pumpkins-n-prada · 2 years
Is it just me or is life generally feeling more unsettling than usual?
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pumpkins-n-prada · 2 years
I’m going to start logging wild simulation moments I keep having just so I’ve got some sort of documentation because they are happening to me daily and I need to share the weirdness.
1) me saying to my partner after he walked in from work that I needed to buy handcuffs for my Halloween costume and is there anywhere we could go that evening to get some and he said there was a pair on our front lawn (like what? How? Who put them there?) It was a whole week before Halloween and what are the chances he just walks in to the house after seeing a pair of handcuffs on the lawn and I say “I need some handcuffs for my outfit I’m wearing on Halloween” and he’s like “there’s a pair on the lawn you can have”. LOL. WILDDD
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pumpkins-n-prada · 2 years
Do you have a step-by-step instruction guide on how to lucid dream? Sorry if I asked this question before or if someone else did.
It's okay! No worries.
1. Dream journal. Work on remembering at least one dream every night. I have an app called *Dreams* on my phone. It lets you customize and record dream signs. I would purchase Stephen Laberges book: Exploring the world of Lucid dreaming. It's super informative and it breaks down how to categorize dream signs! Dream signs are important for the next step.
2. Reality checking. This is something that lots of Lucid dreamers take for granted -- myself included. When you do a reality check, it should be very mindful. We shouldn't check and assume that we are awake; we will do the exact same thing in our dreams. We should stop what we're doing, look around and then do a RC. Next, what kind of reality check should we do? My favorite is trying to push my index finger through my palm. Some people hold their noses and try to breathe, whatever RC works for you is what you should use. Try them all out. Lastly, you want to do reality checks in accordance with your dream signs! Dream signs vary, they can be recurring situations, emotions and even characters. But, you should be able to spot a pattern in your Dreams after several months of journaling. When you see a dream sign or something that resembles or reminds you of your dream sign, you should do a RC! That's the most effective way to hack your lucid dreams.
3. Induction techniques. My favorite, and probably the most reliable technique, is MILD -- Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming. You will need to build up your prospective memory, which isn't that difficult (check out Stephen Laberges method on building prospective memory). You should mix this with reality checks and dream signs, to make it more effective. For example, if you constantly see animals in your dreams, you will stop and try to put your finger through your hand every time you see an animal in waking life. And you should constantly build upon how many dreams signs you can remember at a time -- this is how you work on your prospective memory. So, you see animals and always seem to be in a parking lot in your dreams, that's two dream signs; that's two reality checks that you will need to remember to do if you see these triggers in your waking life -- try to get up to 5! While falling asleep you should remind yourself: if I see an animal or a parking lot OR an animal in a parking lot, I will recognize that I'm dreaming. You can repeat this to yourself while falling asleep in the beginning of your night or after waking up and returning to sleep.
The other part of MILD is done upon waking or while falling asleep or both; you'll repeat to yourself, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realize that I'm dreaming." You can even repeat this throughout your day. What I meant by "upon waking" is to wake up earlier than you normally would (5.5 hours give or take -- 4.5 would be more in the realm of WILD) and then while returning to sleep you remind yourself that you will be dreaming soon. Technically this is called the Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) method but.. yeah lol
Hopefully I didn't miss anything! This short tutorial should help you get started. Also, it takes practice and patience. It took me around 3 months to have a 10 second long lucid dream, don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work within that time span. Also, having one lucid dream a month is considered to be a lot! If you manage to pull it off but then can't do it for a while -- this is normal. Just go with the flow ❤️
(Oh yeah! This process is customizable! Feel free to tweak any part.)
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
📍Lydford Gorge, Devon UK
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
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Dreaming of blue skies and sunflowers today 🌻
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
There’s a massive craze on TIkTok at the moment where people are discussing their theories and experiences regarding jumping timelines and I find it really interesting because something unexplained happened to me once and now I’m wondering if perhaps I jumped timelines.
I don’t know enough on the topic but I’ve watched various people speak about situations in which they were in one reality and became consciously aware they had gone somewhere else - either by the power of consciously trying to shift there or by a complete accident. Some accidents include instances where people may have died but instead transferred to the next most similar reality/timeline. There’s a few theories that we never actually die, we only transfer to the next timeline and therefore the cycle always continues.
