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Just to escape reality
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purerosepetals ยท 3 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง 5
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She's been here for 3 days. It wasn't as bad as she tought, the house grew warm with her presence and the fireplace that was burning constantly. The showers were colder than at home and the clothes bigger, they smellt so much better though.
He didn't show up often and that bothered her, since he's the one that demanded that she'd stay here against her will.
It was boring. All she did was read the books that were available or cook herself something with the food he always left for her in the kitchen. And sometimes she even thinks that she can hear him dropping it off and his footsteps grow louder and slowly cease.
The distance he held also was also a chance for her to leave without him noticing. She tried to get a vague idea of when he came and left again, so she could plan on when and how to escape.
She couldn't deny that the mysterious Mr. had kind of made her courious and that scared her even more. Also the blood of probably someone he cold-heartedly killed didn't help with that. It was also one of the reasons she couldn't get caught. Who knew what he would do to her.
The thought sent a shiver down her spine as she laid awake very early and waited for him to come and go again.
When he walked into the house, his footsteps echoing and squeaking old wood reached her ears, her heart rate went up and all she could do was listen and guess what he did right this second.
He was there for about 20 minutes and everytime ge got close to her/his romm, she held her breath.
After 10 more miutes he seemed to leave because the sound of his footsteps got quieter the longer she listened.
When she heard the door close with a familliar sound, she waited about a minute just to be safe and then sprung out of bed.
She threw on warm clothes and packs a bag with everything neccesary and that she might need, then broke open the door with a pin that was in her hair. When it opened after 15 seconds she sighed with relieve and sprinted to the door that led outside.
When she reached the door she swung it open and it gave he a deja vu from when she first fled out of the house. The feeling she felt back then was too familliar for her now.
And just like it did then, the door also swung shut the same way and it scared her just like the first time.
When she smelled the fresh and moist air of the woods and her eyes looked over the many trees that were dunked in fog, she ran into the direction that she thought led her home. In the fear of the dangerous and enchanting aura the Mr. had, she didn't even think about whivh direction she went.
She ran and ran and even though her lungs burned and her legs grew tired, it didn't matter. She doesn't want to die, defenitely not in a forest where probably nobody would find her.
She was in her thoughts and didn't look where she was going and one second she was thinking about her home and the other she felt hot pain on her ankle and then she was falling and saw the forest turn sideways. Then everything went black.
He wanted to be close to her, to get to know her and the thing he was dying to do, is have her under him and begging him, for more pleasure or to stop because it was too much, he didn't know what was more mouthwatering.
And especially after what she called him, "Yes, Sir" repeated in his head everyday and every night and he doesn't want to do anything about it. Two words from her and he was restless and the only way it would go away is with his fist around himself, while thinking of her sweet whimpers and that he's sure she tastes like rich honey between her legs. He knows it's wrong but then why dies it feel so good ?
But he couldn't, he knew that there will be consequenzes beacuase there always are. He just didn't want to be the reason she will get hurt.
Thats why he kept his distance as far as he could, he came only to bring her supplies like food, clothes or even wood for the fireplace that always burned when he was here. It hurt him too, the place where his heart used to be burned when she's not around and that drove him wild.
He comes when she sleeps and he leavea when she sleeps and after that, you really dont know what he does after that.
All he can think about is that that place is hell and she's his heaven.
But he's also not stupid, he had powers that were crafted by the evil and she didn't know, which made her naive.
Naive to think that he wouldn't notice that she's gone.
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง 4
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After what happened he couldn't stop thinking about it. Everytime he closed his eyes, all he could see was you. You writhing on his sheets and begging for your release. He didn't need sleep, but if he would, all his dreams would be about you.
It didn't make things easier that he had to take care of you. Food, clothes and just necessary things Humans needed. He could just let her go, but that wasn't an option. She was his now.
