punkvseverybody · 1 year
Rollins vs. Punk at Wrestlemania 40?
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I haven't been posting in a while and I know it's weird, afterall, with a name like "punkvseverybody" I should've been going crazy since the news of Punk's firing broke out. The thing is... It's exhausting. Every once in a while I end up in a back and forth on X (twitter) and in the end the only thing I accomplish is tiring myself out. It's like punching a wall. Haters will be haters, man. If I had a youtube channel, where I could just talk instead of writing all these damn words, I'd have made tons of videos on the subject. Unfortunately, I don't have a YT channel and I don't like my face enough to put it out there for people to see, especially those who might dislike me for my opinions. Don't wanna give them ammunations, you know? Anyway, a few days ago a rumor popped up of how Punk was already willing to go back to WWE in 2022 and maybe doing so in the Royal Rumble where he would get eliminated by someone who he would then face at Wrestlemania. The guy Punk had in mind was Kevin Owens, by the way.
Now that rumors of him possibly going back to WWE have started circulating, an interview of Seth Rollings has been brought up again, with Rollings calling Punk a cancer, saying the he doesn't want him back.
So I started thinking. Nobody knows why Seth and Punk wouldn't be friends, right? No news of problems between the two ever popped up in all this time and the two only poked each other a little bit when Punk was hosting WWE Backstage a few years back. That back and forth only showed me that the two were willing to work with each other if there was the chance. And I kept thinking... What if the two aren't on bad terms at all and actually keep contact with each other? What if Seth Rollins was working? What if he knew that Punk was willing to come back to WWE in 2023? Knowing that Punk's endevour in AEW might be nearing the end, what if Seth decided to call Punk a cancer and such in order to plant the seeds for a possible feud against the two? Now we're less than 4 months away from the end of 2023, CM Punk has been fired from AEW and Seth Rollins is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. We're so close to the possibility turning into reality. Sure, Wrestlemania is still 7 months away but a possible Punk return would certainly happen either in Chicago at the Survivor Series in November or at the Rumble in January, right? Time shouldn't be an issue and during these months Seth could have a long reign or even lose it and regain it in time for 'Mania. Seth Rollins vs. CM Punk for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship would be a perfect Main Event for Night 1 of Wrestlemania with Roman vs. Cody main eventing Night 2.
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punkvseverybody · 1 year
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Ripped this straight from twitter... that's Malakai Black. Crazy.
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punkvseverybody · 1 year
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"The Elite are the main characters." If it wasn't clear before, it must be now. They're fucking jelous. When CM Punk came in and took his place as the top draw, top merchandise seller, cover of the videogame, best feud and eventually world's champion, the Bucks couldn't handle it. And I couldn't make this shit up, he went on record and said "if you lose the foundation of your home, it eventually collapses". Talk about egos, uh? People have been talking shit about Punk and his ego while Matt Jackson just said that if the Elite went away, AEW would crumble. Really, Matt? Because you're the be-all end-all of AEW? I mean, what a slap in the face from an EVP to all the other great talents in the company, to come out and basically say "without the Elite you'd all be screwed, unable to possilby keep the company alive because you're not as important as us." Truth is, AEW would be just fine without the Elite. Hell, maybe it would rebrand with a different name who knows. Truth is, it's the Elite who needs AEW. What's the alternative? Going to WWE? Going from being EVPs, able to call yourselves the "main characters" and the "foundation" to just being three/four more members of the WWE roster? The Young Bucks couldn't even give us a trilogy with FTR because they didn't want to lose the last match and have FTR be the top tag team in AEW. In WWE they wouldn't be able to refuse losing to the Usos and, believe you me, they would lose to the Usos.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
I'm going of the rails with assumptions here but I wonder if he had to deal with such stupidity backstage which I guess would prompt him to reply in a similar way as in the video. If so I could understand why some of the younger generation might have felt a certain way towards him but, honestly speaking, if something on the lines of "what's Mussolini" comes out of your mouth, you deserve the ridicule.
i think of this clip so often
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
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hey not to freak everyone out but OMG
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
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CM Punk to come back at Revolution with FTR and Jim Cornette as their manager? A man can dream, right?