Now I’m not so certain I agree with this particular theory but it reminded me of something that happened to me when I was in my early twenties. Me and my ex were driving down a road at high speed, and a car pulled out right in front of us. It happened so quickly that there was no time to break or do anything about it. I grabbed hold of the car handle above me and next thing I knew I was surrounded by a ball of bright white light. Everything went white as if I was blinded. My ears instantly began ringing so hard I went completely death and the only sound I could hear was the high pitch static coming from within my ears. And almost as quick as it happened, the white light faded away as did the ringing. I started to become aware of my surroundings before realising there was no car in front of me. I turned around and the car, to my surprise, was behind us. Still in the middle of the road. The driver looking as shocked as we were. And I was so confused by what just happened - did I panic and black out? Adrenaline? How did we end up on the other side of the car? I turned to my ex boyfriend who’s hands were still firmly on the steering wheel in the 10 and 2 position and I asked him “what just happened?!” To which he responded “I don’t know” and proceeded to explain to me how he hit the breaks and his vision went white and his ears started ringing and next thing he knew he was on the other side of the car. We both had the exact same experience and couldn’t explain how. It’s probably one of the weirdest things that has happened to me and yet I’m not even sure if we ever spoke about it after that. But I always wonder, did I die? Or did I jump timelines? Maybe it’s neither and perhaps the angels were just looking out for us that day. I guess I’ll never know 😅
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
Hahaha I feel seen 👀
I actually LOVE the outdoors...but found this hilarious
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
Being truly awakened has nothing to do with how much you know about chakras, crystal healing or divination. You don’t need to dress a certain way or be a certain way or live a certain way. You just need to be AWARE.
AWARE that you’ve been conditioned into a belief system that does not serve you or your true purpose and only distracts you from the real meaning of life and your reason for existing here. A system that is literally designed to leave you completely disconnected from spirit.
Once you understand this you can begin reprogramming your mind into a new set of beliefs. Ultimately you will always be human and it’s within your natural programming to feel involuntary human emotions like anger, rage and jealousy - it’s not about becoming this 100% serene and peaceful human being because that’s just not possible. It’s about being aware of your emotions and understanding the power of conscious thought and the concept of free flowing energy. And once you understand all this and begin to take the steps to break free from things that do not serve you so you can better manifest and use this energy for positive change and for good, helping yourself and also helping others - that is what it means to be truly awakened. And we must help as many people as possible to wake up too.
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
When you’re spiritual and trying to work out how to cut all ties with someone, you got to think about that next life as well - like how do I stop reincarnating with this person? Because that’s my real worry. That our karma never gets resolved and we just relive it over and over again.
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
Autumn Kitchen Witchcraft
(Originally taught on The Alexandria Archives 10/26/2019) Witchcraft in the kitchen is the art of combining a food or drink process and magical intention and correspondences. Whether it be by stirring, cutting, heating, kneading, or even chilling! Anything you make can be imbued with intention by deliberate actions or the combination of flavors you add. Correspondences doesn’t have to mean a specific ingredient; it just needs to be a specific association.
Ways of doing this:
spices, herbs: adding ones that have specific correspondences to what your intention is
stirring energy in or out: drawing and banishing with your own motions and personal energy
kneading energy into dough
cutting or brushing on sigils
letting an element do the energy work: the heat of a stove top or oven, the chilling of a fridge or freezer, the brewing of a kettle or crockpot
When it comes to Autumn it’s about the celebration of harvest and the warmth you bring into the house in dishes rather than outside temperature. There are a lot of ways to do this and many intentions can be focused on: health, prosperity, creativity, luck, love, etc.
The best way to incorporate the energies of Autumn is to think about what the season means to you in the kitchen. Is it about the rich warmth of stews and soups? The umami flavors of root vegetables? The scent of spices like cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, cardamom? The texture of caramelized apples, onions, or squash? Is it about certain drinks like cider or mulled wine?
And even if you don’t have memories of specific Autumn associations or you live in an area that doesn’t have a classic sort of change into a fall season; build your own! What helps you sort of wind down for the day? What gives you comfort and peace? That is the sort of food you should be focusing on. Much like spring and summer are about light, energizing and crisp foods; fall and winter are about those richer, unctuous and warming flavors. Foods that you want to curl up with and be lazy; enjoy at a slow pace while Netflix babbles in the background. Pair with a movie marathon and the company of a loved one or pet.
Easy Autumn kitchen witchcraft:
Carving a pumpkin and roasting the seeds (toss with salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic or paprika powder and a touch of Worcestershire sauce)
Mulling cider or wine (use a coffee filter for the mulling spices for easy cleanup!)
