pureparadigm · 5 years
December 24 2019
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed?No, I’m single right now
Ever kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan or Colton? Yes
Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down? Standing up
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made?
I’m proud of where I am and the choices that have gotten me here
Are you excited for anything?
Tomorrow is Christmas!!! :)
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no
You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do? I don’t think I have any enemies. But I guarantee I’d try to talk about my feelings
Will this weekend be a good one? I hope so, but I don’t think I have any plans
Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone? Yes
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I doubt it. I would be surprised
Are you mad at someone right now? No :)
Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? I just listen to Spotify for the most part
Do you sleep with a fan on? Almost always
How is your hair right now? Its up in a messy ponytail, I haven’t brushed it today
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? My Willow girl 🖤
Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? Yeah but I was young
How many windows are open on your computer? I'm on my phone
How tall are you? 5′6"
Is something bothering you? I feel content. I'm a little tired, I’m excited for Christmas with my family tomorrow (even though half of us are sick). I’m watching the Grinch right now 💚
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Yeah
Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Yes haha
Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”? Yes, both jokingly and seriously
Do you like to cuddle? It’s probably my favorite thing to do (this hasn't changed)
Have you done anything sneaky lately? Sneakily gotten presents and wrapped them :) Christmas is more fun with surprises
Is your hair clean? Yes
Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? I was listening to music and fell asleep
Were you happy when you woke up today? Yes
What are you drinking right now? water, no ice
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? yes. Especially if i’m driving
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? I think I accepted it
How many people have feelings for you? Umm two that I know of for sure?
Have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
Are you hard to please? I don’t think so, it seems like I’m pretty easy to please
What are you craving right now? I was craving something sweet but I had some of my mommas fudge and now I’m content
How are you feeling right now? I would say peaceful...happy. I’m watching a movie I love with people and animals I love
What are you sick of? Nothing
Are you missing anyone/something? Yes
Do you love the last person you called? Yes, I love my momma
Could you date someone taller than you?
Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet? I’m sure I could think of someone (RT)
Did you hold hands with anyone today? no :(
Do you wear glasses? no
Where did you sleep last night? In my bed
Do you straighten your hair? no. Too much effort
Do you love the last person you called? Yes, I love my momma
What color shirt are you wearing? Tie dye
Do you have a best friend? I am blessed with several. Chris, Taylor, Victoria, Grace
Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? No I’m good right now :)
Who is the last person you got a text from? Karen
Are you texting anyone? Not right now
Are you excited for winter? it’s already winter!
When are you at your happiest? With Willow/cuddling, or eating good food
Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? Sometimes
Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? outdoors
What were you doing before you started this survey? Watching the grinch
Can you honestly say that you love yourself? Yes!
How many people have you kissed? I don’t know. I haven’t counted. But not too many
Do you just feel awkward when you dance? not usually because i don't really feel awkward about anything (RT)
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? No, most of the time I’m happy! (RT)
Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? I don't really care enough to punch anyone
Do you own a pair of uggs? No
What are your plans for tomorrow? Christmas!!! Cinnamon rolls in the morning and gifts with my fam
Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Who do I have feelings for? The guy that came to mind first..no. He doesn’t know I like him
Can you get over people easily? noooo
Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No H
How was your weekend? I worked Friday Saturday and Sunday
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yeah my best friend
How do you feel right now? Sleepy
Do you hide your feelings or show them? show them
Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Long hair
What is the last thing you cooked today? We had steak and potatoes for dinner
What do you always take with you? my phone/cards, my keys, my backpack
Have you dated the person you texted last? No
Is good grammar attractive? not particularly, it doesn’t drive me crazy like it does some people
Last person you drove around in a car with? Just myself
Do you think relationships are hard? Yes. Very.
What color shirt are you wearing? still gray
What are your plans for tonight? I’m finishing the Grinch and then probably going to bed :)
Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend? No
Have you ever been ice-skating? yes! I like it but I’m not very good
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? I like to listen to it, probably
Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? Yes
Do you like Fuze drinks? never had one
Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad? Idk what that is
Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Yes
Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? no but I use chap stick basically every day in the winter
Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No
Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself? no..
What’s your most noticeable flaw? I’m overweight...maybe my teeth?
And what’s your best feature? Physically my eyes, or my kindness
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? YES. eeek
When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? depends
Have you ever hallucinated? No
Do you find serial killers fascinating? I mean, a little bit.
Do you like Young the Giant? I do
Is your hair damaged? No
Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No
Who was the last person you threw out of your life? “Threw out”? I have no idea
Are you wearing socks? Yes
Do you regret something you did yesterday? No
When was the last time you cried? Today
Why were you crying? Something to do with Christmas magic and the movie I was watching this afternoon
Whats the last thing you ate? Fudge
What kind of bottoms are you wearing? Fuzzy pj pants
How many windows are open on your computer? still zero
What do you hear right now? The Grinch
How many hours did you sleep last night? 8-9ish
Is something bothering you right now? No
Who’s the last person you talked on the phone with? Mama
In the past week have you gotten sick? No, thank goodness
In the past week have you felt stupid? No
In the past week have you got your hair cut? no
What were you doing at 9 AM this morning? Sleeping
In the past week have you felt sad? I don't think so
Has someone disappointed you recently? yes
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes, they definitely are
If you could pack up and move, would you? yes probably 

Do you hate when people smoke around you? Yes
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Idk like 15 people
0 notes
pureparadigm · 8 years
There’s a reoccurring pain that starts straight in the center of my chest, where my rib cage connects together and forms a protective cover for my out of sync heart beat. It starts as a light annoyance, just a tickle, really, but as it spreads outwards it becomes a heavy pressure. Some days, that pressure slowly worsens but never gets too bad, and I count my blessings on those days because I can get away with laughing and smiling without feeling as though my lungs will collapse. On the worst mornings, I wake up and the pressure is unbearable from the moment I open my eyes. It’s excruciating to inhale even the smallest bit of oxygen into my lungs, and no matter how deeply I try to breathe, it comes across shallow. Those days are the hardest. When I try to focus my breathing, and close my eyes, all I can see is your face. There is a lightness, a wonderful freedom, that comes from the picture in my head of your beautiful brown eyes. No matter what I do, or how far apart we are, I can just softly hum away some of the demons because I know that’s what you would do if you were. You would nestle your head right into the space where my collarbone meets my neck, and gently place the weight of your body onto my chest. And that, alone, makes the pain disappear, and my breathing steadies. What an odd coincidence, that your body weight is the perfect remedy for all the weight inside my heart. But it is. And I know that our hearts have a language. They speak to each other, in silence; they don’t need words like we do. Sometimes I can even imagine the music they create together. It’s probably like a guitar solo…but not just any kind. The kind where each strum reverberates your soul and your mind simultaneously, and you can feel the power through every pore of your body while at the same time realize an overwhelming incredible sense of inner peace. The kind of beautiful sound that raises the hair on the back of your neck and sends shivers down your spine; you know that what you are hearing is more than just music, and I imagine that our hearts communicate in the same passionate language. Your heartbeat says to mine, “Rest now, it’s okay, just follow me for a while,” and mine sighs in relief at the joy of a heavy burden being lifted. It whispers quietly back, “Thank you,” and begins to beat normally again. The music our hearts create is probably like a symphony; and the proof is in the feeling of slowly falling asleep with no more pressure or pain. I am blessed, extremely and wonderfully blessed, and I am grateful. Tonight I am reminded of all that as I crawl into bed and there is no pain inside me at all. Thank you, to the music that crosses time and space, and the incredible and mesmerizing tune that I can hear when I close my eyes. Things will be okay, eventually. I am sure of it.
