pureed-madness · 5 hours
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pureed-madness · 6 hours
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we have to kill all smart asses that openly share links to pirate sites or point to them. loose lips sink ship but idgaf if i can get my funny dunk in am i right???? this happens way too fucking often on here too. shut your damn mouth.
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pureed-madness · 6 hours
Actually I think having kids is too normalized.
I mean like; not only has it become an expectation for people (not just talking about fascists and sexist pigs controlling women's choices) but people are just so... Out of touch with what "having a baby" actually means.
Not just for the immediate future but also long term.
"We'll cross that bridge if it comes to it!" is an alarmingly common response these days when parents are questioned about the future with their child. People seem to be so caught up in just having a child and a pretty nursery that they don't seem to think beyond that point at all.
I know so, so many people who suffered a shitty upbringing because their parents had a child because "its just what couples do." Parents who never planned for unforeseen circumstances. Parents who left crucial developmental stages to other people. Parents who never bothered to learn how to actually raise another human being.
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pureed-madness · 6 hours
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pureed-madness · 6 hours
u gotta be hedonistic about vegetables. they're not good boy food that u eat to prove you're mature, they're the food that you can shovel into your mouth at 5 am without getting nauseous
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pureed-madness · 6 hours
When you understand that kids and teenagers being salty about literary symbolic analysis comes from a very real place of annoyance and frustration at some teachers for being over-bearing and pretentious in their projecting of symbolism onto every facet of a story but you also understand that literary analysis and critical thinking in regards to symbolism is extremely important and deserves to be not only taught in schools, but actively used by writers when examining their own work to see if they might have used symbolism unintentionally and to make sure that they are using symbolism effectively:
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pureed-madness · 8 hours
It‘s scary to see how very important european petitions get no visibility whatsoever. We had a basic income petition last year which failed because not enough people knew about it. Now we have a „tax the rich“ one that only lasts until october this year and only has around 250k out of 1 mio. signings.
Most EU people go through their every day life w/o knowing about them. There are no ads, no marketing…nothing. I know that costs money though one might think important petitions that lead to a better and progressive life would be supported by the government or ministries in some way, but nooooo
And why should they? It’s petitions that would help out the poor and middle class, but endanger capitalism and their exploitation, sooo: government and business leads for example.
So here the link for those who are interested:
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pureed-madness · 8 hours
TIME SENSITIVE: Help 5 Children Trapped in Jabalia Evacuate to Rafah
5 days since israel defense minister announced reallocation of most of iof troops (including tanks and missiles) up north. 5 days of nonstop carpet bombing of neighborhoods in North Gaza, specifically around Jabalia. 3 schools full of children targeted.
today, netanyahu was quoted by israeli press that there will be a military siege in North Gaza, that there will be a short period where civilians will be allowed to evacuate. this is extremely concerning when taking into account that iof has bombed and opened fire at civilian and aid vehicles indiscriminately with no repercussions. time is of the essence for families to escape before iof closes in
my friend Hazem (vetted #281) has 5 younger siblings and parents that he is currently providing for, trapped in Jabalia camp for the past 11.5 months. evacuating to South Gaza means getting a transport vehicle, buying fuel, buying food, and abandoning tents and other cumbersome supplies not immediately needed for survival. fuel and food are both extremely expensive because of their scarcity in North Gaza. please help the family get funds to escape before the siege is into effect
the family's campaign has raised only €200 in the past 12 hours. please continue to help them get the funds necessary to outrun the advancing iof troops.
€60,600 raised of €70,000 goal as of September 22. €9,400 urgently needed ASAP
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pureed-madness · 20 hours
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pureed-madness · 21 hours
let’s be real. you can remember the 21st night of september on any day of the year. every day if you want. 
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pureed-madness · 22 hours
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pureed-madness · 22 hours
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pureed-madness · 23 hours
sign this.
call the number and demand this man is saved from execution
september 24th is approaching there is not much time left
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pureed-madness · 23 hours
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LESSON 1: madame president
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pureed-madness · 24 hours
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Share to save someone with nut allergies a hospital trip hoooly shit
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pureed-madness · 1 day
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Started replaying dai and couldn't resist drawing Josephine
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pureed-madness · 1 day
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Last week, St. Louis County Circuit Judge Bruce Hilton declined to vacate the conviction and death sentence of Marcellus, an innocent man on death row in Missouri. This means Marcelllus’ execution will go forward as planned on Sept. 24.
The state of Missouri has admitted major constitutional errors including removing potential jurors based on race, and mishandling the DNA evidence that could have proved Marcellus' innocence.
There’s still time for the courts or Gov. Parson to stop Missouri from making this irreversible mistake. We must do everything in our power to stop this wrongful execution. And you can help. Here’s how.
Keep calling Gov. Parson at 417-373-3400 and urge him to stop Marcellus’ execution.
Please help us prevent Missouri from making the irreversible mistake of killing an innocent person. Your voice could make a crucial difference in the fight for justice.
Text and photo courtesy of the Innocence Project
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