Crockpot stews and soups
Spiced cookies like molasses or gingersnaps
Herbed (or pumpkin or apple!) butter with a simple loaf of homemade bread
Roasted fall veggies like potatoes, squash, pumpkin, onions, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
When it comes to more elaborately planned Autumn kitchen witchcraft, you might plan a special multi-course meal on a specific day where you have extra time to spend in the kitchen. It doesn’t have to be Master Chef level- even just a simple starter of homemade bread with a spread and pasta with homemade sauce (or “jazzed up” jarred sauce- no shame!) and cupcakes for dessert counts!
Don’t discount the chemical changes! Think about the intention you are going for and what would be the best method to achieve that, element-wise. I wouldn’t make a frozen dessert to bring luck or wealth into your life- you’re more likely to freeze it in its tracks! But if you’re looking to freeze an illness or soothe grief or a heartbreak- a chilly dessert is just the thing. I wouldn’t use a stew or soup for banishing or cleansing; those flavors have to meld and heat low and slow and draw everything together. Think about the action of the dish and the action of your intention and plan accordingly!
Let’s not discount the emotional feel of a dish either. Food is love; food is memory; food is home; food is the soul and heart and head all wrapped up. It can be a complicated relationship for sure. But it can also be a rewarding one if you approach it from the direction you most need.Feel free to start with teas that have a more Autumn flavor. Build into simple raw snacks like apples, pears, salads, nuts, seeds. Feel how the season gives light and love to your body as it fuels it. You don’t need to create a decadent high calorie meal in order to reap the feelings of fall.
Autumn is also a great time to try out some fermentation sided witchcraft. The life cycle of nature is winding down- mushrooms are rampant in forests, fallen trees soften and feed the ground. You could begin a bread starter, a mead or beer, or make some pickles! Or of course; there’s always fire cider! ( https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/fire-cider ). Preparing to avoid illness and discomfort during the colder months is an inherent part of the shift in kitchen witchcraft as well.
Don’t push yourself too much; often cooler temps and less sunlight makes the desire to spend a lot of time in the kitchen mixed at best. That’s okay. It isn’t a competition or a race. A simple cup of tea or even a glass of water can be set in the windowsill for a moment to charge with the fall energy before drinking. Still counts! A piece of toast or a bowl of cereal can have honey swirled onto it with intent (think about making an infused honey with spices or herbs!). Still counts. As I say; you are the Witch, you are the Power, you are the Magic.
The rest is just the plating presentation of what’s already a fantastic meal.
(Fall fruits and vegetables list: https://www.thespruceeats.com/fall-fruits-and-vegetables-2217704)
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
You are allowed to re-invent yourself whenever you’d like, and however many times you’d like.
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
Mabon Celebrations
Mabon is a Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year that celebrates the Autumn Equinox. It is the second harvest, and it focuses on the gratitude for the bounty of the Earth. This year (2021), Mabon will be celebrated on September 22.
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🍎Give thanks to your God(s) and/or Goddess(es) for the fruitful land.
🍎Decorate your home or altar with autumn colors (orange, brown, gold, red) and with the symbols of Mabon (pine cones, apples, a Cornucopia, gourds, etc.)
🍎Cook or bake your favorite fall recipe. Share with your friends, family, and/or deities. This is a great holiday for feasting!
🍎Craft and include a few symbols of Mabon into those crafts. Corn dolls, building or decorating a Cornucopia, and acorn ornaments are just a few crafts that symbolize and celebrate Mabon.
🍎Appreciate nature by talking a long walk through a forest and (optionally) picking up litter.
🍎Complete unfinished projects
🍎Cleanse your home, your altar, and yourself
🍎Practice divination and (optionally) read for your friends or family. You can also dedicate an appropriate tarot or oracle card to your deity or deities on your altar.
🍎Plant bulbs and take care of your plants. This is a great time to plant bulbs so that they can germinate in the earth until spring comes.
🍎Establish tradition. Find something fun, creative, or what really speaks to you about Mabon, and make it into a tradition for future celebrations.
Above all, have fun!
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
100 Year Garlic
Click the recipe card for a higher resolution view, and to save it for future use!
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What is this?
Honey fermented garlic, or "100 year garlic", is an incredible addition to your witchy pantry. It's really quite simple - fresh peeled garlic cloves, fermented for two weeks in unpasteurized honey. Once fermented, this mixture lasts indefinitely if stored properly, and becomes an amazing thing to have on hand for cold and flu season - as well as a delicious addition to your cooking.