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
CM Punk's coming back, boiiiiis!
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No, I do not think Adam Page's talking about him when he says he's ready to mend some fences. I think he's talking about the Elite there. BUT. The interesting part happens at the end and it's so subtle that I've only seen a few people on the internet talking about it. The Hangman changes his mind and stops himself while asking Renee to tell we don't know what to we don't know whom "if she gets a chance". They had just finished talking about Mox and he's her husband, so of course she's gonna talk to him. "If you get a chance" doesn't make sense here. He's not talking about the Elite because why would she need Renee to talk to them when he's always done that by himself. Now, who's Renee friends with? A friendship that's pretty much known? Someone she might "get the chance" to talk to"?
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This guy! Ladies and germs, the end of that Renee/Page segment was the seed, the beginning of CM Punk's comeback. Kinda like Darby Allin's promo before Punk's return to pro-wrestling. I'm calling it right now. I don't know how they'll go about it but I wonder if they'll start with Punk and Hangman making peace, maybe with Page needing a tag partner and Punk stepping in. Or maybe with Page willing to make peace and Punk turning heel on him. Or maybe both. I dunno. We'll see.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
Has anybody noticed that Larry's missing two of its front teeth? Remember the rumors that said Larry got hit in the face by the door when the Elite came to Punk's lockeroom and had to have them removed? Posting this picture could be a way for Punk to prove his side while still keeping silent because the people involved in the brawl can't talk about it.
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Another Larry update from Phil 💖
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
There we have it, from the boss himself. CM Punk told the truth in the media scrum, that he had nothing to do with Colt Cabana, and yet a rumor still started going around at the time Punk was injured. If Punk had nothing to do with Cabana, then this confirms someone indeed planted a false rumor and had the wrestling media report it all over the place. Who could've been? Well, Punk was pretty sure it was the Young Bucks and now I'm even more inclined to believe him. He wouldn't have blasted them without being certain of it. Punk had every right to call out these so called wrestling journalists on their shit right in front of their faces at the media scrum.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
please this man don't give a fuck 😂
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
Always good to see him in any capacity. He looks younger with his beard trimmed and his hair's getting longer. I haven't seen him with hair this long since the Straight Edge Society days. I'm reminded of how he once said he likes to change something about himself (hair, beard, gear) any time he starts a new chapter in his pro-wrestling career. He looked like Jesus during the SES period; hair slicked back as the anti-hero after the pipebomb; buzz cut as the heel WWE champion and many more examples. Despite everything that happened, if it's true that he still has the "wrestling bug", I wonder if he's getting ready for that new chapter we're all waiting and hoping to see.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
A moment in time
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
Take it as you will but PWInsider is probably the most respected pro-wrestling news outlet there is. Touted for its unbiased and objective news reporting. Unlike the Wrestling Observer. You know, the one that's run by the guy the Young Bucks named a move after? Meltzer, that's right. PWInsider publishing this article and slamming the investigation is HUGE and interestingly enough, despite being published 5 days ago, Meltzer and friends don't seem to be talking about it. WrestleTalk reported it:
Jim Cornette made a video about it:
But those who were so quick at putting out a video after the investigation wrapped up, seem to be ignoring it. Mmh, I wonder why. As I said before, time will tell and the truth will surface. Hoping he hasn't signed an NDA, I'm looking forward to him popping up on a podcast and shooting like a machine gun. 'Till then, in Punk I still trust.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
Dope video from @Tigerstylepro he always does great video edits
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