0 notes
pureparadigm · 8 years
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed?yes, he's my boyfriend :3 Ever kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan or Colton? No but someone with the last name Casey lol Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down? Standing up Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? there’s a few things I would do differently if I could but I’m okay with everything right now! Are you excited for anything?
YES. the last week of this month will be so awesome..thanksgiving, Ryan's birthday, baby Fenimore gender reveal. Then Chris and I are going to AMSTERDAM. and I have Christmas and New Years in Vegas with my family. The end of 2016 is going to be AMAZING Do you hate the last person you kissed? no You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do? I don’t really have enemies. I would probably just sit and talk about my feelings/our issues Will this weekend be a good one? it's already been good and it's almost over :) Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone? Yes Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Well I just started a new relationship so I don't know for sure but I'd like to think so Are you mad at someone right now? No :) Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? I usually play Spotify through my phone (this hasn't changed.) Do you sleep with a fan on? Almost always How is your hair right now? It smells good. It's messy, I don't think I've brushed it since I showered Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? Yes! Or at least most times I see them Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? Yeah I guess so but it was casual dating so it wasn't a big deal How many windows are open on your computer? I'm on my phone How tall are you? 5′7" Is something bothering you? I feel content. I'm a little tired because the time changed and I stayed up too late last night with my best friend but overall I'm doing ok :) Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Yeah Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Yes haha sometimes you can’t help it Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”? yes both jokingly and seriously lol Do you like to cuddle? It’s probably my favorite thing to do (this also hasn't changed) Have you done anything sneaky lately? A little bit ;) Is your hair clean? Well I washed it yesterday so I guess it depends on what you consider clean Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? I wasn’t smiling but I wasn’t upset about anything. It would probably be a little creepy if I was smiling in my sleep (I don't even feel like changing some of these answers. I would've written the exact same thing) Were you happy when you woke up today?
I feel content 
What are you drinking right now? water. That’s really all I drink (RT) Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? yes. Especially if i’m driving but I try to all the time. (Still tru) Did you reject or accept your last friend request? I think I accepted it How many people have feelings for you? One? Idk Have you ever been cheated on? Yes. Are you hard to please? I don’t think so. I’m pretty laid back and I don’t ask for that much. small gestures make me happy What are you craving right now? I’d like something to eat but I’m not too interested in getting up right now (wow past me and future me are in sync) How are you feeling right now? Kinda peaceful, I guess. There’s not much going on in terms of feelings (I might as well write RT on all of these) What are you sick of? This presidential election.. Are you missing anyone/something? Yes Do you love the last person you called? Yes, she's my best friend Could you date someone taller than you?
Yes Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet? I’m sure I could think of someone Did you hold hands with anyone today? no Do you wear glasses? no Where did you sleep last night?
In Taylors bed with her Do you straighten your hair? no. Too much effort, cbf What color shirt are you wearing? Red Do you have a best friend? Chris is my best friend always. Then taylor, emily, nicole are my best friends I think. I'm blessed with several really good friends though. I just listed off 10 people before I narrowed it down. Life is good Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? No I’m good right now :) Who is the last person you got a text from? Em Are you texting anyone? Yes, em Are you excited for winter? it’s already winter to me! November is cold enough to be winter When are you at your happiest? Cuddling or eating really good food. At camp..a lot of times I feel so at peace and home there Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? That’s not really a problem right now Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it?
Nah; it’s still early. I'll get it done if it needs to be done Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? outdoors What were you doing before you started this survey? Nothing haha Can you honestly say that you love yourself? Yes! How many people have you kissed? Idk man. Not too many. 20? 30? Do you just feel awkward when you dance? not usually because i don't really feel awkward about anything Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? No, most of the time I’m happy! Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? I feel like I would but I don't really care enough Do you own a pair of uggs? No What are your plans for tomorrow? I don't have any yet Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Hehe yes Can you get over people easily? noooo Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No How was your weekend? It was good :) I spent time with Taylor, saw Matt after drill yesterday. Chris won his tournament and qualified for Amsterdam so I went home to hug him Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Taylor and my boyfriends mom How do you feel right now? Sleepy. Hungry. I want to brush my teeth Do you hide your feelings or show them? show them Do you like to have long hair or short hair? It's pretty short right now for me What is the last thing you cooked today? I didn’t cook today What do you always take with you? my phone, my keys, my wallet Have you dated the person you texted last? No Is good grammar attractive? not particularly, it doesn’t drive me crazy like it does some people Last person you drove around in a car with? Just myself Do you think relationships are hard? Yes. Very. What color shirt are you wearing? still red What are your plans for tonight? I don’t have any. I’m gonna go to church this morning and have lunch..I think matt and I are going out when he's done with drill. Or we're hanging out and doing something Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend? No Have you ever been ice-skating? yes! I like it but I’m not very good Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? I like to listen to it but I’m not sure that it helps me sleep. It does make good nap weather so maybe Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? Yes Do you like Fuze drinks? never had one Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad? I don’t watch many movies :p Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Yes Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? no but I use chap stick basically every day Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself? no..I would probably die before I kill someone else. But I could be wrong, maybe my instincts would kick in What’s your most noticeable flaw? I’m overweight And what’s your best feature? 