Don't forget to burp it daily (sometimes twice daily!) for the first two weeks! This is an important step.
How does it help me?
Garlic and honey are both high in antioxidants to begin with. Fermenting them together naturally creates probiotics that aid in digestion and stomach health.
A spoonful of honey (or a whole clove of garlic, if you're brave) helps coat and soothe a sore throat. A tablespoon of the honey added to hot water, lemon, and a pinch of cayenne can be just the thing when you're feeling all stuffed up with that winter cold.
**Remember - food as medicine is used to supplement and support proper medical care, not replace it!
But is it witchy?
Oh, very.
Honey has long been used in a variety of magical practices and rituals, often as a sweetener, to bind a spell, or even anoint candles. If you do deity work, honey can also be used as an offering!
Garlic has a well documented history as a protective vegetable. It can be used as protection, to repel unwanted spirits and visitors, to bless a new home, and even to boost and enhance your spells.
Given all of this, the combination of garlic and honey to create a living organism (via fermentation) has some incredible magical implications! What would you use this potent combination for in your practice?
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
Mabon Apple Tart
Click the recipe card for a higher resolution view, and to save it for future use!
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Looking for a sweet treat for Mabon? Look no further!
This apple tart is a delicious and easy way to enjoy an incredible in-season fruit. It also makes a great sweetening spell - and you can also sneakily draw some sigils into the puff pastry before baking it, for extra oomph.
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
~•~Easy Spell Oils & Infusions In Your Instant Pot! (& 'The Old Way'•~•
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I just received my COVID vaccine first dose yesterday and my arm is quite sore (ridiculously sore- so far my biggest and only complaint, other than the pain, I feel fine!) and wanted to take a break from the more tedious projects this weekend, focusing more on my Craft and creating items for 'Blessed Boxes'.
Last year, my aunt and uncle purchased us a full sized Instant Pot as a housewarming gift and since I received it, I made it a point to find some sort of use for it instead of letting it collect dust. What I discovered was that this a fantastic appliance to have on hand for the crafty witch, as it is practically a multifunctional, electric, magic cauldron (with the added bonus of quick and easy pressure cooked meals!). I have used my Instant Pot for making everything from Lip Balms and homemade Ointments, to candles and potions, and now quick spell oils / infusions using my own homegrown herbs and flowers and various dried plants I've stored for different purposes in my work.
But what if you don't have an Instant Pot?
You may still create your spell oils and infusions the old fashioned way! Grab your dried and fresh herbs, flowers, and whatever else you wish to add and let's make some magick!!
I will go in depth here so that you may choose the right herbs and flowers for manifesting your will and desires / serving whatever purposes you would like your oils to enact for you. First, these are the basic items you will need for this endeavor:
•Instant Pot (Disregard if doing the old fashioned way)
•4-8oz Mason Jars with Lids (glass, as they will be pressure cooked. Plastic may melt or crack)
•5mL or 10mL essential oil bottles or jars (for storing your oils once finished. You can always keep them in their jars)
•Herbs & Flowers Of Choice (more on this below)
•Oil of Choice (approx 2 cups will do it, I admittedly eyeball it)
•Cheesecloth, Sifter, Old T-Shirt (Strainer, for removing plant matter)
•Small Funnel (For bottling)
•30 mins or so to derp around your kitchen
~°~Optional Stuff~°~
•Essential Oils -For all intents and purposes, we are NOT creating our own essential oils, but oil infusions. (Edit: Through pressure cooking, you are essentially extracting components into the oil!) If you have ready made essential oils on hand you would like to use for a specific purpose or to enhance the aroma of your spell oils, you may add them to your jars before or after bottling. 2
•Crystals (for putting in the bottom of your containers once your oils are finished to infuse with crystal energy)
•Mortar & Pestle (can use spoon or wooden popsicle stick as I didn't break out the old M&P for this lazy-arm project)
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~•~Choosing Your Carrier / Base Oil~•~
The type of oil you choose for your spell oils is entirely your choice. Most choose Olive Oil, as it has direct historical and symbolic correlations with worship, prayer, and magick / manifestation, and was believed to be sacred by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Realistically, Olive Oil is expensive and not an option for everyone. Feel free to experiment with the different types of oils available on the market. I have compiled a short list of common oils you may purchase at your local grocery store and their corresponding magickal purposes.