He was currently standing in front of the door she is behind and unlocking it, with food and clothes and other stuff in his hands. Opening the door and finding you sleeping in the same place as he left you, after watching you pleasuring yourself. Still in the same few clothes and the thin sheets of his bed, that were covering you not as good as he wanted to.
Distracting himself quietly by putting all the necessities next to you on the bed and pulling out a extra blanket he brought, draping it over you. He doesn't want you to wake up. Standing in front of her and looking down to the fragile human lying in his bed. Looking for warmth in the extra layer of fabric.
He felt warmer. Wanting to be with her forever. He swears that he will protect her from anything and anyone. If anyone dares laying a hand on her, he would kill them. He'd do everything for her.
It scares him too. The unfamiliar feeling making it hard to control his actions.
He knows he isn't normal. Some may say he is a monster. It's obvious, he is everything but good for her. But he's never felt like that before.
He doesn't want her to think that he's a creep, so he stops looking at her so intensely, going back to the things he brought. A few clothes, his clothes because he can't leave this house to buy clothes for her. But food he had, never used by anyone and it just laid there waiting for him. He cooked. For the first time in a few decades, he made pasta. For her.
He took the plate and put it on the beside table next to the bed, he started putting away other things he found for her to use.
Being woken up by the smell of pasta was weird. The last time she had pasta was under other circumstances, given she wasn't being held hostage that time.
The second thing that surprised her was that she wasn't alone, the Mr. who locked her up hadn't just left the food and disappeared like before. He stood in the room, his back to her and rummaging in the big dark closet.
She saw that the door was open and considered sprinting out and never coming back. But before she even moved one inch, the man spoke with the same deep voice she wanted to hear yesterday while she was touching herself.
"Don't even think abou' it, darlin. '" He turned around and even though she knew what he looked like, the sight of his dominant features made her whimper.
It was almost impossible to hear for another human. He wasn't human, but she didn't need to know. "I was curious if you'd actually do it, but I wanted to spare you the trouble of me draggin' you back in here." The accent and dark aura he gave off, made her shiver instantly. He noticed, but didn't say anything.
She was still looking at him with big eyes, the grey coming out prominently and sleep still blurring everything. "Don' stare, honey. That's rude." Broke the silence and making her cheeks burn red as she looked at her fidgety hands.
He almost lost it at that, but he continued to talk either way.
"I brought some things for you. The clothes you're wearin' right know are dirty, so I went and there are now a few more options in the closet." He said closing said closet and walking with his hands behind his back, looking as intimidating as ever.
She said nothing to him, just stared.
How long does he want her to stay here?
"I also cooked you pasta, you're probably very hungry." Motioning to the plate of food, that was still warm. "I already ate." That wasn't true but she didn't know.
If he only knew that she doesn't like eating in front of people.
She still sat there saying nothing and it made him frustrated. She needed to eat something.
"Is there somethin' wrong with it ?" He asked sounding a little angrier than he wanted, making her look up and shake her head.
"Then wha' is it ?" He waited for her to answer.
"C-can you.." she takes a pause to find her voice, but it didn't get any better. "Could y-you ehm... I don't l-like...eating in front of...others." She said her voice sounding a little ruff and small.
He feels bad, not wanting her to feel that way about herself. Ever. He doesn't know what exactly it is that she doesn't like about eating in front of others, but whatever it is he wants her to feel safe eating in front of him, no shame nothing but herself enjoying her food. As it should be all the time. He wants her to always be safe, wants her to know that he would do anything for her and most importantly not be ashamed of anything.
He takes three big steps until he's in front of her, slipping between her thighs that were only covered by the thin fabric of his bedsheets. Once he stepped into the embrace of her, her smell hit him and he knew that he needed to hold back. The smell of lavender, honey and rain making its way through his nose, clouding all his senses.
They both don't know why it's effects him so much but he knows that he can't stand seeing her like this. The next words he spoke made her heart almost beat out of her chest.
