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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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❝ This is a STORY. It contains the basic elements found in many stories - adventure, excitement, tragedy, loss, violence, and even betrayal. However, it is not your AVERAGE story. THIS is a story about TIME and the journey to manipulate it          for better or for worse.  
                           Will you reject it? Or will you proceed? ❞
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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to her it is incomprehensible how he refuses to follow her example in what concerns eating HABITS. not only his claims that the exclusively carnivorous regimen would cause on him an actual state of illness but likewise the fact that he GENUINELY did not share the slightest parcel of her undying passion for meat were absolutely inconceivable to her, && said feeling of confusion soon conveys itself under the form of a subtle  trace of confusion upon an essentially stoic visage.
yet she does not insist any further, for in him she sees not the ability to understand the benefit of adopting such a diet. truthfully, should he not prevent her from consuming her most CHERISHED of dishes, no other word pertaining to the matter would be pronounced.
‘ it wouldn’t go to waste; food is still food. obviously nothing like meat, but it is food nonetheless. ’
INDEED she would not reject an offered meal simply because it was not composed of something she’d prefer; to a growling stomach, ( especially one as gluttonous as hers ) anything edible would be considered more than welcome. 
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so she says............................
unwavering conviction has steadily accompanied comprehensible words, but her willingness to wholly devour a meal that is patently bereft of protein has yet to be proven. inextinguishable curiosity compels the inquisitive male to immediately establish a goal of ensuring that observable actions that are not tainted by duplicity are soon placed behind an unforgettable statement. 'tis not a matter of being incapable of unhesitantly investing trust in the knowledgeable woman, but simply a matter of this exceedingly astonishing feat being utterly inconceivable. not even the most enriched of imaginations can mentally construct such a vivid image of the indescribably bizarre spectacle.    
❝ good to know. i'll have to try it one of these days.     making you something that DOESN'T involve     meat. tomorrow sounds fine to me. ❞
minor tremors abruptly attack his own stomach while a recognizable sound unintelligibly announces the detectable presence of HUNGER within.  
❝ with all this talk of salad, i think i'll just skip     out on the main meal and make my own.     we've got what we need, right? or do i      need to go to the market? ❞
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
{ ??? }:
Truth be told, she had been staring at the stranger for quite some time now and it was really only a matter of time before they called her out on it. Who wouldn’t grow uncomfortable or even agitated by the prolonged gawk of a stranger? Apology is never offered, however, and instead she only takes a step forward in their direction with hand eagerly outstretched and eyes nearly twinkling with excitement.
“Hey! That dog following you around must be your pet, right? Does it have a name?”
Better yet…
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“Can I pet it!?”
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   A sheepish smile instantly greets unrestrained exuberance and questionable behavior - an unswerving gaze practically piercing his chest - is considerately dismissed. After all, perhaps it was an inability to refrain from conveying affection aimed at his spirited companion that aroused uncertainty within the entirely unfamiliar figure and forced her to partake in an internal debate. With a good heart seeming to lie within the blonde, why in the world should she be denied access to the friendly creature? Though the undeniably existent possibility of this innocence being a mere facade has attracted his attention, he quickly resolves to neglect it for the time being.
❝ Sure, go ahead. His name is Spark. ❞
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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I'm officially online! I'm going to get to a couple of replies in between now and when I call it a night.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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❝ A system should never become CORRUPT to the point where people are treated like FODDER. When it does, change must happen. Don't wait for a HERO to come along. RISE UP and FIX the world with your own two hands. ❞
home: ( x ) rules: ( x )  ask: ( x )
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
{ ??? }:
“What guy?!  I totally would’ve noticed any guy staring at –”  Her head whipped in the direction the other had gestured only to make eye contact with a man who was leering at her.  “– me.  Alright, so maybe you have a point.”  She broke his gaze, quickly growing rather uncomfortable.  Lowering her voice to whisper, she hissed at the boy across from her.
“Still, he’s kinda far away.  You think he has some magic powers?”  Her eyes widened as she leaned in closer.  “Some doof is using his magic powers to touch my hair?  Now that’s a new one.  Wouldn’t it be easier to, I dunno, get up and talk to me?”  Still, he had a point.  In fact it seemed the other guy didn’t plan on stopping his staring anytime soon.
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“Ew, he’s so gross!  Okay, fine, you’ll prove your innocence if you go ask that dude what his problem is.  I don’t feel like starting an altercation…it’ll probably go better if you do it.”  She nodded as if that train of thought made sense.  “Go on then!”
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   So demanding.