•Olive Oil- (Expensive, Slightly Viscose, Light Aroma) Aligns with the element Fire. Ruled by the Sun. Ideal for healing, protection, fertility, and peace. Considered an 'all purpose' oil.
•Safflower Oil- (Inexpensive, Liquid, Subtle to no Aroma) Aligns with the element of Fire and ruled by the Sun. Used for love, health, wisdom, introspection, fertility, protection, motivation, and attraction.
• Jojoba Oil- (Mid Range, Viscose, Slight Aroma) Ruled by the Moon and aligns with the element of Water. Ideal for desires of love, healing, dream work, and for increasing psychic awareness.
•Sweet Almond Oil- (Mid Range, Mildly Viscose, Slight Nutty Aroma) *NOTE: I generally steer clear of Almond Oil based oils myself for allergy reasons, so the previous information comes second hand. Ruled by the planet Mercury and aligns with the element of Air. Ideal for knowledge or truth seeking, second sight / third eye enhancement, divination, prosperity, and success.
•Castor Oil -(Inexpensive, very viscose, strong aroma) Readily found in your pharmacy or grocery store's medicine aisle as a lubricant and laxative, Castor Oil is better suited for beauty treatments, but it may be used as a carrier oil for your spell blends as it aligns with the element of Fire and is ruled by the planet Mars. It is primarily used for purposes of banishing, protection (psychic and otherwise), exorcism, and dispelling negative energy / curses or hexes.
•Coconut Oil- (Inexpensive, Viscose if Non- Hydrogenated / Liquid if Fractionated, Strong Coconut Aroma) Fractionated Coconut Oil is most often used, as Non-hydrogenated is chunky and must be broken down which can be done at home, but it's a process I haven't tackled myself. Unfortunately, Fractionated Coconut oil is more expensuve than non hydrogenated, so if you would like to use Coconut Oil and Fractionate it yourself you can save some money that way. Coconut Oil aligns with the element of Water and is ruled by the Moon, commonly used in blends dealing purification, cleansing, and protection.
• Grapeseed Oil - (Inexpensive - mid range, liquid, unnoticeable aroma) Also ruled by the Moon and aligned with the element of Water. Grapeseed Oil is beneficial for the skin and hair as it has natural vitamin E and antioxidants. It may be used for blends dealing with prosperity, clarity, developing psychic ability, fertility, and cleansing.
• Avocado Oil - (Expensive, Slightly Viscose, Light Aroma) Aligns with the element of Water and ruled by Venus, Avocado Oil also offers benefits to the skin and hair, often used for purposes of love, attraction, glamor, and sexuality.
None of these in your cabinet or available to you? Don't worry about it- sure, it's nice and ideal to select a carrier oil that identifies with the purpose of your spell oils, but it's less important that you match them to your intent and more important that you don't empty your bank account or trigger an allergic reaction. Pick the oil that suits you in terms of price, sensitivity, and smell, as any inherent aroma will be a part of your spell oil. I often use regular, good old Canola or Veg oil- inexpensive, functional, and essentially hypoallergenic should I choose to sell my spell oils or put them in mystery boxes.
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~•~Choosing Your Herbs/Flowers~•~
This is a VERY concise, selection of herbs and botanicals that share thematic magickal properties you can integrate into your spell oils. I specifically avoided more obscure plants that would not be found in your favorite grocery store, farmer's market, or growing in your backyard. However, for your own research, I have included links to sites with more information regarding what may be used for what at the end of this post. You may also choose your herbs and flowers for their smell or color.
Cleansing / Banishing / Protection
•Sage (All Kinds- All Purpose)
•Bay Leaf 
•Rose (Multi-Purpose) 
Money / Prosperity / Luck 
•Bay Leaf
•Cinnamon Stick 
•Poppy Seed 
•Dill Weed 
•Anise Seed / Star Anise 
•Vanilla Bean
Love / Attraction / Sexuality/Fertility 
•Rose Petals / Rose Bud 
•Dill Weed 
•Forget Me Not 
•Roselle (Hibiscus) 
•Peach Blossom 
•Forget Me Not 
•Vanilla Bean
Healing / Soothing / Psychic Awareness
•Star Anise
•Bay Leaf / Laurel 
Manifestation / Empowering (Good For All Purposes)
•Bay Leaf 
•Dill Weed* (Specifically empowers love spells)
•Star Anise 
~•Notes Before Beginning•~
*You may also choose to add essential oils to bolster the smell, enhance your spell oil, or in place of an herb or flower you may not have on hand, but have an essential oil for. This is totally optional.