"I don't ever, want you to hide yourself from me. I wanna see everythin' and with that I mean the things that you see as flaws. You and I are going to spend a lot of time together and I want you to know that you're safe here. Nothing you do will scare me away."
Looking into her eyes and telling her those words, was something she didn't expect him to do. He was so cold before. First the pasta and know he belittles her like a baby. He's the one who locked her away in the first place !
" You are the one who locked me here and now you're telling me something like this ? Can you just let me go? I won't tell anything! Please I don't want this... Please." She can't explain why she just yelled at him after he tried being nice, but something must have snapped. At the end of her rambling she began hitting his broad hard chest with her small fists, that he stopped by taking her wrists and holding them still. His ring clad fingers holding her hands so firmly, the rings digging into her soft skin. One of them cupping her chin.
The contact of his skin sending waves straight down her spine and making her look into his wonderfully deep green eyes. "Don't be a brat, petal. You don't wanna know what will happen if you keep actin' like that. " He said, his voice raspy and even deeper than normal. "I can't let you go, love. Do I make myself clear ? "
She couldn't handle him being so close, the smell of cinnamon, smoke and cedar wood numbing her brain. He kept eye contact for the whole time and the mixture of the intense strict stare, plus the warning words out of his mouth, made her throb. She looked down at her hands, that were still being gripped by his much larger hand, it almost covering everything of her own hands. The other one was still holding her chin.
What next slipped her mouth made not only her eyes widen, but his need for her so much stronger.
"Yes, Sir"
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
I loved mr. Man!! part 3 was so hot๐Ÿฅต
Thanks gurrrl ๐Ÿ’•
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
Sis all parts of Mr.Man was so good!! Will u do a part 4?
Of course ๐Ÿ˜˜ coming today
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง 3
! Mature content and language!
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She still had no idea what actually happened, but one thing she quickly realised is that, he wouldn't let her go. After the little conversation they had, if you could call it that, he locked her in the big room with the equally big closet. It seemed it was his room after spending hours there and investigating everything.
A Big bed with dark grey sheets, big wood shelfs filled with books that looked well read and an old balcony. She considered jumping from it but it was really high and she didn't want to injure herself.
So after nothing happened and her screaming and shouting subsided, she convinced herself that she had to wait and try to sneak out when it was dark again.
She also couldn't ignore that this house gave her some kind of dangerous feeling and as much as she tried to tell herself it wasn't real, she also felt save.
A fight, if she should stay, with the incredibly good looking man, or leave and never ever come back here, was everything she could think about.
The feeling of his cold fingers was still basically imprinted in her skin, because no matter how hard she tried to get rid if those thaughts in her head, she couldn't.
And that's how she ended up here. Lying in the bed that smelled of manly cologne and coldness, she let the thaughts take over.
In her mind were scenarios, where he would kiss her so softly that it almost resembled the brushing of wind against her red bitten lips. Scenarios with his hand around her neck and looking in her eyes while talking dirty things into her ear, while she trembled beneath him. Him calling her names, soft and sweet but also degrading her with ever so filthy ones as well.
The wetness in her dark red panties, started to dampen the soft material covering her heat. The arousal she felt was something she has never experienced. Something about him made her want to be obient. The dark aura he had, making her more and more submissive, the more she taught about it, the more she wanted it.
What was I doing? He could literally be in the room next to the one I'm in or even murdering someone somewhere again. She should care, she really should.
But.... she didn't. Not as much as she wanted to.
Her fingers caressing her own skin, when she deep down craved the cold ones of a man she shouldn't want anywhere near her. His sweater was still clinging to her body and she really didn't feel any need in herself to take it off. Grazing the curve of her breasts, down to her tummy that wasn't flat and covered with the small imperfections she is always insecure about.
Stopping and halting her movements, she listens again for any noise in the house. Hoping he's not anyway near.
After she heard nothing she took a deep breath and continued, the burning between her thighs getting harder and harder to bear by the second.