My kindness Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? YES. eeek When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? depends Have you ever hallucinated? No! Do you find serial killers fascinating? I mean, a little bit. I think everyone kinda does. But I don’t research them or know a lot about them Do you like Young the Giant? I do Is your hair damaged? No I don't really use heat or anything Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No Who was the last person you threw out of your life? My grandpa, I guess. Or josh. But they both walked out so if that doesn’t count then I don’t think I’ve ever thrown anyone out Are you wearing socks? No but I should put some on, my feet are cold Do you regret something you did yesterday? No When was the last time you cried? Last night I tested up Why were you crying? Tay was telling me a story about this sweet man she had when she was an ortho nurse and it made me emotional because she feared up Whats the last thing you ate? Ice cream last night 😎 What kind of bottoms are you wearing? Gym shorts How many windows are open on your computer? still zero What do you hear right now? The air conditioner is running How many hours did you sleep last night? Hmm🤔 6? Is something bothering you right now? No Who’s the last person you talked on the phone with? Taylor In the past week have you gotten sick? No, thank goodness In the past week have you felt stupid? No In the past week have you got your hair cut? no What were you doing at 9 AM this morning? Doing this In the past week have you felt sad? I don't think so Has someone disappointed you recently? yes Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes, they definitely are If you could pack up and move, would you? yes probably 
Do you hate when people smoke around you? not anymore, so many of my friends smoke i’m used to it now Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Idk like 5 people
0 notes
pureparadigm · 8 years
Things have changed
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed? Yes, he's my boyfriend :3 Ever kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan or Colton? no! Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down? Standing up I think Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? there’s a few things I would do differently if I could but I’m okay with everything right now! Are you excited for anything?
I get to see my dad on Wednesday! Do you hate the last person you kissed? No You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do? I don’t really have enemies? Will this weekend be a good one? i hope so! :) Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone? Not really Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yes, probably. Are you mad at someone right now? no Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? I usually play Spotify through my phone Do you sleep with a fan on? I don’t have a fan in my apartment :( How is your hair right now? Messy Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? Yes! Or at least most times I see them Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? Yeah but it was high school so I don’t think it was very serious How many windows are open on your computer? My computer is off How tall are you? 5′7" Is something bothering you? Right now, everything is fine. I’m laying in bed listening to music and trying to get warm. Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Plenty of times Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Yes haha sometimes you can’t help it Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”? yes Do you like to cuddle? It’s probably my favorite thing to do Have you done anything sneaky lately? no Is your hair clean? Well I washed it yesterday so I guess it depends on what you consider clean Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? I wasn’t smiling but I wasn’t upset about anything. It would probably be a little creepy if I was smiling in my sleep Were you happy when you woke up today?
I just remember being cold :p 
What are you drinking right now? water. That’s really all I drink Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? yes. Especially if i’m driving but I try to all the time. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? accept - it was Paul How many people have feelings for you? one :) Have you ever been cheated on? Yes. Are you hard to please? I don’t think so. I’m pretty laid back and I don’t ask for that much. Plus I’ve noticed very small gestures make me happy What are you craving right now? I’d like something to eat but I’m not too interested in getting up right now How are you feeling right now? Kinda peaceful, I guess. There’s not much going on in terms of feelings What are you sick of? I’m sick of people being judgmental Are you missing anyone/something? Yes Do you love the last person you called? Yes, my mommy hehe Could you date someone taller than you?
Yes Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet? I’m sure I could think of someone Did you hold hands with anyone today? no:( Do you wear glasses? no Where did you sleep last night?
I was at Emilys house last night, I slept in Eva’s bed Do you straighten your hair? no. Too much effort, cbf What color shirt are you wearing? Gray Do you have a best friend? my boyfriend and my brother are my best friends. I have a few close friends but I don’t know who qualifies as “best friend” because Rebekah left. Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? No I’m good right now :) Who is the last person you got a text from? Sammie Are you texting anyone? Yes, em Are you excited for winter? it’s already winter to me! November is cold enough to be winter. I would be excited if I had warmer clothes When are you at your happiest? Post-sex, cuddling with Josh or when I get chest time or when I’m getting a neck massage Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? That’s not really a problem right now Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it?
Nah; it’s a lazy day :) Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? outdoors What were you doing before you started this survey? Nothing haha Can you honestly say that you love yourself? Yes! How many people have you kissed? Idk man. Not too many. 15-20 Do you just feel awkward when you dance? not usually because i don’t dance sober very often Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? No, most of the time I’m happy! Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? I don’t think so Do you own a pair of uggs? No What are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have plans yet until 5:30 when I go to work..that’s all I’ve worked out so far Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Hehe yes Can you get over people easily? noooo Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No How was your weekend? it was nice, I spent the weekend at Emilys house with her family and we had a mini thanksgiving. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? My friend Taylor and my ex’s mom How do you feel right now? I don’t really feel anything Do you hide your feelings or show them? show them Do you like to have long hair or short hair? long. I need to trim my hair right now but I’m attached to it so it’s hard What is the last thing you cooked today? I didn’t cook today What do you always take with you? my phone, my keys, my wallet Have you dated the person you texted last? No Is good grammar attractive? not particularly, it doesn’t drive me crazy like it does some people Last person you drove around in a car with? Just myself Do you think relationships are hard? Yes. Very. What color shirt are you wearing? still gray What are your plans for tonight? I don’t have any. I’m gonna make myself food and watch a movie, maybe. Or color. Or go for a walk. Idk! I’m just being lazy Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend? No Have you ever been ice-skating? yes! I like it but I’m not very good Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? I like to listen to it but I’m not sure that it helps me sleep Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? Yes Do you like Fuze drinks? never had one Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad? I don’t watch many movies :p Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? no Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? no but I wish I had some Chapstick right now because my lips are very dry Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself? no..I would probably die before I kill someone else. But I could be wrong, maybe my instincts would kick in What’s your most noticeable flaw? I’m overweight And what’s your best feature? 
My kindness Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? YES. eeek When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? depends Have you ever hallucinated? No! Do you find serial killers fascinating? I mean, a little bit. I think everyone kinda does. But I don’t research them or know a lot about them Do you like Young the Giant? I do Is your hair damaged?
Not too badly. There’s bits that are dry from dye but that’s it Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No Who was the last person you threw out of your life? My grandpa, I guess. But he walked out so if that doesn’t count then I don’t think I’ve ever thrown anyone out Are you wearing socks? No but I should put some on, my feet are cold Do you regret something you did yesterday? No:) When was the last time you cried? A week ago Why were you crying? Fighting with Josh Whats the last thing you ate? Peanut butter What kind of bottoms are you wearing? Fuzzy penguin pj pants How many windows are open on your computer? still zero What do you hear right now? Spotify How many hours did you sleep last night? 8 hours Is something bothering you right now? No Who’s the last person you talked on the phone with? Mom In the past week have you gotten sick? No, thank goodness In the past week have you felt stupid? yes In the past week have you got your hair cut? no What were you doing at 9 AM this morning? Driving home from Emilys In the past week have you felt sad? yes Has someone disappointed you recently? yes Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes, they definitely are If you could pack up and move, would you? yes probably 
Do you hate when people smoke around you? not anymore, so many of my friends smoke i’m used to it now Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Idk like 5 people
0 notes
pureparadigm · 8 years
Things have changed
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed? Yes, he's my boyfriend :3 Ever kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan or Colton? No Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down? Standing up Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? For the most part, yes. I feel content with where I am in life right now. Are you excited for anything? Yes!!! Thanksgiving, Ryan's birthday, baby Fenimore gender reveal (all in the last week of November), going to AMSTERDAM with my brother for a week, Christmas and New Years with my family in Vegas..the end of 2016 is going to be SO AMAZING Do you hate the last person you kissed? No You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do? I don't really have any enemies so I'm not sure it would be a problem. I'd probably just make small talk or try to figure out our issues Will this weekend be a good one? It's been good so far, it's almost over! Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone? Not really Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yes, probably. Are you mad at someone right now? no Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? I usually play Spotify through my phone Do you sleep with a fan on? I don’t have a fan in my apartment :( How is your hair right now? Messy Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? Yes! Or at least most times I see them Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? Yeah but it was high school so I don’t think it was very serious How many windows are open on your computer? My computer is off How tall are you? 5′7" Is something bothering you? Right now, everything is fine. I’m laying in bed listening to music and trying to get warm. Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Plenty of times Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Yes haha sometimes you can’t help it Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”? yes Do you like to cuddle? It’s probably my favorite thing to do Have you done anything sneaky lately? no Is your hair clean? Well I washed it yesterday so I guess it depends on what you consider clean Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? I wasn’t smiling but I wasn’t upset about anything. It would probably be a little creepy if I was smiling in my sleep Were you happy when you woke up today?
