pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 3 years
yeah dat me
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~Leo the puppers is us.
Guess who now anti and kittie we have several alts that you all kaitlyn claim to own like itrash, smellykat the list continues on and on but we all know we could be Scuters. 
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
i got no chill
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
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“Looks like Arctic just blabbed she loves the attention when people respond to her being stupid.” LMAOOOO thank u anon this is fucking hilarious. “I post ableist, racist, transphobic shit because i want the attention.” mf get some real friends who care about you (no their care to be perceived poorly by you isn’t them caring about you. this style of friendship is just insecure ass people banding together) so you’re not begging to be fed on the daily because you’re obviously being neglected in every other aspect of your life. can’t even hmm at this. nothing to contemplate about at all here. she admits everything we suspected in the first place. no wait “if you were so disgusted by someone […] then you wouldn’t be giving them any attention.” hmmm sounds like someone just wants an excuse to let their bigoted antics slide. these weird bitches need professional help. rly on here thinking she’s the victim because she gets called out for her frequent violent language against minorities. “no matter how much you hate me” THE PROJECTION AHAHAHA just bc u hate everyone don’t mean they’d waste the energy to hate you. it’s obvious you hate yourself enough for the rest of imvu.
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
who even r y’all... also should i post drafts
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
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didnt spit on me wonder what that means hmmmmmm
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
hmm gay
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u know where to find him
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
hmm make up your mind
september 22
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five days later 9/27
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hmmm next time just say you’re a non profit whoreganization and give it up for free...
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
hmmm obsessed much
imagine blocking someone you claim to hate so they can’t comment on your posts, then unblocking them to keep up w their comments, and in the time you’ve unblocked them until you block them again, they try and succeed at commenting in a post of yours that was intended to create conversation, so you block them again. then bringing up someone not even participating in the conversation or part of the topics,
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hmmmmmmm, doesn’t talk to fakes and liars, yet constantly finds time to unblock the fakes and liars and continues to go out of her way to talk to and about said fakes and liars... all while not limiting her pulses to friends only which would solve her “problem” of wanting to keep away from fakes and liars, since how could anyone on your friends list be a fake or a liar...... or is it really just that she’s the attention whore that she’s alleging others’ are in an attempt to justify her own reasoning to not post to friends only, since there’s certain pulse users (which are obvious lol) that she would still want to see her pulses, thus garnering attention from them like the whore she is, but she cannot add them back for being what now?? fakes and liars 😎
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
a vulnerable narcissists story in 9 parts hmmm
1. having full intention of accusing someone else of doxxing, because of the limited possibilities for even being able to access someone’s discord tag. seconds after being unsure of who has her tag she eliminates me as a target.
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2. screenshot misusing my joke against chris, since at this point she still feels like it wasn’t me. http://prnt.sc/tmbjiq 
and kittie being nosy
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3. still adamant that it’s chris because of their dm history
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4. she knows how discord works
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5. is anticipating chris to run to pulse pleading innocence (it never happened)
kittie reposting nosiness 
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6. i show up after all these ^ and say “i did it y’all. ik ik i have a problem 🤠” with no additional context until after she “doxxes” me lol
so, immediately she takes a screenshot of my discord tag and posts it, then changes her target entirely, because as we all know, she allows no room to be incorrect. http://prnt.sc/u77avh
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7. she mentions starry asking about her facebook or discord to which i replied “yes” neither confirming if i have her fb nor her disc
reads very much as “if i was wrong about chris, then i had this to use as my proof against my other potential target who ive already absolved of guilt by logic ha got em”
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8. i post “when that’s literally in my interests lol this bitch went psycho thanks to not even me lol” to which she interpreted as me saying i wasn’t the one who doxxed her. illiterate much... 
“then commented thinking i didn’t see it” we all know she keeps tabs on pulse comments, and i think it would be easy to assume that’s why i commented “yes” to gauge a reaction like this from her lol
then brings up chris saying something when nothing was even said and goes off on some “i knew it was her” after making multiple posts about how much she KNEW it was chris lmao. and saying this is me getting revenge for getting kicked from a server.
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9. i post “lol she’s so scared btw add me on discord y’all” and she doesn’t even refute it, just puts up a sarcastic front as always when she cannot disprove someone, but doesn’t want to appear weak by giving up, so she resorts to this.
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hmmm, imagine me existing on pulse=hating her... the insecurity LMAO
she is so loyal to me
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
cultural appropriation hmm
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kinda wanna vomit after seeing this post again. not the panindianism... lmao at them just adding anything affiliated w any random indigenous culture and mentioning it like that fortifies their inability to learn about their own heritage... nah just steal from all these other people that compensates for not knowing ur own ceremonies......... IF THESE PPL ARE EVEN NATIVE AT ALL. HMMMMMMMM IMAGINE IF THEYRE NOT.
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
nobel peace prize hmm
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hmmmmmmm maybe skelly is worthy for a nomination after this post
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
hmm bricks
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hmm, maybe if u spent less time reading bl and spent more time reading about blm, u wouldn’t be making such lackluster comments about movements you’ve already stated you do not support lol... people always gotta embarrass themselves tho, showing everyone they dont actually know what they’re talking about and never actually read the posts they comment on zzz. at least the brony was making points
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
monarch hmm
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queen for doxxing old women? hmm... or queen for going along w it? hehheheh
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
secret racist hmm
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hmmm anyone else remember when noree was pretending this wasnt her? and the three of them trying to disregard aave as english?
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hmmm, will be called a racist because i acknowledge obvious anti blackness when i see it... like yall mfs dont say shit about 80% of pulse user’s posts not making sense (to YOU) then turn around on your alt account and say “i type how i talk” and proceed to appropriate aave
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yes me mentioning anti blackness is me calling yall horrible people?????????????????
 white people stay exposing themselves!
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
racist sympathizer hmm
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hmm if the white people advocating for your life don’t matter, then you’d think the people who couldn’t give two shits about you wouldn’t matter either. basic maths is not so basic after all. 
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
shocked and appalled hmm
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so to this day i have yet to receive any resumes... why don’t yall wanna dance for a turtle in a tux hmm?????
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pulsesthatmakeyougohmm ¡ 4 years
illiterate hmm
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how does “yall love bigots and hate the people calling them so” = this ss??
like..... literally nobody is telling anyone how to act online... besides yall policing us but thats another conversation.
we just tell you when yall are acting wrong....
the insecurityyyyyy lmaooooooooo this post is exactly why its comedy
forcing a completely different narrative than what was said. karen shit
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