Her other hand that lied on the other side of her body, was now cupping her left breast, while the other one started rubbing over the soaked material of the bothering cloth between her wet awaiting core with her small fingers.
Whimpering and gasping, while getting her nipples hard in seconds, she slipped the one hand pressing against the already very damp piece of cloth covering her center, under the hem of her panties. In desperate movements, she covered her fingers with the hot arousal, as she glides them through her wet folds.
Without any control over what comes out of her mouth, she begins whimpering.
"P-Please,... Mr....please"
The back of her head naming him 'Mr.' , because she didn't know his name. Between her breathless rambling also small whines and choked moans could be heard. Why choked moans, you may ask ? It's beacuase her hand that was teasing her breasts had glided up to her own throat, pressing her way to small hand against it.
Letting out a lewd moan, sending a wave of pleasure down her spine, she imagined it was him doing it. Now rubbing even faster against her throbbing clit, she craved more. She wanted his hand around her neck. The hands with the numerous veins and rings, and the long thick fingers, where the nails were coated with a dark red nail polish, already a little chipped off.
Being deep in trance, she doesn't notice the steps that came closer to her, laying on his bed, in his clothes while thinking of him.
He also only realised what she was doing until he halted infront of the locked door that she was behind. Clueless about what to do or think next, he unconsciously sniffed the air, the smell of you and your arousal hitting him like a bus. Growling a little, not wanting you to hear him, he looked down to where a big tent was visible in his tight pants and he noticiced how hard you made him and how dominant you made him feel.
Thaughts flooding his mind about how flushed you'd look under him, after obeying to everything he ordered you to do. The lewdest things coming into his mind ; You riding his thigh, spitting in your mouth and onto your shaky body. And so, so, so many more.
Already hating what he was about to do, his hands roughly tugged off his belt, really wanting to spank you with it, or tie you up. He unsipped his pants, letting them fall down his legs. One of his hands teasing himself over the boxers he was wearing, a wet spot appearing where the large head of his cock was located underneath the cloth. Imagining how you would look in front of him, on just your knees and Hands bound behind your back, while he fucked your wet and drooly mouth.
The next thing he heard had him dropping his boxers in seconds and tugging his hard throbbing length.
"Please...p-please make me cum... Please... I'll be g-good. Make me cum, please Mr.!"
The sound of the neediness of your voice and the lewd words making him throb more than he already had before.
He was so turned on. While he stroked his erection in faster movements, grunting ever so often and letting hard breaths go through his flared nostrils, he realized that he wanted more.
He wanted to see you.
He wants to see you touch yourself, as you writhe underneath your own touch and tremble with need and the urge to cum.
So he did something really risky.
Opening the door, not making a single sound with his not so "busy" hand and letting out a low growl as he saw her through the little space that opened.
You laid there, the sweater bunched on top of your breasts, with your hard nipples poking visibly through the dark red bralette. One of your hands was still on your throat, squeezing not as hard as she wanted to, wanted him to do.
While she laid there, on his bed, letting out dirty sounds and begs to cum, he couldn't help but stroke it in furious motions. His once green eyes turned into an almost black shade, like some sort of mist had laid down onto them.
Sweat forming on both of their body's, her having her hand between her thighs, which was already coated with her arousal, as well as her panties and him having a hard time holding down the grunts, moans and dirty words he wanted to tell her, to make an even bigger mess out of her.
She knew she was close and tried holding it back as long as possible as she repeatedly said the same things. "P-please let me cum.... I wan- wanna cum Mr....... F-fuck, I'm gonna cum...g-gonna cum!"
She arched her back as it hit her, thighs shaking and biting into the palm of her hand that was around her throat seconds ago. She clenches her eyes shut and lets out an embarrassingly loud moan that sounds like a scream, escaping her throat. Pictures of the man that locked her up running through her mind at the same time the pleasure she wasn't familiar with pulsed through her vains.