I just remember being cold :p 
What are you drinking right now? water. That’s really all I drink Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? yes. Especially if i’m driving but I try to all the time. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? accept - it was Paul How many people have feelings for you? one :) Have you ever been cheated on? Yes. Are you hard to please? I don’t think so. I’m pretty laid back and I don’t ask for that much. Plus I’ve noticed very small gestures make me happy What are you craving right now? I’d like something to eat but I’m not too interested in getting up right now How are you feeling right now? Kinda peaceful, I guess. There’s not much going on in terms of feelings What are you sick of? I’m sick of people being judgmental Are you missing anyone/something? Yes Do you love the last person you called? Yes, my mommy hehe Could you date someone taller than you?
Yes Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet? I’m sure I could think of someone Did you hold hands with anyone today? no:( Do you wear glasses? no Where did you sleep last night?
I was at Emilys house last night, I slept in Eva’s bed Do you straighten your hair? no. Too much effort, cbf What color shirt are you wearing? Gray Do you have a best friend? my boyfriend and my brother are my best friends. I have a few close friends but I don’t know who qualifies as “best friend” because Rebekah left. Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? No I’m good right now :) Who is the last person you got a text from? Sammie Are you texting anyone? Yes, em Are you excited for winter? it’s already winter to me! November is cold enough to be winter. I would be excited if I had warmer clothes When are you at your happiest? Post-sex, cuddling with Josh or when I get chest time or when I’m getting a neck massage Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? That’s not really a problem right now Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it?
Nah; it’s a lazy day :) Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? outdoors What were you doing before you started this survey? Nothing haha Can you honestly say that you love yourself? Yes! How many people have you kissed? Idk man. Not too many. 15-20 Do you just feel awkward when you dance? not usually because i don’t dance sober very often Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? No, most of the time I’m happy! Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? I don’t think so Do you own a pair of uggs? No What are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have plans yet until 5:30 when I go to work..that’s all I’ve worked out so far Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Hehe yes Can you get over people easily? noooo Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No How was your weekend? it was nice, I spent the weekend at Emilys house with her family and we had a mini thanksgiving. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? My friend Taylor and my ex’s mom How do you feel right now? I don’t really feel anything Do you hide your feelings or show them? show them Do you like to have long hair or short hair? long. I need to trim my hair right now but I’m attached to it so it’s hard What is the last thing you cooked today? I didn’t cook today What do you always take with you? my phone, my keys, my wallet Have you dated the person you texted last? No Is good grammar attractive? not particularly, it doesn’t drive me crazy like it does some people Last person you drove around in a car with? Just myself Do you think relationships are hard? Yes. Very. What color shirt are you wearing? still gray What are your plans for tonight? I don’t have any. I’m gonna make myself food and watch a movie, maybe. Or color. Or go for a walk. Idk! I’m just being lazy Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend? No Have you ever been ice-skating? yes! I like it but I’m not very good Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? I like to listen to it but I’m not sure that it helps me sleep Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? Yes Do you like Fuze drinks? never had one Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad? I don’t watch many movies :p Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? no Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? no but I wish I had some Chapstick right now because my lips are very dry Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself? no..I would probably die before I kill someone else. But I could be wrong, maybe my instincts would kick in What’s your most noticeable flaw? I’m overweight And what’s your best feature? 
My kindness Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? YES. eeek When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? depends Have you ever hallucinated? No! Do you find serial killers fascinating? I mean, a little bit. I think everyone kinda does. But I don’t research them or know a lot about them Do you like Young the Giant? I do Is your hair damaged?
Not too badly. There’s bits that are dry from dye but that’s it Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No Who was the last person you threw out of your life? My grandpa, I guess. But he walked out so if that doesn’t count then I don’t think I’ve ever thrown anyone out Are you wearing socks? No but I should put some on, my feet are cold Do you regret something you did yesterday? No:) When was the last time you cried? A week ago Why were you crying? Fighting with Josh Whats the last thing you ate? Peanut butter What kind of bottoms are you wearing? Fuzzy penguin pj pants How many windows are open on your computer? still zero What do you hear right now? Spotify How many hours did you sleep last night? 8 hours Is something bothering you right now? No Who’s the last person you talked on the phone with? Mom In the past week have you gotten sick? No, thank goodness In the past week have you felt stupid? yes In the past week have you got your hair cut? no What were you doing at 9 AM this morning? Driving home from Emilys In the past week have you felt sad? yes Has someone disappointed you recently? yes Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes, they definitely are If you could pack up and move, would you? yes probably 
Do you hate when people smoke around you? not anymore, so many of my friends smoke i’m used to it now Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Idk like 5 people
0 notes
pureparadigm · 9 years
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2K notes · View notes
pureparadigm · 9 years
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed?
If the quotes means are we in a relationship, yes. Ever kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan or Colton?
no! Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down?
Standing up I think Are you happy with the choices you’ve made?
there's a few things I would do differently if I could but I'm okay with everything right now! Are you excited for anything? I get to see my dad on Wednesday! Do you hate the last person you kissed?
No You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do?
I don't really have enemies? Will this weekend be a good one?
i hope so! :) Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone?
Not really Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Yes, probably. Are you mad at someone right now?
no Do you like to listen to the radio in the car?
I usually play Spotify through my phone Do you sleep with a fan on?
I don't have a fan in my apartment :( How is your hair right now?
Messy Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
Yes! Or at least most times I see them Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else?
Yeah but it was high school so I don't think it was very serious How many windows are open on your computer?
My computer is off How tall are you?
5′7" Is something bothering you?
Right now, everything is fine. I'm laying in bed listening to music and trying to get warm. Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before?
