Pulla (Turpo) & Suti (Urpo) kisujen kuulumiset mummolasta!
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"He ain't heavy, he's my Brother" Got my baby boy's ashes back. He will be buried in our cottage yard under a rose bush at some point. I miss him terribly, my sweet little love bug 💕 Urpo, fortunately, didn't have any bad anxieties over the loss of his brother, but I am sure he did realize he is not coming back anymore. He gets all the love we can give.
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Dear Bastet, I send You your sweet child so have and hold him in Your ever-loving arms, receving all the kisses and scratches behind the ear and under the belly.
“Beloved Bastet, mistress of happiness and bounty, twin of the Sun God, slay the evil that afflicts our minds as you slay the serpent Apep. With your graceful stealth anticipate the moves of all who perpetrate cruelties and stay their hands against the children of light. Grant us the joy of song and dance, and ever watch over us in the lonely places in which we must walk” Ancient Egyptian Prayer to the Goddess Bastet
I have given all my love and more, but he is ready to come back home.
Paniikki/Manu/TURPO 2008-2018
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Hi, my name is Turpo and I possibily belong to the 50% of cats getting serious ketoacidosis and surviving it alive 💕 Getting better day by day, starting to look like a cat again and sleeping in my favorite pose: my left hindleg tugged under my chin. I have started to explore again and I am very loud and sound like a squieky door as I make noisewhen demanding food for my never-ending hunger. Also my insulin dose for my feline diabetes seems to be just purrfect. I am not laying on the floor like a wet rag like I used to after breakfast but staying up and see what's up in my shared kingdom with my brother. Who btw is not hissing at me anymore. ----------------------------- Keep an eye on our fellow felines. Especially neutured, overweight male cats who are not very active. They are the biggest group that are the most likely to have diabetes. If your kitty smells of acetone, get them to vet asap. The sooner the better. Get blood sugar and ask about ketoacidosis and have them to test that too. Make the survival rate more than 50%! This was your friendly neighborhood cat (and the servant) and PSA about cats and diabetes.
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Hey, this is me, Turpo, from Pulla&Suti, the white kittycat brothers. I have had ups and downs these past month and a half, still recovering. I got home yesterday from the overnight vet visit and doing fine. Slow recovery but still progress. I have another vet visit in the early afternoon to see my blood sugars and poisonous ketostuff in my body after the IV fluids and meds treatment.
🙀😽 Turpo
Ps. Urpo is somewhat annoyed at me, maybe because I smell different somehow. He is not trying to slap me anymore but 5 feet/1,5m is the distance until he starts to hiss at me. I am somewhat sad about it, after all I am ill and need all the stress-free love right now. Especially from my brother.
This is my baby boy, Turpo, having fluids, electrolytes, antibiotics, insulin and pain meds by IV. He has feline diabetes and also suffers from ketoacidosis, a poisonous state in the body. Insulin does not do its job because of it and he became very weak. But his state has gone up and he is little better after 8 hours of IV fluid treatment. I know there are people who would bomber me saying I should just let him go, help end his pain etc. I know that. And that day will come some day, but not today. He has made marvelous progress of getting better and has quite good chances getting home tomorrow and back to his brother Urpo. I love my furbabies. And I know I have responsibility to keep care of them and make decisions that has the best benefit for my baby. I took them knowing very well that they wont live forever. Or who knows.
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14.12.2017 Pullaparaati toivottaa erittäin hyvää ja lämmintä Joulua kaikille 💕💕
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...AND SUDDENLY WE ARE STULL AROUND. Some collectives from the past couple months. Mostly sleeping kitties 💕
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05.09.2017 Aamulla oli joogaesitys makkarissa ja iltapäivällä saatiin harviisherkkua kun pullat päätti kerrankin olla tappelematta yläriksistä ja päätyivät sitten molemmat istumaan samalle neliölle
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16.8.2017 Kattokaa miun majesteetillisia pullia auringossa omalla catiollaan
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12.8.2017 Tänään saatiin, vihdoin ja viimein, mummolaan partsusta catio :D NYT KYLLÄ KELPAA.
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8.8.2017 Okei. Urpon virallinen diagnoosi oli että suupielessä on eosinofiilinen granulooma. Eli tulehduspesäke. Ei haittaa syömustä mutta on koskettaessa kipeä. Lääkkeeksi Terra-poly vet ulkoisesti ja Atopica eli nestemmäinen lääke 20 pv kuurina sisäisesti suun kautta. Mutta. Diagnoosi 2: sydämessä bilateraalinen 4/6 systolinen sivuääni ja 180 syke. Suomeksi siis se, että Urpon sydämen seinämät on paksuuntuneet ja veren kertakapasiteetti sisälle otossa on pienempi kuin terveellä. Voi ilmetä pinnallisena kiihtyneenä hengityksenä ja voimattomuutena pahempana. Eli koko roska on nimeltään hypertrofinen kardiomyopatia. Päivittäin annettavilla lääkkeillä saadaan ehkäistyä sitten se liian aikainen lähtö ja veritulppa, jonka seurauksena kissan takaraajat halvaantuu ja on kovat kivut. VIELÄ EI OLE ASIAT HUONOSTI. Pidän nyt tämän antidioottikuurin tolle tolluralle loppuun ja kiikutan sinne parempiin laitteisiin sitten.
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4.8.2017 Oh the brotherly love.. in your face. Ps. Muuten ois aika söpö kuva Urposta, mutku toi naarmu :'D
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7.8.2017 Käytiin sitten elikkolekurilla ja tämä lopputulos: kaksi lääkettä suupielen pattiin, jossa on tulehdus. Ja kortisonikielto koska sydämen seinämä on paksuuntunut ja kortisoni kerryttää nestettä kehoon mikä vaan sitten pahentaisi tilaa. Ensi kuussa sitten toiselle lekurille parempiin laitteisiin tutkimaan, onko Sutin tilanne miten vakava :/ mut! Elossa Urpo on ja hyvissä voinnin, joskin on hiton vihanen mammalle :'D
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The creepy feeling...
When your cat just stares blanky ahead over you, eyes darting back and forth and suddenly pupils expanding 8’D
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19.7.2017 ke Pulla ja Suti pääsi taas ulkoilenaan tosi lämpimään säähän ♡
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