It took one look of her blissful state and a millisecond of hearing the sound she made while the high hit her, and he was coming in thick white spurts on his veiny hand, drenching it in his come that he wanted her to swallow. Trying to stay on his feet, he knew that if he didn't want to get caught he had to leave before she saw him. So he did.
Appreciate feedback!!!
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง 2
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You didn't know what time it was when you woke up but the fire had went out long ago. It was bright outside again, still cloudy and darker than normal but much brighter than what it looked like outside when you feel asleep.
You were still cold, with the blanket on you as you were standing up from the armchair you slept on. Your neck was a little stiff from the weird sleeping position, you were in only a couple moments ago.
Your stomach growled because you haven't eaten in almost 10 hours. What you would do for breakfast right now.
Going over to where you left the clothes that were literally dripping wet yesterday, only to discover they were still wet.
What am I supposed to wear now? Maybe there were still clothes lying around, I mean you even made a fire yesterday.
You avoided the now dried blood as best as you can, as you made your way through the house.
In search for dry clothes, you found a big closet that you didn't notice the first time you were in here.
When you opened it, you found a few clothes neatly folded in there. A few button downs, graphic tees and very view sweaters. Weirdly there weren't any pants.
Cursing to yourself as another wave of goosebumps arose on your skin, you let the blanket fall from your body and reached for one of the dark sweaters.
As you were pulling the piece of clothing over your head letting it drape over your slim shoulder, you heard a noise. It sounded like a door was shut with force and it made you freeze, halting your breath.
Was it the killer? Why was he back?
Did he live here?
Taking a deep breath after listening for more noises, because you forgot to let the air stream into your lungs, a louder thud was heard. You remember that your clothes were still downstairs and the armchair was still moved to a different position.
You know the killer knew now that someone was here. The best you could do is hide and wait till he was gone.
Without hesitation you silently tried to climb into the closet. Steps heard under the sound of your heavy breaths, they're coming closer and closer only making you more terrified. It was like he was in the same room now, you hoped that assumption was wrong but when the steps halted you knew he was.
"Where are you?" a deep voice growled in the back of their throat.
The only thing you thaught was ''fuck im screwed'' . You left the blanket in font if the closet and if he didn't notice it yet, then he definitely did now.
Again the deep voice broke the silence.
"Hiding in my closet? Not a good Idea."
Choking on your breath with tears of fear filling your eyes, you clung yourself to the warm sweater.
Then everything went very fast.
Fast footsteps came toward the closet and the doors flew open.
A shriek left your mouth, clenching your eyes shut and you're expecting to be harshly grabbed or something like that.
But nothing happened, the only things heard now were your whimpers. After a while of silence and you not getting attacked, you opened your eyes.
In front if the closet stood a man, tall and dark clothed, looking probably more bewildered than you. You swore that you've never seen a human more beautiful than him. Chocolate curls framing the face of a Greek god, and dark green eyes making even the forests jealous of its colour.
Skin paler than porcelain, with ink covering his arms that was darker than the darkest shade of black. Muscles stretching underneath the Flannel he's wearing, thick tights and long legs. His hands were big and instead of clenching on the sides of his body, they were loosely falling down with rings covering almost every long finger of his.
When you looked him in the face the second time, there was an emotion that you couldn't tell, mirrored in his expression. His jaw, sharper than any glass you've seen, clenching and unclenching.
With your voice, shaky and unsure, you spoke.
"P-Please don't... don't kill m-me."
He stared at you, like he's never seen another human before and it confused you.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"
The stern voice of him sent shivers up and down your spine.
You just looked at him with your tearful eyes and through thick lashes, like a lost Bambi. When you didn't answer he got impatient asking you again but with more volume. "I asked who the fuck you are!"
The harshness of his voice making you flinch, you backed up, until your back hit the back wall of the closet. He sighs, reaching out to you and you shouldn't have, but you took his hand.