Plenty of times Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny?
Yes haha sometimes you can't help it Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”?
yes Do you like to cuddle?
It's probably my favorite thing to do Have you done anything sneaky lately?
no Is your hair clean?
Well I washed it yesterday so I guess it depends on what you consider clean Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
I wasn't smiling but I wasn't upset about anything. It would probably be a little creepy if I was smiling in my sleep Were you happy when you woke up today? I just remember being cold :p
 What are you drinking right now?
water. That's really all I drink Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
yes. Especially if i'm driving but I try to all the time. Did you reject or accept your last friend request?
accept - it was Paul How many people have feelings for you?
one :) Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes. Are you hard to please?
I don't think so. I'm pretty laid back and I don't ask for that much. Plus I've noticed very small gestures make me happy What are you craving right now?
I'd like something to eat but I'm not too interested in getting up right now How are you feeling right now?
Kinda peaceful, I guess. There's not much going on in terms of feelings What are you sick of?
I'm sick of people being judgmental Are you missing anyone/something? 
Yes Do you love the last person you called?
Yes, my mommy hehe Could you date someone taller than you? Yes Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet?
I'm sure I could think of someone Did you hold hands with anyone today?
no:( Do you wear glasses?
no Where did you sleep last night? I was at Emilys house last night, I slept in Eva's bed Do you straighten your hair?
no. Too much effort, cbf What color shirt are you wearing?
Gray Do you have a best friend?
my boyfriend and my brother are my best friends. I have a few close friends but I don't know who qualifies as "best friend" because Rebekah left. Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now?
No I'm good right now :) Who is the last person you got a text from?
Sammie Are you texting anyone?
Yes, em Are you excited for winter?
it's already winter to me! November is cold enough to be winter. I would be excited if I had warmer clothes When are you at your happiest? 
Post-sex, cuddling with Josh or when I get chest time or when I'm getting a neck massage Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? 
That's not really a problem right now Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it? Nah; it's a lazy day :) Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? 
outdoors What were you doing before you started this survey? 
Nothing haha Can you honestly say that you love yourself? 
Yes! How many people have you kissed?
Idk man. Not too many. 15-20 Do you just feel awkward when you dance? 
not usually because i don’t dance sober very often Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? 
No, most of the time I'm happy! Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?
I don't think so Do you own a pair of uggs?
No What are your plans for tomorrow?
I don't have plans yet until 5:30 when I go to work..that's all I've worked out so far Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive?
Hehe yes Can you get over people easily?
noooo Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?
No How was your weekend?
it was nice, I spent the weekend at Emilys house with her family and we had a mini thanksgiving. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
My friend Taylor and my ex's mom How do you feel right now?
I don't really feel anything Do you hide your feelings or show them?
show them Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
long. I need to trim my hair right now but I'm attached to it so it's hard What is the last thing you cooked today?
I didn't cook today What do you always take with you?
my phone, my keys, my wallet Have you dated the person you texted last?
No Is good grammar attractive?
not particularly, it doesn't drive me crazy like it does some people Last person you drove around in a car with?
Just myself Do you think relationships are hard? 
Yes. Very. What color shirt are you wearing?
still gray What are your plans for tonight?
I don’t have any. I'm gonna make myself food and watch a movie, maybe. Or color. Or go for a walk. Idk! I'm just being lazy Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend? 
No Have you ever been ice-skating? 
yes! I like it but I'm not very good Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? 
I like to listen to it but I'm not sure that it helps me sleep Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? 
Yes Do you like Fuze drinks? 
never had one Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad? 
I don't watch many movies :p Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? 
no Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? 
no but I wish I had some Chapstick right now because my lips are very dry Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? 
No Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself? 
no..I would probably die before I kill someone else. But I could be wrong, maybe my instincts would kick in What’s your most noticeable flaw? 
I'm overweight And what’s your best feature? My kindness Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? 
YES. eeek When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? 
depends Have you ever hallucinated? 
No! Do you find serial killers fascinating? 
I mean, a little bit. I think everyone kinda does. But I don't research them or know a lot about them Do you like Young the Giant? 
I do Is your hair damaged? Not too badly. There's bits that are dry from dye but that's it Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs?
No Who was the last person you threw out of your life?
My grandpa, I guess. But he walked out so if that doesn't count then I don't think I've ever thrown anyone out Are you wearing socks?
No but I should put some on, my feet are cold Do you regret something you did yesterday?
No:) When was the last time you cried?
A week ago Why were you crying?
Fighting with Josh Whats the last thing you ate?
Peanut butter What kind of bottoms are you wearing?
Fuzzy penguin pj pants How many windows are open on your computer?
still zero What do you hear right now?
Spotify How many hours did you sleep last night?
8 hours Is something bothering you right now?
No Who’s the last person you talked on the phone with?
Mom In the past week have you gotten sick?
No, thank goodness In the past week have you felt stupid?
yes In the past week have you got your hair cut?
no What were you doing at 9 AM this morning?
Driving home from Emilys In the past week have you felt sad?
yes Has someone disappointed you recently?
yes Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
yes, they definitely are If you could pack up and move, would you?
yes probably Do you hate when people smoke around you?
not anymore, so many of my friends smoke i’m used to it now Who have you texted in the last 24 hours?
Idk like 5 people
0 notes
pureparadigm · 9 years
#144 FIFTY QUESTIONS 1: What would you name your future daughter? I don't know! I've thought about it before, but I never decided on any I like 2: Do you miss anyone? Yes 3: What if I told you that you were pretty? I would say "thank you" 4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”? Yeah I got the speech once. He didn't use those exact words but basically 5: What are you looking forward to in the next week? Relaxing. I have two weeks before fall semester starts 6: Did you go out or stay in last night? I stayed in and it was the best night 7: How late did you stay up last night? I can't even remember, I think it was like 12 or 1am 8: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?this morning :p 9: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? I was laying in bed and enjoying the quiet 10: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it? No 11: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? Yeah probably, but I don't see anything wrong with drinking 12: Have you pretended to like someone? No 13: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes 14: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Yes:) 15: Is it hard for you to get over someone? Yes! 16: Think back five months ago, were you single? No maam 17: Have you ever cried from being so mad? Yea 18: Hold hands with anyone this week? Yes 19: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? No 20: Who did you last see in person? Chris 21: What is the last thing you said out loud? "Thank you" 22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night? Probably 23: Have you ever been to Paris? Not yet! 24: Are you good at hiding your feelings? Noooo 25: Do you use chap stick? Sometimes 26: Who did you last share a bed with? Josh 27: Are you listening to music right now? Nope 28: What is something you currently want right now? Grilled cheese 29: Were your last three kisses from the same person? Yes 30: How is your heart lately? It's good (: 31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? Sometimes, usually only if it rains 32: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? At like 3pm 33: What do people call you? Kay 34: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? Sure 35: Are there any stressful situations in your life? Yeah you could say that 36: What are you listening to right now? Breaking Bad is on 37: What is wrong with you right now? Nothing! I'm feeling good 38: Love really is a beautiful thing huh? It really is 39: Do you make wishes at 11:11? Sometimes 40: What is on your wrists right now? Skin 41: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused/waiting for the unexpected? Taken 42: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing? Mrs. Athena bought it for me at a mall in Kentucky 43: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes 44: Have you hugged someone within the last week? Yes 45: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? Yes 46: What were you doing at midnight last night? I was getting a back/body massage or I had just fallen asleep 47: Do you miss the way things were six months ago? No today's pretty good 48: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Someone else 49: Have you ever been to New York? I have 50: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Yep
0 notes
pureparadigm · 10 years
Zero - Who was your last text from?