      If magical powers did exist, it would obviously be more convenient to use them to commit the inappropriate act in question as the blame could easily be placed on someone else - someone seated closer to the intended victim of their tasteless humor. The apparent fact that this irritable female believes otherwise emphasizes the degree to which their respective thought processes differ. However, the teenage swordsman has no intention bringing any of this to light as he does not wish to be pestered even more by the talkative blonde than he already has been. Just when it seems as if she might conclude their unforeseen conversation - as if she might respectfully apologize for her sudden outburst and return to her own devices, she shamelessly continues to involve him in this mess. Why in the world should he converse with the brazen stranger? This is HER problem, after all.
❝ Why should I?  
        I'm not the one being stared at. Besides, it's not like I'm ever going to see you again. Whether you believe me or don't doesn't matter. For all you know, he thinks you're his girl or something like that. If I say something, he could start a fight. ❞
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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I’m officially online! I’ll be getting to things throughout the night.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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Yup, the night didn’t go as planned. I had an essay to write up, and I went to a fancy dinner with the family. I’d try to do a draft now, but I’m running on 5 hours of sleep and I need to do something about my sleeping schedule. So, I’ll be calling it a night here. I will be on tomorrow though.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
A Friendly PSA
 Etiquette is extremely important and practicing good manners makes you a better person. HOWEVER, there is indeed a difference between showing respect in appropriate ways and attempting to tell others how to experience a website that many people use with the intention of enjoying themselves. DO NOT TELL A WRITER HOW TO WRITE. No two artists perceive the world in the exact same way and this holds true with people in general. Writers are certainly no exception, and it is wise to acknowledge this. On the same page, DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU HOW TO WRITE. Feel like keeping things as simple as possible? Don’t hesitate. Feel like using a bunch of adjectives? Go for it! Like purple prose? That’s fine! There’s nothing wrong with that. If you are in any way uncomfortable with how someone else writes, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THEM. DO NOT SHAME THEM FOR THEIR PREFERENCES. There is a very handy button called ‘UNFOLLOW’, and you have every right to click it. In short, most - if not all - of us are not roleplaying on Tumblr to get a grade in a class. We are here to unwind and appreciate a hobby. Though similarities may exist, each writer has a writing style that is unique to them and it is highly important for them to not feel pressured to CONFORM. 
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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Popping in to say that I’ll be here tonight. I’m going to be leaving the house shortly to head on up to my family’s cabin, which is a 2 hour drive. I’ll be around on various accounts ( including this one ) once I’m there. This blog is ACCEPTING Valentine’s stuff.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
Describe the sort of date your Muse would take my Muse out on.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
Four Word . Prompts
“Please, come with me.”
“You’re always number one.”
“I can’t do this.”
“Maybe I’m just crazy.”
“I’m not even sorry.”
“I believe in you.”
“I can’t trust you.”
“I need you, though.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“So, it was you.”
“I need to go.”
“You can trust me.”
“Alright, I love you.”
“Will you help me?”
“You’re a terrible cook.”
“I really need you.”
“Let me help you.”
“I can’t do this.”
“You think you’re funny?”
“Wanna go out sometime?”
“I don’t want this.”
“You always this quiet?”
“I’m not wearing that.”
“Sorry, were you sleeping?”
“You look really tired.”
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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I didn’t get much sleep last night. So, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to get done, but I am online and I’ll be on various accounts today ( including this one ).
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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With the last of my energy for the night, I make this offline post. I'll return tomorrow!
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
{ ??? }:
     It took him a moment to realize that he had essentially been chosen to be a makeshift tour guide. Not that he minded lending a hand, of course… it just surprised him that anyone would want to approach him with inquiries regarding this world at all. Yasusada wasn’t exactly the most approachable, after all.
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     “It’s the tower over there,” he lifts a finger and points at the structure looming over the two of them. “That’s where all the residences of this particular island are situated at… I’ve no idea if there are any secret groups hiding about, but as far as I can tell this area is relatively peaceful.” He paused, thinking his words over.
     “If there were any secretive groups around here, I’d say that the people in charge were the most suspicious.”
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       An unstable foundation is more than capable of enabling corruption to viciously darken the lives of those made to dwell upon it. If kept concealed for too long, numerous individuals can ultimately fall prey to the deception of those governing the land. Both are absolutely unforgettable lessons that past experiences have caused the youthful one to become painfully aware of. Granted, the knowledgeable stranger has not yet provided a reason that might serve to explain why he has come to form such an intriguing opinion about those who apparently call themselves the leaders of the particular island. 
                     ❝ The people in charge.... 
                                   Isn't that something worth worrying about?
                        For some reason, it doesn't seem like you think so. ❞
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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I'm officially online! I'll be going out to eat soon, but I'll be on until and after then.
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pulsussin-blog · 9 years ago
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Calling it a night here! I’ll return tomorrow.
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