Stepping out of the closet, you stumbled and fell against him. He was holding you with a tight grip on your hips steadying you. Looking up at him with still nothing on you but his sweater and your underwear, his rough and ring clad hands were cutting through your soft flesh.
Instead of being frightened by him or running away, you enjoyed his touch bescuse it unsettled something in you. Breaking goosebumps all over your skin once again, your cheeks heating up.
He seemed unbothered by it, taking a step back and having to look down at you because of your height. "You're gonna tell me sooner or later who you are. If you want to or not, darling."
He continued talking. "You saw me now and that means you're gonna spend a lot of time here. With me."
He walked out of the door, leaving you a little flustered and angry at the same time.
Who does he think he is?
He seemed she didn't affect him at all, that's good.
But in reality, the first time he saw her he wanted nothing more than for her to stay forever. And the problem was, she saw the blood so that would be a problem.
Her body was so soft, he didn't want to take his fingers off of her. Her smell intoxicating and it was making him weak in the knees. She was so small and fragile, to be honest he couldn't wait to break her. Make her his. Forever.
And she couldn't do one thing about it.
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง 1
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I don't know how I ended up here, in this cold house near my home. Something drew me there, like a strange magnetic aura of some kind. Since I placed my first step in the woods, the goosebumps didn't seem to go away, no matter how tightly I wrapped my coat around myself. I know I shouldn't be wandering around the deep forest, all by myself and without telling someone but I really didn't care.
The only thing on her mind was that she didn't know what she was doing or why she so suddenly felt the urge to walk this deep into the woods. Tripping over her feet snapped her out of her thoughts, her once decently clean shoes now had leaves and dirt sticking everywhere. She looked around for the first time, taking in where exactly she was but the place that she was currently standing in was somewhere she's never been before. To be expected, she thought, when I'm this deep in the forest.
Big trees of all kind surroned her, the air fresh, it smelt very familiar to morning dew but with a somehow darker smell. Taking in the scent of it, mixed with cedar wood, she spotted a old house, very well hidden from all the green surrounding it.
The want to go there didn't fade, no, it got stronger and she didn't know if she was just imagining it, or not. Although it was quite scary, her interest in why there was a house, so deep in the woods grew.
The invisible tugging on her didn't help.
Sighing deeply her feet carried her to the front of the old house, it was in good condition to her surprise. The sound of the decayed wood that the stairs were making as she got upstairs, made her uneasy and worry if it might break in. The door was open, just a little bit, probably because of the wind, as she carefully pushed it open.
After closing the door you inspected the inside. It was weird, the house had furniture that looked used but not the kind of used where you think it might fall apart if you brush against it by mistake.
Maybe someone lives here, you thought, it would be so wrong to just walk into a strangers house without permission or the person's company.
"Hello?!" you shout, not too loud, not too quiet. Nothing came back in response. "Does someone live here? It wasn't my intention to just walk right in !" Again, nothing. The only thing you heard was your breathing and the cold wind making sounds outside. Someone would have said something if they lived here, the silence was sort of your welcoming invitation to explore the house. So you did.
You weren't that sacred before, but now u defenitely were.
There was blood almost in every room that you ran, trying to get out of the big house. It terrified you that the blood was still wet, because the murder, couldn't be that long ago, you think. You knew from the start that this wasn't a good idea and it was weird you were so enticed with the surrounding before, really fucking weird. Shocking was that you couldn't deny that something really lured you in.
You wanted something, deep inside you and that was somewhere in the old house.
You currently were in the dumb position of finding your way out of the house and it took you maybe 5 minutes of stumbling against various pieces of furniture, that you found out. After you sprinted out the door, that you had forced open with a strong swing you stopped maybe 3 steps away from the door and when it swung shut by itself a chill ran down your spine. Running you were trying to find your way home and you also tried telling yourself it was just the wind that nocked the door back in place. It was like multitasking really.