One - What/who is your icon?
I don't have one on this account
Two- Your relationship status?
In a relationship
Three - Have you ever lost a close friend?
Four - What is your current mood?
I'm tired and grumpy, but mostly tired
Five - What’s your brother(s)/sister(s)names?
Chris :)
Six - Where do you wish you were right now?
Josh's bed
Seven - Have a crazy side?
Little bit
Eight - Ever had a near death experience?
Yeah, sorta. white water rafting...I almost fell out onto some rocks but I got pulled back in
Nine- Something you do a lot?
Laugh. Smile. Sleep
Ten - Angry at anyone?
Just kinda annoyed, not angry
Eleven - What’s stopping you from going for the person you like ?
Twelve - When was the last time you cried?
I'm not sure!
Thirteen- What are you really good at ?
Being empathetic
Fourteen - What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
My day today, what I have to do tomorrow, people I love
Fifteen- What were you doing yesterday at 10pm?
On the phone maybe? Idk
Sixteen - Do you prefer light or dark hair on the opposite sex ?
No preference :)
Seventeen - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Eighteen - What is/are your favorite band(s)?
I have so many
Nineteen - What are you doing right now?
Listening to music and this
Twenty - Who do you trust 100% right now?
My brother, rebekah, my mom
Twenty one - Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Josh gave it to me for Christmas :)
Twenty two - Heavy metal music?
Twenty three- Who Was the last person you hugged.
Twenty four- Is there anything you’re hiding from someone?
Twenty five - Who are you thinking of right now?
Not really anyone, just all the work I should be doing
Twenty six - What should you be doing right now? Sleeping or studying, but I'm doing neither
Twenty seven - What are you listening to? Pick Me Up Song by Maria Mena
Twenty eight - You need new jeans. Quick where do you go?
Twenty nine - Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Josh, but it wasn't really directed at me. He was just having a bad morning and he was scared about failing his class
Thirty - Do you act differently around the person you like?
Not at all
Thirty one - What is your eye colour?
Thirty two - Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Thirty three - Who was the last person to make you angry?
I don't really get angry
Thirty four - Hello Kitty or dora?
Thirty five - Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Thirty six - Hug anyone of opposite sex in past 24 hours?
Thirty seven - One thing you want right now?
Thirty eight - Will you fall in love in the next few months?
I'm already in love, so I'm going to guess no
Thirty nine - What does the 5th text in your inbox say?
"It's okay, I'm taking a break. I've done a lot tonight"
Forty - Are you worried about the future? Not really
Forty one - Are you happy with life right now? I am :)
Forty two - Are you currently jealous? No
Forty three – Who's your best guy friend? Josh and Chris, my only other really close guy friends are Ryan and Matthew
Forty four -Do you forgive or forget? I try to do both
Forty five - What do you miss the most about elementary school? Simplicity
Forty six - Favorite Disney Channel show ? Idk
Forty seven – Who’s 3 of your best girl friends? Rebekah, Casey, Taylor
Forty Eight - What are you looking forward to? Sleeping away this mood
Forty nine - Does anyone like you right now? Hopefully
Fifty- Lyrics to the song you’re listening to?
And all of the steps that led me to you
And all of the hell I had to walk through
But I wouldn’t trade a day for the chance to say
My love, I’m in love with you
381K notes · View notes
pureparadigm · 10 years
Do you currently have feelings for anybody? strong i'm in love with you feelings
Did you mean it when you said “I love you” last? of course i did
Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? i have no idea, i guess it doesn't matter
List three things near you: My laptop, my phone, a glass of water
What was the last thing you watched on TV? House MD
Is your birthday soon? actually yes. in 2 days
Do you like the colour green? yes
Do you like winter? i'm not a fan of being cold
What are you scared of most? getting my heart broken
Have you ever given out your number and then regretted it? no
Do you curse a lot? sorta??? depends on your definition of a lot
Who do you wish was with you at the moment? My dad
Are you drunk? No but I kinda wish I was
What was the last song you listened to that made you cry? I cant remember
A song you never get sick of? isadore
Is there a song you skip over if it comes up on shuffle? yeah but it depends on my mood
Could you survive without electricity? i'm sure i could but it would be inconvenient
Without saying any names what is one thing that you would like to say to someone? ive been feeling hurt and dealing with repressed emotions, you have caused me a lot of heartache and i have a lot on my mind that id like to talk about with you
Could you go a month without talking to your best friend? I could but I wouldn’t want to
Are girls too dramatic? i guess but boys are pretty dramatic too
Does the thought of marriage scare you? yeah that's serious commitment
What were the last words you spoke out loud? "you too, love you"
Would your parents get mad if you got drunk while they were present? my mom would
Where is the person who has your heart at the moment? at school
Would you date someone who lived in another state? im not sure
Are you friends with your ex? we're on friendly terms but not friends really
Where is the person you last texted? idk, at home maybe
Who is someone that you would do anything for? my brother
When’s the last time you said you were fine, but really weren’t? i usually don't say i'm fine if i'm not
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? last week
Who did you spend your summer with last year? My loved ones
What did you wake up to today? joshs call at 7:30
Do you believe true love can conquer anything?  yes
Did you wear what you are wearing today for a specific reason? nope, just felt like it
Ever felt like you were being used? yeah
Is it worth crying over a guy or a girl? i guess it can be
Who did you last talk to on the phone for longer than 10 minutes?
Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? Yes :)
Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before?
 haha oh yeah
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
 i have several reasons
What do you currently hear right now?
 the phoenix by fall out boy
Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? i already surpassed that mark so
When was the last time you cried really hard? A long time ago
Closest green object to you? a sharpie
What color are your eyes?
Do you find piercings and tattoos attractive?
What do you hate about your school? nothing
Have you ever kissed a blue-eyed person?
 probably but all of my serious boyfriends had brown eyes
Do you make eye contact when you talk to people?
Where is your phone?
If you found out your friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed?
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck?
