punkinwonderland · 11 hours
Rolin Jones is so funny, he was like "Sorry Sam Reid's family and friends, the possession will continue and he's about to wear some weird stuff." LMAO. I love him
Rolin is an unhinged sicko like us. 😜
This is what Rolin previously said about S3 being The Vampire Lestat:
“Lestat front and center of the show….”
And now we know it’s really truly happening. Lestat. The real Lestat. The Vampire Lestat. In all his bratty bombastic glory.
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I just —
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punkinwonderland · 2 days
The proud look of Lestat when Claudia says that she'll come somehow back and kill them all.
She's really his daughter and it shows.
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punkinwonderland · 2 days
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"This is loneliness...You want to curl up and die, don't you?" Interview With the Vampire 02x07 (2024)
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punkinwonderland · 2 days
So when Lestat’s start to break down saying how he hurt louis, the only one.. and he mentions breaking something cuz you can’t have it, and not being loved back. Like why does he think Louis didn’t love him. Even the revisit when they fought he looked so heartbroken before he turned cold asking if louis was leaving him. Did he think that love was one sided and if he thought so why not leave louis and find someone he thought loved him?
He would never leave Louis, because he loves him. It’s really that simple. Lestat doesn’t abandon.
Why did he think Louis didn’t love him? Louis never verbally told him. Louis withheld his affections and stopped drinking blood, which also stopped the intimacy in their relationship.
Lestat is full of self-hatred. He thinks he’s unworthy of love. He’s amazed when anyone shows him the slightest bit of attention or affection and believes it’s a miracle when anyone loves him. All of this is from the trauma he endured from his family, Nicki, Gabrielle, Magnus, and Armand. Everyone he’s ever loved has abandoned him or told him they hated him. And Lestat never deserved to be treated like that. He was good. He had a heart of gold and was full of love and care. He treated both Nicki and Gabrielle like royalty and both of them left him. How do you expect him to feel when Louis locked his heart from him as well?
And that’s the tragedy of it all, because Louis does love him….beyond anything. Lestat is just so traumatized and so painfully full of self-loathing that he could never believe it was possible for Louis, his Saint Louis, to truly love him too.
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See that look? Shock. Amazement. Awe. Too good to be true. For an unworthy monster like him.
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punkinwonderland · 3 days
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Lestat de Lioncourt + The Vampire Claudia
And I cannot say even now that I regret Claudia, that I wish I had never seen her, nor held her, nor whispered secrets to her, nor heard her laughter echoing through the shadowy gaslighted rooms of that all too human town house in which we moved amid the lacquered furniture and the darkening oil paintings and the brass flowerpots as living beings should. Claudia was my dark child, my love, evil of my evil. Claudia broke my heart.
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
Funniest thing about this episode is the people in the audience who came for some fun vampire show but was forced to watch gay fail of the marriage
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
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And I cannot say even now that I regret Claudia, that I wish I had never seen her, nor held her, nor whispered secrets to her, nor heard her laughter echoing through the shadowy gaslighted rooms of that all too human town house in which we moved amid the lacquered furniture and the darkening oil paintings and the brass flowerpots as living beings should. Claudia was my dark child, my love, evil of my evil. Claudia broke my heart.
And on a warm sultry night in the spring of the year 1860, she rose up to settle the score. She enticed me, she trapped me, and she plunged a knife over and over again into my drugged and poisoned body, until almost every drop of the vampiric blood gushed out of me before my wounds had the precious few seconds in which to heal.
I don't blame her. It was the sort of thing I might have done myself.
And those delirious moments will never be forgotten by me, never consigned to some unexplored compartment of the mind. It was her cunning and her will that laid me low as surely as the blade that slashed my throat and divided my heart. I will think on those moments every night for as long as I go on, and of the chasm that opened under me, the plunge into mortal death that was nearly mine. Claudia gave me that.
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
I noticed this too! 🥲 my boy… just sad to talk about his husbands
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Symbolic wedding rings? Lestat looks at and takes off the one on his index finger when talking about Nicki. He twists the one on his ring finger when he begins to talk about meeting Louis.
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
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I'll do anything. Please. I'll be anything. INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.07 | I Could Not Prevent It
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punkinwonderland · 4 days
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"I hurt the one… I hurt the only one… I… I thought of this often in the coffin."
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE | 2.07 | “I Could Not Prevent It”
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punkinwonderland · 7 days
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soulmates btw
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punkinwonderland · 9 days
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Claudia was my dark child, my love, evil of my evil.
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punkinwonderland · 11 days
Part of what makes The Vampire Chronicles unendingly beautiful is that Anne Rice doesn't just write gothic literature. She builds a world on the foundation of Lestat de Lioncourt. And Lestat is a deeply human person who longs to be Byronic more than he is Byronic. He is a gothic protagonist who fears romanticism (speaking in literary terms - TVC hug the line between Romantic & Gothic much the same as the Brontës) and then the gothic comes and kills him and he's reborn a Romanticist doomed to be misunderstood.
There's something so profound too in the way these books do not just imply queerness, but imply that to be reborn as your heightened yourself is inherently violent, is inherently a crisis of faith, and is doomed to separate from others, to be scorned or even hated by them.
I've written before about queer identity and violence, about NoHo Hank's queerness being born of violence in HBO's Barry, about Richie Tozier in It Chapter II being "gay enough" in his story of trauma, but I think these books were my first real attachment to the horror of queer birth. Before I could understand the violence of my own childhood experiences and before I knew that I was at odds with a prescribed identity of gender, orientation, faith, and even destiny.
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punkinwonderland · 11 days
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Interview with the Vampire 1.07 · The Thing Lay Still — requested by anon ⁠
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punkinwonderland · 11 days
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the cunt is back
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punkinwonderland · 14 days
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