puppywoman · 5 days
is libgen being down temporary? :(
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puppywoman · 5 days
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What are you trying to tell me, that if I'm a good enough girl I'll get to cum?
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No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're a good enough girl... You won't have to.
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puppywoman · 7 days
i was a bit useful at least, i realized that if i wanna make friends with org people i gotta be saying hi to everyone, not just to people who are kind enough to say it to me first. feels like that should’ve been obvious but oh well i guess. wow maybe i should say hi on here too. hi :)
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puppywoman · 9 days
keeping things to myself challenge (difficulty: impossible) (personal rambling)
i think this blog will become mainly vent/personal due to reasons. starting now. i looked through old psych notes and the test i remembered doing said i don’t have adhd, which is gonna make the stims plan way harder than i’d like… i’d have to get tested again and aim to fail and it’ll be a cost on top of seeing a psych again and i doubt i’d succeed in that bc i’m shit at faking. why can’t it be enough that i had the drug before and it helped? i saw a therapist the other day and i regret it tbh, i hate the kinds of questions they ask, i hate my compliance in disclosing shit i don’t mean to, i hate the reframing of my problems into pathology, and it’s so much money that like my m*m wants to pay for but i’d rather just.. have that money to be able to buy clothes and shit so i hate myself less and be able to convince myself to leave the house more. i went to vocational rehabilitation people like a week ago and by another week hopefully they reach back out and that gets rolling and i get a job and money and being out of bed and around people that aren’t my family. they finally gonna settle(?) me for a car wreck years ago and i just wanna put that straight into my current car so it’s one less bill i’m indebted to my family for but i gotta call like food stamps and student loan to see if getting a few thou and immediately paying it is gonna cost me food stamps and make me have to pay on my loans even though i still don’t have a job. idk how that works. i think i’m starting to be able to actually address some of the haunting memories i have. it’s insane how much growing i have to do and how slow i do it. but i certainly need to for everyone’s sake and if i’m ever gonna Live. hoping a job jumpstarts that too. not sure how to overcome the social deficiencies still except that maybe job exposure therapy will make me less anxious around people and through that i can learn social skills? but like i have a few friends already and i want to be closer/better with them and idk how. and idk how to make more friends unless someone throws themself at me, which sucks bc i want to be friends with even specific people but i just Don’t Interact and have some sort of complex i guess (see: growing up to do). i want to grow up sexually/romantically(?) too, like i been painted myself into a corner by being stupid awkward around the subject and inadvertently shutting it down every opportunity i had to connect over that. scared of making people uncomfortable, esp to like try bring it up myself. but even apart from that just not knowing how to give or receive affection and comfort and pleasure or even rly how to play to people’s interests or know and be open enough abt my own for others to play to mine. isolatinggg. i need to understand joking/teasing too, but like from my observation it seems like ‘say something (knowingly or unknowingly) kinda personally offensive(?)/bold in a happy tone and be prepared to play it friendly and apologize if it offends the person you’re talking to or laugh with them if it doesn’t??? like on some level i know how to joke/tease with some people and in like a ideal situation i can see how it’d be good for probing/learning likes/dislikes/boundaries/etc and connecting in that but idk how to separate that from [the like “I’m Just Joking Can’t You Take A Joke” thing or just being actually offensive/uncomfortable] enough to make some kind of useful model i can apply more than i currently do. both in the choosing what to joke about part and in the playing it friendly / apologizing part. and like how much established trust is needed to joke how far. even if there was a model to follow all the parameters are indescribable anyway. idek what i’m talking abt‼️ i want/need to exercise and stretch but i feel like i need stims for that :( but what if i was strong enough to do shit all day, or just like fuck myself, what if i could fill out my ass/thighs some with muscle, what if i was flexible enough to put my feet behind my head (gender affirmingly). i think i ran out of stuff to overshare for now. thanks for checking out my wires <3
woag that’s exactly the max paragraph length lmao, goodnight
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puppywoman · 2 months
pinned placeholder
i’ll write something later
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puppywoman · 2 months
some of you have had your perception of mommy dommes warped by the popular advent of people simply using "mommy" as a title devoid of all context. I am not that kind of mommy domme. I am the kind that Acts Like Your Mom (or, how your mom should've acted). I am going to be so sugary-sweet and gentle and kind with you. I'm going to refer to all of your injuries as booboos and offer to kiss them better. I am going to make you little snacks and make sure you're hydrated. I am going to snuggle you so softly yet so tightly and kiss your forehead so gently and tell you that you make mommy proud every single day. that you are the best kid a gal like me could ask for. that I love you. I love you.
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puppywoman · 2 months
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normal catgirl
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puppywoman · 2 months
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girl love
(she/her for both characters)
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puppywoman · 3 months
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bunny girlfriends :)
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puppywoman · 3 months
I'm sure some of you need this
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puppywoman · 3 months
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i drew this in 2019 it's soooo true
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puppywoman · 3 months
its a dog eat out dog world out there and i am a hungry puppy
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puppywoman · 3 months
cuddling your mom after she violated you. hiding your blushing, mortified face in the crook of her neck or her tits so you don’t have to look her in the eye after what she’s just done to you, her arms wrapped around you and squeezing so tight, her legs entangled with yours. your thigh is pressed up against her crotch, your skin growing damp where your cum is leaking back out of her, tearing up at the thought that you definitely just got your mom pregnant even as the same thought starts getting you hard again. she doesn’t even blink as you shift position and push her legs open to slip back inside, mindlessly rutting the shame and anxiety away as your mom whispers comfort to you between moans
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puppywoman · 3 months
thinking about going to a party wearing my collar thats engraved w my name and gfs phone #.. talking to a cool scary girl when she sees the engravings and asks if im owned. telling her im not n that it was just a cute thing but she just opens up her phone and calls the number while i look at her confused, speaking to my gf n getting responses i cant hear. her hanging up the call and nonchalantly giving a little "okay!" before she grabs me by the leash and drags me into a side room where i wont be heard from over the loud music <3 ghhh
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puppywoman · 4 months
g*rls will say "don't make fun of me" while their tails wag furiously from being made fun of
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puppywoman · 4 months
tank tops were invented so girls could have easier access to other girls sweaty and hairy armpits
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puppywoman · 4 months
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