Could you cry right now?
 no i don't feel sad
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it?
 it's just a gray tshirt
Do you get irritated easily?
 i'm pretty patient
What were you doing at 4am?
Are you more of a night or morning person? Night
When did you talk on the phone last?
 a couple hours ago
How fast does your mood change?
Are you a jealous person?
 Not really
When is the last time you saw your sister? i don't have a sister
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
What are you doing this weekend?
Are you an alcoholic?
 not at all
Do you like to sleep?
 i like it too much
Are you anything like the person you were last year? i guess so but stronger
Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
 Paris, please
Do you like Subway?
 yeah it's alright
Last time you had a nice bubble bath? months ago :(
Do you like silver or gold better?
What was last thing you drank? Water
What are you doing tonight? i have no idea!
Can you honestly say you’re okay right now? i'm great!
Will tomorrow be better than today?
 i hope so
Do you still talk to your friends from elementary school?
 not really
Do you like dressing up?
 yes ma'am
Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?
How do you feel when someone kisses you on your forehead?
How many times have you dyed your hair?
 4 or 5
Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?
When you say you don’t care do you mean it? Usually
Last person of the opposite sex you gave a hug to? josh
Where is your biological mother right now? at home or maybe on her way to the airport, i don't know what time my dad's flight gets in
What are you doing tomorrow?
Do you like to cuddle?
 i'm a cuddle bug
Has anyone lied to you today?
 i dont think so
Who have you texted today? josh
Have you ever been called beautiful? Yes:)
Has anyone upset you in the last week? Yes
What’s something you do when you’re mad?
Do you always answer your phone?
 just about
Are promises important to you? Yeah
Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow?
 Not if i can help it
How many people of the opposite sex do you trust?
 several, but if you mean really trust then probably less than 10
Is there alcohol in your house? just empty wine bottles
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
 not that often at all
Have you held hands with any one in the last 36 hours?
Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out of your life?
 of course!!
Do you curse in front of your parents?  Not really
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed?
 josh's bed
Are you white? affirmative
Have you ever told yourself that you were going to give up on someone, but you just couldn’t do it?
Was it sunny today? its still early
You got kicked out of your house, first place you’d go to?
 i have an individual lease....so i can't really get kicked out 
Has anyone taken your pants off in the past two weeks?
Are you wearing jewelry right now?
Who are you in the room with?
 No one
Would you hook up with the last boy you texted?
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches?
 i wish
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made?
Are you planning to go to a movie anytime soon?
 i'd like to but it's so expensive
Have you ever jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
 i have
Have you ever in anyway, been betrayed by someone you trust?
 what kind of question is this? i think it's part of being human
Do you ever feel curious about how people see you?
 i guess but i don't spend too much time thinking about it
Are you someone who worries too often?
 i guess you could say i tend to overworry
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? jelly
Is there someone you want to let go of? not really
How old are you? 21 (for 2 more days)
0 notes
pureparadigm · 10 years
Have you dated both sexes? nope strictly dickly
Is there anyone who you think you deserve an apology from? And do you think you’ll ever get it? yeah i guess but she already apologized so idk if that counts
What were the last words you said to your Dad? "i love you"
Are you single?  no
What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?  texted my friends, put my laptop on the charger
Have you ever laid in the same bed with the last person you kissed?  yeah several times a week
If you’re sleeping and someone calls what do you say? "..mmjhfgh ...hello?"
Does it bother you when people bring up your past?  not so much 
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?  several
Name something you disliked about the day you had today? i have heartburn :(
Have you cuddled with someone you weren’t dating?  Yes
Can you take pills without thrusting your head backwards?  yes???
The last plane you were on, where was it going?  atlanta from virginia
Who sits beside you in math class? im not taking math. hallelujah
Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? im not sure
If you had $250,000,000 what would you do with it? a lot of crazy irresponsible things paired with smart investments and clearing all my loved ones from any debt
Are you a really understanding person?  i think so
Have you ever dated someone twice?  indeed
Do you think relationships are difficult? oh yeah
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pureparadigm · 10 years
What’s one quality you really admire in a person? kindness
Has a friend ever cooked for you? yes ma'am 
Who was the last person that called you crying? justine i think
Do you carry pictures of your significant other in your wallet? no, i have photos of us in my phone though
Do you use shoe boxes to keep stuff in? not really, im not sure i've kept any shoe boxes i have at all
Where was the last place you watched a sporting event? the UGA football stadium
Have you ever been to a live show taping? no but that sounds fun
Have you ever been on academic probation/disqualification? for one semester
Do you currently live on an island? an island of loneliness :(((( just kidding, i wish i lived on an island
Do you like baking? Sometimes
How tall are you? 5’6”
What is the last thing you ate? pizza!
Last time you held a baby? does a 2 year old count as a baby?
Have you smoked a cigarette today? i don't smoke
Do you like to cuddle? i'm cuddle queen
When do you plan on moving out? july, my lease is up
Do you live with both of your parents? no i live with 3 of my friends
Do you have a job? not anymoreeee
What is your eye color? blue!
Do you say sexy a lot? only when i see my boyfriend ;)
Missing anybody? yes
When & why did you last cry? sunday....a stupid fight
Would you rather go back a week or go forward? forward
Are promises important to you? Yes
What was the last movie you watched? ive been watching gilmore girls for 2 days straight, does that count?
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yes
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pureparadigm · 10 years
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year?
 Mom, dad, Chris, and my grandpa
What time do you usually go to sleep at night? it varies, somewhere between 12 and 2 usually
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? no
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? not enough to change my lifestyle
Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway? we just have like a parking lot outside my apartment
Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck?
Have you felt sick today? Yes
Whose was the last funeral you attended? my close friend's dad
Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?
 no but I want to
How many times a week do you wash your hair?
 5 or 6
Do you need to wash your hair right now?
Do you avoid using public restrooms? Not really
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month? Yes
Do you like eggnog?
 Not really, does anyone actually like it? It's just mostly a tradition 
Is there anything important you need to do today? Yes
Who is the person you dislike the most? ??
Girls, how old were you when you first got your period? 12
What is your favourite way to eat rice? fried rice with eggs and veggies. yum
Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it?
 yes, i like classical music
Do your parents know how to text?
Do you text your parents often?
 my mom
Do you watch Youtube videos often?
 not really
What’s your favourite type of cookie?
When was the last time you were sick with a stomach bug?
 it's been a while
Did you watch The Simpsons marathon that played nonstop episodes for a week?
What television channel do you watch the most?
 we don't have cable
Do you enjoy embracing the Christmas spirit or are you more of a scrooge?
 i'm somewhere in the middle.
What letter does your middle name begin with?
Do your initials spell an actual word?
What will you do when this survey is over?
 take another probably
Do you know anyone with coeliac disease?
 not that i'm aware of
How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings?
