieux respiré, j'ai détesté moins de choses, j'ai admiré librement ce qui méritait de l'être. Avant toi, hors de toi, je n'adhérais à rien. Cette force, dont tu te moquais quelquefois, n'a jamais été qu'une force solitaire, une force de refus. Avec toi, j'ai accepté plus de choses.
J'ai appris à vivre. C'est pour cela sans doute qu'il s'est toujours mêlé à mon amour une gratitude immense."
-Albert Camus
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purple-hole · 2 years ago
"I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we."
- Nikita Gill
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purple-hole · 2 years ago
my brain and
heart divorced
a decade ago
over who was
to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become
they couldn't be
in the same room
with each other
now my head and heart
share custody of me
I stay with my brain
during the week
and my heart
gets me on weekends
they never speak to one another
- instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week
and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:
"This is all your fault"
on Sundays
my heart complains
about how my
head has let me down
in the past
and on Wednesday
my head lists all
of the times my
heart has screwed
things up for me
in the future
they blame each
other for the
state of my life
there's been a lot
of yelling - and crying
lately, I've been
spending a lot of
time with my gut
who serves as my
unofficial therapist
most nights, I sneak out of the
window in my ribcage
and slide down my spine
and collapse on my
gut's plush leather chair
that's always open for me
~ and I just sit sit sit sit
until the sun comes up
last evening,
my gut asked me
if I was having a hard
time being caught
between my heart
and my head
I nodded
I said I didn't know
if I could live with
either of them anymore
"my heart is always sad about
something that happened yesterday
while my head is always worried
about something that may happen tomorrow,"
I lamented
my gut squeezed my hand
"I just can't live with
my mistakes of the past
or my anxiety about the future,"
I sighed
my gut smiled and said:
"in that case,
you should
go stay with your
lungs for a while,"
I was confused
- the look on my face gave it away
"if you are exhausted about
your heart's obsession with
the fixed past and your mind's focus
on the uncertain future
your lungs are the perfect place for you
there is no yesterday in your lungs
there is no tomorrow there either
there is only now
there is only inhale
there is only exhale
there is only this moment
there is only breath
and in that breath
you can rest while your
heart and head work
their relationship out."
this morning,
while my brain
was busy reading
tea leaves
and while my
heart was staring
at old photographs
I packed a little
bag and walked
to the door of
my lungs
before I could even knock
she opened the door
with a smile and as
a gust of air embraced me
she said
"what took you so long?"
~ John Roedel (johnroedel.com)
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purple-hole · 2 years ago
"You feel so familiar... I must have loved you in more than one lifetime."
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