After running maybe 5 minutes something felt odd, it didn't end, the forest didn't end and it was like you were running in a circle or some kind of loop. It was hard to tell at first but when you were getting impatient and a little exhausted from running, you desperately scanned your surroundings. Hopeful of finding back to "civilisation", you instead slowly realised that you ran past the same trees and bushes more than 5 times already. Your conspiracy made you shudder, but you kept running. After all this running you weren't as fast as before and you stopped a few times because you're not really the fittest person alive.
Instead of running in the same direction you turned on your heels and ran in the opposite one.
When the house appereared again, not even after 2 minutes of lazily running, you stopped looking around confused.
It can't be that by only running this short amount of time, that the house appeared again. You turned around, still heavily breathing and again ran, leaving the house behind you for the second time today.
You didn't know how long you kept running and turning but after a while you started walking because the exhaustion took over you.
As it started to turn dark it also startet raining, great. You looked around anxiously, nothing that you wanted more than to be home right now. It also seemed to get colder and colder by the second and when you spotted the house again you already regretted the decision you were about to make.
You didn't want to freeze to death and the only shelter you could have from the rain, was in front of you.
Taking small steps, still uneasy and weak from all the running, you approached the house again. Opening the door and stepping inside, the roaring of the wind and light knocking from the rain was only heard from inside, not making you shiver that bad anymore.
You still got drenched from the rain and even though you were inside you were still cold with all the water dripping from every inch of your body.
The murderer must have left by now. You tell yourself that.
As you noticed before, there was a fireplace in the "livingroom", as you would call it. Stumbling towards it, taking off your wet coat and then throwing it above a weird armchair, searching for something to light up the fireplace. Looking in weird pots and vases, you soon found matches in a tray. Next to the fireplace was big chopped wood stacked on top of eachother. Taking 3 of the big blocks, the feeling of carrying heavy, dry wood was not that pleasant against your small soft hands.
Crouching down to where the fire was supposed to be, you carefully laid them in there. After breaking 5 matches and burning yourself once, the wood finally caught fire. Sucking on your burnt thumb you rubbed your other hand across your arm trying to get some warmth from the fiction. As expected you still were cold, with the wet clothes clinging to your cool skin.
This was such a stupid Idea.
Sighing to yourself and taking the hem of your sweater, you got rid of it and your pants as well, showing almost every inch if your pale and still damp skin.
Only in your undergarments, a simple dark red panties and bralette because you hated the way normal bras made you feel, you stood there in the darker getting room and after hanging up your clothes to dry and started searching something to warm yourself.
Spotting a dark grey blanket on the armchair that your coat was draped over, you tripped over your own feet getting to it.
When you wrapped it tightly against your body, you shoved the chair in front of the fire.
Dropping yourself on the seat and making sure no cold air got under the blanket, you started thinking again.
It's so dumb of me, I literally saw still wet blood in almost every room here. I have to find home tomorrow. Maybe they'll search for me?
With a growling stomach, the weirdly soft blanket covering your warming body and endless thoughts you got more tired by every breath you took.
You were exhausted. Heavy lidded, your eyes took in the orange light of the warm fire in front of you and as they finally fell shut you drifted into a dreamless sleep.
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purerosepetals ยท 4 years ago
๐Œ๐ซ. ๐Œ๐š๐ง Prolouge
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It's the first thing I've ever written and I just wanted to point out that English is not my first language.
So I'm sorry for any mistakes in my grammar and stuff.
Warnings : Mature content in the future, Blood and sensitive topics, verbal language.
Do not read it if you're under 18 years old !!!!!
Walking into that forest wasn't a good Idea, she knew that.
Keeping her here wasn't a good Idea either and he knew that as well.
As she stepped her foot into that house and found things she didn't want to, she should've regretted following that urge to go there in the first place but she didn't.
If he cared about her more than himself, he would have let her go but she saw too much and also, he was getting really bored all by himself.
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purerosepetals ยท 5 years ago
Thinking about you will always be a precious waste of time.
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