 1, yes
What’s the weather like today?
 Siri says it should be nice today, with a high of 54. Right now it's 34....so I'm staying in my warm bed
Have you ever eaten a cinnamon donut?
 Yes??? is that what it's called? i assumed it would have a fancier name
How do you usually celebrate New Years?
 we have a party every year
Is the place that you’re in right now quiet or loud? What can you hear?
 quiet, i hear birds outside my window and Rebekah's muffled music from down the hall
Do you currently have any alarms set?
Do you like whiskey?
 i prefer rum
When was the last time you ate, and what did you have?
 pizza, last night
0 notes
pureparadigm · 10 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Josh 2. Are you outgoing or shy? Somewhere in the middle 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My dad! He's coming home from Afghanistan on Wednesday 4. Are you easy to get along with? Yeah I would say so 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? He would 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind, funny, good smile 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Yes 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Why do you assume someone is on my mind? Right now I'm thinking about what I should make for dinner 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? nah 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Josh, he's the only one I tend to have emotional conversations with. He's a very good listener 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "I didn't" 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Isadore by Incubus, Night Changes by One Direction, Take Me to Church by Hozier, Ever After by Marianas Trench, Lucky by Jason Mraz 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes. It feels so good:3 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I do  15. What good thing happened this summer? A lot of lovely things 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I will 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Probably 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No, I think he's living in Michigan now 19. Do you like bubble baths? Yes but on special occasions 20. Do you like your neighbors? I don't really know them 21. What are you bad habits? I'm sure I have several 22. Where would you like to travel? Europe 23. Do you have trust issues? Not really, I've worked through most of them. Sometimes stuff comes up but I'm pretty good about dealing with it directly with my partner or friend in question 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Shower, it's so nice to be clean and have time all to myself 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach/hips 26. What do you do when you wake up? shower and brush my teeth  27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? it's fine the way it is 28. Who are you most comfortable around? Rebekah, Josh, my family, Casey, Lianni 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yeah 30. Do you ever want to get married? I don't know 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Zac Efron and Colton Haynes 33. Spell your name with your chin. No.. 34. Do you play sports? What sports? No I don't 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Probably but not that I can think of 37. What do you say during awkward silences? Random stuff to break the silence and make people laugh 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Big beautiful brown eyes, caramel skin, loves kids, great cook, tattoos, funny, adores me and treats me and others with kindness.  39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Target :p 40. What do you want to do after high school? I'm in my third year of college 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes, with a few exceptions 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I'm upset 43. Do you smile at strangers? Yeah :) 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ahhh they both scare me.. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Love 46. What are you paranoid about? A lot of things 47. Have you ever been high? yes 48. Have you ever been drunk? yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? gray
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pureparadigm · 11 years
I finally found one that isn't lame and super long
1. If you’ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it? when i first tried it, it was good - alcohol, anyway. it was originally just to have more fun and to stop feeling so heart broken over this guy i was head over heels in love with. we were together for years...i missed him so much and i just wanted to stop remembering. but i have slowly come to despise being drunk, i always drink too much every time i drink so that's why i barely drink anymore. i'm pretty sure it's because alcoholism runs in my family and i'm either sober and not that affected or blacked out drunk - there isn't really a middle ground for me.
2. Do you think you could ever have an abortion if you unexpectedly turned up pregnant right this second? i am pretty certain that i could never go through with it and deal with the emotional consequences...however, i would seriously consider all my options because that's what a responsible adult does. i'm single, broke, and a full time college student..
3. If you were far from home and needed to sleep for the night, would you choose to rent a crappy motel room for $60 or sleep in your car for free? i think it depends on how much money i have and how far i am from my destrination. i've slept in my car before, but it's not very restful.
4. Is there a color shirt you’d NEVER wear? i've probably worn every color out there. i love colors :P there is a few shades i avoid though.
5. Is there a situation where you caved into peer pressure and regretted it? technically, yes, you can say it was peer pressure. i regretted it even before it was over. i still do.
6. What is your favorite video game console? Why? i like nintendo 64 because the original zelda games and banjo kazooie and mario party 1, 2, and 3 have never let me down.
7. Do you like vanilla candles? i do! they smell wonderful
8. Have you ever been in a relationship that was going great, and then suddenly something weird happened and you just KNEW it was going to be over soon? yes. but it wasn't "weird", it was just life changing around us.
9. Would you ever bleach your hair platinum blonde? never say never
10. What are your plans for tomorrow? who knows? i don't even know my plans for dinner tonight.
11. What did you have for breakfast? i haven't eaten today
12. Have you had sex in 2013 yet? yes
13. Who last slept in your bed besides you? hmmm idk actually
14. What time did you wake up today? 9
15. How long until your next birthday? 6 months ish
16. What was the last movie you watched? cruel intentions
17. If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? oh man. incubus would be amazing. it's the first thing that popped into my head.
18. When did you last consume something that had peanut butter? yesterday i literally ate peanut butter by itself with some nutella on the spoon and a glass of milk as a late night snack. don't judge me..
19. What’s the last song you heard? "chocolate" by 1975
20. When you say you love someone, do you mean it? of course :)
21. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? yes please
22. Do you still talk to any of your ex’s? several of them..
23. As of this minute, what is going through your mind? "i'm sorry"
24. Where’s the last place you went? church
25. Have you held hands with anyone lately? no
26. Has anyone let you down recently? yes...
27. Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous? it bothers me when it's done from a hateful place, but mostly because it's ill willed and not because i feel jealous
28. Whats the next movie you want to see in theaters? i'm too broke to go see a movie :P
29. Do you have more than $50 in your room? not even $0.50 probably
30. Are both of your blood parents still in your life? yeah
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pureparadigm · 11 years
the way your breath comes out as whispers when you close your eyes to sleep
the pound pound pounding of your heartbeat is like a secret that we keep
when i'm lying on your chest and all i feel is inner peace
for the demons trapped inside my mind finally have ceased
i have given you my always, i have given you my strength
and at this point we are both aware we'd go to any lenghth
- to keep our souls intact and to always stay together
cos i've finally learned the benefit of facing stormy weather
there need not be sunshine in order to feel loved
the greatest gift you've given me is never giving up
when the thunder rolls so dreary and loud and dark tonight
my knight in shining armor does not back down from the fight
and instead he pushes forward, always holding my hand,
he scares away the darkness with a simple stern command,
and when you whisper in your sleep all the things you dare not say,
and when you wrap your arms around me, all the pain just fades away,
the constant pain of breathing doesn't feel so bad tonight
because when we fight together, we will always be alright.
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pureparadigm · 11 years
All the places I've been and things I've seen; A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams. The faces of people I'll never see again, And I can't seem to find my way home.
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