People call him toxic. They call him a lockeroom cancer. They make fun of him for trying to be a (much needed) leader behind the scenes. And they mock him. "If you have to call yourself a lockeroom leader, then you're really not" they say. Just watch these two short videos, just listen to the guy. The man wanted to be a positive influence on that damn lockeroom. He wanted to make Eddie proud. Not just him but the Harley Races and Tracy Smothers as well, legends who took him under their wings and taught him the things he wanted to pass on to the younger generation. Listen to what Eddie did for him the last night they ever wrestled each other and try to compare it to what Punk did for MJF. Listen to how he was taught to "pick up" the lockeroom and notice his respect for someone like Bob Holly whom he sees as an important figure for the lockeroom, despite getting punched in the face by him. Now, with such role models, can you picture the kind of lockeroom leader Punk would be? Ready and willing to teach and help young guys but also tough and severe if met with attitude? I personally believe there are some great young talents in AEW who are willing to listen and learn from those who came before. Starks, Hobbs, Darby and Brock Anderson to name a few. Unfortunately, there are those who are not willing to do the same. That's what pissed Punk off along with the rest. That's why he mentioned Adam Page's interview where he said he doesn't take advice. I've read of how Danielson, Moxley and Jericho have become the three main figures of the lockeroom and how everybody likes them and I'm like... Of course they like them! Danielson and Moxley just want to wrestle and they never made it a secret. I won't say they don't care but they don't go out of their way if not asked, they're more like "live and let live" kind of dudes. Jericho, along with Matt Hardy, is buddies with the EVPs and just acts like one of the boys. I do believe Punk was actively trying to make AEW better, in front of and behind the cameras, and he probably collided with those who couldn't care less about his advice and it seems to be quite a list of people, led by Kenny Omega and the Bucks. Time will tell. 'Till then, in Punk I still trust.
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punkvseverybody · 2 years
Enough with this "CM Punk is toxic" crap.
I keep hearing people talk about how "toxic" CM Punk is and how he was a "cancer" to the AEW lockeroom and I've kind of had it with this crap. I keep reading on how basically everybody backstage didn't like him and I'm seriously curious to know who these people are. No, seriously. Sting and Darby didn't have a problem with Punk; Hobbs and Starks had nothing but nice things to say about him, as did Max Caster and Lee Moriarty; Wardlow and MJF worked tremendosly well with Punk; Brock Anderson asked him for advice and I bet Arn didn't have a problem with Punk either; Jade Cargill got some help in training by Punk; I'm convinced that Punk and Eddie Kingston are actually friends but pretend to hate each other just for shit and giggles but even if the hate was real they still did great business together; Punk really likes Adam Cole; Brian Pillman Jr. likes Punk; Daniel Garcia loved working with Punk, Samoa Joe is Punk's buddy; Punk and Malakai Black are friends; FTR loves Punk, so does Danhausen; Jim Ross, Mark Henry and Taz like Punk and so does Hook which Punk put over after a show for the amusement of the crowd; Christian, Bryan Danielson, Shawn Spears, Claudio Castagnoli, William Regal, Moxley, Miro, Paul Wight, Matt Sydal, Jake Hager, Matt & Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels and Dustin Rhodes all go way back with Punk and maybe some of them don't like him, I don't know, but he never had any problems with them or at least not so big to stop him from working with them professionally. Who else? Thunder Rosa, Britt Baker, Saraya, Ruby Soho, Renee, Serena Deeb... Not problem at all with Punk. So, apart from the EVPs and their buddies, who exactly doesn't like and doesn't want CM Punk in AEW? How come CM Punk's AEW run was going great until he had to work with one of the EVPs' buddies in Hangman Adam Page? Why is it that all those rumors about people not liking Punk and him being the reason for Cabana almost getting fired started getting out around that exact time? CM Punk believed that the EVPs were spreading bullshit rumors to their media friends (Meltzer in primis) and he wouldn't have done it so publicly had he not been sure about it and guess what, they're still doing it! I just saw one of Wrestling Observer Live's most recent videos where Meltzer kept burying Punk basically calling him a liar. When will people learn that one of Punk's main characteristics is his honesty? That's why he has a bad reputation, that's why a lot of people don't like him, because a lot of people don't like honest straight foward people who tell it like it is right in your face. WWE sued him after he told the truth about what happend to him and the stuff about their doctor and he freaking won the case, for fuck sake. Okay, I guess I'm done.
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