*You may use this same recipe / process for creating edible oil infusions - they too make fantastic gifts that are decorative and tasty if you are less inclined to use them spiritually. In which case, you may want to limit your selections to one, two, or three edible herbs / flowers for your infusion. I have included a link to a recipe for edible olive oil infusions using the instant pot below. Be sure to select edible plants and herbs if you plan to ingest your oil :X
*Choosing the corresponding moon phase, time of day, etc. For the purpose of your spell oils may enhance their efficacy / success rate!
Ye Old-Non- Instant- Pot Way
•Fill your jars about 3/4 of the way full with your oil of choice. If you have chosen to use a mortal & pestle to combine and mash your selections for infusion, do so now and drop them in your jars.
•Stir and add into your jars with any other components you desire while focusing on the desired purpose for your oil. Cap and seal. Label and date with the purpose that you have set and place them in a secure location.
•Return to your spell oil in a couple months (ideally the three month anniversary of the creation date). The longer your oil is allowed to sit and infuse, the stronger it will be in aroma and metaphysical strength. :)
Instant Pot Magick Way!
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Fill the bottom of your Instant Pot with about 3 1/2 cups of water. You will be using the standard steam release top for this.
•Add your herbs and flowers into your oil of choice in the jar. Again, you may use your mortar and pestle to combine them while visualizing / focusing on your intentions or purpose for the oil, otherwise you may simply mix everything together with a spoon or stirring stick. Stir in essential oils if you desire and seal your jars before placing them into the water inside your Instant Cauldron (Do not add any crystals at this point.) Make several at once if you can to save time, especially if taking advantage of a full moon or special date! I sometimes will inscribe a sigil on the jars or attach one on paper. You may even recite a blessing or invoke a deity for dedicating your oils to for future use as ritual oils working with them and offerings :)
•Seal/twist the Instant Pot until locked. At this point, I have read two different methods that yield pretty much the same results. However, one requires at least three days of running your Instant Pot and while ultimately yielding stronger, aromatic oils. This, in my opinion, takes all the pros out of using an Instant Pot because it's not really instant, is it? Instead, you can:
•Lock your lid. Put your Instant Pot on the 'Pressure Cook-High' (custom) setting. You are basically just creating your infusions through the high pressurization of the pot in this process with the heat, so you will set the timer to 0 mins. Push start. Let the magics happen.
•Let your instant pot pressurize until it says it is 'cooking'. Once 'cooking', you can press cancel or allow your oils to warm for some time, visualizing your purposes, desires, and intentions building within the pot as your spell oils infuse.
•Press cancel to end the cooking cycle. Allow your instant pot to release pressure through the steam release valve.
•Wait 30-45 mins before removing your spell oils.
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From here, you will want to strain the plant matter out of your jars to bottle and label your spell oils and add crystals if you wish for use as ritual oils, fragrant body oils, anointing oils, etc.
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I chose 10mL & 30mL Amber essential oil bottles for bottling with stainless steel roller balls in a pack of 24 for $12 on Amazon. You can purchase nifty aluminum screw cap 10-20mL glass bottles (better than corks, which will need to be sealed using a waterproof sealant or wax before storing liquids long term / safely) on Amazon (MaxMau & Vivaplex Brand) in packs of 24-36 for less than $10. My local Dollar Tree carries 10mL glass aluminum screw cap bottles in packs of 6 or 8 for $1, but even just using empty glass mason jars will suffice for personal use, it's totally up to you!
For my three spell oil jars, I created a Multipurpose Anointing Oil, Money Oil, and Love / Romance oil that will be available in my intuitively chosen mystery boxes and in the shop once I've let them marinate for a while. :)
Experiment with different components for different aromas and effects! Feel free to share your recipes for your unique spell oils and your experiences using them in the comments!
Resources / Sites
Complete Magickal Herb Quick Reference
Carrier Oils & Their Magickal Uses
Moon Phases & Correspondences in Witchcraft
Days of the Week for Witchcraft
An Intro to Essential Oils
Instant Pot Infused Olive Oil
5 Simple Things to Do With An Instant Pot
Verified September 11 2021
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! I hope I didn't flood you with this long post from my phone. Will definitely be editing in the future.
(Owner, Creator, Chaos Witch / Spiritualist)
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
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Autumn 🍁 Magick
Credit: @leladymoon
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pumpkins-n-prada · 3 years
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Do you have a favorite moon phase?
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